tamilcrackersshop · 2 years
Why You Need to Buy Indian Crackers and Avoid Chinese Crackers
Introduction: The Importance of Choosing Indian Crackers
When it comes to celebrating special occasions like Diwali, crackers are an integral part of the festivities. However, with the increasing popularity of Chinese crackers, it is important to consider the impact of our choices on our environment, economy, and national security.
Environmental Impact: Choose Eco-Friendly Indian Crackers
Chinese crackers are often made with harmful chemicals that pose a serious threat to the environment. These chemicals not only release toxic fumes but also contribute to soil and water pollution. On the other hand, Indian crackers are made using eco-friendly materials and methods, making them a better choice for the planet. For instance, some Indian crackers are made with recycled paper and natural ingredients like flowers, leaves, and food coloring.
Economic Benefits: Supporting Local Businesses
By choosing to buy Indian crackers, you are supporting local businesses and helping to boost the Indian economy. Indian cracker manufacturers employ a large number of people, especially during peak seasons like Diwali. When you buy Indian crackers, you are contributing to the growth of small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, local businesses are more likely to follow ethical and environmental standards than Chinese manufacturers, who may exploit workers and engage in unethical practices.
National Security: Avoid Funding China’s Military
Buying Chinese crackers may seem like a small act, but it can have larger implications. A portion of the profits from Chinese crackers is believed to go towards funding the Chinese military, which can be a threat to India’s national security. Moreover, Chinese crackers may contain toxic substances like lead and barium, which can be harmful to human health. In contrast, Indian crackers are subject to quality checks and safety regulations, ensuring that they are safe for use.
Conclusion: Choose Indian Crackers for a Better Future
In conclusion, choosing Indian crackers over Chinese crackers can have a positive impact on our environment, economy, and national security. By making a conscious choice to support local businesses and reduce our carbon footprint, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. So this Diwali, make a responsible choice and choose Indian crackers
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tamilcrackersshop · 2 years
The History and Cultural significance of Firecrackers
Bursting crackers makes us happy. Why not learn some history about it. Let’s dive into the journey of firecracker’s history and their significance through out the period of time.
The ancient origins of firecrackers and how they’ve become a cultural tradition
Firecrackers have been a part of cultural traditions for centuries. The Chinese are credited for inventing the first firecrackers, which were made from hollowed-out bamboo stalks filled with gunpowder and set off with a spark from a flame.
The Chinese used firecrackers to ward off evil spirits, announce important events or milestones, and as a lucky charm. As Chinese immigrants immigrated to other parts of the world. They brought with them the tradition of using firecrackers as a way to celebrate special occasions.
Today, fireworks and firecrackers are a common way to celebrate life’s milestones. Firecrackers are often seen as a celebratory device to mark Chinese New Year, weddings, birthdays, and other special events across the world. They’ve also become deeply ingrained in traditional Chinese culture. continue to be used widely to honor the gods, celebrate the lunar new year, and bring luck and good fortune.
Exploring the cultural significance of firecrackers in different festivals and celebrations
Firecrackers are a staple of many different festivals and celebrations around the world. In Chinese culture, firecrackers are an integral part of various celebrations. During the Chinese New Year and certain spiritual celebrations, firecrackers are set off to ward off evil spirits and bring luck. Firecrackers are also used during the Lantern Festival, which celebrates the beginning of spring.
In India, firecrackers are used to celebrate Diwali, a festival of lights. Fireworks are set off to celebrate the victory of good over evil and to bring in a new auspicious beginning.
In Japan, firecrackers are a popular part of numerous annual festivals. During the New Year Eve celebrations, firecrackers are used to signify joy and happiness. Firecrackers are also used during festivals such as Bon-Odori, a traditional Japanese dance festival.
In Spain and Latin America, firecrackers are used to celebrate the Las Fiestas de San Fermin, a religious festival that honors a patron saint. Firecrackers are used to symbolize the sacrifice of St. Fermin and to mark the climax of the celebration.
Firecrackers are also popular in North America. During the Fourth of July holiday in the United States, firecrackers are used to celebrate. Firecrackers are often used during cultural parades and at nighttime celebrations to symbolize freedom and unity.
Firecrackers are seen as a way of making noise in order to bring in a new, auspicious time. The loud bangs created by firecrackers are seen as symbols of luck and prosperity. Firecrackers are also symbolic of joy and celebrations, and are used to welcome newlyweds or new babies, or to celebrate occasions such as graduations or birthdays.
From China to India: tracing the historical journey of firecrackers:
By the 1700s, firecrackers had arrived in India, courtesy of Chinese and Portuguese traders who introduced them through the network of Asian trading routes. Initially, firecrackers were seen as a Chinese tradition and people outside of China kept it for special festivals or events.
