reinaazarolla · 1 year
Task 005: The Hart of the Matter
The Hart of the Matter, Reina had heard of the show but she had never seen an entire episode. The extent of her exposure to the show were the clips that would randomly, and rarely, appear on her Tik Tok and even then she would scrolled past them 99% of the time. She had no intention of participating in the interviews that would be conducted and yet here she was, letting someone fuss around her to get the mic attached. She went to take a sip of her coffee but it was quickly taken away.
"You'll smudge your makeup." The woman said and set down the coffee cup on a nearby table. "Two minutes till places." She said checking her watch and then quickly leaving to wherever she was needed next.
The mic was attached and working, her hair - down in loose curls -and makeup - light and natural - was looked over once more and then she was led to the stage. There were bright lights, murmurs from the audience, and a hustle and bustle from the crew - the environment felt chaotic.
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"Ms. Azarolla," Dr. Hart flashed what she assumed was his signature charming smile as she rook the seat beside him. A smile that she could tell was completely fake.
Reina returned the smile. "Dr. Hart," she nodded after sitting down and smoothing out her top. She was wearing black skinny jeans with ankle boots and a nice pastel pink blouse with a dainty gold layered necklace, one chain have a small sun charm and the other having a crescent moon charm. She had a black leather jacket too but they told her she couldn't wear it.
The audience started to quiet down and from somewhere behind the cameras a woman - the one that had taken Reina's coffee away - counted down. The red lights on the cameras turned on and immediately Donovan Hart started the interview.
“It’s a tough year to be a student at Ogden College with the tragic passing of Penelope Klein. And of course, we can’t forget the ongoing missing persons case surrounding beloved student, Greer Morrison. I know that Dean Zuko insisted on free on-campus counseling set up for all students. Have you made use of it?”
If her father taught her one thing it was to keep her composure at all times. That all actions and words should be done with intent. With this being recorded and the show having the power to edit this however they want to, she knew she would need to be extra careful with her words. Yet seeing Dr. Hart there was something she sensed that she just did not like, she almost just wanted to make this interview difficult for him. It was an urge she'd have to try to fight, for now.
"I was unaware of the free on-campus counseling. I may just have to look into that and thank Dean Zuko for giving his students and staff this resource for free." There was a short pause, she thought that answer would suffice but then she opened her mouth again. "And I'll have to thank him for hosting such a prominent psychiatrist the next time I see him. I'm sure he intends these interviews to be cathartic for us." The brunette tilted her head to the side slightly and smiled. Sarcasm hid beneath her tone but she was sure the wise doctor would pick up on it.
It was no surprise to her that he simply moved on to the next question.
“There was that nasty storm that knocked out the power at the resort, I remember. That got a little dicey, huh? Parents and staff all congregated in the faculty chalet, but you kids were on the other side of the resort. We’ve been told that Penelope organized some things for people to complete to make it through that night together. Were you one of them? What did you get up to during the blackout?”
Ah, one of the reasons why she didn't want to do this interview. She wasn't there when Penelope met her untimely death. She only experienced it through other's re-telling of that night and even then she knew she didn't have the whole story. "I was not at the ski resort. I was studying abroad last semester. As one of the parents there, wouldn't you have known that I was not?" She raised a brow.
Dr. Hart cleared his throat and moved on to the next question.
“In the wake of tragedy, it can be hard to recall things in detail. The brain has its own ways of protecting itself in high-stress situations, and I know that the police have been a near-constant presence on campus this year. This is not that; I want you to feel safe and comfortable enough to share whatever you want about that night. Did you see anything? Hear anything?”
There was a flash of something in Dr. Hart's eyes, as if he knew he should have not asked the question as soon as he had said it.
"May I ask you a question Dr. Hart?" Reina crossed her right leg over her left and leaned on the side of the chair that was closer to him. She didn't really wait for him to answer before continuing. "What number interview am I?" A short pause but again not one long enough for him to answer.
