#taeler talks
seungyounloveclub · 4 years
y’all if anybody stans treasure please be my friend because they finally announced a debut date and i’m so excited omg
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shininghaos · 6 years
self care is listening to chewing gum for 40 minutes straight
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wwe-fluff-fic · 8 years
Matt Jackson - Payback's a bitch.
Matt Jackson - Fluffy and Angsty imagine where reader and Matt are in a relationship and they get into a big fight before a match together with Nick against The Motor City Machine Guns and Taeler Hendrix. Throughout the match Matt acts like an ass, but the reader gets hurt and he feels bad and tries to make it up to her. 
Request for - @thegabby5sos
Warnings - Fluff and Angst, some swearing.
Word Count - 1643 words.
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Although yours and Matt’s relationship was fairly new; 6 months to be exact, arguments were extremely rare between the two of you. Even during your three year friendship as members of The Bullet Club and as The Young Bucks valet, anyways even when you did have a fight it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be solved over a pizza, a bottle vodka and a good movie. 
But this time, it was oh so different - the incredulous argument leading to the fight was; to put it plainly, absolutely pathetic. It all arose when you were offered a singles career by the several promotions The Young Bucks were signed at, instead of just being their ‘occasionally involved’ valet. Straight after hearing the news you instantly ran to your boyfriend to share the amazing news, you were ecstatic that companies were finally recognising your singles talent and you were sure your boyfriend would share your enthusiasm.
As soon as the words ‘independent career’ left your mouth his face dropped and the once light atmosphere of the room morphed into a much heavier one, thick with tension. You instantaneously sensed the change in Matt’s mood and questioned him on what was wrong, upon doing so it only changed his expression from one of hurt to one of anger. 
Matt had screamed in your facing and accused you of not giving a shit about The Young Bucks as a unit; not caring about yours and his friendship or relationship. He branded you selfish claiming that the only person you ever really cared about was yourself, amidst the argument you were about to interject him in order to defend yourself when he hit you with his final words to you, ’You’re a heartless bitch! All you ever did was use me for you own gain’ and with that he slammed the door of your hotel room. 
Those words had hit you like a ten tonne of bricks, you instantly became aware of the rapid beating of your heart and the taste of venomous bile in your mouth had made you sick to your stomach. You were in complete bewilderment at your ‘sweetheart’ boyfriend. The words he spoke were undoubtedly the cruellest words you had ever heard leave his mouth…and they were aimed at his own girlfriend.
*A few hours later*
You were sat on a storage crate in a solitary corner of the packed out arena fiddling around with the tassels adorning the sleeves of your signature leather jacket, just a mere ten minutes before your match against The Motor City Machine Guns and Taeler Hendrix. 
You weren’t paying much attention to anything happening around you, more just wallowing in your thoughts, dwelling on the incident between you and Matt. At this point you could barely stomach the thought of him, let alone work cooperatively with him in a match and continue a facade of the ‘IT’ couple when in your mind you weren’t even sure if you were a couple at all. Suddenly, a deep voice broke you out of your trance.
“Hey Y/N, how ya holdin’ up? Matt told me what happened” Nick questioned, a sympathetic tone lacing his voice and a comforting hand resting upon your shoulder. You looked up at him and scoffed shrugging his hand off your shoulder, continuing to twirl the jacket tassels between your fingers whilst looking off into space -  tears brimming in your eyes, threatening to ruin your make up. You promptly realised that you had no reason to treat Nick like shit because of his brother’s childish actions.
“I’m sorry Nick, i didn’t mean to be so rude” you muttered, rapidly blinking the tears from your eyes before looking up to him.
“No need to be sorry kid, Matt was way out of order. But hey, lets get this match over with and then hopefully Matt will have stopped being a dick and he’ll be on his knees beggin’ ya for forgiveness” he chuckled lightly at the end of his words. Your maroon lips cracked into a broad smile for the first time since your initially good news earlier the same day. You hoped off the crate and stood beside Nick.
“Lets go beat up some bitches” you shouted clapping your hands together, your obnoxious laugh filling the once quiet corner. You happily strode in front of Nick with confidence and pre-match adrenaline radiating from you, but deep down you were already dreading having to face Matt when you got to the gorilla. 
*Match time*
Whilst waiting for your entrance music you and Matt didn’t speak, in fact he didn’t even look in your direction. He instead opted to just talk to Nick - who was frequently shooting you apologetic looks. 
