#tagging as dreamling bc most if not all baby fics ive read are dreamling related huh
webonchin · 11 months
Tw! For pregnancy, belly (not kink or spicy...)
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messing around a bit and I ended up drawing Dream expecting just because mhh yhea why not , thinking if I should share it here or not(bc i'm shy), someone will like it or not, either way the full actual drawing is below the cut
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He looks pretty like that ...
I blame the great dreaming authors in this fandom who have baby fics! (Affectionately)
The whole pregnancy thing has always been a big ick in general for me (I have a phobia wow lol) but consuming content related to what I like that deals with it has helped me to not stress so much...And going back to the topic, I don't know the idea of ​​characters who have a bad relationship with paternity, either due to loss, separating, growing up,etc. experience having the opportunity to start a family on your own (not necessarily "biological" as they say) is something very comforting for me ,also non-human pregnancy can be a very interesting topic *thumbs up*
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