#talith tabris
anneapocalypse · 1 year
Fun fic fact: In the AHSiG world state the Fereldan Grey Wardens specifically do not go to Orlais because Clarel's letter sounds sketchy as fuck and Senior Warden Nathaniel takes them into hiding and also thinks to ask a certain shady old blood mage "Hey what's going on with all of us hearing the Calling at once." So I guess my hot take for this story is that the Orlesian Wardens doing a blood magic was not the problem; the problem was they didn't keep a shady old blood mage on retainer and had to outsource that shit. They could learn something from Ferelden tbh.
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
Writer vs OC
Thank you @bluewren for the tag! 💙
Linked to the piccrew here.
Here's me, Ariane Clairière (wildwood Elezen Warrior of Light, FFXIV), and Talith Tabris (city elf Warden, Dragon Age). Yes, they both like flowers. This was not intentional. 😆
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Tagging: @rosella-writes @inquisimer @dreadfutures @skyeventide @darethshirl @ecosystem-administrator @valeriannnn
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @crackinglamb, thank you!
Tagging: @rosella-writes @nirikeehan @dreadfutures @chocochipbiscuit @warpedlegacy @fivekoboldsinacoat @a-song-in-the-stillness @ineedmyknightcommander and anyone else who wants to share!
My word count has gone to pieces over the past week, but oh well. Here's some Tabriala! Get you a creepy old blood mage uncle. CW: mad sciencey blight experiments. Taint taint taint. Etc.
Talith's voice echoed off the stone walls when she spoke. "Avernus?"
The man did not turn around. "One moment, please. I'm in the middle of something quite precise." They had a rather long wait while the mage finished his task, and Briala took the opportunity to survey the laboratory more thoroughly. She noticed that the walls were lined with maps as well as other notes, and examining one of them more closely she found it to be a very detailed map of a portion of the Deep Roads—not as they were in the height of the empire, but as they were in the present, noting tunnels, cave-ins, and darkspawn-controlled areas.
At last, the old mage left his table and came down the short set of stairs to meet them, gesturing impatiently as he moved to another table. "Twenty-three minutes that mixture needs to rest. Now then. Your Wardens' Calling has been unnaturally induced."
Talith shook her head, cracking a smile as she followed. "Hello, Avernus."
"That is why you've come, isn't it, Commander? I've little patience for pleasantries in my advanced age, so you and your companion will have to forgive me. To the blood—" He flipped through a few pages of the book of notes before him. "Fortuitously, I've studied specimens from Wardens at every stage of the taint's advancement, and that data I have been able to compare with the samples provided by the Senior Warden and several volunteers. Blood and tissue samples…" He waves a hand. "Unimportant. What you must know is that the taint has not advanced naturally."
"What's natural about the darkspawn taint?" Talith said dryly.
"There is a typical progression," the old mage replied impatiently, "which I have observed in many subjects, over two centuries—" Briala raised an eyebrow. "These latest samples are anomalous… inconsistent with reported symptoms… unnatural, in a word."
"Avernus," Talith said urgently, leaning forward on the table, "What does it mean?"
Avernus looked up at last, meeting the Warden-Commander's eyes. "As I told the Senior Warden, without further data I cannot say. The advancement of the corruption is inconsistent with that of a Warden reaching their Calling—in short, they should not be hearing it Therefore, I propose some outside influence. The Senior Warden has been reticent to authorize field tests, and though he suspects the Wardens in Orlais may know more, he declines to make contact with them, thus making it impossible for me to draw any further conclusions." The old man paused, and for a moment Briala thought she saw a flicker of sympathy on his face. "I have abided by Nathaniel's wishes—as I have yours, Commander. Do not think me unconcerned. I would… not wish to see the Order depleted."
Talith cracked a smile. "Don't tell me you're getting attached."
"I am content to work in solitude," Avernus replied stiffly. "However, I shall confess that the recent company has not been… unwelcome."