As soon as your theme played you and Matt headed towards the ramp, Nick behind - you two laced your hands together and were all over each other on the way down to the ring. After the pair had finished the signature poses and taunts at The Motor City Machine Guns and Taeler Hendrix, you place a passionate kiss on Matt’s lips; ensuring the crowd were still encapsulated in the ‘IT’ couple, before stepping through the ropes with Nick allowing Matt to start the match up against Chris Sabin.
In your eyes and how you were reading the crowd reaction, the match was going well, that was until you realised that Matt was purposefully stopping you being tagged in. When he came to your corner he would only tag in Nick even when he was still fighting fatigue on the apron and when Nick game over to tag Matt would slap Nick’s arm before he could reach you. So the next time you saw Matt stumbling across the ring you savvied up to his tactics and tagged yourself into the match up before he could even recognise it had happened.
You were currently precariously balanced in a suplex set up on so called, ‘high rent district’ with Taeler when you began to hear Matt stamping his feet on steel stairs and chanting - now for some competitors having team members make chants focused them, but for you it distracted you and broke your mindset, and Matt knew it. Just as you turned your head to shoot Matt and evil look Taeler suplexed you both off of the ropes, the way your head was positioned caused you to hit your head devastatingly hard at an awkward angle. As soon as you landed you knew something was wrong; your ears began to ring, you felt dizzy - your vision fading to black and an excruciating pain thrumming through the back of your head. You barely stayed conscious long enough to roll to your corner, where Nick tagged him self in and finished off the match, pinning Alex Shelly for the win. 
*post match*
Immediately after match had ended you were carried backstage by several officials with a deathly worried Matt trailing behind shouting questions and demanding answers. The medics immediately began assessing your physical state, while Nick calmed an extremely anxious Matt whilst dragging him from the medical room.
After the medics had decided you didn’t need to go to the hospital; you just need a lot of rest and roughly 2-3 weeks off, they invited both Matt and Nick back into the medical room. As soon as Matt walked into the room you could see his eyes were slightly red and puffy, along with an apologetic look plastered on his face.
“Y/N, baby I am so fucking sorry! I didn’t think it’d knock your concentration - and I’m sorry - I was a huge dick. I know I fucked up big time. Baby please forgive me.” he rambled on, almost incoherently. Tears beginning to well up in his eyes. You raised an unimpressed looking eyebrow at him, still annoyed at him. His expression became even more sorrowful as he realised you were still pissed off.
“I take back everything I said, baby. You having a singles career would be incredible, I know you never used me. You’re amazing in your own right. Fuck! I’m so sorry” he sputtered, his normally cocky demeanour completely diminished.
Both you and Nick tried to keep a straight face as Matt continued to ramble on and on, apologising profusely; when abruptly a smirk cracked onto both of your faces.
“What did I tell ya!” Nick shouted enthusiastically, referencing his prediction of Matt coming grovelling back to you. You smirked and beckoned Matt over to your seat.
“I forgave you the minute I saw the look on your face” you whispered into his ear, placing a feather light kiss on the lobe. Matt pulled away from you to reveal an unimpressed, relieved and amused expression all melded together. He then finally cracked a smile.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me! I thought you were going to break up with me” he chuckled whilst sighing in relief; leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your temple and then your lips. All whilst embracing you in a massive bear hug, enveloping you completely and making you feel safe.
“I was going to…but then i realised that: one, you have to treat me like a princess for the next few weeks - that entails taking me to my favourite restaurant and going clothes shopping and two, the next movie night is my pick - and i pick ‘Titanic’” you smirk hearing his groan of disapproval knowing he despises it. “Oh and I guess I love you” you added with a cheeky giggle and a wink.
“Payback’s a bitch man.” Nick cackled shoving Matt’s shoulder as Matt rolled his eyes; helping you up from the seat you’d been sat in.
“I guess i deserve it” Matt murmured in defeat as they helped you to the car, where your weeks of princess treatment were already set to begin.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first imagine for this blog and much like Nikkii said earlier, it may not be up to scratch as this is only my first imagine for this blog. I also apologise if any information isn’t accurate as I’m not very educated on The Young Bucks! But i hope you all enjoy it! ~ Moxxii xo
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angrymarks · 6 years
Chris Jericho's new show on Travel Channel
Chris Jericho's new show on Travel Channel http://angrymarks.com/index.php?ArticleID=52650 Bret Hart receives a Blackfoot name, Carlito talks about the lessons he's learned since WWE, Taeler Hendrix says she'll never go there.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Taeler Hendrix Claims Her ROH Career Was Sabotaged For Not Sleeping With Top Star
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/taeler-hendrix-claims-her-roh-career-was-sabotaged-for-not-sleeping-with-top-star/
Taeler Hendrix Claims Her ROH Career Was Sabotaged For Not Sleeping With Top Star
Taeler Hendrix worked for ROH in 2011 and once again from 2015-2017. Hendrix announced her ROH departure on April 4, 2017, and the 29-year-old has been working elsewhere since.
