#talking about writer's block; talking about baby names for boyfriend's future kids; collapsing in room and somehow writing a little more;
etirabys · 1 year
(the second paragraph is serious, but the analogy between the first and second paragraph is a shitpost)
Years ago I read an article (true or not I cannot say) about people whose meditation practice lets them function on less sleep. The catch is that you have to meditate as many hours as you take away. Huh, I thought at the time. If this is true, then people who meditate are able to do a function (memory consolidation? background processing of stuff?) while conscious that the body usually can't do unless it's unconscious.
I notice I was really really tired an hour ago (and mostly stopped writing/talking, which I'd been doing for much of the day) and am really really tired now, but spent that whole hour doing... er... it's hard to say. It involves being on my computer. It involves writing up and musing over the most interesting things that happened to me today. It involves rereading the words I wrote for my fiction project and sort of... getting used to their existence. I empirically wanted to do this more than sleep, which I wanted very much. I was barely on social media (I posted some of these thoughts and immediately switched my attention to reading/typing more thoughts) so I don't think it's an addiction thing. And after an hour of this I have a distinct relaxed / garbage-out feeling, like I've mentally caught up with my own day.
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