#takingt his opportunity to plug my fic? i sure am!!
aximili · 4 years
8 27 and 38 [eye emoji]
already answered 38 but [eye emoji] !!
8.     Oldest WIP 
UHHH not counting things i’ve officially abandoned, i guess Blaze??? i started writing it for my undergrad disso which was.... 3 years ago.... fully with the intent to then carry it on and complete the novel. and then afterwards i was like hm im a bit stuck on this, time to focus on something else (never touches it again). i think it needs fully redrafting tho, when i reread it im just like hhhhh i dont like any of this
27.  Favourite line/scene 
i’ll answer for EC....  HMMM. a scene i ended up really enjoying was actually just the little part in chapter 10 where the nein stops at the eistus river before rexxentrum and fjord tries to catch a fish. it ended up containing pretty much a dash of all my favourite things to write (a bit of Sublime Nature Description, a bit of silly wholesome found family shenanigans, a bit of light banter, and then a bit of awkward unexpectedly real talking about feelings). i feel like whenever i write a story i have a few key images in my head of the vibe i want to convey, and this moment was one of them.
“That doesn’t seem like her,” added Nott in the same sceptical tone. “I mean, Jester adores you, Beau.”
Beau was definitely red now. “She adores everyone,” she mumbled, looking at the pile of ripped-up grass in her hand she’d accumulated without realising. She sprinkled it onto Caleb’s head, who shook it off like a cat.
“Yes, but not like-” and Nott hesitated as Caleb gave her some sort of look. What? “Well,” she said hastily, “I’ll let you figure that out yourselves. Just - Jester doesn’t put it out there, but she still needs a lot of support, so don’t retract yours too much, all right?”
Beau looked between them with suspicion. “...I won’t,” she said honestly. “I couldn’t if I wanted to.”
“I found mint!” came Caduceus’s cheerful voice. He sat down next to them, arms bundled with plants, mushrooms and sticks, crumbled earth all over his embroidered robe, looking as happy as could be.
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