#tarresson de dzemael
autumnslance · 2 years
Bearing Sins of the Past Ch 12 Questions
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“Aeryn!” Lord Tarresson’s smile faded at the expression on her face. Mogzin’s own greeting died on his lips, and he elected to hide behind the elderly Elezen instead.
“Where’s that old red bastard?” she demanded.
Tarresson’s eyebrows climbed his forehead. “His usual midday rest at the plaza, but Aeryn—”
She stalked past him without another word, taking the steps onto the plaza two at a time as she sought Gullinbursti.
He lifted his head as men, moogles, and dragons alike scattered out of her path. The dragon sighed heavily. “You’ve met Avengret.”
“Is it true?” Aeryn demanded. “If it is, you had to have known, had to have sensed—”
“Stop,” he ordered. Then gently, “Fly with me, Warrior of Light.”
“Tell me the truth.”
“Do you want the world to hear it as well?”
Chapter 12 Questions is now live on Ao3!
Ever get angry, step away for distractions to cool off, but when you get back to it, you're just angered all over again? That's Aeryn, as she heads into the Churning Mist to find another red dragon from the Moogle questlines…
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maxikha-ffxiv · 5 months
Julianne lore drop time.
Things locked into place for me doing mch questline on her yesterday (I'm likely raiding as mch next expac and Jules would be my alt for that to not mess with gear drops). Here's what I got:
- (former) Count Tarresson de Dzemael was the only high ranking member of the family who actually cared for Julianne. He was the one that fully embraced her adoption and was responsible for her getting treated as well as she did growing up, even though she wasn't true Dzemael blood.
- Julianne always had a passion for healing, and was studying the abilities of the scholars of Nym whilst growing up in Ishgard/joining the arcanist's guild.
- She is involved in the storyline of the MCH questline, but as a healer assisting with keeping the machinists up instead of "MCH WoL leading the charge"
- due to Tarresson's leave of the house (he's off in kupoland), no one else in the house liking that she was treated as well as she was by him, and Tedalgrinche's multiple attempts at sabotage of the MCH guild, Julianne found herself exiled from the House due to Tedalgrinche concocting an elaborate lie.
- after the events of the MCH questline Tedalgrinche walked back his statements, her name was cleared, but Julianne hasn't learned this yet.
- Tarresson himself recommended Julianne to Sharlayan as a wonderful choice for their Sage program and promised to vouch for any Sharlayan scholars who came to Ishgard to study the church in return, as having direct support from at least one if not more of the high houses of Ishgard would be beneficial.
- Julianne hasn't talked to anyone in House Dzemael since her exile save three, Tarresson, her former handmaiden Fayeth, and Jandelaine on occasion when she needs a hair appointment (she always enjoyed his skills with hair).
- Julianne has done well in her studies to become a proper sage, to the point of beginning to prepare to take an exam to be certified to practice the craft outside of Sharlayan.
- She is currently spending time abroad to learn other forms/styles of healing, as her studies in becoming an eventual archon (goal after sage) would be based on the benefits of applying other styles of healing with Sharlayan's Sage
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morganaux · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: Morganaux Diamante de Dzemael, legally on paper. Prefers to go by Morganaux de Roulemet (his birth family's name) unless he's using his High House status to his advantage.
NICKNAME[S]: Morgy. Strongly prefers that people he's close with refrain from calling him nicknames.
DATE OF BIRTH: Eighth Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon (November 8)
SEX: Trans man
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ishgard (The Pillars)
CURRENTLY LIVING: Feeling uncomfortable being tied down to one home, he has multiple places he stays depending on his mood.
He has a room in the servants' wing of the Dzemael Manor, choosing to remain there as a reminder of how his adoptive father never accepted him as a true part of the family until his rise to fame as the Warrior of Light. He acquired a small cottage in Shirogane during Stormblood, retreating there whenever he grows tired of dealing with High House shenanigans. Lastly (for now, at least) his adoptive uncle Tarresson arranged for him to have his own manor constructed in the Empyreum post-Endwalker. He spends most of his time in the latter.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Without use of the Echo, he can only communicate in Common Eorzean, but he learned how to read in the old Elezen tongue so he could read Ishgardian faerietales and scripture in their original language.
EDUCATION: He received a formal education at Saint Endalim's Scholasticate, achieving the equivalent of a PhD in Halonic scripture and graduating with the Trinity at the age of 18. Outside of his studies, he would also make ample use of the scholasticate's library, especially its restricted section, to learn about alchemy, aetherology, and a variety of other subjects that caught his interest.