However, over the next few centuries, firecrackers began to take on a more prominent role in Indian culture, as festivals and religious holidays became increasingly associated with them. For example, they became a part of Diwali celebrations and were used to ward off bad luck, keep away evil spirits and signify joy and good fortune.
Today, firecrackers remain a vibrant and essential aspect of Indian culture and are used year-round during religious holidays and festivals such as Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, and Holi. Firecrackers are now even used as popular toys and games all over India, as well as for various practical or artistic purposes.
The role of firecrackers in religious and spiritual ceremonies
Firecrackers are often used as a way to mark important events or spiritual ceremonies. In some religions, such as Hinduism or Buddhism, firecrackers are used during religious ceremonies to symbolize the presence of the gods. In other religions, such as Christianity and Judaism, firecrackers can be used to celebrate various feast days and religious holidays. Firecrackers are also used as a part of some initiation ceremonies or rites of passage, marking the transition of a person from one stage of life to another.
How firecrackers have evolved over time and their cultural significance today:
Firecrackers have been around since ancient times, and their use has evolved greatly throughout their history.
In ancient China, firecrackers were used to ward off evil spirits and to mark the start of festivals and other important events. The sound created by firecrackers was believed to scare away bad luck and bring good luck, and it was also considered a form of communication.
In the 17th century, firecrackers were introduced to Europe and began to be used at celebrations, such as holidays and royal ceremonies. The noise created by the firecrackers was also believed to bring joy and good luck.
In the late 19th century, firecrackers were used as military signals and were also used in many public and religious ceremonies.
Today, firecrackers are primarily used for recreational purposes, such as at festive celebrations like New Years and the Fourth of July. Firecrackers are still believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits and bad luck in some cultures. They also remain a form of communication in some parts of the world. Firecrackers are also used to mark important events, particularly in the East, such as the Chinese New Year.
The symbolism and meanings behind different types of firecrackers
Firecrackers are used in many cultures as a way to celebrate events or bring good luck. The symbolism and meanings behind different types of firecrackers can vary. In Chinese culture, firecrackers are often used to ward off bad luck and to bring prosperity and joy. Firecrackers shaped like lotus blossoms are said to represent purification and the blossoming of good fortune. Red firecrackers are said to bring joy and longevity, and crackers that make loud noises are thought to ward off negative energies. Firecrackers shaped like dragons are said to symbolize strength and power and fireworks shaped like flowers are said to bring good luck and prosperity. Firecrackers are also used in Japan as part of the New Year celebrations, and in India to celebrate major holidays like Diwali.
How firecracker industry evolved in sivakasi:
The firecracker industry in Sivakasi, a town in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, has a long and complex history. The industry evolved gradually over the course of the 20th century, as local entrepreneurs began to experiment with different methods of producing fireworks and other pyrotechnics. By the 1950s, Sivakasi had emerged as a major center for the production of firecrackers, and the industry continued to grow throughout the following decades, driven in large part by the town’s skilled labor force, abundant raw materials, and favorable regulatory environment. Today, Sivakasi is widely regarded as the “fireworks capital of India,” producing an estimated 90% of the country’s fireworks and exporting to countries all around the world. However, the industry has also faced significant challenges over the years, including safety concerns, environmental issues, and economic pressures, leading to efforts to modernize and streamline production processes while maintaining the traditional craftsmanship and cultural heritage of the industry.
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tamilcrackersshop · 2 years
Different types of crackers available and their unique features
During festivals and special occasions, we see the sky light up with colors of joy. All we see are hundreds of lights and sound from all directions. But, did you know there are various types of crackers out there? Let’s dive into Tamilcrackers and their types of Crackers.
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Introducing the different types of firecrackers on the market
Bursting crackers is one of the most randomly joyful things in our life. Add multiple categories to this and the occasion will surely be one of the best memories. Below are the key types available in the market.
Sky shot crackers
Single sound crackers
Flower pots
Ground chakkar
Bijili crackers
Electric crackers
Gift Box
Garland Crackers
Color Matches.
Novelties Crackers
Now, let’s see some of the Popular crackers and their specialities in the upcoming sections.
Sky shot Crackers: adding a bang to your Diwali celebrations
You can confidently say that the Diwali arsenal is incomplete without sky shots crackers. The joy of seeing a rocket launched by us reaching heights and raining into colors gives us the utmost pleasure every time.
There are so many types of sky shots in the market but the bomb rocket is the most famous.
Many kids remember Diwali seeing these guys in the sky.
Sparkles: the perfect addition to any celebration
You may have many types of crackers but you need this glowing stick to light others. Every age group has its preference when it comes to bursting crackers but sparkles are loved by all.
This proves you don’t need giant fancy sound crackers to celebrate occasions. Sometimes a simple lightning stick is enough.
Noisemakers: the ultimate way to ring in the New Year
The louder the noise, the happier you are. For years, sound is a metric used to evaluate crackers. When you buy a cracker, one of the first things you consider is the sound it makes. People hearing the sound of the crackers bursting is like people sharing their joy and happiness.
