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l3irdl3rain · 9 months
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Daydreaming about the day I have the funds to contact the tattoo man
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savesgu · 5 years
Bunny I Love Mom Tattoo Hoodie
Bunny I Love Mom Tattoo Hoodie
Bunny I Love Mom Tattoo Shirt Managing personal affairs is not difficult for each person if you are taught how to manage time, manage your work with intelligent methods. But if you don’t know how to apply the simplest task management tips, a new year promises to be immersed in your DEADLINE coming.
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Me too, 2019 went smoothly for me at work, I was always overloaded with too many things out of…
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nemnuoc · 5 years
Bunny I Love Mom Tattoo Hoodie
Bunny I Love Mom Tattoo Hoodie
Bunny I Love Mom Tattoo Shirt Managing personal affairs is not difficult for each person if you are taught how to manage time, manage your work with intelligent methods. But if you don’t know how to apply the simplest task management tips, a new year promises to be immersed in your DEADLINE coming.
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Me too, 2019 went smoothly for me at work, I was always overloaded with too many things out of…
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the-master-cylinder · 5 years
SUMMARY It is 1998 and the city of Los Angeles has been quarantined off after a plague wiped out 120 million people in the country. Law and order no longer exists, but disease, violence and immorality are running rampant. A young man and his family are being terrorized by a local gang and nobody will help. When the gang kills his grandmother and breaks his legs, the computer savvy cripple goes on the defensive and sets booby traps around the neighborhood. It is war and the traps kill the gang members one by one in the most bizarre and vicious way imaginable.
PRODUCTION “Wired to kill is an original premise,” insists Schaeffer, an occasional science-fiction author and painter. “It isn’t post-nuclear holocaust with a motorcycle gang chasing people across the desert. Wired to Kill isn’t just about guys with spikes on their wrists, either. It’s an avant-garde action film with horrific overtones.”
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In a way it’s a social comment on the fact that individuals can stand up and make a difference … and hence, the slogan of the film, which is “If you want history, you’ve got to make your own.”
Schaeffer shot Wired to Kill in 1985 on a $3 million budget. Shooting at a devastating pace,” the independent production wrapped after a breezy eight weeks on California locations, including an abandoned industrial complex that gets blown sky high in the movie.
“It’s loosely based on those movies and they’re some bits of CLOCK WORK ORANGE and THE TERMINATOR in it as well,” said McGuire. “This is definitely a violent film, but what makes it different is the treatment of the violence. We haven’t gone to extremes to glamorize the blood and gore, and those elements never overwhelm the action. Sure there’s a lot of bombs and explosions and people get killed but none of the violence in this movie is treated in an explicit way.”
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With a shooting schedule that’s Spartan even by low-budget standards, the Wired to Kill crew literally ran from scene to scene. The editing process, which McGuire described as a lot of quick cuts aimed at the MTV generation, is in keeping with what Schaeffer said are the demands of a 1980’s movie going audience. “The present generation has been raised on television and rock ‘n’ roll,” he said.
SPECIAL EFFECTS “They’ve come to absorb images and information in a space of a few seconds. We edited with that audience in mind.”
Much of the special effects in Wired to Kill were natural effects courtesy of a closed, deserted and decaying steel mill in Fontana, California that served as the gang’s hideout and much of the storyline’s deteriorating landscape. “It was 10 miles of twisted pipes and rusting, littered pieces of steel,” said McGuire. “It was kind of like the spaceship set from ALIEN, and it would have cost a fortune to create. Lucky for us it was just laying there.”
It was on this site that the film’s major man-made special effects scene took place. The gang, in a modified transport vehicle called a Euk, crashes into a 2000-ton tower (in actuality a steel blast furnace that was built at the steel mill during World War II), knocking it down. This effect, accomplished with the aid of outside explosives experts, and others in the film were designed by Peter Chesney of Image Engineering.
“We have a number of special makeup effects, promises writer/director Schaeffer. “In one scene, a booby trapped Walkman sends an electric shock through a guy’s head when he puts it on. Michele built a mask in which the eyeballs popped out. Another fellow’s face burns down to a skull, and yet another snorts acidic cocaine that makes his face foam up. The terminal enema-a villain sits on a motorcycle and a massive blade pounds up was also particularly creative. But each death is tongue-in-cheek, besides being uniquely gruesome. We did things that others would say are too farfetched.”
One of those items, the robot Winston, was designed with some specific goals in mind. “We didn’t want to end up with a robot that was a clone of R2D2,” said McGuire. “We wanted something that wouldn’t grate on people’s nerves and that would look like something that a kid who was a genius would make. This thing has a believable look to it.”
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Michelle Burke
Michelle Burke, who won an Academy Award for her makeup work in the film QUEST FOR FIRE, contributed bizarre tattoos worn by gang members and lifelike death masks for the movie’s more violent moments.
American Distribution Group plans to released Wired to kill in late summer/fall 1986. Schaeffer feels confident that his violent actioner will find its target teen audience, even if it’s a story that has been done countless times before.
“There’s never a 100 percent original idea in a movie any way,” he observes. “Everything is derivative of something else. But Wired to Kill looks right into the audience’s eyes and doesn’t blink. Many films give up when it comes to the punchline, they’re not brassy enough and don’t go all the way. Our film doesn’t pretend to be any. thing else. Wired to kill is as unrespectable as can be, it’s a pure revenge story. In that way, we are original.”