Outside of a formal education: Before he left Ishgard to start adventuring, he had a tutor in "advanced conjury," which is just a totally not-at-all suspicious alternative way to describe white magic taught outside a traditionally-approved setting. He also studied arcanima at Mealvaan's Gate, picking it up with ease and almost immediately teaching himself advanced, master-level techniques simply because he wanted to make his carbuncle pink.
And then there's all his, uh... Other education. He knows a whole lot about tempering, anatomy, and the effects of aether on the body for... Reasons. He would love to talk about it, but he also Does Not want to talk about it. ...Also for reasons.
HAIR COLOR: Long, snow-white curls that fade into pastel pink toward the ends. It's naturally that way, sort of.
EYE COLOR: White left eye, pink right eye.
HEIGHT: 5'9". he smol by elezen standards.
PARENT[S]: Lady Olivine de Roulemet and Diwata (biological mothers), the Count de Dzemael (adoptive father), Tarresson de Dzemael (actual father figure, adoptive uncle), technically Peony (his faerie, partially fueled by a fragment of Diwata's soul and aether)
CHILDREN: None for now, aside from a few from personal AUs who for the most part don't have solid designs. Here's Reinette from my personal, non-RP Morgy/Laha AU:
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PET[S]: None, not even a chocobo. He doesn't keep pets because he knows he doesn't have the proper time to devote to caring for them. He treats his carbuncles like pets, but understands that as simple arcane constructs, they aren't truly sentient. (...Or are they?)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Gay, open to polyamory
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse dependent, single unless otherwise specified
Tagged by: @seatedsacrifice (thank you!!!! :D)
Tagging: am eternally too babby to tag anyone directly but if you see this and want to do this i am tagging you in my heart
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dzemaeldarkhold · 2 years
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“which alt are you replaying moogle quests on”
well, the one that makes them the most funny if you consider it tarresson putting his grandson to work crafting (it builds character or something)
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knights-of-ishgard · 4 years
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I've found Tarresson de Dzemael at the Snowsoak Springs in Firmament! (x:14.5, y:8.3)
He only seems to appear when you've maxed out the moogle quests!
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elfyourmother · 2 years
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Countess Jacinthe de Haillenarte, matriarch of House Haillenarte.
The gentle, warm-hearted daughter of House Dzemael was formally educated at the Scholasticate, known there for her shrewd intellect and kindness by turns, befriending high and lowborn alike with little care for station, though she was something of an introvert. Her generosity and heart for helping others led her to strongly considering to enter the priesthood, and she likely would have had it not been for a chance encounter with the-then heir of House Haillenarte, the dashing Baurendouin, at House Dzemael’s annual Midsummer Masque. They could not have been more different in some respects--quiet, studious Jacinthe and the lothario with a Reputation--but they fell madly in love with each other. 
But Baurendouin was surprised to discover that behind closed doors, Jacinthe was perhaps not so innocent as she appeared. The young lovers got up to all sorts of behavior that would absolutely be considered scandalous--most especially with Baurendouin’s long time companion, Lord Edmont--but unlike her wayward beloved, Jacinthe knew something of discretion and impressed it upon him. Thus the popular gossip around the Pillars had it that Lady Jacinthe had at last tamed the Haillenarte heir, and he had last ceased to sow his wild oats. Baurendouin courted her lavishly, and Count Tarresson approved of the match, hoping it would help improve relations between the two High Houses.
Known as much for her tender heart and shrewd, softspoken wisdom, as well as her generous philanthropy, Jacinthe’s annual Starlight ball was one of the social events of the season in the Pillars, and always raised a small fortune for Ishgard’s orphanages. In general, Jacinthe is a very family-oriented woman, a loving wife and doting mother who absolutely adores her children; she has always supported them wholeheartedly in their various relationships and endeavors, whether it be Lanaiette’s desire to become a knight, or Aurvael’s adventurous spirit--quarreling with her husband at times, even, particularly in defense of Stephanivien’s interest in tinkering. She treated young Haurchefant as her own, whenever he fled Fortemps Manor, and always gladly opened her home and heart to him; she has always considered him like a son to her. The black ear cuffs he always wears were her gift to him, upon the winning of his spurs.
