#taejin theory masterpost
taejinchronicles · 6 years
2019 and the Importance of Loving Jin
Hello loves! It’s not so cool when we start the year with drama but Jin is getting online hate and have nasty hashtags trended by some freaking Solo Taehyung 'fans’ that constantly say nasty things about Jin because of his relationship with Taehyung. It’s truly uncool. Can u imagine to be receive hate just because he posted that birthday picture (a pic where, let’s face it, our bday boy looks like a manly delish boyfriend and we should have been thanking Jinnie forever to bless us with this close up of his VV), a pic Taehyung himself sent and told Jin to post?
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The behaviour of these solo Taehyung stans is so disrespectful. I cannot even imagine how Jin must have felt to not only get the hate but to answer kindly and respectfully, he didn’t even had to explain himself, but he did because guess what, unlike the haters, Jin is a kindhearted person. 
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Jin had to step away from the toxicity of social media last year. This is a year that Jin has lost ppl in his family, that due to enlistment is one of his last years in OT7, that he’s struggled to the point of giving all up, Taehyung himself was clearly super affected by Jin’s emotional state (have these people even saw what happened at MAMA?) and still some solo Taehyung stans think it is ok to disrespect Jin like that in Tae’s name? How do these ppl think Taehyung is feeling right now? Taehyung who said it out loud that Jin is the person in BTS he likes the most?  
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And when ppl ask me why Jin and Taehyung cannot even post pics together like the other pop ships, to be paired or interact fondly, there you have a reason: because of some solo stans - mk line only stans + ML shippers who don’t care about respect or OT7. Even if these people have no idea about what these two men (and all the other BTS members) had to endure in private, how hard it was for them to live a public life and still maintain a relationship, even so these so called fans have no right to disrespect any BTS member in Tae’s name. 
There has been tweets on solo Taehyung stans reporting Jin stans for protecting Jin from the hate. BH probably cannot do a thing about it but one cannot help but feeling so disappointed about the toxicity of this fandom and how these solo stans, mk line stans and some ml shippers keep attacking Jin just because they think they think Taehyung is theirs and Jin is not worthy of him. Jin sees that, he is human, he’s been feeling hurt and probably is self conscious every time he interacts with Taehyung. No one should make another person feel like they are less, the fact this is happening with Jin because of his relationship with Taehyung is truly heartbreaking.
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But we must not attack these solo Taehyung stans or any troll because we don’t want to empower them. And most importantly we must never blame him or think this is Taehyung’s fault, because it isn’t. There is nothing Taehyung can do to change the mind set of the delusional disrespectful trolls. Sadly I think these people won’t change but what we can do is trying to stop the hate with love like we did with the love hashtags to Jin.
We have to be aware that this is happening and we answer it positively by loving Jin better and louder if we can, to spread love and recognize his talent. To have him trending in a positive light, not victimize him or accuse others, but to shine a light on him. We want him to have a brilliant 2019, we want his solo song to come out, we want him to have the opportunity to shine and to never feel less. Being messages, edits, gifs, fanart, events, we can cherish Jin and make him being proud of himself and of us. 
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As for Taejin, we have had so much gold in 2018 and I feel so thankful for both Jin and Taehyung for being there for each other on all highs and lows. I think it is great that we have more vocal Taejin supporters on Twitter and Youtube and it’s amazing to see many posts about out two shinning stars. It would be great if we could grow our community to be even more supportive about our love for them them in 2019. If Jin sees his hashtags, it would be great if he could feel loved by ppl who also love Taehyung instead of the constant hate he gets from Tae’s so called fans. We as Taejin supporters love both equally and it would be great if Jin could have a notion that we care and we protect that special bond. We may be tiny next to the pop ships, but as Jin and Taehyung, we are respectful, kind and we support them no matter what.
And to Jinnie who will never get to read that but to whom I send good vibes every day: I love you with all my heart, you are the most gentle, humble, funny, generous man, your talent was the guiding sun in times my life was only darkness, you deserve appreciation, respect, joy, health and all the love your huge heart can hold. Stay strong handsome prince and always be yourself!
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Happy 2019 everyone, lots of love.
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purple-ktj · 4 years
Hey there! Sorry if you've talked about this before, but can you tell us your opinion on the "hold me tight" and "love is not over" theory? Maybe make a masterpost on this? There are many people who say that taejin were acting weird/cold with each other in late 2015 and early 2016, but honestly I'm not sure I see it, so maybe your perspective on this could help many of us understand the taejin "drought" from that period, in connection to the songs they both wrote (if there is any).
Hello! No I haven’t talked about any of their song meanings or interpretations before. I’ve been thinking about this ask for the longest time. (I know I took ages to respond to this, sorry) After thinking about it a lot, I think will not be making a post on either songs. 
Reason being, I tried to piece together a post on this to see if I could make any sense of it in my head. I realised I couldn’t. Hold Me Tight was written by Taehyung and rap line, I have no idea which verses are from him. While Love is Not Over was written by Jin and Jungkook, again I’ve no idea which verses are from who. But then again, even if they did specify, it’s too vague to pinpoint a particular interpretation unlike 4 o’clock which is relatively straightforward. 
