aethericmusings · 9 months
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Happy Starlight, everyone!
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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aethericmusings · 1 year
Is it easy for your OC to treat someone with courtesy, even if they personally dislike them or disagree with their views or actions?
To a large degree, yes!
As the son of a merchant, Tatanzo was taught how to separate personal feelings from a situation at an early age, to be courteous and polite to anyone, regardless of how he might feel about them. Now, as an adult, he recognizes that he doesn't always have to, but it's still so second-nature to him that it would require actual effort to not be at least passingly polite to someone.
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aethericmusings · 1 year
Does your OC believe that a person can be redeemed even if they have committed heinous deeds? Or do they maintain that some crimes can never be forgiven?
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This one took me a lot longer than I thought it would!
Tatanzo wants to believe that absolutely anyone can be redeemed! He tries to find the best in everyone, and gives first and second and third and fourth...and so on chances, so long as the person seems willing to try and do better next time.
That said, he does recognize that some people don't want to do better, aren't actually seeking redemption. He still wants to understand their motivations, to try and find good, even if he gets hurt in the process, but he will eventually acknowledge that there's nothing to be done if that's the route they want to take.
Doing something to someone he cares about, though, tends to curtail any efforts to help them, though he'll still want to understand what motivates them in the process. He may still forgive them, if they ask the person they've wronged, but they'll find that they have far fewer chances until Tatanzo writes them off as a lost cause.
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aethericmusings · 2 years
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Tatanzo's love language color is: Lavender
Key words: pure, affectionate, innocent
Your love is the love of childhood crushes, secrets told in the dark between two best friends and long car trips with your favourite sibling. You're a sweet person with a soft heart and a gentle way of showing your affection. A pure, idealistic love, yours is the love of intertwined pinkies, butterfly kisses, and rubbing noses.
Best matched with: Fern, Canary - - - - -
Tagged by @moonchildrenffxiv! ^^
I wasn't sure what sort of result Tatanzo would get, since he's not much for 'love', but I really like this for Tatanzo, it's actually super fitting!
Quiz here!
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aethericmusings · 2 years
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aethericmusings · 1 year
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aethericmusings · 1 year
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
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Tatanzo's almost always got some sort of paper on him at any given time, be it research notes tucked into a pocket or his bag or one of several geometries he likes to keep handy after the recent loss of his grimoire.
Having started as an arcanist, he also almost always has two gemstones, ruby and topaz, on him as well, in case he needs to call upon a carbuncle. He also carries around an old unaspected crystal around with him, something to fidget with that he's had since he was little.
He's also definitely got a small pouch of konpeito, a Far Eastern favorite of his, on his person at all times, that's a must!
Thank you so much for the ask @mimble-sparklepudding! 😊
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aethericmusings · 2 years
Starting up a blog for my FFXIV character Tatanzo, RPer on Coeurl!
Completely new to this, but expect ramblings, writing snippets, and maybe some screenshots. Also a sucker for writing prompts.
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aethericmusings · 2 years
Tatanzo sleeps, and as is often the case for the Lalafell, he dreams.
In this dream he is two again, a fragment of memory clinging by thin threads. He reaches up for his mother, a young woman only a handful of years older than the sleeping Tatanzo is now, and she scoops the little one into her arms. He says something, or tries to, his words lost in the fading memory. She laughs, and says something equally unremembered.
He reaches out, the tiny hands of a young Lalafell who is already not growing as fast as he should, and he grips his mother's fingers. The words may have been long-forgotten, but the next sensation, the first feelings of his barely-developed aetheric sense, are ones he can't ever forget.
In that brief moment, he feels the sensation of a cool breeze, one that blows and winds its way through the shaded boughs of a forest. He holds tight to his mother, startled, and as he squeezes her hand the feeling deepens, and now he feels the sun on his face, not the harsh Thanalan heat that he knows but a warmth, a sun that shines down through leaf and branch and encourages the wood to live, grow. Perhaps it is a later memory bleeding through into this one, but the sleeping Tatanzo hears the faintest whisper of two children laughing and playing off in the distance.
His mother, as would be the case for several more moons, is oblivious to the aetheric sensations her son experienced, and looks down at him and smiles. The young Tatanzo, confused and unsure, relaxes and giggles in reply. After all, if she was happy, then maybe that feeling was normal, and the world was okay.
Tatanzo sleeps on.
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