"The Drydens don't come to the tower much, I suppose."
"They are sociable enough. Nonetheless, it has been… many years since I regularly had the company of fellow Wardens. Do not concern yourself, Commander. As I said, I am quite content."
"As you say, Avernus." Talith's brow furrowed in thought. "So… externally induced or not, is it… a real Calling? Will it… progress as a real Calling would?"
Avernus shook his head. "I lack the information to say. I am sorry, Commander."
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Character Songs tag game!
Tagged by @v-arbellanaris thank you 💙
I'm going to shamelessly cheat and pull these directly off my Tabriala/A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren playlist so they are Talith Tabris songs but they're also ship songs. Also I'm including lyrics snippets because I feel like it.
Breath of Life by Florence + the Machine
I was looking for a breath of life A little touch of heavenly light But all the choirs in my head sang no
Guns and Horses by Ellie Goulding
You're so quiet But it doesn't faze me You're on time You move so fast, makes me feel lazy Let's join forces We've got our guns and horses
Summerday by Dar Williams
From the ship, we could see it in the distance As the fog was finally lifting We had come to the shores of Summerday Gently landing, we jumped out on the sand and found our way Where the dirt was soft and black We started digging a garden And soon we found the woods that we'd call The forest of Arden for to play
I'll Hold My Breath by Ellie Goulding
Force quit on your losing streak Solve a riddle in a magazine, be tongue in cheek Tell me that we're still too young, That we're still too young, and I'll hold my tongue
King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
Taking over this town, they should worry But these problems aside, I think I taught you well That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run
Tagging @rosella-writes @ammoniteflesh @queenaeducan @rakshadow @dreadfutures @warpedlegacy @ialpiriel @ladyswillmart @crackinglamb @ir0n-angel @skyeventide @inquisimer @nirikeehan @exalted-dawn @darethshirl @noire-pandora and anyone else who wants to play (and if you find yourself double tagged please take it as an invitation to post about more than one character 😉)
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
@v-arbellanaris tagged me this week and @nirikeehan tagged me uhhh three weeks ago 😂 so thank you both! I've been on a writing hiatus but I'm working back up to it so here's a snippet.
Tagging @chocochipbiscuit @rosella-writes @delicatefade @ammoniteflesh @ziskandra @dreadfutures @inquisimer @ell-vellan @kiastirling @skyeventide @crackinglamb @ir0n-angel and anyone else who'd like to share!
"How… does this work, exactly?" Briala asked, with curiosity as well as some trepidation. They had retired early and arisen before dawn, eating quickly and packing up their things into the wagon for the journey. Lanaya's aravel was one of the larger ones Briala had seen, all painted wood with intricate carvings and designs. It appeared much too wide to pass through even much of the outskirts, never mind the dense forest into which they ventured. The back, which featured long covered benches that could function as seats or as beds, was entirely covered. The front was open to the air; a wooden frame allowed draperies to be hung over this part as well, but Lanaya had pulled them down so they could see all around them as they traveled. "I have heard about Dalish magic, but…"
"It's simple, really." Lanaya had taken the front seat in the wagon, with Briala and Talith seated behind her. "You've seen that the trees often move of their own accord. The forest lives and breathes, and as Keepers we learn its rhythms, until it moves for us as well."
"But the trees are possessed by spirits. Is that how…"
"We do not use spirits, no. Spirits have a will of their own, and can present a danger to us even if they do not intend to. Keepers study the natural world as well as the power of the Beyond, and the how the one can be reshaped by the other. It is the manipulation of primal forces, not possession or blood magic."
Gheyna and Cammen had finished hitching up the halla, now and they tossed their elegantly-horned heads, eager to get on the move. There were only three, which seemed insufficient to Briala; a carriage of this size in Val Royeaux would have been drawn by at least two large draft horses, and the halla were considerably smaller. Perhaps this too involved magic. Briala climbed into the open front, and Talith sat beside her. Still feeling a bit nervous, Briala welcomed the comfort of her wife's hand in hers. She wondered if Talith felt the same.