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Francis Schaeffer
Interview with Francis Schaeffer
 It seems the film is literally about good versus evil. Francis Schaeffer: The plot is an allegory, a twentieth century version of Homer’s “Odyssey” – it’s as simple as that.
You have the forces of fate and evil arrayed against our heroes. Are they going to run away or are they going to stay and make a stand? ‘Steve’ and ‘Rebecca’ exercise their rights as human beings to make moral choices and change history. That’s what this movie is about. They are individuals asserting their rights to remain human and to function as humans, even though there are inhuman forces around them. It’s the same as the individual story of today of someone who refuses to bow, say, to the pressures of a deteriorating neighborhood. It’s the local grocery store owner who says, “I’m not moving out of this neighborhood. I was born and raised here and I’m simply not closing my store and boarding it up just because there’s some punks on the corner who keep robbing my store. I refuse to. I’m gonna draw the line and take a stand.” He’s saying “LET THEM MOVE!”
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Does the film hold out any hope? Francis Schaeffer: Oh, very much so, because I think in our film the hero and heroine are totally vindicated. They not only win their battles, but they do so in a way that proves the individual can triumph over adversity … that you can make choices that will not only change your life but also change the lives around you.
The character of ‘Reegus’ is so educated and articulate, yet he is the driving evil force behind this insane, brutal gang. What does he represent? Francis Schaeffer: The lesson behind ‘Reegus’ is that all the trappings of civilization don’t necessarily make you civilized, and that is what makes him so terrifying. Evil can come in very civilized forms, which is much more frightening than just violent, brutal thugs.
It’s the difference between the mindless psychopathic killer who just happens to kill every person he sees, and the premeditated, cold blooded and sadistic enjoyment of some university humanities professor who’s dismembered some kid in one room then holds a seminar on Nietzsche in the other. The mindless thug you understand. You hate him, you fear him, but you understand his actions.
“Reegus, like that professor, is art and civilization turned on its head. It’s the purest forms of evil with a human face – and that is a helluva lot more terrifying.
Is the scenario of “Wired to kill” plausible? Francis Schaeffer: Well, I think it could be, but basically I feel you should judge a film on its own internal logic.
The point of this film is, given the basic premise of the story, is there an internal logic which holds it together?
It isn’t ‘does this film mirror reality?”. If you want reality, you can stay home. That’s reality. You don’t go to a movie to see reality, you go to a movie to be entertained and stimulated.
But can audiences seeing your film be entertained and stimulated by the extreme violence in “Wired to Kill”? Francis Schaeffer: I would like to frame whatever answer I give on the question of violence in the film in a different sense and that is that all art – and film at its best is art – portrays human conflict.
You cannot make creative and artistic statements unless you portray human conflict, of which violence happens to be the ultimate and central point. It goes back to the Old Testament. All the great tales of human endeavor have centered around conflict and adventure, and the way that has always been portrayed has been through violence.
That is what makes it interesting. That is what makes it entertaining. It’s a very simple formula.
But in the film – Francis Schaeffer: Wait a minute. It’s a very simple formula, but it’s not a movie formula. I don’t like this judgment of violence being something bad – something wrong — with a film, any film. If film has been accepted as an art form, then it should have the same privileges as art forms in the rest of history.
You cannot make creative and artistic statements unless you portray human conflict. Violence is an aspect of human existence. To deprive the filmmaker of that tool is to tell him that he can’t portray the human condition.
I think it’s very strange that film is singled out for being criticized as too violent, when in the area of literature and painting and theatre you’ve always had ultra-violence and nobody makes an issue of it. You don’t give an “X” rating for violence to Shakespeare, or to Milton, or to operas such as “Carmen.” There’s not even a human drama in the scriptures without violent confrontation.
From the point of view of the public, what human beings are most interested in is other people, period. And the most interesting moments of everyone’s life are life – death, birth, sex – elements that make up the human condition. You just can’t set preconditions and say “well, you know, because film is a new medium we’re not going to take it seriously and we’re going to limit what you can put in movies.”
On the other hand, the filmmaker is responsible for the total impact his or her films have on an audience. But I would like to distinguish between gratuitous violence and violence that is essential to portraying conflict.
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What would you like people to say about the film when they leave the theatre? Francis Schaeffer: Well, I don’t know what they’ll say. What I would like the film to do is make the audience think or feel that you just cannot wish evil away. Wishing for a crime-free society doesn’t produce a crime-free society. You cannot have a society in which there is no army and no police force and no recognition of the fact that there are very brutal elements in the human race. I want people to feel when they come out of the movie that whether as individuals confronting evil, or as a nation confronting evil and the totalitarian impulse to destroy, that it takes guts to do so! They cannot be foolishly idealistic about evil — there are fine lines drawn between good and bad, right and wrong, in the moral dimensions of humankind. It is the person with their back against the wall, standing with everything to lose, who makes the moral choice to resist evil. And he or she proves with that choice why the human race is worth preserving. That’s what this movie is about!
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CAST/CREW Directed by Francis Schaeffer Written by Francis Schaeffer
Makeup Department Michèle Burke        makeup artist Peter Chesney        special effects coordinator Tom Chesney         special effects technician Bruce D. Hayes       special effects foreman Circe Strauss        special effects crew (as Jarn Heil)
Emily Longstreth     Rebecca Devin Hoelscher      Steve Merritt Butrick      Reegus (The Gang Leader) Frank Collison       Sly Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Sleet (as Tommy Lister Jr. ‘Tiny’) Kim Milford        Rooster
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Fangoria#059 Cinefantastique v16n04-05
Wired to Kill (1986) Retrospective SUMMARY It is 1998 and the city of Los Angeles has been quarantined off after a plague wiped out 120 million people in the country.