It was perhaps inevitable given her devotion to her family that the loss of her beloved son Chlodebaimt shattered her, but the impact it had cannot be overstated. Jacinthe is a deeply depressed woman who has struggled with grief from the moment she received the news of his death. She has worn the black of deepest mourning ever since, and a cameo pendant with Chlodebaimt’s likeness engraved upon it, a lock of his hair kept inside. Once known as a consummate hostess and charming guest at any affair in the Pillars, Jacinthe has become something of a recluse, and while she continues to quietly conduct her philanthropy, she has largely left it to Lanaiette and Francel to host fetes, and she rarely ventures forth from Haillenarte Manor for anything but her morning constitutionals about the Last Vigil and praying in solitude at the cathedral (always, she lights a candle for Chlodebaimt); she visited Haurchefant often during his convalescence, but that’s been about all. 
Baurendouin has felt somewhat helpless in all of it, distraught at his beloved’s decline, but also consumed with his responsibilities as Count and the various disasters which befell the House. Jacinthe’s grief and depression had strong ripple effects throughout her family as well--Francel’s rash and foolhardy plan to retake the Steel Vigil wasn’t just about reclaiming House Haillenarte’s honor but avenging his brother to bring comfort to his mother, Stephanivien’s development of the Machinist discipline was in part the answer to his own grief for his brother but because he never wanted another mother to suffer the loss of a child like his own, and Baurendouin’s frustration and anger with himself over his inability to help Jacinthe through her grief was behind a lot of his conflict with Stephanivien. This isn’t to say that any of this was her fault, at all, but her family is as protective of her as she is of them, and as the heart of it, when she was broken, so were they. It didn’t help that the prevailing attitude about the Pillars was that House Haillenarte was on the decline--just like its Melancholy Comtesse, as Jacinthe sadly came to be known by her distraught friends and peers.
Things are definitely changing for the better, however, thanks to the influence of one Gisele Surana. Jacinthe will forever be grateful to the Sorceress of Light for saving her youngest and clearing the name of her House, for helping restore the Manufactory to greatness, and for all she has done in the Firmament. There is no greater ally to House Haillenarte, in her mind. But even beyond that, she sees Gisele’s influence on Stephanivien, how very supportive she is of his work and how happy she makes him--and Haurchefant. Because of Gisele, the war is over, Ishgard is healing, and no mother will lose a son for nothing, like Jacinthe did. And her eldest and her husband have reconciled, their relationship has never been stronger. So Gisele is like a daughter to her, and Jacinthe’s first appearance at a social gathering in the Pillars was for the wedding at Saint Reymanaud’s and subsequent reception at Fortemps Manor. Tellingly though, she was also present for the much smaller reception at Borel Manor that only consisted of immediate family and friends. Because of Gisele, Jacinthe has many reasons to hope again, and is beginning to do so.
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unsundered-lahabrea · 3 years
@morganaux || continued
Clad in his finest fur coat tailored just for the occasion, Morganaux arrived at his destination, greeting the servants at the door with a practiced bow. He gave one last look behind him, then followed them inside, head held high as he did so.
Uncle Tarresson had assured him that his betrothed was a kind enough man— perhaps a bit lacking in ambition, but a nice enough fellow with plenty of powerful connections, and hopefully with a bit of pushing, he could use them to his advantage. The former Count de Dzemael always had his best interests at heart, yet still, Morganaux could not help but feel uneasy as his first meeting with his future husband approached.
In truth, his heart belonged to another. Though his life had been cut short at Morganaux’s own hand, and though he never had a chance to put his affections into words, he still loved Noudenet, and maybe he always would love him. And yet, it was his love for his old friend that had compelled him to stay here in Ishgard, passing the mantle of Warrior of Light along to whoever would rise to take it.
The tragedy that befell the Heavens’ Ward would not be repeated, and Morganaux would make certain of that. The church’s corruption ran deep within the Holy See, and he would do whatever it would take to stamp it out, even if it meant giving his hand in marriage to a man he had never met. Even so, he could not stop himself from wondering if he might end up truly falling in love with his husband-to-be.
These thoughts would have to wait for another occasion, however, as now, he found himself standing before the man in question. Heart racing in his chest, Morganaux took a few cautious steps forward, offering him the same mechanical bow he had given to the man’s servants earlier.
