#tavi x tarquin x 001.
ofwrxth · 6 months
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"It's not over yet?" Tavi whispers by way of greeting, giving Tarqi a kiss on the cheek as she takes the saved seat beside him. "It's the only reason I came late," she informs, crossing one leg over the other. Really, it's because she'd changed her outfit several times only to revert to her original when she determined the shoes were throwing it off. So she'd switched those and then it was half past and she was late. Octavia snags he catalogue from his hand, gesturing at his paddle with her own. "I dunno why mum doesn't just have an assistant do this." She says, inspecting the Rothko currently on display. The paddles rise and fall around them in steady succession before sold for fifteen-million dollars.
"She wants the INSERT ARTIST GRAY LIKES THAT FILIPPA WOULD WANT," Tavi reminds him, turning through the pages of art to be auctioned. "Do we know how badly she wants it?" She asks her brother, glancing over at Tarqi, "I figured if it was worth an email, it's quite high on her priority list. But you're the one who saw her last. Did she say anything?" Namely, will it reflect poorly on them if they're outbid? Unlikely but Octavia always prepares for every inevitability. @rviner
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