"I know I was not the intended interviewee, I mean I'm pretty sure it was an intern that ambushed me when I was leaving Rumi Cafe asking if I had time to come do a quick interview." Reina had told this person she did not in fact have time. She was heading back to her dorm to study. Who's bright idea was it to host right before midterms. The intern was not taking no as an answer, they seemed desperate, how many people had they approached before Reina.
"It just seems like you're going through the motions, reading those cue cards of yours." She shrugged a shoulder. "And not really listening. Which, as a psychiatrist, if a patient feels like they aren't being listened to does that create a safe environment?" Reina sighed. Again, I was not at the ski resort. I was studying abroad last semester. I did not see anything and what I've heard about that trip are just bits and pieces. Nothing I'd want to repeat, I wouldn't want to relay the wrong information."
Dr. Hart cleared his throat again and flipped through his cards before finding a question that was not entirely related to ones experience at the ski resort.
“Now, if you’ll direct your attention to this screen here, I have something that— barring appropriate authorities— no one has seen until now.” A picture of Greer suddenly appears on screen, all eyes trained on this new piece of information. All eyes but Donovan’s which are locked onto the face of the person he’s interviewing, watching for any and every reaction. “This photo is shocking, I know. It was found in the faculty chalet the night of the blackout. Do you know anything about the day it was taken or who might have taken it?”
Reina looked at the photo, her mouth fell open slightly. Donovan's voice sounded muffled, she was no longer present in the interview. Many thoughts began to enter her mind but the loudest one was once again her father every action and word must be done with intent.
Her eyes glistened as they began to fill with tears threatening to fall. She shook her head and grabbed a tissue from the box of tissues that suddenly appeared on the table beside her. She fiddled with it in her hands, only having it ready for if, or when, the tears begin to fall. "It looks like it could have been taken while on vacation, or maybe on some sort of bus. I don't know." A tear fell and she wiped it away once it was about half way down her cheek.
"You said that was found in the faculty chalet? Why would it be there? Have you asked any of the staff or parents about this yet?"
This was not a two way interview, Dr. Hart simply moved on.
“Do you have any idea why this photo might have been left with faculty that night? Or, most pressing, what reason someone could have for vandalizing it in such a horrible way?”
"What do you mean left with faculty? How do you know it wasn't already in possession of the faculty?" Her eyes still glistened and she took a deep breath to fight back the tears. Reina knew there were bound to be some creeps in Greer's life, but they were harmless. At least she thought they were harmless.
Again Dr. Hart ignored her questions.
“Finally, it’s been discovered that Penelope, shortly before her untimely death, had mentioned to someone that she knew why Greer had left. Do you think that has anything to do with this photo? Do you know why she might have left? Even though being honest about it may seem scary, I promise you, it’s the right thing to do. It’s the only way we can protect you.”
"Oh come on Dr. Hart." Now Reina was getting angry. She balled up the tissue in her fist, tears no longer threatened to fall. "Who is going to protect me, and everyone else. If you have a plan on how you can guarantee our safety then I'm all ears. But aren't you are only here for the weekend to get the inside scoop and monetize on the suffering these students have gone through." She took a steady deep breath.
"To answer your questions. I do not know why she left. I would think the photo has something to do with it, but I can't say for sure. It's just, why would someone leave it where it could be so easily found?" She shook her head. "I have nothing more to say to you except instead of worrying about all of us and making promises you can't keep, why not focus on your son that is also a student here. Have you recorded his interview yet? I'm sure a father son interview would drive your ratings through the roof."
Dr. Hart gave a look to his crew. The cameras turned off, the audience began to murmur again and the crew started get ready for the next student. Reina was directed off the make shift stage. Her mic was removed and she was left to gather her things. She put her jacket on, grabbed her bag and grabbed her coffee that was now cold and left.