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cutsliceddiced · 5 years
New top story from Time: Low Wages, Sexual Harassment and Unreliable Tips. This Is Life in America’s Booming Service Industry
Published in partnership with The Fuller Project, a non-profit newsroom that reports on issues impacting women.
After an eight-hour shift on her feet, shuffling between a stuffy kitchen and the red vinyl booths of Broad Street Diner, Christina Munce is at a standstill in traffic. Still wearing the red polo shirt and black pants required for work at the diner in South Philadelphia, she’s arguing with her colleague Donna Klum. They carpool most days to spare Klum a two-hour commute on public transportation that involves three transfers.
“It’s not O.K. for people not to tip,” Munce says from the driver’s seat, the Philly skyline passing by. Klum believes that bad karma will catch up with non-tippers, but Munce, a single mother who relies on tips to live, doesn’t care much about their fate. “I have to make sure that my daughter has a roof over her head,” she says. The desire for cash over karma is understandable: Munce’s base pay is $2.83 an hour.
The decade-long economic expansion has been a boon to those at the top of the economic ladder. But it left millions of workers behind, particularly the 4.4 million workers who rely on tips to earn a living, fully two-thirds of them women. Even as wages have crept up–if slowly–in other sectors of the economy, the minimum wage for waitresses and other tipped workers hasn’t budged since 1991. Indeed, there is an entirely separate federal minimum wage for those who live on tips. It varies by state from as low as $2.13 (the federal tipped minimum wage) in 17 states including Texas, Nebraska and Virginia, up to $9.35 in Hawaii. In 36 states, the tipped minimum wage is under $5 an hour. Legally, employers are supposed to make up the difference when tips don’t get servers to the minimum wage, but some restaurants don’t track this closely and the law is rarely enforced.
Waitresses are emblematic of the type of job expected to grow most in the American economy in the next decade--low-wage service work with no guaranteed hours or income. Though high-paying service jobs have been growing quickly in recent months, middle-wage jobs are growing more slowly and could decline sharply in the event of a recession, says Mark Zandi, chief economist with Moody’s Analytics. Those who lose their jobs in a recession usually move down, not up, the pay scale. Jobs like personal-care aide (median annual wage $24,020), food-prep worker ($21,250) and waitstaff ($21,780) are among the fastest-growing occupations in America, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). They have much in common with the burgeoning gig economy, in which people turn to apps in the hope of getting shifts delivering food, driving passengers and cleaning houses.
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Sasha Arutyunova for TIMEChristina Munce waits tables at Broad Street Diner in Philadelphia, where she’s worked for more than eight years.
This “sometimes” work has put the stress of earning a weekly wage, paying for health insurance and saving for retirement squarely on the shoulders of workers. Munce is on food stamps and Medicaid, and many days doesn’t make it to the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. One of her recent paychecks read $58.67 for 49 hours worked. Add in the $245 she took home in tips, and she made about $6.20 an hour. She wants to work 40-hour weeks, but some days the diner is slow and she gets sent home early. “I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, all I do is save money,” Munce says.
But these employers are hiring, and these jobs are becoming a fallback for people whose former jobs placed them solidly in the middle class. Food-service jobs have grown nearly 50% over the past two decades, to 12.2 million, according to the BLS. They are on track to surpass America’s manufacturing workforce, which, at 12.8 million, has fallen 25% over the same period.
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Sasha Arutyunova for TIMEn the kitchen at the Broad Street Diner in Philadelphia, waitress Christina Munce keeps her daughter’s photo next to her pad for taking orders.
Markets have swung wildly in recent weeks on fears of a possible recession, which could speed up the nation’s continuing shift from one that makes things to one that serves things. The last recession, from 2007 to 2009, took a sharp toll on industries that make things in America, with construction and manufacturing each losing 1.9 million jobs in the five years after the recession began. In contrast, industries like health care and food service added hundreds of thousands of jobs in the same period.
If another recession starts, “the primary hit is going to generally be in sectors that don’t involve providing basic services to other people,” says Jacob Vigdor, an economist at the University of Washington. On Aug. 20, President Trump, while declaring the economy still strong, said the Administration is examining various options to bolster the economy. Still, whenever the next recession comes, more workers will have to turn to the booming service industry, where low wages and unstable hours are the norm.
Christina Munce didn’t plan to be a waitress. She was in school studying massage therapy when, at 21, she got pregnant, and started waiting tables to put away the cash she would need as a young mother. She doesn’t regret a thing–her daughter, now 11, is her whole world, her name tattooed in cursive on Munce’s forearm. Pictures of the two posing together dominate the otherwise blank walls of their government-subsidized two-bedroom apartment. But being a single parent has limited Munce’s job options, since she needs the flexibility to take care of her daughter.
Tipped workers have always been an underclass in America. The concept was popularized in 1865, when some formerly enslaved people found employment as waiters, barbers and porters; still seen as a servant class, they were hired to serve. Many employers refused to pay them, instead suggesting that patrons tip for their service. A 1966 law tried to bring some measure of security to these jobs, requiring employers to pay a small base wage that would bring tipped workers up to the federal minimum wage when combined with their tips. In 1991, the tipped minimum wage was equal to 50% of the value of the overall minimum wage, but it’s stayed at $2.13 since then, as the minimum wage has nearly doubled. In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed legislation that froze the wage for tipped workers at that amount. It hasn’t changed since.