But, I wouldn’t disagree that these 2 songs likely hold a special meaning for the both of them if the member’s reactions towards them during Muster was any indication. These two songs were released in 2015, which means they must have been written in that year or earlier, which brings me to my second point: the drought. I’ve been watching a lot of debut Bangtan till 2015 videos to understand their dynamics better back then. And I think a post on 2015 to 2016 would be more feasible to write about and maybe even link it to the two songs they co-wrote. I get where you’re coming from, about the drought, because it seems to me that the famous drought is probably not what most Taejinnies had in mind. For now all I can say is, 2015 isn’t the only time they were ‘cold’ to each other. I’ll be continuing with my ‘research’ a bit more before I do a post on it. Thanks for asking (and waiting)! 
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
Hello!! I'm glad that you come back :) have you seen the video where Jin kissed Tae's hand? is that one where they are dressed as a prince with blue and red colors?? OMG, that was so romantic and Jin looked like a real prince and so a gentleman
Hey there ‘Jin kissed Tae’s hand’ anon,
Tks love! Yeah I’ve seen it and it is super cute and very telling! The fact all the other boys gave Taehyung brotherly taps or cute family kisses and then there is Jin, not wanting to kiss his VV in a brotherly way but in this chivalry way, like you do when you are courting someone romantically, when your intentions towards that person are respectful and real. Yep Jin doesn’t want to kiss his VV like a baby bro, oh no sir, Jinnie wants to kiss Taehyung it like he is a prince in a fairy tale proposing to his one true love…Good to know.
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My heart! Look at Taehyung’s face! His reaction to Jin, dressed as a prince, courting him with a true love kiss. Priceless. Let’s take a look:
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1. Expectation. You can see Taehyung’s hands resting in between his legs. No matter if you are really close friends with someone, anyone would find it awkward to grab someone’s hand from that place. But not Jin! And Taehyung doesn’t even get surprised or reacts to Jin grabbing his hands like that. So we can see he is used to the proximity and comfortable with Jin touching him there or he’d have reacted to the invasion of his personal space like he did with the rest of the boys. Also he cannot look at Jin but he is already smiling, his face is happy and satisfied, he doesn’t look awkward, closed or uncomfortable. 
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2. Jin is a Prince. Jin kisses his hand and Taehyung is beaming. I mean, I don’t even need to explain, look at his face! His posture is open, his body is pliant to Jin’s kiss, his hands relaxed. And when Jin kisses his hand he does it seriously, the entire room is silent, legit nobody is laughing at them like they all did with the other kisses. Why Bagntan doesn’t laugh at Taejin when it is so super funny the other boys kissing Taehyung? Wouldn’t it be funny too?
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3. I’m so sorry but is fake laugh, fake laugh, fake laugh! LMAO Taehyung’s silent fake laugh is so cute. He had to react right? Nobody laughed, not one person giggled! Not one so his reaction was to fake surprise to hide his contentment. See the difference between his reaction to the other boys and how he looks when he is really laughing…
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4. A precious kiss. Hiding a big smile on his face, Taehyung then looks at his hand and hold his hand like he is holding Jin’s kiss. He looks down for a long time hiding his smile from the camera. That is not a laughter, it’s a smile. He legit caresses his own hand and protects it with his right hand. In body language terms he is protecting the kiss, whne someone touches you and leaves and you touch the same place again gently, it means you are recreating the feeling. He does that while Joonie is speaking.
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5. A Prince kissed me. As Joonie arrives, Taehyung is lost in his own world and he is looking at Jin who’s outside the frame. You can see that he’s under a spell. He is not closed or uncomfy or laughing, he is daydreaming. His left hand protects the hand Jin kissed and he looks so cheeky!
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That was the main event but the other Bangtan kisses are so cute as well! Notice that Taehyung’s reaction to Jin versus how he laughs at the other kisses is quite different. In all interactions Taehyung is a good sport but seems self-conscious and laughs at he awkwardness of the situation. But I truly love how BTS is lovely towards Taehyung and Taejin. 
Older bro with zero kisses: with Joonie he is still looking at Jin after the kiss. He is comfy and attentive. Joonie doesn’t kiss him.
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Sope kiss part one: Suga is went for full banter mode after Jin’s kiss, he lightened the mood and made Jin’s kiss fit in the context, bless him. Taehyung he is stiff but a good sport and he giggles when BTS laugh. I found that so funny since Taehyung and Suga’s interactions are the most weird ones on the band! These two are adorbs water and olive oil bros!
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Sope kiss part 2: Hobi is part of Tejin’s protective squad so he went on with Suga’s mode. With Hobi he is still stiff and doesn’t know how to react to the kiss so he giggles and hides his face with his hand and starts to close his body more once the kiss is over and the giggles get louder but he laughs with honesty to the awkwardness of the sittuation.
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Baby bro kiss: with Kookie his entire body closes up, his elbow turns at Kookie, a sign of opposition and he hides his mouth with his hands, a sign of discomfort. He is a good sport to the joke and relaxes once everybody laughs in the room, especially after a loud Jin laughter.
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Bestie kiss: With Jimin, the bestie, of course he is more comfy than with Kookie so he leans to the kiss when Jimin grabs his head. His entire body language is still closed but he is still laughing.
