#talkingtea shady posts
talkingtea · 2 years
wait does the westallen fandom really want iris to divorce him? the original Barry from the first 5 seasons (right until EW took over and wrote him OOC) would do literally anything for the love of his life and she was his literal rock. he would’ve spent every waking moment looking for her and would be depressed any other moment. this isn’t our Barry, just a terribly written version. and if we want them to divorce then aren’t we doing what EW wants?? making Barry neglectful and dislikable enough to the point where we wish they break up? he wants us to feel this way so westallen will be gone!! the real westallen is the heart of the show and would do anything for each other. they don’t deserve a divorce because of stupid ass EW who hates Black women trying to ruin them ://
It’s a joke…but at the same time, not really. Iris deserves a man that loves her, protects her and puts her first and while that used to be Barry that’s not him now and we highly doubt with Eric in charge try that anything will change.
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gr-andice · 6 years
an addition to shady post 2...
1. Unconscious self-grooming (stroking his tie, smoothing – or tousling – his hair etc.)
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*bonus twinning moment ;) oh and there are probably a ton more i can’t find right now
2. Standing close to you (this has cultural overtones, but in general a man will approach you and stand as close as socially acceptable)
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3. He checks out your body (he’s already done that, but now he lets you see him do it)
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4. He will lend you his coat (it’s a protective and possessive gesture. **Or if someone beats him to it he’ll whisper-yell across several people to let you know he cares**
**can’t find it but cue paleyfest 2017**
*Not to be left out, women have their signals too…
1. Pouting and licking her lips while lowering her eyelids and gazing upward at the man
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2. Laughing At Your Jokes. While it’s true that women like a man who can make them laugh, it’s worth noting that she might not be laughing because you’re the funniest guy at the bar. She might be laughing just because she likes you.
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**this vid: https://www.instagram.com/p/BeiHfwdFRFZ/
*And of course there’s mirroring…
1. Mirror Image: Here’s an interesting fact: men (and women, for that matter) will subconsciously start mirroring your movements or gestures when they’re feeling flushed. You might notice certain aspects of your body language are being adopted. The bigger and more common replications are things like how you’re standing, how you’ve positioned your body, how you’re sitting, etc. But a guy might be head-over-heels if he starts mimicking your hand gestures and other smaller ticks.
**see first image in this post and....
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credit: @talkingtea​
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talkingtea · 2 years
LOL, we knew that Brandon’s girlfriend Celeste was following Candice but we didn’t realize she was following her back. It’s not a big deal but it just reminds us that Candice refuses to follow LA after all these years 😂😂😂
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talkingtea · 3 years
i’m still reading back, what’s this about g “accidentally” liking comments of ppl wanting to kill off iris???!!!! when did this happen?? and PLEASE tell me he apologised… that man is unbelievable wow, i’m glad the media don’t gaf about him
Thanksgiving 2017…
Candice made a generic Thanksgiving post asking what people were grateful for and some jackass said
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One of those 75 likes, which is still there by the way, was Grant’s. He didn’t even like the actual post. 🙄
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If you go through the comments in the post practically the whole thing became about talking about what Grant did. So instead of him coming out and saying anything publicly on his page he decided to go around DM’ing or commenting on accounts that reposted the proof that he liked the comment. Here was his explanation
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So on one hand he claims it was doctored, which obviously isn’t the case since damn near four years later the like is still there. On the other hand he claims he liked it potentially which just means that on his so called romantic getaway with LA he was all up on Candice’s post—that he wouldn’t publicly acknowledge, mind you—being nosy and going through her comment section that had absolutely nothing to do with him.
Grant was on one around that time because just a week or so before that he had posted the Westallen wedding photo that went on to be the first photo he ever had that reached a million likes. And then on Thanksgiving he made a post with him and LA that was suspiciously about to become another one of his photos with a million likes until people called him out for buying likes. He acted shocked and offended as if he had never heard of such a thing but magically the likes slowed and the photo never reached a million likes and more importantly never surpassed the Westallen photo as his most popular photo that year. But Grant is not one to be deterred and even if the devil works hard he worked 10 times harder to make sure Westallen was never seen as more popular than his ‘real’ life relationship so he became LITERALLY the only person we’ve ever seen that found a way to re-arrange his yearly Instagram Top Nine instead of just posting of the way it truly was. All because his #1 photo would be a Westallen one.