The regular minimum wage has doubled in that time. If the tipped minimum wage had even risen with inflation since 1991, it would be $6 an hour, according to research from Sylvia Allegretto, co-chair of the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics at the University of California, Berkeley. Only 12 states currently pay waitstaff above that.
The serving workforce remains a microcosm of pay disparities in the broader economy. According to 2011–2013 data from the Economic Policy Institute, people of color make up nearly 40% of the workforce that falls under federal tipped-minimum-wage rules, which includes nail-salon workers and car-wash attendants. The flexibility of restaurant work is in part why more than a million single mothers are on the job. After eight years working at the 24-hour diner, Munce, 32, mostly gets the shifts that she wants–working breakfast and lunch and leaving by 3 p.m. when her daughter gets out of school–so for that, she’s grateful. When her daughter got bullied at school and Munce had to pick her up, Munce was able to get other waitresses to cover for her without getting in trouble for calling off work–though of course this also meant she didn’t get paid. When her daughter was younger and Munce couldn’t find anyone to watch her, she’d bring her daughter to the diner and have her sit quietly in a booth with crayons.
Half a century ago, people like Munce without a college education could expect to make a middle-class wage. But in recent years, as male-dominated manufacturing jobs have been outsourced or automated, women are contributing more to their families’ paychecks, and more of the 40% of Americans with no more than a high school education are being pushed into the service sector–as waitresses, domestic workers, hairdressers and Uber drivers.
Consumer spending on restaurants surpassed spending in grocery stores for the first time in 2015, and to support that, the BLS projects more than 500,000 food-serving job vacancies between 2016 and 2026, a higher number of openings than in all but three occupations it tracks.
“We’re not a sliver of the economy,” says Saru Jayaraman, co-founder of the Restaurant Opportunities Center, an advocacy organization pushing to eliminate the tipped minimum wage. “We’re increasingly the jobs that are available to every new entrant into the economy, including people being laid off from other sectors.”
Karen Baker, 52, one of Munce’s managers at Broad Street Diner, says she once made $90,000 a year as an assistant production manager in a plant that made plastic soda bottles. When the plant moved to Iowa, she didn’t want to uproot her family so she returned to the service industry. “That’s one good thing–if you can’t find a job anywhere else, you can always find a job waitressing,” she says.
This is true of many service jobs, says David Autor, an economist at MIT who studies the future of work. But as job seekers are flooding into those fields, they’re being met with low pay, few benefits and no raises as they age and gain more expertise. In 1980, 43% of workers without a college education were in middle-skill jobs; by 2016, that number had dropped to 29%, Autor says.
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Sasha Arutyunova for TIMETwo-thirds of tipped workers in America are women, and female waitstaff make less than men do.
A raise for tipped workers, then, could mean a raise for middle-class families across the country, says Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute who worked in the Department of Labor under President Obama. In the seven states where servers are paid the regular minimum wage for those states before tips, including Minnesota and Oregon, the poverty rate for waitstaff and bartenders is 11.1%, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Where there’s a separate tipped wage, the poverty rate among waitstaff is 18.5%.
Under Pennsylvania’s $2.83-an-hour tipped minimum wage, Baker’s colleague Debbie Aladean, 74, says she can’t retire because she has so little Social Security. Olivia Austin, a 30-year-old waitress in rural Pennsylvania, started driving across the border to a restaurant in New York, where there was a higher minimum wage, because she couldn’t save any money as a waitress in Pennsylvania. “Most of the people I worked with could barely pay their rent,” she says.
Of course, some do quite well in the restaurant industry–especially white men, who are more frequently employed by fine-dining establishments. According to the National Restaurant Association (NRA), a lobbying group that represents more than 500,000 restaurant businesses, the median hourly earnings of servers, including tips, actually ranges from $19 to $25 an hour. Asking owners to do away with tipping and pay workers a $15-an-hour set wage puts too much burden on business owners and could sink one of the economy’s strongest-growing sectors, they say.
“We need a commonsense approach to the minimum wage that reflects the economic realities of each region, because $15 in New York is not $15 in Alabama,” says Sean Kennedy, the executive vice president of public affairs for the NRA.
The owner of Broad Street Diner, Michael Petrogiannis, is supportive of raising wages. “If [the minimum wage] goes to $15 an hour, then we’ll go to $15 an hour, no problem. I support that,” he says. He leaves reporting tips up to the waitstaff, and his employees have not complained about being shorted. “We want them to make whatever they have to make.”
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Sasha Arutyunova for TIMEBecause their pay is so unpredictable, the women at Broad Street Diner sometimes have to pull double or triple shifts when they’re short on cash.
The strength of the service sector offers a sort of tenuous job security for waitresses, but it comes with few protections. Sexual harassment is rampant. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission receives more complaints of sexual harassment from the restaurant industry–more than 10,000 from 1995 to 2016–than from any other industry. Many waitresses have come to expect it. On a shift in July, Munce chirped back at offhanded sexual comments as readily as she dished out nicknames to regulars. When a man called her “thick and delicious” on his way out the door, she replied, “I think you mean tiny and tasty,” without skipping a beat.
After 12 years of waitressing, Munce’s somewhat hardened to the disrespect, but for her, the fickleness of the work is a bigger problem when it affects her family’s well-being. Her daily income depends on whether people decide to brave the heat or snow to dine out the day she’s working. It depends on whether customers order the $5.29 breakfast special or the $16.99 New York sirloin strip with two eggs, and whether they leave 20% of their bill. It depends on how many other waitresses are working that day, all hungry for tables.
