guruneko · 1 year
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Taktober week 1
I had something else planned for this week but i couldn't stop thinking about old man Takumi
I might post another thing for this week because i can't with this show.
can you imagine being Takumi and having to see this from time to time
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marferino-fd · 11 months
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The them <3
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lyonface · 1 year
me seeing bunbun taktober art: i should do taktober haha
also me: has finished like two drawings in six months
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thefujiwarazone · 3 years
Taktober 3: Memory
Prompt: Memories
"Snow is great to practice drifting on."
Takumi's heard enough. He tears his gaze away from his friends and focuses on something unimportant in the middle distance, like a sign half-obscured by the buildings across the street. Cold wind slices through his work uniform and chills his skin. He rubs his hands together, wishing he had brought gloves.
When he was little-- or well, younger-- he wore gloves in the early hours, tasked as he was with driving at -4 Celsius with no sun. The mittens had been thick and wooly and served their purpose up until the cabin heated up, and even then, he shivered in his seat all the way up to the hotel at the top of the mountain. Old snow still crusted corners of the parking lot, but not enough to disturb.
At times, he'd helped unload the tofu, if only to stretch his legs and to check his handiwork. Occasionally, the heavy clouds above would start to spit snow, frosting the tip of his nose and dusting his hair. Those were the days he didn't help. The sooner he got home the better, in those cases.
The car already slipped naturally. He felt as if he was walking a tightrope, wrenching back on muscle memory to make sure he didn't overcorrect, to make sure that he didn't forget that the mountain wasn't high and dry. He felt simultaneously alert and unfocused, eyes wide shut to a windshield whited out with fat snowflakes. Stopping never occurred to him-- why would he?
Still, it was as close to running a mountain pass downhill with no brakes as one could get. Is that what people wanted? Control of the car could be lost so easily. He blows his own hot breath into his cupped palms. His friends are still talking, but the conversation's changed.
(But he was still seeing that windshield, wipers furiously batting at the snowfall while he worked the clutch and coaxed the engine into carrying the car on and nudged the whole body into behaving as it needed to. It felt like a fight, it felt like he was losing control, and maybe he was, but if he could just get the car to skip as opposed to skid--)
"Takumi! What are you thinking about over there?"
(The car spun out in a spray of snow and headlight flashes.)
(His arms shook and his core ached and he definitely did not cry between the folds of roaring wind and growling engine.)
"Huh?" Takumi grunts, blinking slowly. "What do you need, Itsuki?"
He levels his gaze back onto his friends, who are looking at him with that familiar mixture of fond-exasperation-confusion-concern.
"I was wanting to ask-- do you like driving in bad weather?"
(His father hadn't said anything when he got home that morning.)
"Not really. Rain is alright, but I prefer dry ground," Takumi says quietly.
That seems to satisfy them until Itsuki erupts with something else, five minutes later.
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bellygunnr · 3 years
cannot believe that you rb'd a fic ask game and didn't immediately tell me so I could flood you with asks!! how could you do this! 2, 6, 9, 10 (for any IniD fic), and 24? feel free to answer as little or many as you like! <333
2. Do you focus on attention to detail?
It is entirely dependent on what I'm angling for, to be honest, or how familiar I am with something. Ideally, I'd like things to be both accurate and detailed, but I straight up don't have the schema for half the things I write about. Not going to stop me from waxing poetic about warships/starships/aircraft though.
I'm a very tactile person, though, so I tend to focus on sensory information and dialogue when writing.
Also, I find that if I get too obsessed with detail, it grinds me to a halt, so whatever stays in RAM the longest, wins.
6. Some topics you will never write about?
I have... no fucking idea, to be honest, aside from the usual "hard no's." If it's me wanting to write it, I'll give it a shot. I know there are things way beyond my comfort zone/etc but I won't know until someone approaches me about them, I'd wager.
9. Any fics you'd love to see but don't want to write yourself?
for some reason what came to mind is Freeguy117 but specifically the world that lives inside my brain for them which kind of defeats the purpose but also like uhhh. video game men go pew pew and also like. emotionally support each other. attempt to, anyway.
do you know how funny it’d be if the Gas Station Crew met Project D in any elaborate capacity. project d knows like jack-all about takumi’s home life its hilarious
10. Favorite character to write about?
Good uhhh fucking question. I think the dog in one of the Taktober prompt fics was a lot of fun to write. Hojo Rin in [REDACTED] was also surprisingly fun, and I can’t wait to see what else he has in store.