Lanaya stood before them at the head of the aravel, and spoke some words in Elvish to the halla. Briala could not make them out, but the creatures seemed to understand, quieting their restless movements and standing ready and attentive.
Gheyna and Cammen, having finished tending to the halla, stood aside, hand in hand, and Gheyna waved. "Dareth shiral, Keeper. Talith, Briala, dareth shiral. Sylaise ma ghilana vhenas."
Cammen added solemnly, "Dareth shiral, Talith. Elgar'nan ma ghilana, lasa mala enasalin."
At that, Talith's expression grew solemn as well. "Ma serannas, lethallen. Dareth shiral."
Briala recognized a few words. Dareth shiral, "Safe journey." Vhenas, enasalin. And the names of the elven gods. Gheyna had bid the Hearthkeeper guide them safely home. Cammen had wished them victory—in the name of Elgar’nan, the god of vengeance.
She was still unsure whether she believed in the elven gods—if she believed in any gods at all—but Briala sent up a silent prayer of her own anyway.
Lanaya raised her staff only slightly. Her back was to Briala and Talith as she began to weave the magic that would aid their journey, and Briala could see only a soft green glow emanating from the crystal set unto her wooden staff. With her off hand, she seemed to weave the magic into form; the glow grew before her, and then dispersed like a cloud, sinking low to the ground and seeming to disappear into the earth.
The halla moved, and the wagon with them, and where they ventured east into the trees… the trees parted.
They did not walk, as the angry sylvans had. Their roots did not tear from the ground, not did their branches take the form of reaching arms. They hardly seemed to move at all—Briala truly could not tell whether the trees were sliding aside, or the ground itself had swelled beneath them, forming a path between them.
Lanaya took a set on the bench in front of them, though it was clear she was maintaining the spell through concentration, and Briala kept quiet to avoid disturbing her, instead looking in wonder as the trees slipped past on either side. The halla picked up speed, and the aravel glided smoothly through the forest where it parted for them. Its movement was incredibly, impossibly smooth, smoother than a carriage over packed dirt.
She was awestruck. It was the closest thing to her childhood dreams of a magical elven paradise that she had ever experienced in real life. From in front of them came Lanaya's voice, gently amused. "What do you think, my friends?"
"I've never seen anything like this," Briala said, finding her voice. "I've never… in truth I had thought much of the legend of Dalish magic to be just that."
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
WIP Wthursday
Thank you for the tag, @theluckywizard! I'm a day late and a dollar short but in the past week I managed to actually finish a chapter, so I'm here to share!
Tagging: @warpedlegacy @ar-lath-ma-cully @rosella-writes @nirikeehan @crackinglamb @doomhippy83 @rakshadow and anyone else who'd like to share.
Context: While our heroines were in Denerim getting hitched, the banns of Gwaren have rebelled. Briala and Talith have just made it out of the Brecilian Forest. Now they need a plan to take Gwaren back.
"So…" Talith said with a great sigh as they reached the edge of the outskirts, where the trees thinned and gave way to farmland as far as the eye could see. She trailed off, but Briala felt the implicit Now what?
"Allies," Briala said. "Lanaya was right about that. And we will need information. If the castle holds, if it has been taken. How many soldiers guard the town. We will need a plan to get inside."
Talith brightened just a little. "I know how we can get inside the castle. You read the biography of King Maric, didn't you? The Stolen Throne? You know about the Deep Roads entrance?"
In all the concern for how they would get out of the forest, Briala had admittedly forgotten. With Talith's words, the story came back to her. "Maric Theirin used the Deep Roads to reach Gwaren after the battle of West Hill. But that entrance opened into the town, if I recall." She did remember that part. The rebel King, believed killed at West Hill, emerging like a sign from the Maker himself to greet his loyal followers and lead them to victory, avenging his mother's murder and driving the Orlesians from Ferelden. Briala wondered how many details had been altered or embellished to place Maric in the light of legend, like his forebear King Calenhad. Fereldans, like Orlesians, were fond of their bloodlines. Still, it was a compelling story.