This lack of certainty is stressful for waitresses, but as more workers face this reality, it has implications for the broader American economy, which relies on consumer spending to drive growth. Munce has saved about $1,000 by putting aside every $5 bill she earns in tips, but she can’t seem to ever get ahead. During a recent shift, she was staring down a weekend where she’d need cash for a cake for her daughter’s 11th-birthday party, $650 for a new evaporator for her car and quarters for the laundry. She feels the weight of taking a day without tips, wondering whether she’ll have enough to pay for back-to-school season, or the money that finally allowed her to get an air conditioner for her apartment. “My mind is always calculating,” she says of each tip, good or bad. Though the women at the diner will chip in and pay for one another’s expenses in case of emergency–a car accident, a babysitter or even funeral costs–slow shifts mean they’ll have to lean more on the one free meal they get at work, or make another trip to the food bank, or dip into whatever cash they have stored away from a better week.
Because their pay is so unpredictable, the women at Broad Street Diner sometimes have to pull double or triple shifts when they’re short on cash. The day before Munce drove Klum home, Klum had worked her regular day shift, taken her 5-year-old daughter to a public splash park, and then gotten a call from her manager at 11 p.m. to come in for a night shift three hours later. Klum paid for a Lyft to the diner, since public transportation doesn’t run to her apartment after midnight, then worked a double shift, from 2 a.m. to 3 p.m. “The diner’s been slow, so I really needed it,” Klum says. But as bad as the money can be, it’s helpful to be able to go home with cash in hand. She still holds out for the chance of one big payday, obsessing over YouTube videos where women are left a $12,000 tip. But when Munce suggests that they would be better off getting a fair hourly wage rather than depending on tips, Klum balks. “I would never do this without tips,” she says.
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Sasha Arutyunova for TIMEMunce works eight-hour shifts at Broad Street Diner for $2.83 an hour; her tips are supposed to get her to $7.25 an hour, but they often don’t.
Restaurant owners say that the problem isn’t low wages, or even low tips–it’s that the federal government should enforce its requirement that waitresses make at least the minimum wage after tips. But the sheer number of restaurants in America–an estimated 650,000 and growing–makes that difficult.
“We could have spent all of our time on tipped-minimum-wage enforcement because the violations are so pervasive,” says David Weil, who was the head of the Wage and Hour Division in the Department of Labor under President Obama. Weil’s division did 5,000 investigations into the restaurant sector in his time in the department, but “we were just scratching the surface,” he says.
The Trump Administration last year revoked an Obama-era rule that would have increased enforcement on restaurants that make tipped employees spend more than 20% of their time on non-tipped work.
The federal government does help low-wage workers like waitresses in other ways–with food stamps, subsidized housing and health care. Some cities have raised their own tipped minimum wages; others have opened wage-and-hour enforcement offices, but investigations on behalf of tipped workers often remain a low priority. In Philadelphia, a branch of the Mayor’s Office of Labor looks into complaints of wage theft. But the city’s messaging suggests it devotes more staff and resources to its long-standing offices guaranteeing fair pay for construction and government workers; its department that enforces wage-theft complaints was formed in 2015 and has only four employees. The chief of staff of the Mayor’s Office of Labor, Manny Citron, who is responsible for enforcement, says that although he was “not a pro on what our labor law says,” he believed that people who didn’t earn $7.25 an hour with tips “could just be a bad waiter,” and he falsely asserted that state law guarantees only $2.83 an hour. Without any documentation showing that cash tips didn’t bring waitresses to the minimum wage, he says, it’s hard for his office to take any action.
In July, the House passed the Raise the Wage Act, which would phase out the tipped minimum wage nationwide by 2027, eventually bringing all low-wage workers to $15 an hour. “Every member of this institution should be fighting to put more money in the pockets of workers in their communities,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the House floor when the bill was passed. In 2019 alone, at least 12 states as politically varied as Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Indiana introduced legislation to end the tipped minimum wage.
But the Raise the Wage Act has little chance of advancing in the GOP-controlled Senate. It has vocal opponents in the NRA and the Restaurant Workers of America (RWA), a group of servers who want to keep tipping. “It’s a system that works,” says Joshua Chaisson, a Maine waiter who is a co-founder of the RWA.
Restaurant owners say they aren’t the ones who should pay the price of America’s shift to a service economy. “Today, the middle class has been gutted, but [lawmakers] are trying to legislate entry-level low-skilled jobs into living-wage jobs where you can raise a family in New York, one of the most expensive places in the world,” says Andrew Riggie, executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, which represents hotels and restaurants. “We can’t address all societal ills on the shoulders of small-business owners.”
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Sasha Arutyunova for TIMEMunce cuddles with her daughter in their apartment in southwest Philadelphia.
In the long, final days of summer, business at Broad Street Diner has been slow. Munce tries to stay positive. The customers and staff of Broad Street Diner are her family, more or less, and not just because her sister, Jeanne, is also a waitress there. Munce speaks fondly of one of her regulars, Bill, an elderly man who likes his toast dark as a hockey puck. “They’ve got the best girls in here, and I’ll tell ya, not one grouch,” Bill says to no audience in particular one day this summer.
For Munce, it all adds up: the freebies, the walkouts, the cops receiving a 50% discount, the mess-ups from the kitchen–each one a knock to her take-home pay. “I am a people person. But at the end of the day, your compliments and smiles are not enough,” she says during one of her shifts, a sheen of sweat on her forehead.