24. Fic you wished people asked more about?
Literally any of them. come closer I am a normal writing blog and won’t infodump to you abt my work
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guruneko · 1 year
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taktober week 1:
I’m sorry, i couldn’t draw angels without drawing them butt naked. I had to pay my respect to the gay men who were raging against the catholic church
I'll talk about this universe one day but not today.
Also can i share my playlist because
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also I know I said i'll be doing Taktober weekly but then i came to the conclusion of just posting whenever. I spent the year worrying about deadlines that i just want to draw at my own pace. I'll still label these as Taktober but its different than the previous years.
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guruneko · 11 months
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Taktober week 5(?)
Kiss me baby in the moonlight
rambles. Read it if you like.
I am obsessed with the idea of the confusion of wondering if Takumi is lovingly or hungrily  looking at keisuke. 
I would like a story where the human of the relationship is so madly in love with their vampire that they will willingly give up their blood for them. Then we as the reader have to follow the Vampire’s side of the situation and we have to see their confusion of reciprocating this human’s feelings or using them for food. 
The back of forth of their thoughts as they soon come to the realisation that they too is madly in love with the human and at some point cannot willingly suck their blood. 
They probably disappear at some point and it turns into this whole entire drama of the human needing to see the vampire again. They searched and searched but days turn into weeks and on a fateful day, the human finally finds their vampire but in the verge of hunger. 
Maybe this is the moment when the Human willingly allows the vampire to suck them dry. 
Also, do you guys like it when i input my opinions on my own art? I feel like that might affect people's own interpretation of the artwork if they see the artists' comments. In a lot of my artworks, i have a lot of thoughts and sometimes i can't help but to share them.
Well, that what the "read more" function is for.
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guruneko · 1 year
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Taktober week 2
So i was suddenly hit by this sudden need to draw this weird monster-like angel AU where these angels of this hierarchy type society. 
The entire premise is that angel wings hurt the user. “Why does it hurt?” you may ask yourself. Well, its because they are growing out of their mortal bodies. 
Initially, wings act like wisdom teeth where they grow out later on in your life. They are like a symbol of your growth and as you get older or “holy”, your wings will grow or multiply. A lot of people are born with these angel wings but they grow out maybe after 12 years old (some are later). However, the day they grow out, THEY WILL HURT. You can actually feel your body contorting and some say they hear bones creaking as their wings are setting. Imagine when you were a kid and you were experiencing growing pains. However, if you are in a higher rank of angels, letting out your wings will feel swift and painless but some say the sensation just turns into a paper cut. 
Also, you can put away your wings but when you let them out, you will still feel the sensation but it lessens over time.  So, are you ready for some rambling reading? I hope you are.
Okay so we got the ground works laid out, lets get to the characters. 
First, I’ll start off with Bunta because Takumi is his son and this will be relevant. Bunta has six wings. He actually has reached the highest position that ANY angels want to reach BUT, he chose to stay within the mortal realm instead of going up to the divine gardens. This means that he can’t use all 6 of his wings because once he does, his body will literally burst. Bunta can remake his body but he is too lazy to do so. 
   Another note is that people are unknowingly receiving tofu from a angel. He doesn’t bless the tofu so its nothing special. 
Takumi! So because of Bunta, Takumi had to suffer through the MOST painful wing growth within his age group so his wings were already ENORMOUS. So you can imagine the feeling of it. Takumi said that it took an entire week for his wings to finally grow out. Each time he lets out his wings, its painful and kind a messy since it shoots itself out and you see blood splatter everywhere. You can actually see sprinkles of the galaxy on Takumi’s wings. 
Next up Keisuke. The rebellious one. Keisuke got his wings out almost the same time as Ryosuke which was rare of his age. 
He went against the angels so they took away his right wing. When Ryosuke came over to pick him up, Keisuke vowed to follow the same path as him but had to promise to bear the flames of his punishment. So each time Keisuke lets out his wings, it is immediately engulfed in flames and flying is painful. The flames are intensely beautiful but it is an ugly reminder. I do like to imagine Keisuke as a Phoenix that when he reaches his final form, his mortal flesh will burn off, and that's when his fresh pair of wings come out.
Ryosuke! He has two wings but the bottom ones are very small since he is not high enough. The smaller wings do hurt so he prefers to just use the main ones since it's a lot easier to summon them. Not much about Ryosuke's wings but you can see dreams in his wings.
Thats it! If you reached this far, thank you so much for reading my little thoughts. This has been living in my brain and finally i can spill it out.
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marferino-fd · 1 year
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Project Oct/Taktober spoopyween stuff :D
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