"Right. But the old outpost extends under all of Gwaren. It runs under the castle itself. I don't know if Maric could have gotten that far in his time—the passages might have been blocked off. But they're cleared now. We went down there—the Grey Wardens—to clear out the darkspawn and reclaim the salt mines. It's all sealed off from the Deep Roads proper now, to keep the darkspawn away. But you can still get to the castle from the town entrance."
"Then we need to get into town without being seen."
Talith sighed. "That's going to be the hard part. There will be guards everywhere, and they'll be looking at elves harder than anyone." She grimaced. "I hate to admit this, but some things were easier when I could still be invisible."
"No doubt it was," Briala agreed. "But were that still the case, you would not have a castle reclaim."
"Sometimes I wonder if that would really be worse."
Briala decided to let that remark pass. "Are there any vassals you can trust? Anyone you can be sure would aid you in reclaiming Gwaren?"
Talith looked dejected at that. "No. Not all of them have actively risen against me, but… I can't be sure they'd help, either."
Briala nodded. It was, in truth, the answer she had expected. "Then it is too risky to contact any of them directly. We will simply have to turn elsewhere for help." She paused, considering. "Do you know where the herbalist lives?" She had not spent days and weeks traveling into town and speaking to the elven townspeople for nothing.
"Alys? Outside of town, I believe. She grows her own stock there."
Briala nodded. "Precisely. I have an idea."
If no nobles would take their side, Briala knew who would.
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
A little bit of city elf headcanon (featuring Talith Tabris from the Briala/f!Tabris fic I'm working on).
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While I love that iconic city elf concept art as much as anyone (lady covered in blood hot), I've actually come to really like the in-game wedding clothes and they have given rise to two headcanons for me.
Tabris's wedding outfit looks sort of dwarfy because it is! Cyrion bought it for her from a Dwarven clothier in Denerim.
Wearing all-white for your wedding isn't really a thing in alienage culture. White garments are easily ruined (especially in a muddy city). Brightly colored dyes make for more expensive fabrics, but also for bold garments with repeat wearability. City elves, whose working clothes are usually neutrals and earthtones, love to add color for festive occasions. The more color, the better!
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
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Briala and Talith 💞
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anneapocalypse · 1 month
14 and 20 for that ship meme!
14. Opinion on the importance of marriage?
It completely depends on the ship. I don't think every character would or should get married no matter how in love they are, or maybe they would get married under certain circumstances but not others. And for others, maybe marriage is extremely important!
(Spoilers for Red vs. Blue, Dragon Age Origins, and FFXIV: Heavensward ahead.)
I don't see Agent Carolina from Red vs. Blue, for example, as the marrying kind, and in my Mainelinaverse marriage is never going to be a thing. However I actually make an exception for Kimbalina, not just because I think it's something Kimball would want but because the institution of marriage even being a thing again is a sign of Chorus rebuilding and being A Society again. I still think it would take Carolina a good few years on Chorus to get comfy with the idea. But I do like the idea that she and Kimball eventually get married.
My Dragon Age OC Ilana Tabris never wants to get married and never does. She and Zevran spend the rest of their days happily and polyamorously in love and never marry. My other Tabris, Talith, is excited to get married and devastated at what happens on her first wedding day, and twelve years later marries Orlesian refugee Briala to offer her political protection and only after the wedding bells do they fall in love!
And as for Ariane in FFXIV... I do think marriage is something she's open to, though not something she'd rush into, and I think it is in her future with Urianger post-Dawntrail. (Fun/sad fact: Count Edmont tells her after Haurchefant's death that he was planning on proposing to her, which leaves her with even more heartbreak and messy feelings about what could have been--she totally would have said yes, but also never would have really fit in in Ishgard.) I think with Urianger the way it eventually comes up is probably that Ariane asks him if he'd ever want a kid (the answer's yes), and that discussion segues into "Do we want to get married?"
