#task 002
barebones-hq · 11 months
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“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ― Neil Gaiman, Coraline.
O mundo bruxo entende os fantasmas como espíritos de pessoas que tiveram medo da morte ou que criaram uma conexão profunda com o lugares que assombram, ficando presas nessa janela entre a vida e a morte pelo resto de sua existência. Acredita-se que trouxas não podem virar fantasmas, mas alguns possuem o dom de visualizá-los, embora de maneira não tão nítida quanto os bruxos: ora como vultos, ora como espectros de luz.
Mas a verdade é que, mesmo no mundo mágico, ninguém sabe exatamente o que acontece depois da morte. Mesmo para a comunidade bruxa, a morte é uma incógnita que perpetua assombrando gerações sem encontrar respostas. Embora seja evidente que aqueles dotados de magia possam possuir um certo grau a mais de conhecimento a respeito desse fenômeno em comparação aos trouxas, o que se sabe é realmente muito pouco diante da dimensão universal daquilo que se entende como submundo. 
O que não é novidade para os bruxos, no entanto, é que algumas pessoas que ficaram famosas no mundo trouxa eram, na verdade, parte da comunidade mágica. Uma delas foi Elvis Presley, o famoso bruxo nascido-trouxa que conquistou milhares de pessoas ao redor do planeta… sem sequer sair dos Estados Unidos.
Havia um boato - apenas um boato, até então - de que, após sua morte, em 1977, Elvis teria começado a assombrar palcos de lugares aos quais não tinha conseguido ir quando vivo: América do Sul, Europa, Ásia, África, Oceania…
Até então, tudo isso não passava de boatos alimentados por aparições de procedência questionável e tabloides sensacionalistas; afinal de contas, como se poderia assombrar um lugar em que nunca se esteve? Essa foi uma pergunta que permaneceu sem resposta até aquela noite de outono em Hogsmeade, no ano de 1978.
Em homenagem ao aniversário de um ano de morte de Elvis, os membros da banda Foo Flyers, a última banda a se apresentar no encerramento do festival de três dias, pediram para que o público cantasse junto a eles um trecho de uma das mais famosas músicas de Presley para que pudessem encerrar o show. A escolha da música não foi aleatória e combinava perfeitamente com os anseios e esperanças do público diante da instabilidade política que vinha vagarosamente se instaurando.
“There must be lights burning brighter somewhere  | Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue | If I can dream of a better land | Where all my brothers walk hand in hand”
O sorriso no rosto do vocalista, Dave Growl, ia de orelha a orelha no momento em que o instrumental entrou. Pequenas fadinhas se organizavam lado a lado, soprando através de seus instrumentos uma música de uma potência inacreditável. A música começou e a multidão, anestesiada com adrenalina, vibrou. 
Foi quando algo mágico, mágico o bastante para surpreender até mesmo uma plateia habituada a feitiçaria, aconteceu. Um espectro que oscilava aos poucos no ar foi surgindo no palco e finalmente tomou forma na figura de Elvis Presley.
“Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true?”
A plateia vibrou, encantada, quase no limite da loucura. O êxtase e a sensação de euforia foram tão grandes que as pessoas mal perceberam quando algumas varinhas se ergueram no céu, fazendo um desenho nebuloso surgir meio ao breu do céu estrelado. O clima de esperança, paz e amor era tamanho que ninguém chegou a cogitar que a imagem que se formava no céu não fazia parte do espetáculo. Impactadas pela imagem de Elvis, foram poucas as pessoas que ousaram olhar para cima para ver o desenho que se formava ali, rastejando até formar um símbolo inconfundível no céu que então provocou um clarão quase capaz de cegar. 
Foi quando a música se interrompeu abruptamente e a plateia caiu sob a mais pura escuridão, onde tudo que se podia ver era o desenho de uma enorme caveira envolvida por uma cobra brilhando no céu acima. Antes do festival se acender em chamas e Hogsmeade cair em puro caos, a única coisa que se pôde ouvir foi um longo e agudo grito de pavor. 
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solreznik · 9 months
Sol doesn't attend Ginny's memorial.
He's lame, for one thing, and he won't let anyone expend effort on him beyond what's absolutely necessary to keep him alive.
He's a coward, too. Terrified of everyone else's grief, of the echoes he'll hear. Keep her safe out there. Watch her back.
Lastly, he's exhausted. His dead father keeps him up. Recites one particular lecture every night, just as he dips into the deepest, most necessary part of his sleep cycle.
