#take that with a grain of salt though im the same nerd who had the smell of duck poop grow on them
iicraft505 · 11 months
i had a very autistic moment about the plastic bag i use to carry my work shoes in today
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
What is happening in 5x03??
I’m not going to pretend I have any idea whats going on here but I have a THEORY! (Can you tell I want to be a theoretical astrophysicist?)
I might be going straight up CRAZY but here we are......
[possible spoilers for 5x03 (I seriously doubt im right but I really do hope this is whats happening here)]
My theory is the whole thing is a dream sequence. Not just the MacRiley moment but the WHOLE EPISODE and its all in Mac’s head....Stick with me here.
Firstly here are the promos incase you missed them.
1. MacRiley scene
2. Mac, Desi, Bozer and Riley at Mac's place
3. Team Phoenix on the mission.
My first reaction on seeing the MacRiley snippet...THIS IS A DREAM..right?! If you look closely the way its been edited with the rainbow-glare shining in and out makes it seem magical and almost surreal.
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So the question is WHO THE HELL IS DREAMING? Again my first thought was Riley, because we know she has feelings for Mac but that little factoid about the moon and eclipses lasting for 7 minutes doesn't strike me as something Riley would know.(I am a space nerd and even I didn't know the size of the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun) Which makes me think its Mac’s dream. We’ll get back to this in a sec.
The second promo absolutely crushed my soul. Mac here is complaining about how Desi has time for Rlley but doesnt have time to go out on a date with him. UM WAT THE HECK?! WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?? Mac and Desi showed no ounce of interest in each other in episode 1 and 2 and now suddenly he wants to date her?
Also note here Bozer is encouraging Mac to ask Desi out *sort of*. He knows about RIley’s feelings. He would never in a million years talk Mac back into that relationship because he is his bestfriend and he saw the toll the whole Codex situation took on him.
[We didn't get a single Riley look either.. that would be possible only because Mac has no idea she has feelings]
Now the third promo is just the team going on the mission. Nothing too complex here (or is there????)
Okay so why do I think this WHOLE EPISODE IS A DREAM?
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Well firstly, the very title of the episode has the word Eclipse in it. Why would they do that if it was only going to be a one minute scene? Eclipse has to have some sort of deeper relevance here. Sure you could just argue that they gave us a tiny snippet of the whole scene and again you could be right. Maybe they didn't want to give away too much?
But we know Mac and Riley are not undercover or on a mission. They seem to be having a catch up picnic thing that suddenly leads to a kiss (that totally got cut out before we could see it *cruel cruel world*) Like I said before the whole vibe of that scene seems dreamy. Also note Mac is doing most of the sharing here. Which does make me think its him dreaming, like an inner monologue but Riley’s there too.
Secondly, Mac complaining about Desi not spending enough time with him doesnt sound like him at alll. It would be something he has thought or just a weird dream thing.(Dreams can get weird and out of control too!)
Every single person in the Mac and Desi promo is behaving weirdly.
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Thirdly, add Roman to all of this. There’s no way the dude survived. Its more likely he’s a part of Mac’s nightmare. A symbol of everything Codex took from him, coming back to wreck things.
Fourthly add the press release photos of Desi, Bozer and Russ to all this and things seem to be getting even more confusing. The photos would fit into a dream sequence though. Things cutting in and moving around without making sense.
So what’s the significance of the whole thing? Well what I think is happening here is Mac is conflicted and grieving all at the same time. The first part is him asking Desi out and you can see the awkwardness on both their faces which also reminds me of the first time he asked her out. Its almost as if he’s replaying the scene in his head. 
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Bozer here might be a part of Mac’s consciousness‍ that wants him to fix things with Desi. I really do think theres a part of Mac that did love her at some point.
The significance of Russ being kidnapped might have something to do with their newly formed friendship. The two of them really seem like they are on the same page and Mac obviously cares about him.
The promo scenes with Russ have this weird blurry effect around them. It could just be to show Russ is confused so maybe I really am overthinking this.
We know Mac and Desi are forced to talk about their relationship. This might be Mac having a conversation with Desi in his own head. Maybe even him coming to realise that he and Desi are never going to work, that clinging to Desi and that sense of familiarity is bad for both of them. 
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The second half of the dream or even the part before Mac just wakes up might be the part where he realises that he can have true peace with Riley, aka the picnic scene. (This could be in the beginning but if it really signifies what I think it might him waking up before the kiss would seem fitting)
[They have used the dreamworld before to show Mac coming to terms with not being able to save everyone and the loss of his mother...idk if they will do it again or not but they have done it once before]
An eclipse is supposed to represent growth and major change. Change of day into night. Him having feelings for Riley that have always been there but suddenly showing up might be the metaphor behind this whole episode.
As all us MacRIley fans have suspected before, Mac had feelings for Riley but he didn't deal with it. Kissing Riley in his dream sequence or almost doing it might be the trigger he needs. 
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[SIDE NOTE: Some one tweeted that Lucas Till said this episode was going to blow our minds..I cant find the interview so I cant confirm this happened. He said what the writers are doing with this season blew his mind so take it with a grain of salt....]
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