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Bangtan kisses are the cutest and this was a lovely video. I truly adore how BTS reacts to Taejin and their respectful lack of reaction to Taejin’s romantic moment (who was supposed to be as funny as the other kisses) is actually even more significant to those paying attention. And the fact Jin was the first one and he kissed Taehyung romantically and then the other boys, starting with our ever caring SOPE, decided to ‘create context’ to Taejin with multiple funny kisses says a lot about how protective they are to Jin and Taehyung’s connection.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
Jin's friendship with Ken, is it over? Is it Jin's busy schedule that does not allow them to meet or is the relationship with Taehyung the cause of their departure?
Hey there ‘Jin and Ken’ anon,
Nops, beautiful KenJin still pretty much alive. Jin is still really close buddies with Ken. Here are some KenJin facts from 2018:
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Jinnie tweeted selfies with Ken’s fan from Vixx’s Shangri-la performance last year remember? And Ken responded on Twitter! They are too cute.
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Jin was also seen with Ken at a sea food restaurant with his ‘We are the Best Idols’ group that includes BTOB Eunkwang, BAP Youngjae, JBJ Kwon Hyunbin and other idol friends last year. All idols left messages to the restaurant including Jin and Ken.
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Jin was also feat in a video message in Sandeul’s Starry Night Radio Show 100th episode in October, where the special guest was Ken and he knew Jin was overseas. Both Sandeul and Ken spoken about Jin and how they all keep playing the same game (maplestory) because Jin loves it and Sandeul said it’s all Ken’s fault. 
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Basically Jin and Ken hang out in private when Jin is in SK and his relationship with V has not affected his friendships outside Bangtan. I personally want to see more interactions between Jin and his friends but KenJin is totally cute and I miss them being so clingy in public! That doesn’t mean Taehyung is not jealous of Ken because, of course he is as seen many but oh so many times throughout the years (maybe I should do a Tae vs KenJin masterpost). 
Poor baby, his face!
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But apparently Taehyung’s possessiveness doesn’t change the fact Jin needs his friends close. BTS insane schedule is complicating Jin’s private life and quality time with friends, something that Jin said he misses the most. I think he is not travelling with his besties anymore because of BTS’s schedule but apparently they still have dinner dates and stuff. I hope Jin can have more quality time with his buddies in 2019. 
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
What were your thoughts about Taejin moment at the GDA 2019 when the MC asked Jin to give V a kiss on his cheek . I am glad Jin didn't give in that easy. But again Why didn't Jin do it? I
Hey there ‘why didn’t Jin do it’ anon,
I’m getting loads of asks about this so please everyone take a deep breath, try to think rationally about what happened and you will for sure calm down! I personally didn’t even pay too much attention on it since Taejin merely confirmed what I’ve been saying on and on again on virtually all of my masterposts: Taehyung and Jin’s real relationship is not fan-service. But let me explain to you ‘why Jin din’t do it’ on a pragmatic point of view:
A. Jin is aware of the hate he’s gotten legit a few weeks ago (please be so kind to read my last masterpost on this serious matter) just for posting a simple picture of Taehyung from Tae solo stans and ml shippers so if I was him, I’d stay away from anything that can be read as romantic.
B. As Jin himself said, why would he do something just because the MC or ARMY asked him to? Would you? Jin was never a person under the psychological category of socially compliant personality so no, I’m knowing his personality I am zero surprised he would never kiss Taehyung in public just because someone told him to.
C. You are aware that SK is one intolerant country in terms of LGTB relationships and acceptance right? And you are aware that the rumour of a relationship can ruin their careers right? If I was an idol, I’d preserve what’s private in a vault and avoid speculation. Not saying they are LGTB members of a global band in a secret romantic relationship avoiding speculation, just saying they were clearly uncomfortable to be pushed to an innocent kiss between brothers even tho they both have kissed other members in the past and Taehyung kissed Jin’s head at MAMA when they were not in the spotlight. Basically Jin and Taehyung do not want to ‘kiss as brothers in public for a laugh’ in the name of fan service. If I was Taejin, I wouldn’t want to kiss someone important in my life for other ppl’s entertainment and laugh. 
D. Again for those who don’t read any of my many masterposts or actually pay attention to Jin and Taehyung’s behaviour over the years and yet wonder: TAEJIN IS NOT FAN SERVICE their private relationship is not made for the ARMY to enjoy or to sell BTS stuff, it never was and will never be. Tks Jin and Taehyung for confirming it out loud once more.
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Basically nothing of this interaction actually surprised me including the absolutely obvious reaction of all BTS members, it only confirmed what I’ve been saying on this blog for ages. Taejin will never be fan service, Taejin are the pairing highly edited out by BH (probably for valid reasons) and Jin and Taehyung will never expose their relationship (whatever is the label of that relationship) to the public, it will simply never happen given SK culture and the fact a toxic part of the fandom has been highly intolerant towards Jin when it comes to the sensitive matter of Taehyung’s solo stans and shippers. I’ve been saying this since my first masterpost, I rather Taejin’s privacy protected and my two shinning stars safe, since sadly there are some crazies out there who already affect Jin negatively.