"You do these things, Solomon, without thinking. And I wonder to myself, 'how did I raise such a boy?' How did I fail you, that you would act so carelessly? Where am I deficient? My brother, he tells me that this is the way boys are sometimes. But not my boys. Your brother never behaved like this, fighting, baited so easily by teasing. It's unacceptable that you should be so affected by the actions of others. You must be better if you wish to be a member of this family. You must think before you do things because if you keep on like this, you'll do something you can't come back from. You are coming of an age, Solomon, where it is no longer rehearsal. This is the show and you are fast becoming the villain."
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montgomery-cannon · 8 months
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task oo2. getting to know you
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stayiinalive · 1 year
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"Oh, you want to hear all my dirty secrets then?"
⌱         census questions            ⌱  
where are you from and where did you live prior to the crash? do you have an accent from one of those locations? 
"I'm originally from Huston, that's pretty much how my accent aligns on all accounts, at least that's what my colleagues told me."
were you flying with anyone? have you been able to find them alive?
"My husband and... yes... if I hadn't I'd not be remotely as stable as I am right now. No pressure, darling."
everybody’s hiding something—a fear, a weakness, a strength, an unpopular opinion. what are you hiding right now (any additional secrets not mentioned in the app)?
"I have Pokémon cards. The real secret is that I have a stash I couldn't bear to leave behind that I brought on the plane with me. Miraculously they all survived and I like to look at them when I feel stressed."
do you believe rescue is possible at this point? why or why not?
"I believe no matter how likely a rescue is it is possible, we got here right, there has to be a way out." he assured himself, "Or it doesn't make sense!"
gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?
"See, this is a tough question and I can't answer it the way you'd like because it genuinely does depend on the person," he assured, ".. some people are out for themselves, others need people, a community, depends on the person really."
what did you dream about last night?
"I had a really vivid dream I was Samwise in the Return of the King but instead of Frodo the ring bearer was Jean Luc Picard and honestly the Enterprise travel made things a lot easier."
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dancinglost · 1 year
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"Is now really the time for 20 questions?"
⌱         census questions            ⌱  
where are you from and where did you live prior to the crash? do you have an accent from one of those locations?
"I'm from Melbourne. I was on my way home from a family... event." she paused, "...I'd rather not get into it but I was headed home when I came back. And yeah... I guess my accent's pretty standard for Melbourne. I only ever really think about it when I'm travelling. Or like... now..."
were you flying with anyone? have you been able to find them alive?
"My little sister. Yeah I... I feel responsible for her being here OK. If I hadn't suggested-" she paused, "In a way... this is my fault. I know that."
everybody’s hiding something—a fear, a weakness, a strength, an unpopular opinion. what are you hiding right now (any additional secrets not mentioned in the app)?
"Sometimes, despite everything, despite knowing I'm speaking from a place of knowledge I feel like I'm making a fool out of myself when I speak. I can quiet those thoughts and say it anyway, but they're still there. Fighting that doubt is exhausting sometimes."
do you believe rescue is possible at this point? why or why not?
"I have to hope there's a chance. I miss everyone, you know? I want to go home. So yeah, it has to be possible. I just has to."
gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?
"I'd like to think it's the later, but from my experience, no, everyone wants what's best for themselves. I've learned that the hard way in a job field like mine. Here though we seem to have a good community going. So yeah, most people put themselves first but we have a decent community going here."
when did you last lie? was it during the census?
"I'm so bad at lying, it's hard for me because of the way my brain's wired. Last time I lied to someone was back home. My mum ordered a metric fucktonne of these hideous windchime things from an artist in Daylesford. I told her they were beautiful. What else was I supposed to do?"
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alienzines · 1 year
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"As long as you swear you're not one of them..."
⌱         census questions            ⌱  
where are you from and where did you live prior to the crash? do you have an accent from one of those locations? 
"I'm originally from Las Vegas. But I have my mom's family in San Francisco. Not sure how my mom and dad landed there, but it's my hometown and it was all I knew 'till I went to college. To me I don't have a strong accent, but it's all relative, man, like I'd visit my family on my dad's side in Húsavík and to them my American accent was strong."
do they have any distinctive scars, tattoos, or marks?
"Tattoos? Man I have so many! I have Ursa Minor on my-" he puts his fingers up to see which one makes the 'L' shape, "-r.. right ankle. I have the tarot card "The Magician" on my right wrist, with like stars going up my arm, on my other shoulder I have a Valkyrie, Medusa's on my back because she's awesome, I have Canis Major - the constellation - on my chest, with plants all to the left of it. Ooh and the Norse tree of life Yggdrasil on my..." he has to think, "left thigh."
were you flying with anyone? have you been able to find them alive? are you responsible for anyone other than yourself?