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ogdencollegerp · 1 year
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MARCH 18TH & 19TH, 2023
As mentioned in our last bulletin, Ogden College has decided to host Donovan Hart, celebrity psychatrist and host of "The Hart of the Matter" to do a special on everything that has occurred at Ogden this year - both the disappearance of Greer Morrison and the death of Penelope Klein, and how students are dealing with them. While being recorded for the show, students will be led through a series of questions pertaining to the tragedies. Just be careful - just because this isn't a police interview doesn't mean they aren't watching.
IMPORTANT NOTE: this should NOT reveal your characters motive or secret !!! 
As always, this task can be approached however you would like. These are being recorded privately over the course of the weekend before midterms - so student's are unable to watch anyone else's interview, and have no idea what is coming. The script is followed in the same way for each of the students, the idea being that the special will be edited together when it is shown. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the discord or send over a DM !!!
AS A REMINDER, even though this is not an interview with the cops, your character should be dodging their motive and anything else they want to keep a secret, as well as anything they think would make them look bad. The cops believe there may have been foul play with the disappearance of THE GOLDEN GIRL, as the arrest and expulsion of THE NAIVE NEWCOMER shows, and believe that THE TEACHER'S PET - the catalyst for this recording - may have been murdered in conjunction. If they look suspicious in the interview for the show, they could very will be the next person dragged off campus by the police. Of course, wanting to look innocent and telling the truth are still two very different things.....
While of course not mandatory, if you are going to participate, please complete the task by SUNDAY, JULY 16TH. 
Finally, please see below the cut for the script for each students recording, as well as the intro that will be utilized for the show, and the questions that were asked of them:
Donovan Hart, celebrity psychiatrist and host of the popular television show "The Hart of the Matter," walked confidently onto the brightly lit stage of his studio. His perfectly tailored suit and charming smile immediately caught the attention of the live studio audience and the millions of viewers watching at home.
"Good evening, and welcome to 'The Hart of the Matter,'" Donovan said, his voice smooth and polished. "Tonight, we're going to take a closer look at the recent tragedy that occurred on the ski trip of one of the nation's top colleges, Ogden College. As many of you know, my son Jesse is a student there, and I, like so many others, am deeply concerned about the welfare of the students and the school as a whole."
Donovan paused for a moment, letting the audience's sympathetic murmurs wash over him.
"As one of the largest benefactors of Ogden College, I feel it's my responsibility to shed light on the situation and set the record straight. There have been a lot of rumors and speculation in the media, and I want to ensure that the truth is told. So, I was graciously given the opportunity to go on campus to meet with some of the students, and have them share their experiences and insights."
The audience erupted into applause, and Donovan smiled smugly, basking in their admiration. He knew that he could use his charm and intelligence to guide the conversation and shape the narrative to his advantage. After all, he was Donovan Hart - the expert on the human mind and the master of manipulation.
"Let's get started, shall we?" he said, motioning towards the screen where the interviews would be playing. "Welcome to 'The Hart of the Matter,' where we always get to the heart of the issue."
“It’s a tough year to be a student at Ogden College with the tragic passing of Penelope Klein. And of course, we can’t forget the ongoing missing persons case surrounding beloved student, Greer Morrison. I know that Dean Zuko insisted on free on-campus counseling set up for all students. Have you made use of it?”
“There was that nasty storm that knocked out the power at the resort, I remember. That got a little dicey, huh? Parents and staff all congregated in the faculty chalet, but you kids were on the other side of the resort. We’ve been told that Penelope organized some things for people to complete to make it through that night together. Were you one of them? What did you get up to during the blackout?”
“In the wake of tragedy, it can be hard to recall things in detail. The brain has its own ways of protecting itself in high-stress situations, and I know that the police have been a near-constant presence on campus this year. This is not that; I want you to feel safe and comfortable enough to share whatever you want about that night. Did you see anything? Hear anything?”
“Obviously, we all want to get to the bottom of this and work through whatever lingering effects it might have left behind. If you were paired off with anyone that night, can you remember what they were doing? Would it have been possible that they might have been behind anything you saw?