Ending this on a positive note, instead of the general fatalistic desperation this tiny fandom creates by default, the question I’m giving you all as homework for your lovely young brain cells: ‘why they didn’t kiss if they are just brothers’ instead of all of you asking me ‘why they didn’t kiss if they are real’. If it was just a kiss between merely bandmates for a laugh to the public why didn’t Taejin accept a kiss between them to be reduced to an ARMY joke? Isn’t it so much better when you see the bigger picture with your mind and your heart?
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
You have no idea how happy I am to see you post after so long. I am waiting for you to post another masterpost. I have extensively read your blog, almost as if I am here to do research. I just wonder what got you into TaeJin? Have you ever been swayed by any other ship involving Tae or Jin? I know how you have written about them, by what keeps your faith in them? Sorry if you have already answered it, but I'm just really curious. I will admit that it was not my first ship but I love them now.
Hello there screechingunknownengineer,
Ah tks love. I’m happy that you are happy! Oh really, you’ve been doing research on my blog, that’s great. I’m gonna answer your questions.
What got me into Taejin? Well everything but really I’ve been into them from the start (heavens, I’m such a senior army lol) because Jin has been my bias from day one and I had to be blind to miss Taehyung’s obvious behaviour next to Jin compared to how he behaves with the rest of the world. With how my brain has been trained to spot those things, there is no possible scenario that I wouldn’t see it and get their connection. You can watch the first BTS video I’ve ever watched and see how after all those years they are the same, that pause between them and how Taehyung cannot even look at Jin, and when they look at each other there is no one else in the universe. This silly adorbs Bangtan Bomb of chaotic V+Jimin was the first BTS video I’ve ever watched (even before the MVs) and I’ve learned 3 things: BTS is life, Jin’s face is unbelievable and Taejin is too obviously freaking clear as daylight. Basically I fell in love with BTS in a Taejin feat Jimin Third Wheeling moment lmao. 
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Have you I been swayed by any other ship involving Tae or Jin? Nops cause I don’t ‘ship’ them really, I understand their dynamics and that is a different thing from shipping. In supporting you are celebrating a relationship that is stablished between the ppl you admire, it’s not forced ya know. On Taehyung and Jin’s popular ships, I’ve never seen anything more than brotherhood with their popular ships, esp the endlessly puzzling case of V+kook and Nam+Jin popularity, but I get why ppl ship BTS members tho and I firmly believe everyone can ship freely. But no, I was never into the ships linked to Jin and Taehyung. I support Taejin, I adore Sope, I cherish every friendship in BTS. I also have a soft spot for Jin and Jungkook’s dynamics and moments (often accompanied with an undeniable and obvious Jealous Tae vs Jin+Kook, bless his possessive pure soul).
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What keeps my faith in them? Logic. Basically logic keeps my faith in them. Human behaviour, psychologic emotional patterns, body language these are my guides and not fangirl or pushing a narrative based on ship expectations. Therefore I rely on the knowledge of things that simply cannot be faked, that are facts so mainly nothing can make my belief in them disappear while Taejin’s behaviour is an open book for us to read. Like you said, it’s research and so for me is study and rational thinking that corroborates Taejin. To this day, there was never a single moment I’ve doubted Jin and Taehyung’s relationship, like not even once in years. I don’t think my Taejin certainty will ever fade away.
It’s wonderful that you love Taejin now and totally ok if Taejin was not your first ship since Taejin is not the pairing most ppl ship. As long as that admiration for a ship is bringing you happiness and positivity, any ship is valid. So that’s it, not a lengthy masterpost but it can count as one since we even have the classics of Jimin Third Wheeling and Jelly Tae! 
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
Is it just me or has Jin been wearing Gucci more frequently? Probably just me. Love your blog❤️❤️ stay positive.
Hey there ‘Gucci Jin’ anon,
Despite Gucci being the brand at the moment, Jin is not a Gucci boy, at least not as Taehyung is. Jin prefers classic brands like Givenchy, Balenciaga and Burberry. But BTS wears a LOT OF GUCCI so he also wears it as stage/red carpet outfits. I do think he wears a Gucci thing here and there to please Taehyung or because he gave it to Jin as a gift.
A good example is Jin’s snake Gucci bag that matches all the countless snake Gucci stuff (phone case, tie, bag, shoes, tees, jackets) Taehyung loves. I bet that was a gift from Taehyung so they can walk around with Jin’s hand in his waist, matching and cosplaying as boyfriends and stuff. 
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And please can we just stop for a moment to appreciate this picture? The matching hair, how they walk mirroring, Jin’s hand on Taehyung’s back all protective, the Gucci bag, Taehyung’s purple pouch. Like please, why is Taejin always photographed looking like spouses when they don’t know they are being photographed? Why are they the only ones walking around like this when they are in private? I mean, look at this iconic duo. The audacity!
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Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
Merry Xmas!! You know what?? BTS RUN will come back this january the 1st. 2019!!! Finally we will see more Taejin content, I hope you can see it!!!
Hello there ‘Xmas elf’ anon,
Merry Xmas to you and your loved ones too! Yes I saw it and I was Jungshook. I love Run and I’ve missed it so much. It was the best Xmas BTS gift to see the lil teaser especially when it legit opens up with Taejin in full ‘chaotic Jin’ and ‘so done Taehyung’ mode, and you know, that’s a big deal when it comes to those editors at BH! LOL them precious funny moments we will have!