She hopes she can give her daughter a better life than she had growing up. Her dad served in Vietnam and her mom always scraped by on odd jobs, she says, but it’s harder to string together a living these days. She lives a couple of miles from where she grew up. Is she really doing better than they did? She tells her daughter that education is the most important thing, that she needs to get good grades, no matter what. “I say, ‘I just want you to be better than me,'” she says. Not that she’d steer her daughter away from waitressing, necessarily. If you’re a people person, Munce says, it can be fun to talk to strangers all day. Depending on them for tips, though, is something else.
  This appears in the September 02, 2019 issue of TIME. via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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mushroomike · 5 years
Borneo is one of the few places in the world where traditional tattooing is still practicedtoday. Archeological evidence has shown that ancestors of some contemporary native tribes have lived in Borneo for over 50,000 years. The term, “Dayak” is applied to a variety of natives tribes including the Ibans, Kayans and Kenyahs.
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Headhunting and tattooing were intricately connected in the magic, ritual and social life of many tribes. The hand tattoo was a symbol of status in life and also served as important function after death.Tattooing, piercing, and other traditional Dayak arts are of great antiquity. Many of the traditional tattoo designs resemble decorative motifs found in the art of Bali and Java, and the tattooing instruments and techniques used by the Dayaks are similar to those found throughout Polynesia suggesting that Stone Age voyageurs shared their knowledge throughout the area.
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Strong Tattoo Culture in Borneo
This amazing culture of tattooing created one of the most famous tribal design of recent modern history, i am talking about the Bunga Terung or more wildly known as the Borneo Flower. This particular design would come across the eyes of tattoo aficionados all over the globe trough magazines that reported the amazing culture of dayak tattooing.
Apparently there is very limited information about the concept behind this symbol, but as limited as it is, it holds interesting analogy’s with the natural world.
The Bunga Terung, which translates to eggplant flower, is the first tattoo a Borneo male would receive. The Bunga Terung is a coming of age tattoo which marks the��passage of a boy into manhood. The Bunga Terung has a spiral at the center of the eggplant flower, known as Tali Nyawa, which means the rope of life and is identical to the underside of a which symbolizes the beginning of a new life.
borneo eggplan flower
dot work borneo tattoo
borneo shoulder tattoo
All the tattoos, following the eggplant flower, are like a diary. A young male would go out on his own to find knowledge and from each place he went to he would get one tattoo to mark not only where he is from but also where he has been. From each place the tattoos have different styles so the regional differences in his tattoos would tell the story of his journeys in life.
The traditional Bunga Terung tattoo has such a deep meaning behind it; 1) One on each shoulder for the ‘Berjalai’ journey to make you stronger to carry your travelling pack. 2) Protection 3) the centre coil to symbolise the transformation from a tadpole (young man) to maturity.
This is one of  the most famous and aesthetically pleasing tattoos we saw come out of the tribal tattoo boom era. sometimes a beautiful shape would coincide with a beautiful meaning.
The Bunga Terung or Flower of Borneo Borneo is one of the few places in the world where traditional tattooing is still practicedtoday. Archeological evidence has shown that ancestors of some contemporary native tribes have lived in Borneo for over 50,000 years.
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jpopitunes · 4 years
Black girl tattoos reading books Nerdy curvy inked and curvy shirt
Black girl tattoos reading books Nerdy curvy inked and curvy shirt
Technical expertise was only one of several Black girl tattoos reading books Nerdy curvy inked and curvy shirtfactors that I took into account. In fact, I argued that since there were so many bassists who were good or great on a technical plane, that was one of the less important criteria. W]hen it comes down to it, my reasoning process has most to do with the role each of these musicians played…
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lazadashirts · 4 years
Skulls Tattoo Witch Pumpkin Happy Halloween Shirt
Skulls Tattoo Witch Pumpkin Happy Halloween Shirt
Responsibility because that’s the answer to this problem. We all need to take responsibility for our society, to play a part, and we need a reset on the Skulls Tattoo Witch Pumpkin Happy Halloween Shirt of this country, starting with government and all those in positions of power and responsibility. Otherwise, cases like this will persist and spiral. Basically, we need to look out for each other.…
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bs2eyebrow · 4 years
Dramatic change! Semi-permanent men's eyebrow tattoo
Dramatic change! Semi-permanent men’s eyebrow tattoo
I heard that there are a lot of men who draw eyebrows because of their blurry and light eyebrows. When that happens, don’t try to draw it hard and make it look cool with semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos. ​ Eyebrows are a big part of the impression. When the eyebrows change, the overall image changes. ​ Different people have different eyebrows, different bones, different muscles. Each eyebrow will…
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savesgu · 5 years
Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Cats And Tattoos Hoodie
Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Cats And Tattoos Hoodie
Once Upon A Time, There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Cats And Tattoos Shirt As the wrong thought of love, people hurt each other. In the name of greatness, people torment themselves. “His name is Hòa, but he should be called Gia Hòa, saying, “the family got along well,” Hoa’s father left when I was about three years old, and my mother walked away.
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After graduating from the twelfth grade, Hoa…
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nemnuoc · 5 years
Official Dog Husky Tattoos I Love Mom Hoodies
Official Dog Husky Tattoos I Love Mom Hoodies
Official Dog Husky Tattoos I Love Mom Shirt! Arranging furniture in the room after his mother died, he discovered the diary, and she wrote: When I was a child, each time I fed my child, my dad and my mother followed me around the house to fertilize each spoon of rice, with a spoon I ate with a spoon to spit it out all over the house and let me finish the meal even though I had to clean up.