20. Who’s the ship’s biggest in-universe supporter?
Hah, that's a good question! Thancred and even Y'shtola both give them a nudge a certain point, but it's more in a "can you two get your shit together" kind of way. Alphinaud is weird about it at first because he's kind of had a crush on Ariane in that way teenagers do even though he knew it was absolutely never happening because he's too young for her. Alisaie is just kind of "Good for them" about it.
I'd actually have to say the biggest supporter is Ryne! (And I'm going to be so self-indulgent here and share a few snippets from a WIP because I feel like it.) Urianger has become like family to her, and he talked about Ariane so much during those three years, Ryne almost felt like she knew her too.
Minfilia had never met Ariane, but she had been hearing of her, ever since Thancred came and took her from Eulmore. It was Thancred who first told her of Ariane, the Warrior of Light. Not the ones who had brought on the Flood, but a Warrior of Light of a distant star, both like this world and different. He told her of other companions too, a group called the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and of the one who once led them: Minfilia. The first Minfilia. His Minfilia, he called her. Then she met Urianger, who lived with the pixies. He spoke often of Ariane, calling her a "dear friend." One day, he said, she too would be brought to the First, and when she did, things would get better. Ariane was kind, Urianger said, and caring, and clever, and a skilled healer in multiple disciplines; in fact it was in part she who had inspired him to take up astrology, even in a world with no night. "Ariane sounds wonderful," she said to Thancred once, and Thancred let out a sort of laugh. "She's… quite lovely," he said, sounding as though there was something he wasn't saying. Minfilia had come to know the sound of that. "Though I dare say she sounds especially lovely when Urianger speaks of her." "What do you mean?" Minfilia asked, instantly curious. "Oh, nothing," Thancred said with a short laugh. "He's very fond of her, is all."
Ryne is very quick to notice that Urianger's fondness for Ariane is not one-sided, and she bonds with Ariane quickly too when she arrives, both because she's heard so much about her and because Ariane reaches out and treats her kindly and is clearly trying to get to know her as a person, not just as the Oracle of Light.
So when she realizes they aren't spending time together anymore after the First is saved... it really shakes her. It's like realizing something's wrong between two family members that you love dearly.
He was with Ryne at her astronomy lessons when the girl looked up suddenly, and said, “I haven’t seen you with Ariane very much lately.” “Ah…” he said, considering how to reply. 'Twould be fruitless to deny it; Ryne was an observant child. “’Tis true, we have seen little of one another of late.” He had meant to keep his voice light, but Ryne looked at him with an expression of some alarm. “You haven’t quarreled, have you?” “Nay,” he was quick to assure her, then added, “…not precisely. If we have been distant, the fault is mine.” “But you’ll be all right, won’t you?” Ryne pressed. “You’ll work it out? The two of you care so much for each other.” Urianger was at a loss as to how to reply. He longed to assuage the girl’s worries, and yet he could little assure of her of that of which he was himself uncertain. He reminded himself that Ryne could handle the truth—nay, deserved it. (As had Ariane. Had he only found a way to share it with her, without risking everything.) “Ariane hath asked time to herself,” he said at last. “There are times when another may ask the gift of our absence, and if we care for them, we must grant it. She shall return when she is ready… and until then, I shall respect her wishes.” Ryne nodded. “I see…” and Urianger could tell that it still troubled her. Nevertheless, she said no more.
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anneapocalypse · 4 months
January Writing (+ a little Wednesday WIP)
Word Count: 6250
Thanks to getting sick this month, I did not get as much done this month as I'd hoped, but all things considered, I'm not unhappy with what I did get. I did some work on Harsh Light early in the month, wrote various FFXIV snippets throughout, and as February approaches, I have been writing a bit of Dragon Age again! This is the first week I've been back to my writing routine in earnest, but I'm feeling very energized and ready to do more.