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So this bullshit is just a sample of all the little weird ass ways Grant used to do things that would undermine Westallen or make things for Candice even harder than they already were so when we talk about him being a shitty leading man and costar to her this is what we mean.
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talkingtea · 3 years
We haven’t had to do this in a while but THIS particular crazy is getting added to the Identity Thief masterlist.
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talkingtea · 3 years
So was creepy the look they were going for or…?
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talkingtea · 3 years
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Soooooooo....this was just brought to our attention and it’s interesting to say the least especially given all that has transpired today. Shall we start taking bets now for when the damage control is going to start?
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talkingtea · 4 years
We saw this floating in Twitter and it reminded us yet again why Danielle ain’t shit and she was 100% banking on Barry/Caitlin becoming a thing.
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talkingtea · 4 years
Look at what we found...
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talkingtea · 4 years
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Awww, look. Even though LA probably wedged her arm under Grant’s while he was sleeping in order to take this picture just look at them being close enough on the couch to touch. Guess we can’t point out how far apart they are on the couch anymore. Thanks LA.
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talkingtea · 4 years
I know we talked about the literal last minute birthday post and the birthday that became all about CP but we can’t forget about the sponsored post from her birthday in Vegas lolol
The first time he acknowledged her birthday he waited until 11:59pm pacific time to post this
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And apparently he didn’t make it because it shows the 12th. 😂 Anyway she never liked it so clearly she wasn’t impressed...
Attempt #2 was sponsored by Venetian Hotel and Casino. How did we know that? Well, let Grant tell you all about it...
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Grant got in on the actual date so kudos to him for that...but his tagging leaves a little bit to be desired. 😬
Attempt #3 he went ALL the way out. He ‘snuck’ in to ‘surprise’ LA at the professional photoshoot she just so happened to have set up to show off her new dramatic look that she just so happened to get just a few short weeks before the YouTube page she was unveiling, you know, just to help people.
It was sooooo romantic, or at least, that’s what we’re was supposed to believe. LA was so touched and Grant got to be crowned hubby of the day...until about an hour later when he started going back and forth with people in the comment section who reminded him that he wasn’t shit when it came to supporting Candice. Admittedly it was a bit of detour from the very obvious but it was okay because the day was saved when Grant and LA posted her headshot and the media jumped all over it and couldn’t talk about anything else.
Oh wait...
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Maybe the 4th time will be the charm?
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talkingtea · 4 years
So based on your own opinions and speculations, when do you think GG & CP started and when they ended? And can you explain using seasons instead of year (just to compare their on-screen chemistry and/or weirdness).
We’re just going to cut to the chase because we’re pretty much over trying to find clever ways to beat around the bush. But let us preface this ‘theory’ by saying if Candice was white we 100% believe that her and Grant would have dated publicly at the very least if not become one of the very highly publicized ‘It’ couples on the CW.
We think things between Grant and Hannah ended because he wanted to be with someone else. That someone else being Candice. As we’ve mentioned before we’ll never believe for a second that Grant basically blew up his life for someone like LA. We’ve seen the way he is around her and how he’s treated her since the beginning of their so-called ‘romance’ and it doesn’t add up. Even if he got completely blindsided and dumped by Hannah and decided to rebound we STILL don’t buy it. With that being said given the way he is towards Candice and has somehow managed to be consistently for years leads us to believe that he would blow up his whole life for a chance to be with her.
The problem with that situation is Grant, at the time, was probably at the height of his popularity. He was the Golden Boy of the network on the highest rated *family* show with a mostly squeaky clean image. On the flip side there was Candice who was very popular with her fans but beyond that, at that point, she wasn’t being embraced by the (racist) fandom or the media. So how would it look if Grant left his pretty, blonde girlfriend (and we like Hannah so that isn’t an insult) to hook up with his black co-star? Not good, let’s be honest, but that didn’t stop the rumors and speculations from starting to speculate.
Enter LA.