“A pleasure to finally meet you, good sir,” he spoke quietly, pausing for a moment as he internally scolded himself. Though he may not have been in the mood for pleasantries, he had to at least try to make a good first impression. Mustering up a smile and holding a hand over his heart, the next words out of his mouth were offered much more sweetly, with all the charm one might expect of an Ishgardian gentleman.
“My name is Morganaux de Dzemael, former Warrior of Light and your future husband! That is, if the two of us end up getting along. And, who do I have the pleasure of meeting this fine evening?”
Lahabrea had danced this dance far too many times, even if never for too long. Death followed him, more often than not that of his hosts, when he saw little point and no desire to actually go forward with any idea of marriage. Truth be told, one time alone would have been one too many, uninterested in those matters as he was.
Still he had to dance, and so he rose, offering a polite bow in return even as his expression hid caution, and anger, and a fair bit of resentment after his defeat, twice. To have chosen the husband-to-be of the Warrior of Light, it was certainly unfortunate.
“It is a pleasure indeed,” he said nevertheless, walking towards Morganaux and offering to take his hand, to kiss his knuckles in an elegant motion. “And I have heard much about you. My name is Ivarault de Durendaire, at your service.”
He moved with a fluidity and grace that didn’t befit someone as old, as frail, as furious as Lahabrea was. And yet he was to play a part, as he offered Morganaux a seat.
“Would you like some tea?” He asked as well, going through the motions, searching for some understanding, some recognition. There would be none, he knew, and yet... would Hydaelyn reveal him even now, when all he needed was space to lick his wounds?
At least, the old shadow thought, it wouldn’t take him too long to grow strong enough to change bodies, once again.
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moonllt · 5 years
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“ I never deny an opportunity like this . ”  ( healer usual  #1 . ) “ You’ve not to worry . ”  ( healer usual  #2 . ) “ I shall purge shadows with the Elemental’s Will. ”  ( healer rare . ) “ I will watch your backs . ”  ( if chosen first . ) “ Hmph... ”  ( if chosen last . ) “ Hah ! ”  ( dps usual  #1 . ) “ Bring it . ”  ( dps usual  #2 . ) “ I shall cast shadow over Shatotto’s legacy . ”  ( dps rare . ) “ Hellsfire shall light our way ! ”  ( if chosen first . ) “ I am quite offended . ”  ( if chosen last . )
JOB :  
* healer ( WHM ) unafraid of combat , she takes her role as a Voice of the Elementals quite seriously , unafraid of tapping into the energies they once commanded laws of the land with &. using them offensively in midst of succor most potent &. occasional shielding as a situation calls for it . she is as much a damage - dealer as she is a healer , flawless in weaving arcane healing betwixt conjury in forceful displays of unaspected attacks alongside those aspected into energies of earth , water , wind , fire &. the most rare bout of ice - and lightning - aspected attacks . the power of the Elementals is hers to command with due respect to its original wielders , &. alongside such she seeks to prove to the most generous bequeathers of this power that she can be trusted much like the padjal , heeding their will &. breathing life into the earth even in lands foreign of the twelveswood .  * dps ( BLM ) though more true to the expected disposition of such a sorcerer than to the expected heavy - healing of her ability as a white mage , aynur does not limit herself to the traditional lightning &. fire when attacking , instead using her gift in its most profound way - incorporating the use of other aspected energies ( inclusive of those most commonly associated with White ) into attacks worth acknowledgement by the thaumaturge’s guild of ul’dah . her powerful spells do not stop there , as she is wholly capable of bending even shadows to her will by drawing upon the techniques thought drowned in mhach . nor are relatively powerful voidsent immune to her command , though she is quick to banish ( or vanquish with White magicks , if necessary ) them once they serve their purpose . * arguably , she could also be a tank for her friends given her past . but lets keep that more hush - hush , yes ?