“Now, if you’ll direct your attention to this screen here, I have something that— barring appropriate authorities— no one has seen until now.” A picture of Greer suddenly appears on screen, all eyes trained on this new piece of information. All eyes but Donovan’s which are locked onto the face of the person he’s interviewing, watching for any and every reaction. “This photo is shocking, I know. It was found in the faculty chalet the night of the blackout. Do you know anything about the day it was taken or who might have taken it?”
“Do you have any idea why this photo might have been left with faculty that night? Or, most pressing, what reason someone could have for vandalizing it in such a horrible way?”
"Finally, it's been discovered that Penelope, shortly before her untimely death, had mentioned to someone that she knew why Greer had left. Do you think that has anything to do with this photo? Do you know why she might have left? Even though being honest about it may seem scary, I promise you, it's the right thing to do. It's the only way we can protect you."
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auri-cartwright · 2 years
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Task005 // The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree
Auri’s father is dead. He has been dead for over a decade now, and Auri wasn’t even speaking to him for the few years leading up to his death. Auri was really close to her dad growing up, and because of that, Auri spent a lot of time building Thomas Cartwright up into more than he was, which only made his failings hit that much harder. Thomas had his head in the clouds, a habit of letting his kids get away with more than they should have, and the same sense of humor as his daughter. Thomas was also an addict who squandered money and relationships.
Leigh Cartwright is nice without being kind. She doesn’t apologize for much and would rather pretend that nothing is wrong than address a conflict head on. Auri’s mother lives with her brother’s family, which is for the best given that the two of them work best in small doses. It’s a strained relationship but not a broken one. Auri knows that her mother cares very deeply about her children and grandchildren, and ultimately, Auri would rather have her mother in her life than not. There’s just a few too many bricks in the wall between them to ever be particularly close.
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cain-gunn · 7 months
Task005. Training Prompts
Discuss strategy with another mentor (Everett)
Talk with a tribute from a district other than your own (Slate)
Warn a tribute about another tribute they don’t trust (Calli)
Give your tribute advice for the Games (Ezra)
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greer-morgan · 7 months
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Task005. Training Prompts
Try to form an alliance on a tribute’s behalf (Abel)
Talk with a tribute from a district other than your own (Slate)
Speculate on who around you might be a rebel (Cade)
Discuss the Vox in District Eleven (Cyrene)
Talk about the dwindling food supply (Enna)
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alcssandralopez-ar · 3 years
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                                      task 005: social media 
alessandra’s social media consists of: 
an instagram : where she shares all photos of herself and her new foster pup bear. it’s probably the only real place you could keep up with her and she considers it her literal life when she’s bored and has nothing to do. 
a twitter : where she mainly updates it with just dance. she’s barely on it unless she has recitals planned or dance competitions she doesn’t take twitter seriously yet. 
a tinder account : i mean this one is self explanatory. the girl has needs just like everyone else. she’s looking for fun and will use it from time to time to catch her next hook up. 
