#takari overshadowing maybe?
rakazijn · 6 years
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Tailmon and patamon - big spoon and little spoon.
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xmonday-mintx · 7 years
Review on “Loss”
I am a bit disappointed after seeing this movie “Loss”. Everything is all over the places. I feel like Seraphimon’s evolution was overshadowed by Phoenixmon’s and addition with HerculesKabuterimon’s. i mean come on...three evolutions in just few minutes and not to mention it was Seraphimon’s first appearance in Tri ?? I was hoping that they would save it for the last movie. Maybe it is also because of “movie”, the pacing is really fast.
But all the the flashback scenes of Himekawa and Nishijima were pretty great scenes so far.(I really like the soundtrack and the mood) And revealing the original chosen children finally! woohoo (Only two among five but anyywayyy)  the story of them was pretty depressing and sad. AND SERIOUSLY Gennai thou ( Is it Digimon that we are watching?? Everything turns DARK. It shocked me). The villains are great in their roles so far. And right Gabumon and Taichi’s interaction is pretty cute.
Anddd.. more importantly...as a Takari fan, wish they will get more moment in next movie but it seems like it will be revolving around Meiko and Hikari. (:’D but who knows right??)
But seeing Ophanimon DownFallMode make me feel hyped again!!! Anyway I hope that next movie will be covering up all the plot holes that this movie had and all the reasons behind it. I love Digimon anyway so Toei..Pls I have high hopes for you.
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