I had been tossing around the idea of working on A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren in February (I may not end up with anything ready to post for Femslash February, but I can at least work on some femslash!) and as January comes to an end I've found myself excited to get back into that fic, and to work on an established project in general, so I think that's what's happening.
Here's a little snippet from this week!
Context: While Teyrn Tabris and Briala were in Denerim getting married, her human vassals have attempted a coup, and Castle Gwaren is currently under seige. With the help of an already-organized elven resistance, our heroines must find a way back to the castle to take command and put down the coup.
The first hitch was that the wagon would be inspected upon entering the town. There was no way around this. Bribery was not an option; if the guards were humans in the service of the banns, there was a strong chance they would simply pocket the gold and turn the elves in anyway. The resistance had a handful of people on the inside—elven knights sworn to the nobles' service, hired by necessity, Talith had explained, as the population of Gwaren had shifted more and more toward elves. They were trusted, reluctantly, to wield the sword for their liege, but they would not be trusted to guard the gates during a coup against the elven ruler. Unless there were an unexpected change of guard rotation, perhaps due to sudden illness. Talith had visibly perked up, to Briala's amusement, at the mention of poisons. "What will you be using? Not deathroot, I assume." "Nay, too bitter, easily detected," Alys had replied, briskly taking down phials and jars from a high cabinet she had unlocked with a large steel key. "I prefer a strain of deep mushroom for such applications… a moderate solution, we don't want them dead immediately, just taken ill, which is going to arouse suspicion as it is, so our agents will be administering the poison at the last possible minute, and your timing will be narrow, as it's likely to be discovered quickly. Our scheduled guards will sit down to lunch, fall ill within the hour, and our people will step in to replace them, just long enough to get your wagon inside. As soon as the commander discovers them, their cover will be burned, so Farron's got someone to extract them… hopefully." She had removed several strips of dried mushroom gingerly with a pair of tongs, crushing them to a powder with her mortar and pestle, then looked up to regard Talith and Briala gravely. "That spends two of our agents, and there's a chance they may not make it out. So, with all due respect, my ladies, do make this one count." Talith had swallowed. "Thank you, Alys. This means everything to me." "To us as well, my lady. It's our future hangs in the balance here, and we'll do what we can to restore you as our rightful ruler. There will be casualties, and I know you won't spend those lives lightly." Her eyes had dropped to the floor. "Still, I know nearly every elf in the resistance by name… I'd be remiss if I didn't say it. I pray the Maker give you swift and decisive victory… for us, as well as for you."
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
WIP WThursday
Tagged yesterday by @delicatefade and I didn't get to post before I went to bed.
Tagging @dreadfutures @rosella-writes @imakemywings @rakshadow @warpedlegacy
I am getting back to work on A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren, so here's a snippet of that.
Context: Briala and Tabris are having breakfast with King Alistair, and the conversation is moving on from the false Calling to lighter subjects, like Alistair's love life. (Background Zevistair!)
Briala interjected, "Does Lord Eamon know?"
"He doesn't. I’ve been dreading telling him, if I'm being honest. He's been after me to marry for years."
Talith raised an eyebrow. "Did you… tell him about Grey Wardens and children?"
"I did tell him that, yes. He says its my duty to try.” Alistair ran a hand through his hair, and sighed. “And to answer your next question, no, he doesn’t know about… the ritual.” Before Briala could ask what a blood magic ritual had to do with the line of succession, he went on, “And he won’t. Not so long as I have anything to say about it. I made a promise to Morrigan, and I mean to keep it.”
Talith smiled. “You’ve softened on her over the years.”
“Well, she did save our lives. More importantly, she was very clear on the point that she never wanted the child involved in politics. I respect that. I of all people understand that.”