Ambiguously single Grant went from appearing to still be ‘connected’ to Hannah (even though those he paid attention back then knew they hadn’t been around each other in months) until she made it Instagram ‘official’ by unfollowing him the morning after the Golden Globes which, in turn, begin to fuel rumors about him and Candice. A week later—literally—a deflection AKA LA dropped out of the sky. And we knew of her existence almost immediately because of the Instagram bread crumbs Grant so graciously left us that led us straight to her page. Not suspicious at all.
So, LA, the physical therapist from San Fran that Grant refused to get off his and go visit dutifully left evidence on social media for MONTHS that would drive home the point over and over that Grant had something going on with her. And if he was dating her he couldn’t possibly be seeing anyone else...right? We’re only supposed to pay attention and believe what’s put in our faces repeatedly...and most did. Long story short LA comes across like she’s a beard only we don’t think Grant is gay. Grant found a ‘companion’ he can parade on social media to manipulate people’s perception of his life. And for the duration of his time on the Flash we think she’ll be in the picture. After that? Not so much.
As far as Grant and Candice goes we think they were HIGHLY discouraged from publicly dating. Privately though they could do what they want. And we think they did until the last few months leading up to Grant’s wedding which was the beginning of season 5. They shot episode 5 at the end of August that year. But for those that remember that was around the time those bargin basement engagement photos were put out (even though they had been taken in late March/early April) and not long after LA actually started following her wedding planner (even though they supposedly had been working together for months 🙄) and their wedding ‘season’ officially began. If you watch the episodes from six on the chemistry, when they did actually have scenes together, was off. Not bad, per say, just off. That easy, natural, touchy-feely (maybe too touchy-feely) chemistry they had was absent. Grant pretty much stopped promoting the show, and since that was their big Westallen family season, it was a bad look because it came across like he didn’t want to promote his black family...but we digress. Their off-screen relationship seemed rocky, at best, to the point that people had their doubts she even went to that wedding. Yes, we know Candice said she was there, but she must have got the hell out of dodge at the first opportunity because there has managed to be not one shred of physical evidence that she was there. But, again, we digress.
So the short version of this long winded answer is that we defintely think something was going on to some degree since mid Season two until the beginning of season 5. But given how Grant’s overly triggered ass still reacts to her we wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t extend beyond that. But that’s just our theory...
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talkingtea · 4 years
If people want to know why we say Danielle (and Co.) ain’t shit look no further that this thread. Someone was nice enough to gather up ALL the receipts
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talkingtea · 4 years
When did he lie about a photoshoot? Please fill me in
You missed all that? Welp, guess it’s time for a little trip down memory lane....
So it all started with Grant posting a photo from the world’s dullest, dead-eyed photoshoot
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We highly doubt he’d never seen that shot before but given that the photoshoot leaves no type of impression or makes any impact we could see how he could forgot about it. We forget about bland, season-less things too.
But we digress...
So this was posted a couple weeks after SDCC that year and in between time some adorable photos of Grant and Candice were released by the LA Times
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So fans in his comments asked him to post one of those pictures. We repeat PEOPLE ONLY WANTED HIM TO POST PICS FROM THAT SHOOT.
That’s it. Just repost one of those. Literally that was all people were asking for.
So, Grant started off good by liking a few comments
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So, okay. So far so good. He sees what people are saying and he’s receiving it. Cool. That lasted about five minutes before he started commenting
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So this was Grant taking it upon himself to make a promise that HE would try and make a real photoshoot happen between him and Candice before the end of the season. That was the beginning of Season 5. That ‘by the end of the season’ came and went...twice.
In a nutshell he was asked to do something by the fandom to show support for WA but instead of doing that one simple thing he decided to make a bigger deal out of it by making a promise to do something that would get the fandom excited...and off his back. In the end there was no photoshoot, he never posted anything from the LA Times photoshoot and to add insult to injury he flat out ignored the Westallen family photo AND poster that was released. When we say he wasn’t shit in Season 5 this is what we mean.
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talkingtea · 4 years
Why is he like this?
We knoooooooooooowwwww they’re not married in real life. Unlike some people *stares at Grant* we don’t have to be constantly reminded or need it clarified.
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talkingtea · 4 years
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Seems like someone’s numbers were a little low, guess it was time to release the Kracken. 🙄🙄
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