* canes &. staves / rods . * nirvana , zeta ( WHM ) - with the combined assistance of both gerolt &. jalzahn , aynur followed the path of a zodiac brave once she found herself in mastery of the ancient , forbidden white magic . her studies &. ambition led her to u’ghamoro mines , upon which she discovered the weathered thyrus a - towa - cant had borne through his journeys across the world to bring it comfort with White magicks . after refurbishing the relic , aynur undertook the arduous task of recreating a weapon of eld . only after thyrus fully attuned with her soul did aynur’s hard - earned staff undergo an evolution to the true weapon of legend : nirvana . its further resonance with her soul developed its glow , akin to leaves of light upon its branches . * seeing horde rod ( BLM ) - a weapon created for aynur by a combined effort ... it was designed by count tarresson de dzemael ( one willing to keep aynur’s newfound locale a secret from their shared home ) , forged by the moogles of zenith overseen by mogek the marvelous in the flames of whei ahf , fitted with a magicked stone from the aery purged of its guardian brought by ohl deeh . melted around the length of it were scales shed by nidhogg himself , brought to her neighbors by aynur personally after felling the great wyrm . the dark energies were not lost in their smouldering , and as such whenever the slightest bit of aether is tapped into the weapon , an oppressive aura manifests itself around the rod . it is indicative by a glow red as the wyrm’s eyes overtaking the weapon as it readies to channel power of unparalleled destructive might . it was a weapon deemed “ most worthy ” for the protector of the churning mists . * bare hands - she is not keen on delivering magicks in this way , as it poses not only vast &. incalculable danger to those around her but herself as well , but she is capable of unleashing scarcely moderated , undirected spells if she needs . most likely to do so only in times of emergencies . she is capable of such unarmed feat due to her gift of echo .
* ( WHM ) in spite of her masterful spellweaving aforementioned , that is not to say that she will braid spells of healing and damage equally -- there are certainly times in which she may cause her tanking companion to near - panic due to her allowance of their health dropping quite low before she offers them divine benediction . * she does not hesitate to run alongside the tank , or even a bit ahead . she does not intentionally grab aggro upon enemies encountered in dungeons , though it would be a lie to say it never happens . * ( WHM ) she is not afraid to stand in the middle of battle , despite the idea that those who heal are safest to the sides or away from enemies . this sometimes earns her wounds , but they are quickly healed . she is not careless with her actions , though admittedly she is sometimes what her party members would call “ greedy ” in order to inflict the most damage upon an entire group of enemies . * ( BLM ) aynur isn’t exactly keen on movement when she is a dps , as standing still affords her the most effective spellcasting . she absolutely refuses to move if she has put down her Ley Lines , and would state she has the ability to erect a magicked barrier ( manaward ) for a reason . * that said , she is capable of casting any spell while moving , but the spell will most likely be weaker ( albeit not horrendously ) in terms of overall power due to split concentration on both movement and channeling her aether . * she is fully capable of swapping between BLM and WHM , even while in combat , though she does not readily display this fact &. would only do so in a most dire situation . 
BATTLE LINES  ( generic ) :
“ You are so far from ready for this ... ”  ( when engaging #1 . ) “ Try not to fall over too quickly . ”  ( when engaging #2 . ) “ Did you think me to have tunnel vision ? ”  ( upon using an aoe . ) “ Let my aether be your protection . ”  ( upon placing a shield or veil . ) “ You can pay me back later . ”  ( when assisting an ally #1 . ) “ It’s been a long time since I fought alongside others ... ”  ( when assisting an ally #2 . ) “ I enforce the Elemental’s Law in their name . ”  ( healer special skills. ) “ In Oha-Sok’s memory the Blood Lily blooms ! ”  ( WHM special skill . ) “ You won’t soon forget Black Magic after me . ”  ( dps special skills. ) “ Best this destruction , Shatotto ! ”  ( BLM special skill . ) “  I liberate you from death’s grip , its claws fracture against my magicks . May my light grant you strength ! ”  ( when reviving . )
“ Surely you can take more than this ? ” ( WHM LB1 . ) “ By forbidden magicks I would see you prevail ; endure ! ” ( WHM LB2 . ) “ ... great googles of moogles . it has all gone to shite . ” ( WHM LB3 . )
“ This is going a bit too slow for my liking . ” ( BLM LB1 . ) “ You will rue this day ... ” ( BLM LB2 . ) “ Feel the might of a Starcaller’s sorcery  -- by mine own willpower it is made manifest ! ” ( BLM LB3 . )
KO’D :
“ Pray forgive my avarice ... ”  ( WHM ) “ I ... have failed ... ” ( BLM )
“ I’ll not shame my soul crystal so readily !  ” ( WHM ) “ Next time you are permitted to Rescue me from my Ley Lines . ” ( BLM )
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ishgardianmoon · 5 years
Name: Tarresson de Dzemael
Gender: Male
General Appearance: The majority of Tarreson’s looks comes from his father’s side. He has short blond hair and lightly tanned skin in line with Lidoiret oir the original Tarreson, more of a larger nose, thin lips, and he’s actually tall with a large bone structure and built to weild an axe like his uncle Grinnaux. He also has Robin’s deep blue eyes, and his features aren’t as sharp as most members of House Dzemael, instead on the softer side. Tarresson favores yellow, orange, or red fabrics in clothing, and copper dyes for his armor plating with red or gold accents. Gold is, actually, his favorite accent color.