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bonniejstarks · 4 years
10 Tips For Beautiful Brows
March 11, 2020
If the eyes are the window to the soul, then eyebrows are the window frame that will make those peepers pop!
If you’re looking for ways to better define your brows, fill in sparse brows or just want to change up your brow, here are 10 brow tips to consider.
*this post contains affiliate links*
1. Create The Right Shape
Unless you were born with perfectly shaped brows, you will most likely need to do some brow shaping to achieve the look you want. To slow down re-growth and reduce stubble, eyebrow hair should be removed from the root, either by threading, plucking or waxing (lasering brows is a no no!).
I shaped my own brows using tweezers years ago, but I highly recommend going to a professional who can determine what the best brow shape is for you based on your face and current brow situation.
If you are an over-plucker, hide the tweezers and let your brows grow out thoroughly before having them shaped. For super sparse brows that don’t grow back, you may want to consider microblading (tip #6 in this post).
Be sure to do your research and look up reviews and/or get referrals before having someone touch your brows!
Ask to review pictures of their previous work on actual clients and get them to draw out what they plan to do to your brows before they remove any hair so you can decide if you like the shape.
Once you’ve achieved your preferred brow shape, be sure to maintain any stray hairs that grow back regularly – either yourself or by having your brows professionally maintained.
2. Trim Your Brows
Trimming your brows regularly is a great way to keep unruly brows in line. Brow trimming can also make applying brow pencils and pomades easier, because it can cut out any excess thickness or unwanted hairs that can get in the way.
Every couple of weeks, I like to clip my brows to clean up my brow shape. I do this in a couple steps:
1 -I brush my brow hairs upwards with a spoolie brush and then use tapered nail scissors to cut along the top edge of my brows to get any hairs that extend too far above the brow line, following the shape of the brow.
2- (optional step for thicker brows) To thin-out the thicker parts of my brows, I use my spoolie brush and brush the hairs downward and then use my nail scissors to clip any hairs that fall below the underside of the brow, following the shape. This extra trim has really helped thin out my brows in the middle where they grow like thick weeds.
Below is a video clip of how to trim your brows!
3. Shape Or Fill Brows Using A Pencil or Pomade
If you have parts of your brows that are a little sparse or sections of your brows that need a bit more shaping, consider using a brow pencil or a brow pomade to fill in the gaps.
Brow pencils are a great way to fill brows quickly and are fairly easy to use; I recommend using a brow pencil with a fine tip so you have more control over how and where the pencil applies.
Fine-tip brow pencils (like the L’Oreal Brow Stylist Definer pencil, which I love!) are also great for creating thin, hair-like strokes that can look more natural.
Brow pomades are another great eyebrow defining option and can sometimes be easier to use than a brow pencil. I enjoy using the Anastasia Beverly Hills’ Dip Brow Pomade.
To apply a brow pomade, you will need a sharp, angled eyebrow brush (I use the Anastasia Beverly Hills #7B brow brush).
Similar to a brow pencil, pomades can be used to fill in sparse brows or applied using light strokes to simulate the look of individual hairs.
Below, you can see both a brow pencil and a brow pomade in action by the queen of brows herself, Miss Desi Perkins:
Shop Brow Pomades and Brow Pencils:
4. Use A Concealer For An Extra-Defined Brow
If you’re looking for that super-sharp, “brows on fleek” look commonly seen on Instagram, consider using a concealer to clean things up.
Apply a touch of concealer onto the end of a small, flat concealer brush and run the brush underneath and above the brows along the edges to clean up any rough bits and create a perfectly smooth brow line.
You can see this concealer technique in action below:
5. Apply A Brow Gel
Brow gels are a great finishing touch, as they work to hold unruly brow hairs in place.
Some of these gels are tinted to give brows an extra hit of colour, while others can actually make brow hairs appear thicker (like Glossier’s Boy Brow).
If you already have well-shaped, full brows, consider skipping the filling/defining step and simply apply a brow gel to enhance your natural brow shape and texture.
RELATED READING: Glossier Haul ft. Brow Flick, Boy Brow + Cloud Paint
Shop Brow Gels:
6. Microblading
Microblading is a great semi-permanent option for anyone looking to further define their brows or fill in sparse areas that refuse to grow back.
Microblading is a process whereby a skilled professional defines and fills eyebrows by tattooing the area, creating individual hairs onto the brow area to create the perfectly filled eyebrow.  While this may sound terrifying, when done by a skilled hand, microbladed brows can totally transform your brow shape and give your perfect, natural looking brows.
Since microbladed eyebrows are tattooed on, you don’t have to worry about washing your brows off each night and having to re-do them each morning – bonus!
Microbladed brows tend to fade over a period of 1-2 years, so maintenance is necessary if you want to maintain this look.
Be sure to find a qualified professional to perform the microblading and take the time to review their work and obtain references!
You can see a sample of microbladed brows before and after below:
7. Brow Lamination
No, this does not involve encasing your brows in plastic!
Brow lamination is the newest trend in brow styling and it involves using a chemical solution to help your brows stay straight up for fuller looking brows – kind of like a perm for your brows.
Basically, your brows are brushed upwards and then a chemical solution is applied on top. A piece of thin, Saran wrap plastic is then placed on top of your brows to hold the hairs upright while the solution works its magic.
When it’s done, you have brows that reach for the sky!