Bijili Crackers:
Bijili crackers are an exciting type of fireworks that are full of vibrant colors and loud noises. The small pellets create a beautiful sparkle of color and a loud sound that can be heard from a distance.
These come in various sizes and shapes suitable for a variety of special occasions, from birthday celebrations to religious festivals. Bijili’s are particularly popular in India and surrounding countries due to the vibrant colors and loud sounds they make. Like with all types of fireworks, safety should always be observed when using Bijili crackers.
Single Sound Crackers:
Single sound crackers are an amazing way to celebrate special occasions. They are a great way to surprise your guests with a loud and boisterous show of celebration. Having a wide variety of colours, shapes, and sizes, they are incredibly easy to use. Toy-like cannons, giant rockets and firecrackers are some of the types of single sound crackers.
Whether it’s a party, wedding, or any other special occasion, the loud bang of single sound crackers will definitely add some excitement to your event.
Ground chakras, flower pots, and other unique crackers for a special occasion
During Diwali and special occasions, not only the skies light up but also the grounds. Chakras and flower pots are the main reason why the grounds glow. Like sparkles, ground crackers are also loved by all age groups.
Unlike other crackers, they have colorful visuals. Which makes them enjoyable even without the sound.
Be it festivals or special occasions, crackers are a special way to share joy and happiness with others. There are many types of crackers for different occasions, and choosing them appropriately will create a beautiful memory that you can cherish for life.
Happy bursting.
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tamilcrackersshop · 2 years
Is it easy and convenient to buy crackers online in India?
Diwali is one of the biggest festivals in India. Last year (2021), Indians bought products ( including crackers, dresses, sweets, etc) worth 1.2 lakh crore, and it’s expected to reach 2 lakh crore this year’s Diwali. Out of this 1.2 lakh crore, 3000 – 4000 crore is contributed by firework industries in India. Sivakasi is well known for its fireworks production. 90% of India’s fireworks are produced here. Most of the people prefer online for their Diwali shopping (for dresses and others). Except for Buying Crackers online!
Why do people are not preferring online for buying crackers?
They may think,  Buying Crackers online is still difficult or inconvenient? or less safe? No, there are many factors behind this.
There is no proper or long-term platform for online crackers.
People don’t trust buying from unknown websites.
They don’t trust paying advance / full amount on unknown websites.
They may think buying crackers online is illegal.
Now let’s see,  Why buying crackers online is convenient and easy?
Save your Money:
Now, Buying crackers online is a highly money-saving process for regular shoppers like you.! The online cracker store offers high offers and additional discounts during the Diwali period, as they purchase directly from manufacturers. If you buy crackers at the local store, the price may high due to their transportation cost, store rent, and mainly high demand in the next few days. Famous online websites like Tamilcrackers offer a discount of up to 90% as they are delivering crackers directly from Sivakasi crackers manufacturers.
Avoid the Crowd:
You can avoid standing in the long queues and crowds during Diwali. There are chances that you don’t get your favorite crackers in the crowd or someone already bought it. Online crackers sites make you choose your favorite crackers by sitting in your home.
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On-time Delivery:
Last-minute shopping for Diwali may spoil your festival mood if you are a working professional. As local crackers shops open just one week before Diwali, you really don’t have time to visit the local store. Buying crackers online will give you enough time to buy and make choices as they open forever and always waiting for your orders and deliver on time.
Flexible Payment:
When you are buying crackers from famous and trusted online crackers sites like Tamilcrackers, you can choose a flexible cash option or Cash On Delivery option to stay assured of high-quality crackers directly from Manufacturers.
Safety Precautions:
Online cracker sellers are following strict government rules for packing and transporting crackers. Instead of buying crackers one week before and keeping them in your home ( which is not safe), buy crackers online and get them one or two days before Diwali.
Why choose tamilcrackers to buy online crackers in India?
Tamilcrackers is a leading online cracker shopping website and fireworks wholesale company in India. We deliver the best crackers online all over India at unbeatable pricing.
Tamilcracker doesn’t compromise the quality of the crackers. They are directly buying from India’s largest crackers manufacturers in Sivakasi and all the crackers undergo multiple quality checks before delivering to customers.
High Discount:
Tamilcracker offers high discounts for crackers during the Diwali period. Also, provide a special discount for Crackers Gift boxes.
Pan India Presence:
Tamilcracker’s delivery network is linked with the most efficient logistics providers in India. This efficient logistic solution made tamilcrackers deliver their crackers all over India in a shorter period of time.
Large variety:
Tamilcrackers is one of the online crackers stores which provides a large and new variety of all crackers and fancy crackers for all occasions.
Tamilcrackers took the initiative to Promote and Support Indian Fireworks Manufacturers and they don’t import or deliver any china crackers. Now It’s your chance to support our Indian Fireworkers
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