#tang sanzang tuesday
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vegalocity · 3 years
“Yes I had the day off. No you can’t prove I took it off for you. The only way to find out is by spending it all with me.” for Peachtea?
Ah hell yeah (Went with the 'Tang is a Sanzang reincarnation' angle for the lightest angst prod, it just fit for how it went)
Sun Wukong wasn't used to getting surprised. There were in fact only a handful of people who could surprise him nowadays, and most of those surprises were always negative because half of those people were mortal enemies. So needless to say, he was more than a little surprised when he realized Tang had to be added to that list.
The Scholar was sat in Wukong's usual favorite spot near his home, the perfect patch of sunlight he'd anticipating lounging in lighting up the pages of the book he was placidly reading, and looking for all the world like he belonged there with a couple of younger Monkeys near by and curiously peeking into his reading and Wukong wasn't even sure how he'd GOTTEN here without him knowing about it.
Then of course Tang looked up and grinned at him, and his gut fluttered briefly before Wukong internally derided himself for being such a damn Adolescent about this relationship. “How'd you get here?” he settled on, as much playful teasing as he could put into it. “Might have to up security if some handsome stranger can just traipse in like he owns the place~” Tang made no move to stand as Wukong approached and sat beside him, in the slightly less optimal position as only about half of him was in the perfect sunlight. Tang smirked back at him before pointedly looking back to his book.
“Well that's for me to know and for you to eventually weasel out of Xiaotian, isn't it?”
Figures. “I thought you had classes on Tuesdays? What you call in sick because you missed my handsome face?” Wukong grinned when he saw Tang's cheeks turn a bit pink “Geez, I know we got together when we were all seeing eachother daily but I didn't think I was THAT irresistible.” An equally big grin finally lit up Tang's face and in a way that was for a moment painfully nostalgic he put a hand on Wukong's cheek and pushed him away.
“Yes, I had the day off. No you can’t prove I took it off for you.” He peeked at him over the corner of his book again. “The only way to find out is by spending it all with me.”
“Well wow, what can I say to that?” Tang settled himself more comfortably into Wukong's side, flipping to the next page of his book.
“What are you reading?”
“The Epic of Gilgamesh, A Babylonian folk hero. One of my colleague's is going to do a comparison of folk heroes across the continent and I offered to give it a look over before she does proper peer reviews but I don't know like, half of these people she's comparing you with.”
“Oh~? I'm involved?”
“Well you're younger than a few of them but most of them didn't actually make it to immortality, so its a fair comparison.”
“Hm.” Well that was a bit of an ego boost he thought, This Gilgamesh guy might have come first but he failed. “How far are you?”
“If you're asking if I'll read it out loud for you, absolutely not.” Pff busted.
“I could probably convince you-” He tilted his head to the side slightly to press his nose into the scholar's neck. “Make it a game? How far could you get before I get reeeaaalllyyyy... distracting?”
Tang chuckled but didn't pull away from him.
“....'And so fair Ishtar, Goddess of Love and War, appeared before Brave Gilgamesh'- Hey! No teeth that's cheating.”
Golden Cicada wings invisible to any eyes but Wukong's fluttered with delight behind Tang's back despite his admonishment and Wukong's heart filled and ached at once.
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