Frame 1 Taejin: He no lion but he trying!
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Frame 2 Taejin: If looks could kill…
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And Taejin: together 
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And Taejin: together as the twinning dorks we love
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And Taejin: together laughing at Joonie
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And Taejin: together matching in everything, including glasses
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And Taejin: while Taehyung reacts to Jinkook being Jinkook
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And Taejin: together matching feat. Jelly Tae about to happen
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And me: as Joonie!
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All the best for you, BTS, Taejin and us all in 2019!
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 6 years
hello! What nicknames does taejin have for each other? I only remembered tae calling jin baby angel 😔
Hey there ‘taejin nicknames’ anon,
Jin calls Taehyung “My V” (and look at V’s cute little face lighting up like the sun when Jin uses the affectionate nickname on camera). There are also other videos from a distant past where Jin calls Taehyung “VV” or “our V” with that tender voice of his. Too adorable!
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Taehyung called Jin Silky Prince on a video. Recently Jin called Taehyung Handsome Flower Boy while taking blurry pics of him.
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And on 2018 Summer Package, Taehyung called him ‘Oh, Handsome’ when he was writing his diary and Jin approached him. That was more of a normal human reaction to Jin’s perfection than a nickname but hey, it’s shy Kim Taehyung saying on camera so I’ll take it. 
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And how cute was Jinnie staying beside his VV while he was writing just ya know, admiring how cute his boy looks in pink (again a normal human reaction to Taehyung’s perfection, but I’ll take it cause I live for Jin looking at him like he is 10 lobsters worth of deliciousness). LOL plus they do look like a set of greek statues, hair twinning like that! 
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Basically Taejin is one of those duos who keep inventing new romantic nicknames like on a daily basis and everyone around them think they are the mellowest most annoying ‘relationship goals show-offs’ cause they cannot hide the mutual fondness. Got to love these ridiculously attractive sappy dorks.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
I agree its definitely domestic taejin atm. I am so interested in the burn the stage taejin fight.I can imagine there is a few fights btw them with jealousy & differences of opinions. & not just Tae ,Jin is usually chill but he can fire up too.But whatever it was they obviously have worked it out & are settled.They make up ( tho its usually jin soothing tae, how will burn the stage be??)Tae seems to have succeeded in toning down his jealous reactions too lately( though they are still there ).
Hey there ‘domestic Taejin’ anon,
Yep, 2018 Taejin is fluffy domestic. LOL I dunno sweetie, I think they are in that phase of a (whatever unlabeled) relationship (they have) when the insecurities slowly fade away and things get really domestic, dorky and comfortable. They look very very precious!
+ But can you two control the DOMEEEESSTIC CUTENESS?
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We had a preview of the Taejin fight on ep.1, as I suspected and talked about on this post, the Burn the Stage ‘fight’ is indeed about their performance and not their private life or relationship. In thew preview, Jin is talking to someone, apparently Taehyung, cause he is the one who answers and RM makes a dramatic intervention, but we still cannot be sure cause of the editing.
+ Jin suggests something about their stage issue
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+ Taehyung’s firm opposition
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+ Jin pleads with a solution
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+ Taehyung’s reply hints a disagreement to Jin’s suggestion
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+ RM’s intervention and J-Hope’s concern
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Also as I said before, despite of Jin and Taehyung’s professional confrontation that happened like more than 1 year ago look a bit harsh, it is normal and expected for two adult men to have discussions and disagreements especially about something important like the stage. This is one of many hardships BTS faces everyday to deliver such a perfect finish product to us, like many other people who work to perfect their craft BTS have ups and downs and face problems, but surely they overcome it. As Suga and RM said on episode 1, this is their work, therefore they go through difficult situations that are not always as easy to share with us, so let’s not freak out so much just cause they are showing a more real side of their art. And also let’s not confuse anything that happens there with their private lives cause Burn the Stage and everything they share with us is BTS’s public lives.
On Burn the Stage, I doubt we will see loads of Taejin they will def. tone down their closeness for the documentary and when it happens it’s like for nanoseconds and as usual, missed by the majority. Episode 1 and 2 and we get the funny brotherly bond of Jimin, Kookie and Jin, I think we will have loads of Jin+Kookie as well cause you all know how these two are. Loving all the SOPE, Suga and RM being talkative bros and V and Jimin who will have a museum besties day as well, that will be super cute to watch.
+ JinMinKook, our comedy trio
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+ V and Jimin best friends forever
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+ SOPE is eternal MVP
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+ RM and Suga being Greek philosophers
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+ BONUS: nanoseconds of Jin and Taehyung (caught on Jin’s lap and then realising they were being filmed) so this ACT NORMAL position happened
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+ But how merged together can Jin and Taehyung be?
+ But behold the comfy domestic no personal space Taejin
+ But let’s be honest, Taehyung was technically on Jin’s lap
+ But what was life before Taejin ruined it?
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Jin and Taehyung both have strong personalities and possibly possessiveness and control can be an issue when they have disagreements but Taejin are not the type to hold grudges, these moods come and go since these two cannot live without each other. Taehyung’s possessiveness, it is still there but not as loud and clear as before. I suspect now he is self-conscious in front of the camera, he watches the videos and probably can see his own reaction and get either more mad or embarrassed lol. 