Personality: Tarreson is a gentle, kind, sweet soul with a desitre and thirst for knowledge and no qualms stealing into the manor library for long periods to drink his fill of books -- which he never reaches. An avid scholar, Tarreson loves to learn and write his findings down, be it research in the musty tomes he can get at or across Eorzea. He is splendidly educated as a son of a high house, for although he is the son of the Count’s nephew, his is charming, pleasant, and eloquent, however quiet and softspoken -- he is loathe to be loud. As far as relations with other Ishgardians, Tarresson is much like his grandsire -- kindly, friendly, and openminded -- even likeable. He sees no merit in gossip or harming one’s honor, and will happily tutor any whom ask, or listen to sons and daughters of other high houses spoeak. Of course, Terreson is imperfect, and if his family, or friends, come into peril, it is more than abundantly clear his uncle was Grinnaux de Dzemael -- and the sweet, soft, gentle soul turns into an inferno of wrath, ready to bring an axe os even arcanima to full bear against the offender to protect those he must -- quite willing to tear them to pieces.
Special Talents: Tarreson has his grandsire’s love of stonework, and eagerly helps mend or build in stone. When he’s shooed off, he actually enjoys creating stone sculptures. Otherwise he’s average with the axe, but has a stronger than normal knasck for magic from his mother, and loves to play with his carbuncles, even if he’s shy about it.
Who they like better: He doesn’t play favorites -- but if he must, Tarreson admires the hard work his mother put into reaching where she is.
Who they take after more: Tarreson actually takes more after Lidoiret than Robin.
Personal Head canon: Tarreson enjoys meeting his namesake on Sohm Al, as well as the Mog Menders and Dragons, and was inspired by them to pick up the hammer. He’s also very shy about picking up arcanima and being an arcanist -- and in fact took being caught with his emerald carbuncle to admit to hig father and mother he practiced on his own. Hius parents are proud, but the boy’s been getting formal lessons in it alonghside with the axe so he can follow his pleasures and family tradition. Tarreson finds it rewarding.
Face Claim: lolwat
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hasty-touch · 6 years
👌 …someone my muse has only met once, but will never forget. ((your choice of muse!))
For “Get to know people in my muse’s life” meme:
I was going to answer Tarresson de Dzemael, for Valroit. His family has farmed Dzemael land for three generations, and Tarresson was Count for his much of his parents’ lives and his own early childhood, and the Faucheux family has only good things to say of House Dzemael from this time. And he was Count when a particular incident* happened to the Faucheux family, and while Valroit credits the family’s rescue and salvation to Inquisitor Rosaire Ledigne, the family is also immensely grateful to House Dzemael for following his recommendations and treating the family kindly after their exoneration. The Count thus became something of a legendary figure for Valroit, and when he was finally able to meet him in the course of his wedding in the Churning Mists, it was a wonderful experience – to find him as warm and generous as he’d been talked up and imagined, though far more down-to-earth than ever expected.
But even more affecting than that meeting, I think, is an encounter that Valroit had with a dragonling on that same trip. I’d like to write it up as a story sometime… but oof, I got so many things in the queue in front of it.
* The story of that incident is here. It involves a heresy accusation and a 9-year-old, so lots of content notes on that one.
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skysteelsun · 7 years
Haurchefant raps gently at the door to Baurendouin's study before entering. "We need to talk," he says before sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the desk and picking up a paperweight to occupy his hands. There was little way to say it but to say it but it was hard and still weighed heavily on himself. finally, he sets the weight down with a sigh, looking up. "Stephanivien thinks you were ashamed of him before his machinists had successes. You must talk to him, he shall not believe me."
