aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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( Narcissus of Saho River, Nara, Japan )
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raccaryusui · 5 months
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学名:Narcissus gazette
撮影:iPhone14 Pro Max
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may-k-world · 9 months
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10月に球根を植えた日本水仙が開花しました! さっそく鼻を近づけて匂いをスーハー💠 ああ大好きなこの匂いをこれから毎日嗅げるなんて! 嬉しすぎる!
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ayanos-pl · 7 months
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Narcissus tazetta
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Los narcisos chinos.
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El narciso es la flor nacional de Camboya.
El lenguaje de las flores Narciso simboliza el Año Nuevo chino: anhelo y reunión. Narciso chino: buena suerte, auspiciosidad, belleza, pureza, nobleza, amor puro, virtud de la mujer.
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n510_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Amaryllidaceae:. London,J. Ridgway and Sons,1837.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/50397227
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k--a--l · 1 year
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Narcissus tazetta (2023)
Watercolour, oil pencils, graphite pencil and acrylic on paper (22x32cm)
All artworks are my own.
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firstlawcedarprairie · 9 months
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Bunch-flowered Narcissus (Narcissus tazetta)
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yieldingtides · 3 months
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Dislyte x Florals cont.
4 more to go then I'll show the buttons soon after!
Chang Pu - Tazetta Daffodil Mateo - Giant Fennel Li Ling - Chinese Lotus Clara - Apple Blossoms Jin Yu Yao - Chinese Peach Blossoms
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bloomsandfoliage · 7 months
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Narcissus tazetta
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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At The Waterside Where Voices of Winter Whisper | Ito Yoiduki
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raccaryusui · 6 months
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学名:Nareissus tazetta
撮影:iPhone14 Pro Max
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queersrus · 11 months
Npd/Narcissus theme
[npd/narcissus theme]
including narcissus from greek myth as well as anything related to the narcissus flower and npd.
tagging @clusterrune, @narcissist-hoarding
narc, narci, narcis/narciss, narcisse, narcissa/narcisa, narcisso/narciso, narcet/narcett/narcette, narcetta, narcetto, narcel/narcell/narcelle, narcella, narcello, narcin/narcine, narcina, narcino, narcissus, narcissi, narcissist, narcissisa, narca, narcisset/narcissett/narcissette, narcissetta, narcissetto, narcissel/narcissell/narcisselle, narcissella, narcissello, narcissin/narcissine, narcissina, narcissino, narcissisti, narcissista, NP, ND, nargis, narkissos, narciso, narcyz, narkas, nargiza, narges, narcaf, narcas, narce, narcel, narcie, narcia, narciz, narco, narzy mirror, mirra/miraa/mira, mirrora, mirrorer, Major reflect, reflector, reflecta, reflection, Royal daf/daff, daffy/daffi/daffie, daffo, daffodil jon/john, jonqui, jonquil po/poe, poet, poeti, poetic, poeticus, phea, phae, pheasant, pink, pinki/pinkie/pinky, pinks, pinkster, Prince, Princess, Princex, Prinze eye fin/finn, find, finder, findern lil, lili/lilli/lily/lilly/lillie/lilie, Liriope taz, taze, tazet/tazett/tazette, tazeta/tazetta, thespiae King Cephissus queen, queeny/queenie
Narcisse, Narcissa, Narcissi/Narcisi, Narcissist, Narcett, Narcissisa, Narciso/Narcizo, Narci, Narca, Narcis, Narcy Myrror/Mirror, Mirrored Reflector/Reflecter Daffodil Jonquil Poet, Poeticus, Pheasant, Pink, Pinkster Eye(s) Find/Finde, Finder, Findern Lily, Liriope Tazetta Cephissus
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ni/nar/narci/narcine/narcself ni/narc/narcs/narcself ni/nar/nargi/nargine/nargisself mi/mirr/mirro/mirrine/mirrorself ri/re/reflec/reflectine/reflectionself di/daff/daffi/daffine/daffodilself ji/jo/jon/jonquine/jonquilself pi/poe/poet/poetine/poetself phi/phea/pheas/pheasine/pheasantself pi/pink/pinks/pinkine/pinkself eye/ee/ey/eyine/eyeself fi/fe/find/fine/findself li/lil/lily/liline/lilyself ti/taz/tazets/tazine/tazettaself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
no/narc/narcs/narcself no/nar/nargis/nargiself mo/mirror/mirrors/mirrorself ro/reflector/reflectors/reflectorself do/daffor/daffors/daffodilself jo/jonquir/jonquirs/jonquirself po/poeter/poeters/poeterself pho/pheasar/pheasars/pheasantself po/pinkster/pinksters/pinksterself eyo/eyer/eyers/eyerself fo/finder/finders/findernself lo/liler/lilers/lilyself to/tazer/tazers/tazerself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
