#taka being a terrible person as always he's lucky every one can to get mhai because he would be drowning in the punch bowl
yesyourstalker · 9 months
Part 3 I'm almost done I hope. I'm being honest I spent 3 hours cooking in 4 hours sleeping after
Warabi: so this is the store pretty big
Neta: Oh yeah, It's a pretty big place I'm going to need a lot of vendors and more artists to sell here. My main worry is that I lose my brand and my image , If we started out with underground bands, alternative music like metal and rock. If I start selling mainstream stuff I don't want to come off as a sellout
Warabi: I don't think that's going to happen. It's not like you're going to stop selling underground stuff it's not like you're going to stop supporting them either. You're just expanding your business to a broader audience the fact, you're worrying about your image and your brand just shows that you still care about your original customers.
Oshi: That's some great advice ink drop!
Warabi: mom!!! Uhhh what are you doing here?.... I thought you were on whale back island.... To get away from the snow
Oshi: we were planning on doing that until you're wonderful boss invited us to the party. I just couldn't miss that right shim?
Shimi: [eating] how much was the caterer here? These stuffed tentacles are good! Melts in the mouth.... This is the store? really big. You sure you have enough stuff to sell in here or are you going to stock 10 Rows of belts and jewelry to fill space?
Warabi: dad! That's rude!
Shimi: It's a genuine question. Do you have a layout plan or anything? What's the look you're trying to do
Neta:my original store kind of has a basement/ attic-like design, old vintage t-shirts, guitars, vinyl. someone's garage type feel.
Oshi: Oh so nostalgia... I like that
Shimi: I know a lot of people who are very good in interior design... [ eating] we just got our vacation home remodeled...... I can see if I can give you his number. Tell him the octavios sent you. They'll give you a discount.
Neta: thank you Mr. Octavio. I deeply appreciate this
Shimi: well that should count as a frosty fest gift cuz we didn't get you anything we didn't think we had to
Neta: oh That's good because you didn't have to do that. .
Warabi: Dad,.... That are really nice moment and then you had to ruin it with the last- what the fuck?
Oshi: ink drop language!
Warabi: I'm sorry just give me one second....
Candi: Candi!?!
Candi: *gasp* oh my Cod! Shut the hell up. Are you kidding me? What are you doing here?!! Ahhhhhh
Candi: ahhhhhh Oh my god it's been so long!! girl What are you up to?
Candi: Oh you know. Just trying to survive.
Candi: I hear that, I hear that I looove makeup!
Candi: stop lying. I just smeared this shit on at the last minute hehehe you know I have no sense of time.
Mizole: I didn't know you knew each other. How do you know candi?
Candi: That's really none of your business
Candi: I don't have to tell you everything about my personal life. Go find Ichiya or something. Bye. Go.. cod that guy
Candi: Right.... He drives me out the wall everyday.
Candi: you know they dated?
Candi: hahaha Oh my Cod you have to tell me.... Oh crap...no no no ... I have to go. I'll be right back I promise. Just give me one sec girlie
Ikkan: so I yeah Mike Murrays actually played the sax around-
Baja: around 1989! But when Blue Ocean breeze came out-
Tao: He switched to a clarinet! It was like his staple instrument throughout the '90s.
Baja: He actually went through like five clarinets throughout those years. I think he's probably one of the most popular non-pop or rock idles out there.. but he's been gone for like 8 years and it somehow we still all know him
Ikkan: he Pioneered jazz..
Tao: oh yeah I'm a big fan of their later works it really influenced the ska genre
Ikkan: you see I used to dislike his later work when I saw The influencer had on other genre I took another like listen to it. It's really good! It's like an organized mess
Baja: right?! It's chaotic but smooth. He actually went to jelly Port for a tour and met up with Sting time stingers back in 01 which I guess gave him more of an influence to the newer albums
Tao: It's a Shame he died before they could release the album with the stingers I know there's a demo out there they release but it's hard to find
Ikkan: I've been trying to find it there is a specific website and the URL is in octarian so I'm trying to get Neta to- hm .... I'm sorry will excuse me for a quick sec.
Mahi: why the fuck are you here?!
Taka: I was invited of course. I can't miss an opportunity to be around my fellow artist. Why are you here you have no talent.
Mahi: I'm here because Neta wants me here! unlike you! You think we forgot how you treated him!
Taka: *pffth*.... how I treated him. As if taking him out to dinner, giving him a gift and being at his beckon call when he felt "lonely". He was honestly really sad.... But he is a sad person....boy he was hot tho...heh ..was
Mahi: you want to take this outside
Warabi: Mahi hay! the table is all out of drinks let's go get some more.
Candi: yeah let's just go to corner store. Their self checkout is still open let's just get some more wine and spritzer I am sober so I can drive so let's go. Let's go now. Mahi.
Mahi: [staring down taka]
Ikkan: mahi please don't ruin this event by a fight. Neta will never forgive you if you do.... Listen, go with Candi and Warabi and I'll handle this...
Mahi:...... Fine. .... I'll wait until the party ends
Ikkan: I'll get the bouncer.. kick them out before Neta - hi babe.
Neta: what happened? Why did everyone rush over here
Ikkan: Hi uhhh You're three employees are just going out to get some more refreshments they just didn't know how to
Neta: We have more in the back of my car they don't have to go out and......... Oh I see.....hey Taka......... I forgot I invited high tide
Taka: I was good to see you too. You look............ Uh
Taka: I guess you stuck to the normal look huh... I like the glasses.....heheh..you look great heheheh . Man you let yourself go holy shit
Ikkan:ok that's it SECURITY!
Neta:.............. .. I'm going to get some air
Ikkan: I'll come with you.
Mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort and gonna beat the shit out of taka after the party
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