#taron egerton FS
blackcatreadstarot · 8 months
Taron Egerton Future Spouse tarot reading
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Does he have a FS? the hierophant reversed + the moon reversed + page of swords So, it's a no or the marriage will be unconventional or the possibility of him having a FS is uncertain right now. I'll pull one more card. 6 of swords So, it'a s no...but also this card indicates that he has a part in him that preventing him from recieving and experiencing love. Cards advice to work on yourself, heal and let that part go. Until he holds pain in his heart and doesn't open his heart for love he will not have a FS. But I want to clarify that it's an answer for current energy. People can change, grow and heal, so their energy and possibilities for the future do too. Used deck: tarot de carlotydes
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