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ally-of-justice · 4 years
O paladino subia na plataforma sem pensar duas vezes, não relutava em momento algum. Seus passos eram firmes, assim como sua expressão e seus pensamentos, determinado em conhecer a si mesmo, independente da resposta que tivesse. Ouviu falar da Mana Conflux por anos e se perguntava verdadeiramente quais orbes que permaneceriam flutuando para ele. Seria ele alguém mais egoísta sem saber? Alguém que quer aventura e combate independente das consequências ao seu redor? Não... Não podia ser, ele sempre lutou para proteger os outros, sua felicidade não vinha do combate em si, mas de quando os vencia e podia cumprir os seus fins: proteger os outros. Também não se via muito como alguém intelectual. Tinha suas ideias sobre muitas coisas, tinha opinião e de fato amava ler... Mas sabia que não era um estudioso, não era um escolar, era um guerreiro. Paz? Sim, gostava de paz, mas partia para a guerra na menor das necessidades, se uma única pessoa estivesse sob perigo, lá estaria o príncipe para defende-la. Pensava em si, tinha suas suspeitas, mas não tinha certeza alguma
Ele colocava a mão sobre a orbe cinza, que começava a brilhar fortemente com uma luz prateada, a luz era canalizada pelo seu pedestal passando por filetes de luz ao seu redor, descendo para o chão, percorrendo até os cinco outros pedestais e subiam até os orbes, que agora acendiam e ascendiam, passando a brilhar e flutuar. Inundado pelas luzes de cinco cores, ele observava conforme os orbes permaneciam no ar flutuando, como se o encarassem, o julgassem, apenas subindo e descendo quase que imperceptivelmente numa dança sutil. Um momento de tensão, os dedos do jovem firmavam sobre o Item, como se suplicasse por uma resposta mais rápida. Talvez fosse apenas coincidência, mas ela realmente vinha
Arthur percebia que segurava a respiração em expectativa, mas assim que via a primeira dos orbes perdendo a luz e abaixando, ele puxava o ar. A esfera preta apagava-se e voltava a repousar sobre o seu pedestal, lentamente, negando a essência do príncipe, então a esfera azul, descia um pouco mais graciosa e lentamente, seguido pela verde, que parecia resistir um pouco
A resposta era clara e esperada, o sorriso de Arthur finalmente se abria, brilhando como as luzes que inundavam a cena. Branco e Vermelho. Honra, moral, comunidade, Luz. Paixão, Intensidade, Ação, Fogo. Arthur sempre foi alguém que buscou fazer o certo e o justo, sempre se preocupou com as outras pessoas, muitas vezes acreditando que não era mais importantes que outros. Todos são iguais, não há nada de especial num sague nobre. A Paixão que ele sentia desde cedo pela causa justa e honrada dos paladinos, era um reflexo disso. Com a intensidade e paixão que ele sempre sentiu, cumpriria com os deveres que têm com as pessoas. Coragem, Heroísmo, Luz e Fogo. Ordem e Caos. Todos livres para fazer o que quiserem enquanto não prejudicarem os outros. Justiça. Acima de tudo, Arthur era Vermelho e Branco... Parece que escolheu as cores da armadura bem.
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venus-victrix-2 · 4 years
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Venus Praxidike - District Two - Chariot Outfit - 123rd Bi-Annual Hunger Games
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spacesalem · 4 years
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fictional representation: salem creak
lola bunny from space jam
vivian ward from pretty woman
cher horowitz from clueless
michael guerin from roswell
beverly marsh from it: chapter two
rayanne graff from my so-called life
dani from midsommar
aurora from sleeping beauty
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task 005 - zodiac signs
question 1- What is your character’s zodiac sign?
question 2- List at least 3 negative traits that your character’s sign has. Does your character exhibit these traits? Give examples or explain a time when they have behaved in this way.
Suspicious Manipulative Unyielding Axel absolutely exhibits these traits. As a child who suffered nothing but abuse and neglect- Axel goes into every situation suspicious of people’s ulterior motives. He always assumes that people are playing an angle even when they’re coming off as entirely genuine. He manipulates any situation that he can to fit his narrative. He Tries his best to put himself above aboslutely anyone and everything else as a means to not get hurt. He does his best to manipulate people’s view on him as the scarier he comes off the less people will surround themselves with him and the less chance of him ultimately getting hurt if they leave. Axel’s very unyielding in the sense of once he has a thought or idea- that;s it. You’re not changing his mind and he’s not doing anything else. If it’s a person- such as Leo, who he has decided is good in his books that’s it. He’s great. He is a very firm believer that he is smarter than most of his peers and therefor he likely is correct more often than them so why argue.
question 3- List at least 3 positive traits that your character’s sign has. Does your character exhibit these traits? Give examples or explain a time when they have behaved in this way.