narc/narcs, np/npd, npd/npds, np/d, n/pd, narc/narcissist, narcissist/narcissists, narcissist/narcissistic, narci/ssist, narci/ssistic, narcissus/poeticus, nar/nargis, narg/nargis, nargi/nargis, nargis/nargis', narcissus/tazetta, narcissus/jonquil mir/mirror, mirr/or, mir/ror, mirror/mirrors, mirror/mirrored, mirror/mirroring reflect/reflects, reflect/reflection, reflect/reflector, reflect/reflected, reflect/reflecting, re/flect daff/daffodil, daffodil/daffodils, daffo/dil jon/quil, jon/jonquil, jonquil/jonquils po/et, poet/poets, poeti/cus, poet/poeticus, poeticus/poeticus, phea/sant, pheasant/pheasants, pheasant/eye, pink/ster, pink/pinkster, pink/pinks, pinkster/pinksters, pinkster/lily fi/findern, find/ern, finder/findern, findern/findernself, findern/flower lil/lily, lily/lilys, lil/y, li/ly taz/tazetta, taze/tazetta, tazetta/tazettas, taz/etta
the narc, the narcissist, the narcissistic, the one with npd, the npd haver, the one who adores themself/their reflection, the mirror gazer, the one who gazes into the mirror/their reflection, the self-admirer, the flower, the daffodil, the jonquil, the poet, the peots daffodil, the poets jonquil, the poets narcissus, the nargis, the pheasant, the pheasants eye, the findern, the findern(s) flower, the pinkster, the pinkster(s) lily, the lily, the tazetta, the narcissus tazetta, the narcissus jonquil, the (x) of Cephissus, the (x) of Liriope
(prn) who is narcissistic, (prn) who has npd, (prn) who has grandiose delusions/delusions of grandeur, (prn) who loves their reflection, (prn) who loves daffodils, (prn) who loves jonquils, (prn) who loves the nargis, (prn) who loves the pheasants eye, (prn) who loves the findern flower, (prn) who loves the pinkster lily, (prn) who was born to Cephissus, (prn) who was born to Liriope
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konjaku · 7 months
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水仙[Suisen] Narcissus tazetta
水[Sui] : Water
仙[Sen] : Immortal mountain wizard in Taoism; hermit
There are also the aliases 雅客[Gakaku] and 雪中花[Setchūka].
The novelist 宮沢賢治[Miyazawa Kenji] wrote a short story titled 水仙月の四日[Suisenzuki no yokka](The fourth of the month of the narcissus.) There are many variant names for the lunar calendar months. However, since there is no such one, it is his creation. Perhaps it is about this time of year. Among the names of the months, I selected only those related to plants.
睦月[Mutsuki] 初花月[Hatsuhanazuki](The month of the first flower of the year)
如月[Kisaragi] 梅見月[Umemizuki](The month of the ume viewing)
弥生[Yayoi] 桃月[Tōgetsu], 桜月[Sakurazuki]
皐月[Satsuki] 菖蒲月[Ayamezuki], 橘月[Tachibanazuki]
水無月[Minazuki] 葵月[Aoizuki]
文月[Fuzuki|Fumizuki] 女郎花月[Ominaeshizuki], 桐月[Tōgetsu]
葉月[Hazuki] 桂月[Keigetsu](This 桂[Katsura] is said to be Laurel), 竹春[Chikushun|Takenoharu]
長月[Nagatsuki] 菊月[Kikuzuki], 紅葉月[Momijizuki]
神無月[Kannazuki] 木葉月[Konohazuki](The month of leaves of trees)
霜月[Shimotsuki] 葭月[Kagetsu]
師走[Shiwasu] 梅初月[Umehatsuzuki](The month when ume begins to bloom)
Kenji also wrote many famous stories for children such as 銀河鉄道の夜[Ginga-tetsudō no yoru](Night on the Galactic Railroad,) 注文の多い料理店[Chūmon no ooi ryōriten](The Restaurant of Many Orders,) よだかの星[Yodaka no hoshi](The Nighthawk Star,) 雪渡り[Yuki watari](Snow Crossing,) and so on. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/175210 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_Express_999 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmatxSSXvBo
By the way, I like to read and imagine the names given to the months and days of the French Republican calendar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_calendar
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Los narcisos chinos.
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El período de floración del narciso es más temprano que el del melocotón y el ciruelo y más tardío que el del ciruelo. Generalmente, el cultivo de agua comienza en otoño e invierno, y puede florecer en invierno y primavera. Este objetivo se puede lograr controlando artificialmente el período de floración de los narcisos. En general, las bolas de narciso pueden florecer según lo programado después de 45 a 50 días de cultivo de agua normal.
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charlotte's art history tarot - eight of wands
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Art: Bouquet with Red Ranunculus, White Tazetta, and Blue Flower with Postillion – Barbara Regina Dietzsch
pull this card
info on the suit of wands in general
the eight of wands is all about forward movement, and both the negative and positive effects such movement can create. first, on the more positive side, the eight is a card about change, action, and momentum. this may mean you're making rapid progress on your project or that you see a way forward with a straight path to the finish line. it may also mean movement more literally - perhaps you'll be able to travel, or maybe you just need to take a walk or change perspectives (metaphorically or literally) in order to gather your ideas and gain that momentum. on the other hand, this kind of speed can also turn into hastiness that may leave room for mistakes. one interpretation of this could be that you get so caught up in your work that you forge ahead without pausing properly to check for errors. it could also mean that there are interior or exterior forces rushing you to finish your work, and you feel that you're on too tight of a deadline to take the care you might want to. the eight of wands is an excellent reminder to ride those waves of movement and momentum, but to not get so caught up in the race forward that you forget to be careful with your work
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