neopantheonteaser · 9 months
can you tell us more about the gods?
I don't want to spoil too much because this is only the teaser blog! But the gods at at the core of the plot so I understand your curiosity! Here's the little blurbs I've written about them for now. There will be more information available on the main when it's ready.
ENIR - (they/them pronouns) the deity of wisdom. they who have learned all, asker of the impossible question, & the first child. Their domain is death, darkness, and the deep underground. They are intelligent, reserved, elusive, understanding, intellectual, and cautious. They have been known to gift their followers greater memory, a lessened need to sleep, and the ability to mask themselves from perception.  UMIR - (she/her pronouns) goddess of fate. The second light, guiding hand of the pantheon, & bearer of the wheel which turns the stars. Her domain is the heavens. She controls the sun, moon, and turning of the stars. All things that are yet to come are the divine ruling of Umir. She is vague, mysterious, unhelpful, wise, distant, and unemotional. She gifts her followers foresight. Many of them receive visions of the future that, while vague, are helpful, when deciphered correctly.  TERUS - (she/her pronouns) the goddess of courage. Tamer of the elder serpent, horizonwalker, & she who cannot be bested. Terus’ domain is the sky and mountain peaks. She controls the wind and is known to bring a chill with her at every step. She champions adventurers and warriors. Terus is known for being bold, brash, loving, foolish, and excitable. She gifts her followers with enhanced physical abilities like greater strength, speed, stamina, and reaction time.  YEON - (he/him pronouns) the god of power. Bringer of storms, stirrer of seas, & the crowned one. Yeon’s domain is fire, storms, war, and chaos. He champions those who seek great affluence and prestige. He is known for being prideful, boisterous, reactive, impulsive, passionate, dedicated, and violent. Yeon has appointed himself as the leader of the Neopatheon, but that is a title gained through sheer force of will alone. He gifts his followers the ability to summon and control either fire or lightning; depending on what they choose.  AKLENOS - (any pronouns) the god of loyalty. Creator of the earth, friend to all beasts, & uniter of the pantheon. Their domain is earth, flora, & fauna. They are known for being kind, honest, loving, accepting, generous, petty, jealous, and controlling. They gift their followers aura reading, empathy, and telepathic communication. However, the followers of Aklenos can only communicate telepathically with each other.  BETRIX - (they/them pronouns)  the deity of charity. Source of the wellspring, giver of life, & silent one. Their domain is water and life. Beatrix has never taken a form that a human has observed. They do not appear to their followers or speak to them. To follow Betrix is to blindly trust that they exist. All followers of Betrix have learned to trust their instincts and do what they feel is right; believing that if they feel compelled to act, it is the will of their patron. Betrix gifts their followers accelerated healing and the ability to heal others.
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