Here is a before and after pic of the difference brow lamination can make (before pic is on the bottom):
Photo from totalbeauty.com
8. Brow Tinting
Brow tints are dyes that you apply to your brows to temporarily tint (dye) them a different colour.
Brow tinting is super easy and a great way to enhance the colour of your brows or change things up a bit on a temporary basis.
Be sure to use a proper brow tint to dye your brows!
DO NOT USE BOXED HAIR DYE to tint your brows – ever! Boxed hair dyes are not safe for use near the eyes and can cause blindness.
9. Shape + Hold Brows With Bar Soap
A really fun way to get your brows to stay up straight, without lamination, is by dipping a spoolie brush into a bar of soap – yes, soap – to lock in that lift.
What the hell am I talking about? You can see this soap bar brow hack in action here:
10. Condition Your Brows
Applying lubricants like castor oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil or Vaseline create a moisture barrier on the skin to keep it moist, which helps promote brow hair growth.
Apply your oil of choice to your brows before heading to bed and leave it on overnight.
pin me for later!
  How do you get beautiful brows?
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The post 10 Tips For Beautiful Brows appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/10-tips-for-beautiful-brows/ from Trends Dress https://trendsdresscom.tumblr.com/post/613753577843900416
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1steeshop · 5 years
Lift Each Other Up Pink Shirt
Lift Each Other Up Pink Shirt
I was quite unable to show the enthusiasm I felt she needed, so I decided to have her name tattooed down my right arm. I don’t know. Scarring myself for life seemed much easier than having to tell Jackie that it had all been a grotesque mistake, that I’d just been messing about; if I could show her the tattoo, my peculiar logic ran, I wouldn’t have to bother straining after Lift Each Other Up…
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jackmonkeygames · 5 years
https://ift.tt/2XfK7bC https://ift.tt/2ScDBPb
Greetings Science fiction lovers! If you are looking to self isolate and have nothing to do may I recommend our RPG podcast Star-Fall? Star-Fall is a series told in short stories, audio dramas and actual roleplaying to tell a much larger story. A perfect Sci-Fi Podcast to listen to while self-isolating.
Images of Star-Fall RPG Podcast
Images of Star-Fall RPG Podcast
Arkady : The Bartender
Atrium : The Psychic Introvert
Turbo Weasel
Dave : The Retired Merc
Nobody wanted to be a hero! But that is what All Good Science Fiction stories are about.
An evil theocracy invades a planet. The heroes were just in the wrong place and the wrong time and were captured. They must escape while carrying a secret psychic message to the resistance. Not only must they escape from the church of the Illumination they must learn to trust each other.
New To Star-Fall?
Go back to the first episode to see what you are missing.
Start from Episode One!
Season of Star-Fall Science Fiction Podcast now in production. With two seasons all ready for you to download for free you have plenty of Sci-Fi Podcast to listen to while self-isolating. Now that I’m going to be home from work for a few days I’m going to be working on editing a few episodes of season three.
Science Fiction Adventure over many planets
Adult humor (Not for kids)
Mech battles
Aliens who talk about humans (and get it wrong)
Expansive world with endless stories.
Coming soon comic “Star-Fall Reisitance”
Characters who grow over the season.
Like any good story, the characters grow. You may be self-isolating but the characters are not. Listen to how the characters change over time. Many of the characters are very different in season two than they are in the first season. Part of this is planned a good portion of the changes happened organically through roleplaying.
We will fight the Evil Church and help you fight boredom at the same time.
Sci-Fi Podcast to listen to while self-isolating! Get caught up in the adventure!!
Listen now!!
Science Fiction Comedy Podcast Episode One
November 27, 2018
This Science fiction Comedy Podcast starts with some world building. The shorst story ” Chicken Soup” Sets the scene as the crew of the “Can Opener” tries to escape the cluthches of the Church of the Illumination.  Introduction of the Fifth Crew (They don’t have that name yet)Short story Chicken Soup The Arrival Part One (Honeymoon…
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Episode Two The Escape
November 29, 2018
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Mech Battles, Turbo Weasels and Mama Bears oh My!
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Player Character Conversations & Campfires
December 4, 2018
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RPG Comedy Podcast Get the Skrup off the planet!
December 9, 2018
In this episode, I would like to start by thanking our new Patreon backer Leslie!! Thank you so much for supporting this RPG Comedy Podcast! Your help will help keep the show running for a long time. We left the players in the forests of War-Zod where the predators are very large. They were lucky…
Continue Reading RPG Comedy Podcast Get the Skrup off the planet!
Podcast Bloopers and other shannagans
December 11, 2018
The all-important podcast bloopers episode. I spend a lot of time working on the show editing out bloopers. Some of them are worth keeping around for moments like this. You would think because our lines are not rehearsed there would not be as many bloopers? HA!! the truth is there is a ton of them.…
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Star-Fall Actual Play podcast is part of Jackmonkey Games Media. This Science Fiction Podcast is the property of Kevin C Mason and Jackmonkeygames.
The post Sci-Fi Podcast to listen to while self-isolating appeared first on Star-Fall RPG podcast.
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Moth Tattoo on Chest
Moth Tattoo on Chest
The symbolic meaning of tattoos is not always what the people deciding on a tattoo are guided by. More unusual the motif of the tattoo is, the more likely that the choice was not an impulse or a fashion craving. Most tattoo owners strive for each ornament to reveal some of their personality and reflect the interior.
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tiffanywillis · 5 years
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Bachom shared this amazing image on Twitter.
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