Loyal Passionate  Observant As mentioned in the ‘unyielding’ category, Axel is loyal through and through. Once this man has decided that he rides for you, it’s for life. Nearly nothing can shake his loyalty. He doesn’t care what people think unless it’s the people that have his loyalties.  Passion comes easily to Axel when he finds something that he likes or is good at. He’s fluent in over 5 languages because once he got started in being bilingual he just kept going. He had to master the craft of speaking more than one language, two quickly turned into three, three to four and so on. Axel is also extremely passionate in the art of pottery- an activity once suggested to him at a boarding school he attended by a trusted counsilor, now a hobby he absolitely cannot put down. He pours his entire heart and soul into evert piece he makes.  Axel is also very observant. Upon initially being released from what was basically his parents prison dungeon they had for him- Axel spent all of his time observing people... learning what made them tick, what made them happy. Basically how to be a person and how to interact with people. To this day you’re way more likely to find Axel sitting in the halls, watching people over interacting with his peers. His keen conservancy makes it very easy for him to read people. 
question 4- If there are any specific opposing traits that your character has which isn’t typical for their sign, what traits are they? Give examples of this opposing behaviour.
One opposing trait Axel has that is very different from a typical Scorpio is he’s very passive in the jealousy department. Scorpios are very known for their jealous behaviours whereas Axel usually could not care less. The times he’s been interested in someone romantically and they’ve tried to dangle other people in front of him to get his attention it hasn’t phased him at all. He is a very much ‘do your own thing- I’m here when you need me’ kind of person.
question 5- Which zodiac sign associated traits does your character exhibit that would be obvious to others? Which traits aren’t as obvious?
I’d think all of the ‘weakness’ listed traits above come off as pretty obvious to others when it comes to Axel, whereas also most of the ‘positive’ traits would be a little harder to see to someone who doesn’t know him well as he’s very shut off and puts up an agressive front, only really allowing his negative traits to be seen by people that he does not trust. 
question 6- Overall, do you find that your character’s sign suits their personality? Why or why not?
Oh absolutely- Axel is a true Scorpio through and through. Why? Because I intentionally made him a Scorpio based off his traits ... Because he matches more than not of the criteria listed for a typical Scorpio. The usual reaction to people being told that Axel is a Scorpio born on Devil’s night is anything but shock. It seems to be something that people have come to expect. 
question 7- Which aspect under the “In a Nutshell” header do you think describes your character the best? The least?
I honestly could copy and paste the entire ‘In a nutshell category here to describe Axel. I think it does a pretty nail on job of describing what he’s like and who he is as a character. If I had to pick just one sentence from the ‘in a nutshell’ that I think describes him the best it would be “They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive“.  I did not find a statement in this category that I could honestly say ‘least’ describes him. 
question 8- Which aspect under the “Deep Inside” header do you think describes your character the best? The least?
Under the ‘Deep Inside’ catagory I’d say the sentence that best describes Axel in it is “Scorpios are very intuitive, but not as in a psychic sense, more as intuitive into the human mind, they have a great understanding of the mystery and the power of the human mind.” As I’ve stated before above Axel has an absolutely amazing character read on people. He is almost a human lie detector, and is very good at picking up on the tiniest changes in emotion.  The sentence in the ‘Deep inside’ category that I think least describes Axel would again have to be “Scorpios are all about control, they need to be in control at all times. To be out of control is very threatening.” Axel very much does not care to have control over things that are not in his control in the first place. He’s very passive in the sense of letting people do what they want, and seeing how situations play out and going from there. 
question 9- Read the “How to Attract” header of your character’s sign. Do you find this accurately describes what would draw them to another person?
The “How to Attract” category, I’d say does pretty accurately describe good ways to attract someone like Axel. It highlights that they don’t particularity like someone who’s going to try to control them- which is accurate. He demands the same respect he gives on being very free range and open with anyone he dates. While also pointing out that Scoprios don’t like the ‘damsel in distress’ type which is absolutely true. Axel does not want to be someone’s prince charming. If they say they’re walking away- he’s letting them. If they constantly need saving he’s also going to grow tired of the dynamic very quickly. 
question 10- Did you already have a birthday chosen for your character? Had you considered the sign associated with that date? If you don’t find that your character fits the descriptions of their sign, which of the other signs do you think they’re like?