"I was on the flight with my dad and my son, and I feel responsible for both of them in a way."
do you believe rescue is possible at this point? why or why not?
"No, if the government or the aliens, or (as I'm, inclined to believe) a collaboration of both of them want us here, well. They're not going to let us get found unless they want that. It's not on the agenda."
what did you dream about last night?
"I dreamt that I was on a hover scooter evading the teddy bear police because I stole the secret formula on how to make peeps. Anyway, I was just about to get caught but I was rescued by a velociraptor wearing a flat cap. He had a brummy accent and he was called Terry."
do you prefer fighting with your fists or using diplomacy?
"Yeah man, I mean like... make love not war, right. I'd rather not punch something unless I have to, right?"
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theclaringtonhq · 2 years
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rosewmu · 3 months
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stardomiscalling · 3 months
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outoftheskylar · 1 year
{{task 002;;
census answers from skylar o'hare, assistant manager
do you believe rescue is possible at this point? why or why not?
"god, i fucking hope not. i mean, it's starting to look like there might already be humans on this piece of heaven, so i'm hoping maybe if they contact civilization about us, or whatever, they might let me join them. i'm not sure exactly what atrocities these people are supposed to be up to, but anything is better than old navy."
gut check: do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?
"i mean, i'm acting in my own self-interest. i don't know why i would expect other people to be different. i don't let it get me down, though, most people's self-interest is pretty broad."
what did you dream about last night?
"my sega. damn, i miss it. last night i fell asleep looking at the tiny monsters again, and i dreamt about primal rage. man, i used to play that game in the arcade, and now it's in my living room. or it was. i didn't pay rent before i left, so my shit was absolutely pawned off. ... fuck."
what is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you?
"i'm an assistant manager at an old navy. my entire fucking existence is an embarrassment. one time i accidentally knocked over an entire department of clothing racks and had to clean it up by myself while all the customers watched. that was pretty bad, but not as bad as getting on the bus with my nametag still on."
do you prefer fighting with your fists or using diplomacy?
"okay let's get this straight: i don't fight. too much effort. i will literally just give you whatever you want, unless what you want is me to put in effort."
when did you last lie? was it during the census?
"i told noah that my ankle hurt so i didn't have to help them find firewood like fifteen minutes before you started asking me questions. and i'll do it again tomorrow!"
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caophd · 1 year
{{task 002;;
census answers from ariel cao, phd.
where are you from and where did you live prior to the crash? do you have an accent from one of those locations?
"i'm from san francisco. i don't think i have an accent, but when i lived in switzerland, people sure thought i did. i definitely have an accent when i speak mandarin. apparently i pronounce certain words in a swiss accent, now. i have certain regrets about where i chose to go to school."
 do they have any distinctive scars, tattoos, or marks?
"it's not super distinctive-- like, i don't think my mom even knows i have it. but i have a scar on my side from taking a tumble down a hill. well, i say a tumble. it was more of a slide down a rockface. it used to be pretty big. it's almost gone now, though!"
were you flying with anyone? have you been able to find them alive?
"... yeah. yeah, i was. my old research partners. we were on a trip. it was my idea. my ... fault. bran's here! thank god. bran's here."
are you responsible for anyone other than yourself?
"i'm responsible for the scientific advancement of humanity. ... i probably shouldn't be trusted with much else."
what have you been able to find on the island?
"we found the outpost! it was very relieving to find a shower and a bed, but the most important discovery was the wildlife. did you know there have been multiple sightings of megafauna and dinosaur thought to be previously extinct? do you get how insane that is?"
everybody’s hiding something—a fear, a weakness, a strength, an unpopular opinion. what are you hiding right now?
"i'm afraid to leave. what will happen to the creatures here when we go? what will happen to us if the people who created this place don't want us talking? i know what the government did with the research we did, and i thought it was a necessary sacrifice. this would be a devastating loss. this would be-- this would be too much. they can't have it. i can't leave."
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barebones-hq · 10 months
TASK 002: ENCERRAMENTO ── Parte III. Final.
"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."  ── Albus Dumbledore
Depois do ataque em Hogsmeade, os 22 alunos que ficam para lutar não conseguem entender por que, mesmo depois de buscarem abrigo no Cabeça de Javali, horas depois, ainda não foram buscados por qualquer representante de Hogwarts. Sem notícias do vilarejo ou de qualquer membro da escola, o clima que rege madrugada afora é de incerteza, medo e sensação de abandono; até que, ao primeiro raiar do sol, os alunos escutam os estalos do que parecem inúmeras aparatações ao mesmo tempo e, antes que consigam compreender o que realmente está acontecendo, veem uma Minerva McGonagall entrar pela porta, silenciosa e com uma expressão desolada e distante. Seguindo seus passos, alguns professores conhecidos a acompanham porta adentro. Sem que seja necessário dizer palavra, todos entendem que finalmente é hora de retornar para Hogwarts.
