#take out that dumb fight in the cafeteria and replace it with more school master stuff or agatha learning about the past students at LEAST.
jzixuans · 2 years
okay i lied last thought
i think the main thing that's been bothering me about the school master plotline besides lady lesso's uh . thing. was that by having him engage with the students and the professors so openly it makes it so clear early on that he's using them as chess pieces and is targeting sophie.
which isn't necessarily a bad thing because god knows that studios these days keep trying to pull a fast one on the audience, and the movie seems to be gearing more to the thesis of "there is more nuance in this world than you know" (which i believe nicely ties into agatha telling sophie that she's human at the end because it brings into the discussion a nice look at what humanizing these stock alignment fairy tale characters means), BUT i still do sincerely wish that they hadn’t name teased rafal so much and that the school master was if not morally ambiguous by matter of sheer not showing his face to anyone in centuries, then at the very least outright GOOD because the movie makes a very explicit point to show us at the very beginning that rhian the good brother is the one to survive.
because like, the audience knows that there was something dubious about the opening's anticlimax, but the rest of the school does not. if they truly were committed to suggesting that the school master had sinister motives and they were adamant that he interacted with the rest of the school, then they should have given him a kindlier or more sage personality in his introduction at orientation that would later be dropped (or not!) when sophie and agatha confronted him in the tower. like a sentence about how Yes it seemed that good has been winning for the past century, but that he has faith in both sides that they will do their best to win and that the world is still in balance. i don't know. something. i believe rafal is a better actor than that. he knew his brother best. that would have made knowing that he was up to something the whole time a lot more fun than sitting with the discomfort of his persona being apathetic at best between the schools.
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