For all he has long since come to respect and admire Haurchefant, Count Baurendouin de Haillenarte is hard-pressed not to comment on the uncharacteristic breach of etiquette and decorum that is the young knight sitting uninvited at his desk, declaring that they need to talk without so much as a how do you do. Only the fact that they are family now - of an odd sort - stills his tongue; whatever Edmont’s son - Stephanivien’s lover; still strange to have confirmed at last - wishes to say, ‘tis a matter of some importance.And once he hears it, the count blinks in surprise.“Absurd.” Exasperated, perhaps; he’ll not deny that. Bewildered at times, of course. But ashamed, no; what man could call himself a father and be ashamed of his own son for the crime of following his heart? Baurendouin rises from his desk, pacing: back and forth, as was his tendency when truly vexed. “I was not - I was never ashamed, not of him. Disapproving of his choices, before I understood them... yes, of that I was guilty, but never shame.”How often did I wonder if I was but shaping him into another Tarresson de Dzemael, casting his tools aside in favor of politics and misery? ‘Twas something of a relief to surrender his dreams into his keeping at last.He pauses in his pacing, glancing at Haurchefant. “You may just as well say so: his difficulty in believing it is justified, is it not, by my treatment of his work? Always trying to drag him away from it; of course he thinks I was ashamed until it proved beneficial. Of course he does.” He breaks off, muttering, swearing under his breath.He sighs.“Very well.” He straightens, adjusting his coat. “It seems I need to pay my son a visit.”
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morganaux · 3 years
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
When I first started developing Morganaux into a full-fledged character, I wanted him to be a love letter to all my favorite parts of Ishgard, like the Heavens' Ward, the Scholasticate quests, and House Dzemael, so all of those played a huge part in making him who he is now. The starting points for building his character were:
Orphan granted a scholarship to study at Saint Endalim's
Someone who can get along well with Noudenet
Romantically involved with Grinnaux and unfortunately exposed to the rest of the Dzemaels because of it.
That last point didn't really stick for a variety of reasons, but his involvement with the family was too much fun to pass up, and I found a different way to make it happen! It's given him a lot of depth, making him into quite the cunning individual beneath his friendly exterior— sort of like Tarresson de Dzemael, in a way.
Other influential elements include the ACN quests and the Sharlayan lore we got from the AST quests!
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Anxiety. For a whole lot of reasons I won't get into, putting Morgy out into the world with both writing and screenshots can be a scary thing. I'm slowly getting a bit more comfortable about it and making more RP connections for him though! :,D
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dzemaeldarkhold · 2 years
moogle quests are so good it’s very frustrating that the unlock quest chain is like, prohibitively long
i love that they’re pretty much the only clear example of an ishgard quest chain where the dzemael guy isn’t a villain, and the framing of it is especially interesting in tarresson concealing his identity to an extent BECAUSE of the reputation of his house…
it’s an exercise in redemption for him as a craftsman, too, because the failure of the dzemael darkhold (haha) is pretty heavily implied as the reason tarresson was pressured to step down as count… how wonderful for him that he gets to be part of a successful collaborative project! to be proud of something he helped create again!
when i played them the first time his lamentation of how he never encouraged his sons to pursue crafts over politics because of how focused he was on the ishgardian game really got me!! tarresson had a pretty big part in bringing me around on the dzemael family which is certainly funny in hindsight considering . the url of this blog
anyway moogle quests good. level your crafters and play them!
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knights-of-ishgard · 7 years
Ser Grinnaux de Dzemael
Ser Grinnaux the Bull
"Clever men die just as quick as the rest."
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A member of House Dzemael and also one of the nephews of the count, Ser Grinnaux the Bull was a peerless warrior. While his combat skills were exceptional, his disagreeable personality has let to more than a few altercations with others. By his twenty-ninth nameday, the Bull had earned a notorious reputation for his brawls at the local taverns and his willingness to strike knights who questioned his judgment on campaign.
Unfortunately for some, Ser Grinnauxs peerless strength meant that his reckless behavior sometimes resulted in the occasional fatality, which the Count de Dzemael would be quick to conceal with coin.  It was through a drunken quarrel that he became close friends with Ser Paulecrain.
In accordance with the archbishop's desire to recruit knights solely for their combat prowess, Ser Grinnaux was welcomed into the Heavens' Ward. After all, should he grow insubordinate, the archbishop need only "bless" him to guarantee his loyalty once and for all.
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Note: Grinnaux seems to be the cousin of Archombadin de Dzemael, son of the current Count. We meet him in in the 3.15 Scholasticate side story quest in Ishgard. During the crafter quests in the Churning Mists we meet the former count of House Dzemael, Tarresson de Dzemael, who may be his grandfather. Another family member is Jandelaine, the  cosmetician and his elder brother. Tedalgrinche of the 50-60 machinist questline is a baron from House Dzemael.