Não há qualquer sinal da presença de Albus Dumbledore ali.
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Heróis? Pode-se dizer que sim. Mas que escola seria Hogwarts se aplaudisse seus alunos por arriscarem suas vidas? Poucas horas após o retorno de seus estudantes, cartas e mais cartas de pais desesperados com a notícia não param de chegar ao escritório do diretor. Sem perder tempo, o Profeta Diário já anuncia aos quatro ventos que a maior escola de magia e bruxaria do mundo não foi capaz de proteger suas crianças de um crime de ódio; que, por um triz, vidas não foram perdidas e que, logicamente, o mais sensato é que a escola feche suas portas de uma vez por todas.
Mas a verdade é que os jornais não sabem apontar com precisão quais foram os alunos que se esquivaram das figuras de autoridade para ficar e lutar. Nem mesmo os pais, ávidos por notícias, sabem se seus filhos fazem parte do grupo que retornou são e salvo para os portões da escola ou se juntaram-se àqueles poucos que resolveram se colocar em uma situação de perigo iminente. Ninguém sabe dizer com certeza o que aconteceu ali - ninguém... exceto Albus Dumbledore, que, por alguma razão, parece estranhamente ciente de tudo.
Considerando os eventos de risco do Witchella e o clima de incerteza política que se instala no mundo bruxo, é mais do que claro que Hogwarts precisa demonstrar pulso firme e desincentivar que seus alunos se arrisquem mais uma vez. É por isso que, a partir de agora, todos os alunos estão proibidos de ir para Hogsmeade até segunda ordem. Qualquer aluno que sair de seu Salão Comunal durante o toque de recolher será severamente punido. Todos os 22 alunos que ficaram em Hogsmeade depois do início do ataque terão de cumprir detenção duas vezes na semana ao longo do próximo mês.
É uma represália absurda, mas parece acalmar a mídia e parte dos pais preocupados. Iludidos com a sensação de controle, querem acreditar que o que aconteceu em Hogsmeade é apenas um episódio isolado. Que seus filhos, não mais velhos do que dezoito anos, apenas cometeram um ato de bravura juvenil e estão perfeitamente seguros na escola.
Não sabem que, pelos corredores, esses alunos ainda se identificam. Ainda lembram do que aconteceu. Ainda conversam, aos cochichos e longe dos outros, sobre tudo que viveram. Ainda não percebem que estão se unindo, que estão ligados uns aos outros por algo que nenhuma detenção ou polêmica da mídia podem minar. E, apesar de terem sido fortemente repreendidos por sua imprudência, alguns deles podem jurar que viram Albus Dumbledore fazer uma leve inclinação de respeito com a cabeça quando finalmente encerrou seu discurso no Salão Principal. Em mais de uma ocasião, quando caminham juntos pelos jardins da escola, vêem uma linda ave vermelha acompanhar seus passos no céu bem acima de suas cabeças...
𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖒, 𝖇𝖊𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗
Notas ooc: Finalmente, nossos chars estão reinseridos em Hogwarts! Recomendamos que sigam com suas interações no Cabeça de Javali como flashbacks e iniciem novos plots a partir do novo clima que está se instalando na escola, agora bem mais sombrio. Vocês podem explorar locais como o Lago Negro, o Corujal, a Floresta Proibida e a Sala de Troféus para eventuais turnos durante as detenções e também podem – e devem! – explorar o sentimento de unidade que está se instalando entre nossos personagens. A Ordem da Fênix ainda não tem nome, mas já está se formando e este é o momento de explorarmos isso! Qualquer dúvida, contem com a gente para dúvidas e sugestões!
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ellemora-datum · 1 year
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task oo2. the closet
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montgomery-cannon · 11 months
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task oo2. moodboard
old heat of a raging fire come and light my eyes summer's kiss to electric wire but I'll never die I will never die you can bury my body, but I'll never die
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mystiicall · 2 years
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Favorite Recipes/Food - Icecream
Penelope loves ice-cream. She is could say she likes one more than the others. But as it turns out, she had a favorite of each. Raspberry for Sherbet. Lemon for Sorbet. Strawberry Rhubarb for Frozen Yogurt. Strawberry for Soft Serve. It was one of the few date places in Mystic Falls that drew her to it for the first time. Her dates with Josie, happened there a lot. Over ice cream is one of the few places she could be herself.   
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limalatina · 3 months
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santana's insta stories ; saturday, january 28th.
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