I did have a birthday already chosen for my character based entirely around the fact that I thought Axel was the most closely knit with a Scorpio’s personality- and the fact that he needed to be born on devil’s night- I think he very much fits the typical cookie cutter description of a Scorpio man. Had he not of been a Scorpio the other sign I  was leaning Axel towards was Gemini for their two faced nature and ability to be deceptive yet charming. 
question 11- Are there any additional descriptions you found in your reading that stand out to you or also describe your character well? What were they?
One thing that I’d never considered that stood out in my readings on Scorpio was the description of “They are all about intensity and contradictions. They like to be aware of a situation and always know what's going on, figuring this out with their probing mind, on the other hand, they are interested in the occult, the paranormal, conspiracy theories and other types of similar unknown mysteries.” Now that I think of it I absolutely could see Axel obsessing and deep diving into the world of consipracy theories and the paranormal and with his usual Scorpio wit- needing to know absolutely every tiny theory and every small detail of such. 
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wrendigobird · 4 years
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fictional representation: wren whitewater
sidney prescott from scream
wednesday addams from the addams family
sarah bailey from the craft
eric draven from the crow
max evans from roswell
mia allen from evil dead
dani dennison from hocus pocus
jonathan byers from stranger things
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callmedelo · 4 years
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@callmedelo​ on instagram in december 2021: “strawberries & cigarettes” feat. my personal angel @septemberissues​ is out NOW!!!! 💥💥💥 and yeah, we’re a couple btw 💙
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fictional representation: ezra jean james lapointe 
baby houseman from dirty dancing
tinkerbell from peter pan
rose dewitt bukater from titanic
jean grey from x-men
rapunzel from tangled
liz parker from roswell
kim from edward scissorhands
pam beesly from the office
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cain-gunn · 1 year
Task005. Training Prompts
Talk with a tribute from a district other than your own - Augusta
Try to form an alliance on a tribute’s behalf - Rio
Give your tribute advice for the Games - Mason
Sneak into the damaged part of the lobby - Io
Discuss the skill presentation with a tribute - Smith
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greer-morgan · 1 year
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Task005. Training Prompts
Give your tribute advice for the Games - Courtney
Attempt to cheat (sneak into the Training Center after hours) - Prairie
Discuss strategy with another mentor - Mahlon
Try to form an alliance on a tribute’s behalf - Link
You need to go shopping - Alder
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itsellataylor · 4 years
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TASK 005         → Picking courses
Part one: classes taken last semester
GEN 105 - HISTORY OF ESPIONAGE                                            B-
GEN 103 - KNOW YOUR TREATIES                                               C
AT 201 - ADVANCED HAND-TO-HAND                                          B
AT 202 - SELF-DEFENSE AND THE UPPERHAND                         B+
WT 101 - INTRO TO KNIFE FIGHTING                                           C+
Last semester was a particular challenge for Ella. She was still struggling with belonging to Gallagher Academy, doubting if she had what it took to be it. She has always been good in school, so she somehow managed to get passing grades without trying too hard, and then with the failed mission she was a part of towards the end of the year, it was hard to focus on finals as she dealt with everything.
Part two: classes this semester
As a part of her coping with what she went through last semester with the mission, Ella decided to take a lighter load with classes this semester. PTSD is very much real to this day, and some things can trigger it like loud noises, or even colors, so she decided that her classes would be more about defending herself and learning about the spy world more. She even got clearance to take a class in the Seduction and Flirtation department to read body language, knowing it too important not to fail during a mission ever again.
She’s also taking things more seriously this time around. She’s found people she cares about, which helps her with her decision of staying in Gallagher and not getting herself kicked out of the Academy just now. This is the semester she will really try.
She’s taking a couple classes a day, and allowed herself to have a long weekend to work on homeworks and training herself to not lose what she’s learned so far about combat and physical activity. At this point she just wants to feel empowered, and perhaps will soon take a second major.
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