#task; adriana sanguis.
ghcstlyhearts · 1 year
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Full Name: Adriana Sanguis
Nickname: Addie / Adri / Ana ( by her siblings only )
Age: 41 ( 956 )
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She & Her
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Italian
Education: Extensive, she believes knowledge is power, and has studied a vast array of topics, especially due to her age.
Occupation: Boutique Owner
Hometown: Sicily, Italy
Current location: Sanguis Point
Species: Vampire
Written Aesthetics: a lingering whiff of expensive perfume, hiding your manipulations behind saccharine smiles & idyllic dreams crushed like rose petals.
trigger warnings: death, murder
Face Claim: Stefania Spampatino
Height: 5ft8
Hair Colour: Brunette
Eye Colour: Brown
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Distinguishing Features: Painted lips & nails, an angelic smile that doesn’t quiet reach her eyes, ornate earrings dangling from her lobes, a lapis necklace hanging from her neck.
Abilities: immortality, superhuman strength, speed, senses & agility, stamina, fangs, flight, dream invasion & compulsion.
Have you always been aware of your abilities?: ”Of course not. I wasn’t born a vampire.”
Favorite Magical Items: Her lapis necklace, of course, which allows her the freedom to walk in the sunlight.
What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?: For now, she isn’t. She believes most other species are fragile enough to be overpowered, or brought, if necessary.
Who or what would they die for? Her family, but that’s all.
Does your character fight or flee? She’s the type to pretend to flee, and attack later when least expected.
Positive Traits: Intuitive, Creative & Generous.
Negative Traits: Cunning, Manipulative & Fickle.
Neutral Traits: Extravagant & Amoral.
Goals/desires: Deep down, all Addie wants is to be as happy as she once was with her family - but she knows that can’t ever happen. Mostly, her desire is to just be rich and live her life as she pleases.
Fears: Someone taking her siblings away from her, falling in love again.
Hobbies: Fashion Design, Sewing, Stargazing.
Habits: Studying her nails when she’s bored, slipping into Italian when she’s angry, studying people.
QUESTION ONE: were you born on the island, if so, what kind of curiosities do you have about the world beyond? if you weren’t, what do you miss about the world outside veritas isles?  "Mostly I miss the ability to feed as I wish, without these pesky rules in place. Thankfully, I’ve worked out certain arrangements to keep myself in supply of blood fresh from the vein." 
QUESTION TWO: what is your favorite part about the island?  "No hunters. As easy as they are to kill, it gets rather messy and I’d rather not deal with the annoyance.” 
QUESTION THREE: if your character is supernatural, do they fear humans? if human, do they fear the supernatural?  "Not anymore. Human’s are easy to dispose of. Especially at my age.” 
QUESTION FOUR: share a fun headcanon or fact about your character! this doesn’t have to be long, just something to introduce us to your character!  Addie much prefers drinking her blood straight from the vein, but with the rules in place, she usually pays certain individuals and showers them with gifts in return for drinking from them. She pays them enough that if she calls, they come. She’s even let one or two use her apartment, as it allows her constant access to them.
Lovers - both past and present. She’s had a few significant relationships, but most of them have ended terribly enough she no longer labels them. She has lovers, whom are mostly casual, that she’ll sleep with, shower with gifts & take out to dinner, but mostly keeps their interactions at a surface level. If she thinks they’re getting too close, they’re gone.
Exes - One or two exes from her past, that definitely ended awfully. They’d have to be immortal and fairly old.
People who dislike her - I’d love for decedents of a family line who despise her bc she like killed their ancestors before the island existed or something.
Confidante - Perhaps her oldest and dearest friend. The one she loves most outside of her family.
Vampires she has sired, whether they feel indebted to her or despise her.
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ghcstlyhearts · 1 year
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