Briala sat, quietly coming to grips with the fact that the King of Ferelden had had a secret child with Celene’s arcane advisor, in what had supposedly been a blood magic ritual to prevent the death of a Grey Warden to whom she was now married. Despite all her years of collecting noble gossip and intrigue for the empress and later for herself, she doubted she could have imagined such a thing had she tried.
“I do, too. I wouldn’t go back on that.” Talith gave her friend and king a sidelong look. “So… no marriage on the horizon I understand, but there wouldn’t be anyone… special for you, would there?”
King Alistair blinked, clearly caught off guard. “Well, I mean—”
“I knew it!” Talith cried with startling enthusiasm. “You’re sleeping with Zevran, aren’t you?”
The king’s face went a deep red. “How on earth did you figure that out?”
“Very easily. You never told me he was in Denerim, but you asked him to come to the wedding and keep an eye out. Which means that you knew he was here, therefore he was probably here for you, and you were embarrassed to tell me because you knew I’d figure it out.” Talith crossed her arms triumphantly. “Do I have it?”
“Maker’s breath,” King Alistair muttered.
Talith laughed and patted his arm. “You’ll never be a rogue, Your Majesty. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it quiet. Honestly, I’m happy for you both. Truly.”
The king was still red-faced, but smiled. “Thank you. I—he does make me happy. I hope I do the same for him.”
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
Find the Word WIP Game
@dreadfutures was challenged to find the words "Hope" "Grit" "Strength" and "Sky" in her works, and tagged me to find "nothing" "teeth" "capable" and "wish" in mine!
Answers below under the cut.
I'm tagging @chocochipbiscuit, @ialpiriel, @ammocharis, and @bluewren to find the words "body," "feast," "yellow," and "time" in any of your work, if you'd like to play!
It turns out I don't have a huge amount of open WIPs right now (for Dragon Age, anyway), so a couple of these are from posted fics.
nothing - from A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren
"Are you all right?" Briala asked quietly.
Talith turned to look at her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's all right."
"And I'm sorry about…" Talith's eyes dropped to the stone floor. "I shouldn't have… I'm sorry about last night, Briala."
Briala rose from the bed, walking over to the window and taking the chair next to Talith. Her wife. "Talith, please. You did nothing wrong."
After a long pause, Talith said, "There's something I need to tell you."
"I am listening."
teeth - A Pot to Piss In
"Old lady flattened the ears right off of her."
"I said watch your mouth,"  Shianni snaps, in a tone that makes even Sera stand up straight. "Teylan, go home."
"You're not my mother."
"I can go talk to her, if you want."
The little dishwater-blond boy and the big red-haired girl glare each other down for a minute, and then the little boy runs off, but not before he sticks his tongue out at Sera over his shoulder. Sera pulls a face back, showing her teeth. Ears might be flat but her eyeteeth are still sharp.
capable - No Woman Rules Alone
"And there's Ser Cauthrien, of course. She has a good chance at winning, and I'd not be sorry to see it, though I should be sorry to lose my General."
Arl Tabris shot her a glance. "She couldn't do both? Your father did."
"In name, yes. Though my father spent more time in Denerim than he did in Gwaren—a fact frequently remarked upon by my mother. Most of the actual ruling fell to her. Perhaps that is why… Well." There was no point in going down that road. "My father was a capable man, but never what you'd call a people person."
Arl Tabris, tactfully, said nothing.
wish - from A Hero Sleeps in Gwaren
Gaspard laughed. "If you would have an elf and a foreigner represent your nation at the negotiating table, that is your choice, King Alistair. But you must realize it is highly irregular."
"Emperor Gaspard, Teyrn Tabris is the the Hero of the Fifth Blight, to whom every citizen of both our nations, from the highest to the lowest, owes their respect, if not their life. Her wife, the Lady Briala has, in taking her marriage vows, sworn fealty to the Crown and wishes to see peace between our nations, as do we all."
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