geekyvox · 1 year
Hi there! My name Joseph Letigio. You can call me Joe. And this an AVP of my life. I was born here in Cebu City. The eldest of three siblings. As a kid, I was born at a very awkward time. You see I was living with a lot of my cousins in an apartment complex. But I was too young to play with the older ones and too old to play with the infants and toddlers. So I didn't have anyone to play with. So I resorted to watching cartoons and playing the familycom/ SNES by myself mostly. I was shy young lad but when asked to perform or sing, I didn't think much of it, I just do it.
Fast forward, I'm in school, people of the same age group! I finally had friends! Yay! While not the most popular in class, I did have a circle of friends I could count on. Throughout high school and college, that thing was constant, I had small circle that I could count as friends. What was also constant was that within each circle we all had a lot of things in common. Most of which are geek stuff. Comic books, novels, movies, music, cartoons, anime, video games. We were all into it. Me moreso than others. I wasn't much into the physical stuff like sports and whatnot. But if you asked me about a movie or a tv show, I would have been all into it.
And I carry it with me until I graduated and got a job. A pediatric physical therapist. It was perfect! Kids love a lot of the geek stuff. Cartoons and video games and believe or not, musical! And that's what I used to build a rapport with them. I didn't know it then but all that time I've been doing voice artistry. I had to keep the kids interested in their activities and I did that by singing and imitating cartoon characters.
And this is where my passion lies. Entertaining and creating content that are geeky in nature but are also intellectual and educational. Embrace the geek, I say! Because there's a probably a lonely kid out there right now who's into comic books and reading novels and listening to musicals but his friends think those are kid's stuff or boring or weird. I tell you, kid: you're not alone! I aim to create content that is smart and funny and witty and filled with geek culture in whatever form it may be. Even those not known. Especially those not yet known! I aim to inform. I aim to educate. I have been that, an educator and now I aim to still do that, with JoeFox the GeekyVox!
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geekyvox · 1 year
CVAP Week 4. The last but definitely not the least. My thoughts! Here we go!
Sadly, we reached the final point of the program. Well, final point of the academic part of the program I guess. There's still a lot of work to be done especially with our batch recital. Anyway lot of the topics left were very business-centric. Because it talks about service agreements, NDA's, resumes, legalese. All of which are very daunting and intimidating but no less essential. I keep forgetting that we as voice artists are running a business. You're basically selling a service. The service of which is your voice. And if you want to navigate yourself into the minefield that entrepreneurship, branding and marketing, you have to learn these things. I find myself actually interested in listening to it, despite at first glance it being something uninteresting to most people I think. Working in a corporate setting, I'm familiar with some aspects of it. And call me weird, it really was interesting. I guess the thought of having to encounter something like this as a voice artist is an indication that you're on your way to making it. The prospect makes me giddy.
The thing that was most exciting though, was the afternoon session. The live Q&A. I was called first! Oh boy… It's nervewracking to be in the spotlight while they're playing what you think was your magnum opus. My magnum opus so far. Well I thought that was the best of my work. Despite being a nervous wreck, I was excited as well. I was excited to be grilled and dissected and studied. But it was all worth it. I got all the feedback. It was not bad. I think they were mostly good. But I did deserve their common critique. They wanted variety and I should have given that. I was playing it safe. I was playing characters that I was comfortable and confident of doing. I should have picked characters that were outside my range. Tried and played around with it. I'm pretty sure I could have pulled it off but I was really playing safe. More the fool, me! After I was done though, I was sitting back and just enjoyed watching other voicemates and their work. Man, they're good! One or two I didn't expect to shine out adn that was a pleasant surprise.
Which comes to the final part of it all, I am going to miss these people. The four Saturdays spent with them I will remember for the rest of my life. I wish there were more but it has to end. Like all good things. I will keep this page up. And continue to create more content, whatever happens. I'm planning to reach out to my voicemates and maybe do collaborations with some of them. Maybe… Hopefully! And we'll see. More content in the future.
With that, this ends my CVAP Vlog. I'll see if I can do more vlog formats but I really don't know when. But I'll see you guys again. Count on it. Until then, this is JoeFox the GeekyVox telling you to: "Keep on gaming on, gamers!"
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geekyvox · 1 year
Great day, one and all!
CVAP Week 3. My thoughts and everything about it. One word: Awesome!
So Practice, Practice, Practice! Now, since this is my vlog, here we go again, we'll be talking more about me! Well, aside from the obvious which is talking about CVAP. And this topic of constant practice hits home because I am also a martial artist. I practice Japanese Sword Art called Kendo. And there's a thing in Kendo that we call suburi. Which is the act of repeated cutting or doing the cuts over and over and over and over and over and I cant emphasize this enough, OVER AGAIN, until your Sensei tells you to stop or you get tired. The point of the exercise is to do the act until you perfect the form. The path to one perfect strike is through a thousand cuts. I dont know if that's an actual Samurai adage, or I thought that up. I am wise beyond my years! Which I immediately correlate to this CVAP topic. Of course, it's much more complex than doing the cutting motion but the principle remains. It's not a popular principle especially in this time and age where attention span is so short and the thought of doing something over and over again is seen as tiring and boring but this is the reality of mastering and perfecting a craft, whatever it may be. You have to do the work. You have to get used to hearing your voice, you have to exercise those tongue muscles, and also practice as if you have a project by recording samples. Constantly. And I love it because it reflects so much with how Japanese do things. The art of perfecting a craft.
Then there's dubbing! Miss Janeane and Miss Donnah got everyone deeper into the world of dubbing. To be honest, I haven't given dubbing much thought but because of their discussion, it was intriguing. That much I can say. It certainly was very engaging, especially miss Donnah's exercise. Again, I had fun. Which is the whole point. Just have fun.
Then hearing Miss Cham's journey on CVAP actually gave me hope and reassurance. Inspiration as well. Both Miss Janeane's and Miss Cham's story were both inspiring. Miss Cham most especially I can relate. A Cebuano myself, I went through the typhoon Odette, I went through the BM 800 phase. Good Lord! I look back with a tinge of both cringe and nostalgia. I had so many both fond and frustrating memories of BM 800. Frustrating because of the hours I put in trying to make it sound like an expensive, professional microphone. Ugh! I'm also an introvert. And this speaks to me as well, what she was saying, to build up some sort of persona online that is against my nature. And I did that as well.
Lastly, voice care! As a medical professional, I'm very familiar with almost everything put in for voice care. But as a person, who indulges on the finer things in life, it's hard to follow one or two of these tips. But I'll try! I need to! So goodbye cold drinks and sweets. For now at least.
Anyway, that's my thoughts for this weeks vlog. I'll see you guys again, next week! The final week of CVAP classes. Not the final week of CVAP though. Tons still to do after week 4. Oooh boy… I'll see you guys then!
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