He is on a boy-to-man phase now, Taehyung has been very focused to look more mature and refined in everything he does. Because Jin knows him since he was a teenager I think in their relationship, he doesn’t want Jin to see him as a kid anymore. He want to be seen as an equal especially due to his controlling and idealistic romantic nature versus Jin’s self-reliant playful personality. And it is beyond Jin, I think Taehyung wants everyone to see him as an adult and that reflects on his general attitude and behaviour. 
Whoaaaa! It’s a masterpost. Bye-bye.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
BTS opens up about their love lives: 'When we don’t have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend...’
Since this is a Taejin support space, I feel Namjoon’s statement impact is an important thing to talk about on my blog. 
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Not only we are packed with tons of info and new things about BTS by the minute and on their first interview in this promo our dear Namjoon drops a huge rainbow bomb! Yep, everybody and their mothers are talking about the “Boyfriend or Girlfriend” answer to the “what true love means to BTS” question. Here is my masterpost about it.
Ok so here is the thing, you just have to listen to the QUESTION and the ANSWER to understand it clearly. It’s a simple question with a simple direct answer. I personally don’t see any double meaning or ‘lost in translation’ misunderstanding in Namjoon’s answer.
Q. What does true love means to you (BTS)?
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RM: We always, like when we (BTS) don’t have like a BOYFRIEND or GIRLFRIEND, we always say like ‘ah I’m so lonely, I wanna date’. Something like that...But the biggest love we are searching for is the love for one’s self. If you wanna love others, you should love yourself first.
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So the interviewer asks specifically about BTS and Namjoon really said “when we don’t have a BOYFRIEND or girlfriend.” Meaning when THEY BTS don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend they feel lonely and wanna date. He is not talking about a vague generalized notion of love or a being some kind of third person love guru for the entire lonely population of earth since this was not the question and Namjoon takes verbal interpretation very seriously. His response is about their personal point of view of love as BTS. He wants his answer to represent ALL BTS MEMBERS proudly, he did not even try to go gender neutral like most celebrities would have done, he literally said boyfriends or girlfriends.
Namjoon also avoids saying if any of the members are dating at the moment saying “when we don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend” but it seems like he is saying some (or all) of the members are dating cause the ‘when’ indicates a past but recurring situation, maybe not a current one. But nevertheless Namjoon is saying that the members do date (some have boyfriends and others girlfriends) and are not constant celibates. 
Then he adds the love yourself powerful message as a message of self-acceptation and self-respect. Again, a very important love message in the inclusive context to all the members of the BTS.
And then the interviewer goes on with the LGTBQ inclusive theme asking:
Q. You have mentioned you want a BOYFRIEND or a girlfriend. You guys have time to date?
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So basically the interviewer understood the inclusive tone of Namjoon’s response about their point of view on love and relationships and respectfully continued the interview accordingly. He affirmed once more the boys want a boyfriend or girlfriend, meaning he understood there are LGTBQ members on BTS. The interviewer did not think Namjoon was talking about a “general” sense of love since he specifically asked what love means to BTS as people and not about the general concept of love. The interviewer understood, Namjoon understood and so did I. 
Yoongi then answers again like Namjoon on BTS’s point of view, cleverly deflecting the ‘who are you dating?’ kinda of question to a there are a lot of different types of love other than the love for boyfriends or girlfriends. To love those around you. Again an answer on their point of view as BTS and not a generalised love guru approach.
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What can one take from this huge Namjoon statement? That Namjoon if not confirmed, at least hinted that BTS have LGTBQ and also straight and/or bi members. Of course he did not say who’s what and he would never mention if any of the boys are dating (a man or a woman) but in this interpretation, he did say there are BTS members who have/had boyfriends. 
BTS has always been inclusive (Suga’s statement, the Taejin kiss, rainbow hints, the Wings concept and the various gender fluid and queer themed lyrics) and those who look closely to the members behaviour and personal statements can realise that BTS don’t have the intention to be labeled as something not inclusive. True fans can understand, respect and praise their choices without being judgmental. 
Of course there is negative war of comments piling up with both sides of the army arguing about the meaning of Namjoon’s statement. The heteronormativity part of the fandom who refuses to accept a possible LGTBQ reality in BTS versus those delusional type of shippers who are taking Namjoon’s statement to defend their pairings instead of respect the true meaning of his message. 
A Namjoon support has nothing to do with any BTS ships, it is so much more important than this and some reducing it about a ship push is very immature. Even Taejin or the canon relationships, this is not relevant at the moment since Namjoon’s statement is not meant to validate BTS’s pairings. On the other hand, sadly the part of the army quickly dismissing Namjoon’s statement as a ‘lost in translation’ issue or a misinterpretation show how some people are panicking about a possible future disclosure of a few of the boys being romanticaly interested in men. 
