sirkevinmartin · 3 years
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MANGONADAS. Mom’s been sending me her favorite treat when I was still in Manille and I would salivate cos she said that this was some sour party of sorts in your mouth and we love that. Cue Lady Gaga’s song: Sa-sour candy, so sweet and I get a little bit angry, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! 🎶 Got to finally try it today. This is only $6 for 16 oz. I don’t think I could get the $8 one for 24 oz. cos I think it’s too big. 😳 But this contains a lot of sour goodness starting with a glass full of mangoes (it has a bit of a crunch when you bite on it), mango juice (mom gets extra juices on hers), tamarind candy (which reminds me of kiamoy back home without the seed), chamoy sauce (I can’t specifically point out its flavor cos it’s mixed in together), tajin powder (I don’t taste this musch either but mom sends me a lot in Manille and it’s good with most dishes), and some squeezed lime. 🥭 Aseem, beshy. But I love it all, though. I finished it but it took a while, was prolly eating it for around 45 minutes or so. You can also drink the sour juice while eating the mangoes cos it comes with a straw and a spoon. 🥄 It’s from this kiosk called FRUJUICE at Westfield Valley Fair Mall. I’m not sure if it’s a play on words to sound like PRODUCE or it’s how they pronounce FRUIT JUICE — with an accent, lol. Sherep! 🤤 #Mangonadas #Frujuice #Mango #Mangoes #Kiamoy #Chamoy #ChamoySauce #Tamarind #TamarindCandy #Tajin #TajinPowder #Lime #SourCandy #SourParty #Asim #Sherep #WestfieldValleyFair #SanFrancisco #SFO #SKMTravels #SKMEats #PandemicTravels (at Frujuice) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPXJUS_nQFl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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