#tagging all my icarus coded Guys cause it's my blog and i get to decide the categories
yellowcharm · 1 year
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I Love You ~ Woodkid x
Bones ~ Finnegan Tui x
Blind as Night ~ Team Me x
Inferno ~ Sir Sly x
For Everything a Reason ~ Carina Round x
(( Tagged for 5 songs by my beloved @emotionsandphenomena. Decided to be very un-normal about that and put together a mini-themed playlist because I have been thinking about the Icarus Myth lately. Tagging @feralprinceconsort @theodoort @the-mighty-glow-cloud @tele-kay-nesis and @beansprouts. Make a weird little themed playlist if you want! Or just share whatever you're listening to this week <3 Art is Through Cataclysm by Andreas Birath))
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