So to sum it up Namjoon is a precious diamond! He knows it is important to spread the idea here and there. This is a clever way to let the army subtly prepared for any of the members being more open about their choices or for that one day it will be ok to come out if anyone in the band wishes to. It is also a very inspirational message to those who are struggling with their own identities and notions of love and self-love. I just hope with all my heart the Army will be respectful with BTS’s personal decisions and won’t let prejudice and their fantasy ships ruin the boys decision to be with whoever make them happy. 
This is a personal interpretation of the interview but I think it would be a great brain exercise for everybody interested to go check it out the interview and meditate about it. Then take your own conclusions about Namjoon’s words and cherish the positive message in it with a light heart.
Have a rainbow BTS to celebrate Namjoon being the best grape of all.
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Lots of love.
PS: The interview was pre-recorded and probably approved by BTS’s management, if this was a misunderstanding or a mistake I’m sure their multi-millionaire management would have quickly step in and ask for a re-cut (excluding the “You have mentioned you want a boyfriend” part of of the interview). The “When we don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend” approach is also published on the official BTS interview available at ETonline and on their youtube channel. 
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
Hi, do you know if TaeJin are the only members that go out in private to spend the day together? And if so, what members? And could you enlighten me with the Gucci ring V gave Jin in Las Vegas? How was that ? I would appreciate with all my heart.😢😔
Hey there ‘day together’ anon,
All BTS members hang out together sometimes. Most of them say it’s rare to spend free time or even eat together. I guess because they already work and live together and spend most of the year super busy, when they have free time they wanna spend with family and friends. 
For instance Jikook went to Taeyang’s concert together and J-Hope likes to shop for clothes with V and RM. Jimin and V are known to spend time together since they keep saying they are besties and confidants. Jimin said Jin took them to a restaurant on Kookie’s bday. Jin said he had a rare dinner with Namjoon but it was boring cause Namjoon had nothing to talk about and critiqued him for keeping looking at his phone during dinner LOL. There are the Sope and Taejin double dates too. So basically they all hang out in private, but not really as often.
They surely want to be with friends too. Like Jin, he used to spend a lot of time with Ken and Sandeul before 2017. Like holidays, free days, vacations, skiing trips and special occasions like Chuseok. Ken used to spend the holidays in Jin’s parent’s house and all and gush about Jin’s cooking. But after mid 2016 that never happened again, cause Jin is super busy or maybe also his situation has changed and Jin is no longer 100% available for spend his free time with his best friends ya know…But Jin said he misses his best friends dearly and that is the only bad side of his life right now.
Poor jealous possessive Tae vs KenJinDeul! But look at Los Three Amigos, they are too adorable!
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The big change is that currently, Taejin spend all their time together. Including the BTS mini vacations, especial occasions such as Pepero+Valentine’s and the free time Jin used to spend with his beloved besties. For instance every member of BTS went away to spend their time with family or do something else on their vacation with the exception of Jikook who went to Japan to work on their hugely celebrated ship promo film. Taejin on the contrary, secretly travelled together to a secluded beach house and spent a week in Seoul going on multiple ‘kinda romantic’ low-key dates including that famous dinner on Pepero night (a Valentine’s sort of day in Japan and Korea to spend only with your romantic partner). 
But even before that on pre-debut Jin and V said they had dinner every night together, just the two of them, after their practicing. They said they talked until late hours and spent their private time being inseparable cause they shared the same interests in culture and loved food. This was is when the ‘V is the member I’m closest to’ started and this was also one of the reasons why Taejin was the original BTS ship. Also later when Jin hurt his finger, he said it was cause he and V were playing a game in his bedroom and he accidentally hurt himself. Anyways, there are countless moments when they have hinted they are inseparable despite their preference to never push their private relationship as  something for entertaining like most of the fan service ships do.
Thank you V for sharing with the world the fact you spent EVERY SINGLE DAY in 2017 happily superglued on your Prince Jin ya know… ‘making fond memories together’. 
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If you don’t mind anon, I shall make a masterpost explaining the Gucci ring legend in detail soon ok. 
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
So u have noticed how v is suddenly taller than jin too. Growth spurt? Shoe lifts? Camera angels? V wants to dominate jin in height too kkkk?? What is answer???
Hey there ‘V us suddenly taller than Jin’ anon,
The man wears insoles. There is a Taejin video confirming the fact Taehyung wears insoles to look taller. According to the info we’ve got, Jin and V are both the same height, but cause V wears insoles and has a different body posture than Jin’s, he sometimes appears to be the taller one in Taejin.
+ Jin asks why is V taller than him:
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+ V says it’s all about the insoles:
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+ Feat RM and Jimin Third Wheeling:
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+ Removes shoes:
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+ Back as being Jin’s smol love:
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+ The insole, surely a reason to fall into Taehyung’s arms:
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+ V is beaming with the tall boy-friends PDA:
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+ Mystery solved but we are all on the floor!
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Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
I have heard that "V" has joined to BTS because of "jin" Is this real!!!!! if it is real Can you tell me where I can see this .. thx💜
Hey there taejin0o0,
I dunno if V has joined BTS because of his endless devotion to Jin, so I cannot really confirm. But what I do know is that:
If Jin joined king crab fishing in Alaska, V would be sewing fishing nets. 
If Jin was on a one-way mission to colonize Mars, V would join NASA.
If Jin was climbing Mount Everest, V would be backpacking his oxygen. 