Hendrix made claims today that she wasn’t pushed in ROH or featured on television after turning down a sexual request from now-ROH Champion Jay Lethal. At this time there is no official word on the situation, but Hendrix wrote on Instagram that her attorneys are in an on-going investigation.
She took to social media today and made these accusations while writing, “Threatening my job, the Mae Young Classic, and my career will not deter me any longer.” You can check out her posts below.
I don’t. it should have been the house of Hendrix. what has truth or jay done ? what do they draw ? being a funny guy with a book…. the other one only talks about his time in Impact copying legends… faaaaarealll bruhhh the legacy is copying legends…. https://t.co/lgHnM9SO9A
— Taeler Hendrix (@Taeler_Hendrix) July 4, 2018
also the dude your standing up for is the same dude that told me because I didn’t sleep with him they sabotaged me and took me off TV. that being the all mighty Jay.
— Taeler Hendrix (@Taeler_Hendrix) July 4, 2018
I know this is going to be on wrestling sites. My name is Taeler & this is my statement: attorneys on my behalf have an ongoing investigation. I know I’m not the only one & ppl that have known of this investigation have been supportive. I’ll continue to fight for what’s right.?
— Taeler Hendrix (@Taeler_Hendrix) July 4, 2018
Let the hate roll in. Doesn’t change what happened. I came forward privately long ago & now it’s public. If I stay silent I’ll be part of the problem. I can’t live w/ that. I’ll fight for what’s right. Threatening me/supposed burned bridges changes nothing. Let the hate roll in.
— Taeler Hendrix (@Taeler_Hendrix) July 4, 2018
mo jo contributed to this article.
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seungyounloveclub · 4 years
hey guys! this is just an update on what i’m currently working on! I’m in the process and almost done with a friends to lovers kim seungmin that was requested forever ago and will likely be up tomorrow or wednesday! That will catch me up with requests so please send in more requests!
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seungyounloveclub · 5 years
ok so i’ve put together a list of groups and soloists that i stan that i will write for! feel free to send in requests for any of these groups! i have a crazy amount of free time right now!
monsta x
nct 127, nct dream
red velvet
stray kids
seungyoun/ woodz
kim donghan
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seungyounloveclub · 4 years
i’m feeling very uninspired lately and i’m off work for the next few days so please send in requests! it can be for any of the groups i have posted and it can be anything you want (besides smut)!
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seungyounloveclub · 5 years
ok so this blog is kinda dying before it even started but I went back to school last week and I'm taking college classes along with my actual high school schedule! but i will try to post every weekend! until then feel free to keep sending in requests!
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seungyounloveclub · 5 years
@/shininghaos is my main so that’s where i respond to replies and follow from!
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shininghaos · 6 years
Kpop fans get a lot of shit for listening to music in a language that they don't understand but I've made so many new and amazing friends because of kpop and i dont know what i would do without them
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shininghaos · 6 years
seeing all of the parents in the audience looking absolutely sick of yg's shit after he said he was only going to announce 4 members then was a fat mood
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shininghaos · 6 years
the most anticipated collab of the year
seungri x prison
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shininghaos · 6 years
I'm convinced that Crown is gonna be stuck in my head forever
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shininghaos · 6 years
Some of yall sexualized the dreamies and skz/the boyz 00 line and it really shows when it comes to trainees and new boy groups, specifically the yg treasure box trainees. I've seen a ridiculous amount of posts sexualizing the younger trainees, especially Haruto.
The boy is 14 years old and there are people talking about how they can't wait for him to turn 18. He's a literal child and if people can't see that there is seriously something wrong with them. Regardless of if he looks his age or not and regardless of whether they're idols or not, they're still human beings.
I'm absolutely sick of seeing people treat idols/trainees as if they're not real people. They have emotions just as much as we do.
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shininghaos · 6 years
seonghwa is so cute what the heck
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