“Blessed”, btw means kind of like “not knowing what the heck he’s doing”. I'll go into that term in another post, which is about King Thordan and the archbishop, Thordan VII.
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pudgy-puk · 8 years
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okay so a while back i said i was trying to work out how i felt about the 3.x hildy stuff and i said i felt quite ambivalent and. i’ve worked out why i was unhappy. it’s because it nonchalantly revealed a setting detail that completely undermined the foundational point on which every single serious storyline about “new and reformed” ishgard turned. spoilers for everything in discussion.
as cyr explains, multiple times, and as other characters in this quest corroborate, in ishgard among the general population it is unknown what happened to the heavens’ ward. it’s not known that they were part and parcel of thordan’s plan to such an extent that anyone that accepts thordan as A Bad must acknowledge they were just as Bad. it’s not even known that they’re all dead--much less how they died, why they died, and who killed them. to the people of ishgard, this is a mystery.
but whoopsy-daisy, this isn’t actually a mystery to the player, nor is it to the very top levels of the new power structure in ishgard (aymeric, lucia, edmont and his sons, estinien, the scions). it’s very much an uncontested and uncontroversial fact that all of these men were killed by the warrior of light as an unavoidable part of toppling the old regime. AND YET, no one in ishgard knows this. and this is important, because every single serious storyline about ishgard since 3.0 centers completely on the discovery of the secrets of the foundation of ishgard being exposed, the extreme guilt and remorse for this that all good ishgardians ought to feel, and how incredibly important it is to expose the truth and not lie to people in order to maintain power. the main story questline never lets up on this point. the scholasticate questline hinges on it, due to its antagonist’s motivation being tied to how he was one of the very few parts of the ishgardian church structure assigned to keep this particular wretched secret. even the damn moogle tribe questline goes in on knowing the truth being necessary to being able to unite and work together now. but apparently key details of how the new and reformed ishgard came to be, the ishgard that is supposed to be honest about its origins and working to expiate its sins, these details are being withheld from the ishgardian people, and everyone is just fine with this?! holy shit, why even go through all that if the lies-about-ishgard-by-people-in-power is just going to repeat AGAIN, this time perpetrated by the people who exposed the old set?
and the defense that this is just the hildibrand questline only goes so far. the “by the way, no one knows what happened to the heavens’ ward” isn’t treated as the Wacky Funny Thing, it’s the base of normalcy upon which the Wacky Funny Things are constructed. and the 3.x hildibrand questline does much more than the 2.x one to integrate hildy-stuff into the “normal, sensible” parts of xiv: edmont and godbert are on friendly speaking terms. important idyllshire-running gobbie slowfix knows hildy from way back and helps him set up residence there. cyr himself was charibert’s apprentice. so it’s kind of hard to dismiss it as just “silly hildy nonsense.”
and, to be honest, even more than the undermining of the larger thematic points--although that’s a huge deal--what i find really disturbing and upsetting is the implications for character relationships of our character, of the warrior of light. the entire ward is dead. the warrior of light killed all of them. and no one else will know. and i know i keep harping on grinnaux on this blog in general, but he’s a good example for the problems here. the lorebook confirmed that grinnaux is the current count de dzemael’s nephew. which makes him archombadin’s (scholasticate questline) cousin, and tarresson’s (moogle questline) grandson. over the course of both of these questlines, the warrior of light befriends these two men. they form strong bonds, they develop rapport--by the very end of the moogle questline, tarresson addresses the warrior of light fondly enough to make one think he considers them part of his family. archombadin considers the warrior of light his ally in exposing the real horrors of the ishgardian orthodoxy abuses. archombadin doesn’t know that the warrior of light killed the ward as an instrumental part of ending thordan’s reign, and the warrior of light will, it seems, never tell him. how would that change their relationship? if tarresson knew the truth, that his grandson was dead for certain, not merely missing, would he still greet the person who killed him as if they were a grandchild of his as well?
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dzemaeldarkhold · 2 years
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i’ve been replaying moogle quests on one of my alts, and i love tarresson dearly, but sometimes he does say shit that makes me want to shake him around
even if i hadn’t been “spoiled” on who he is ... from owning and reading the canon lorebook ... he is just so. yeah that’s a dzemael guy 
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