If Jin was in the finish line of the 100m race, V would have beaten Bolt. 
V, overcoming his fear or sharks and going on his first scuba diving ever to dive with his Jin, who is an experienced diver.
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Look! A sea prince!
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Forget about sharks…’Tada! Wait for me Jinnie’
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Gentleman Jin, kept holding V’s arm until he felt safe.
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V following Jin to dive with sharks, saying goodbye to safety and probably mentally singing ‘Even if I die, it’s you’…LOL.
Don’t leave me, don’t leave me behindreturn back to me the steps of your turning heartI want you earnestly, I would risk my whole lifetake me to the scattering lightuntil the end of that world na na na na na naIt’s gonna be you na na na na na naIt’s gonna be you na na na na na nawow oh oh oh I can‘t let go
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Basically, if not even Jin scuba diving with sharks made V give up following Jin, this is a man who (like on ‘Even it I die, it’s you’ lyrics) would follow Jin until the end of the world.
And the man can do anything but flying, so good luck following him Taehyung!!!
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Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
Hey you one of a kind TaeJin Supporter! I LOVE U! Btw, did you see Tae's reaction when Jin + Jimin jamming together during Red Velvet's performance? And when they received the Daesang on stage, TaeJin whispered to each other and Tae put his hand on Jin's shoulders. I loved that part! Thank you for existing! ♥
Hey there atticawenny,
Tkx for the massive LOVE!
I’ve seen a video yeah. V is just too cute! He appears there and of course he has to sit next to Jinnie, of course he has to lock hands with him and of course he has to take those worldwide shoulders to himself and of course he has to superglue on him. And poor Joonie offered his seat since V had to squeeze himself between Nam’jin, who were not even that close by the way. Taehyung for sure is a man on a mission when it comes to Jinnie!
V appears, Jin greets him
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V squeezes himself between Nam’jin while grabbing Jin’s hands
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Territorial V is back in full force
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V taking the worldwide shoulders to himself
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He eventually had to change places and sit next to SOPE. Jungkook came along with the producer + cameraman, he was most likely having a brief about BTS’s reaction camera. And when the producer told Jin and Jimin to sit on the front row to be filmed, he was about to get up but Kookie was already there and when he saw there was no space left next to Jin for him, he got so super sulky. It is the same jelly Taehyung pattern we always see when Jin is about to be bromanced with anyone other than him, upset, he looks away, bites his lips, and still can’t stop following Jin’s actions. You can see him eagle-eye Jin’s every move and how upset he’s got, to the point that the producer had to call him to come join RM and J-Hope. He still walked towards the front row, but gave up midway. On the second row, he couldn’t take his eyes off Jin and his banter with Jimin and the camera. 
Jin is about to sit next to Ji’kook, V observes Jin’s every move
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Sulky V, just look at this poor puppy
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Keeping two eyes on Jinnie: The Curious case of Jealous Tae versus the random cameraman filming Jin
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Oh yeah, the emotional acceptance speech. I found it very cute as well, I mean BTS were all celebrating but Taehyung was just all over Jin when they were all hugging, and whispering and grabbing those shoulders. Not to mention you can see Taehyung turning his head to Jin’s side during the group hug to whisper something/give him a peck/observe his worldwide handsomeness? 
Such a beautiful moment for all the boys
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The audience was right there, but his gaze is fixed on Jin. Plus a soft proud touch that could go on forever
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And how he holds Jin!
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And I dunno what that was all about, but I adore it. 
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There is great psychological importance in his second nature to be in physical contact with Jin on those really important moments of their lives, just like on Billboard when he waited for Jin while all the other members passed by and opened a big smile, and they whispered and held each other. We are very blessed to see the intense affection between Jin and Taehyung since it a very genuine and unique type of relationship. Think about when it’s Christmas or New Years and the first person one runs to greet and embrace, is usually the person one loves and cares about the most. We can sense that for Taehyung, Jin is that special person.   
Sorry for the late reply and tkx for the message.
Lots of love.
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taejinchronicles · 7 years
I'll be shallow here for a sec: one the reason that taejin has such great chemistry for me is how they compliment each other. Like tae, with his tan skin, sharp facial futures, long bridge nose and mysterious / sexy looking eyes, and jin with his cute little chin , pouty roses lips, doll nose and pure does eyes, fair skin, their voices, tae's deep baritone voice and Jin's sweet angelic tenor one. They fit like pices of a puzzle
Hey there ‘shallow’ anon,
LOL be as shallow as you want! 
But scientifically speaking there is a body equilibrium and facial similarity factor that takes place in the psychology of finding the ideal life partner and mutual attraction in nature. Roughly speaking, equals attract due to an ancestry DNA familiarity linked to the human survival mode and this is a scientific explanation why psychological studies say that people that look-alike last longer in a relationship than couples that don’t. Therefore, you are not wrong in focus on the ‘shallow’ visuals that love each other part of their mutual adoration.
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And surely complimentary psychological traits play a huge part in any relationship we form. The same goes to similar tastes in culture, interests, emotional background and morals. So it is very easy to understand why Jin and Taehyung bonded from pre-debut, when they started to develop a deep affection fueled by mutual interests on those late night dinners and long convo sessions every night!
Lots of love.
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