#tbadm cup
averagetmntfan · 7 months
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(I’m actually so proud of this-)
• You don’t Have to copy the image, but u can js do some crossover fic or comic! :D
• Deadline: March. 31st!!
• winner gets: shoutout & probably be my bannner!
(Ps: make sure you tag me & use the tags “TBADM AU” AND “T4S AU” :D)
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
FINALLY I PFP FOR @gayass-blueberry-mugman
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look at this 2 goobers<3
Absolutely love them fr
((*COUGH* @mikey-rottmnt *COUGH*))
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
Portals gone wrong!
(“The 4 servants Au” & “time beats a dead man Au” ((collab w/ @mikey-rottmnt)) Crossover fic!)
Tbadm universe, 12:38pm.
“uh..not to like, complain or anything but-“
“Why am i TIED UP?!?” Leo demanded, squirming in the rope. “because, you look ugly. And we don’t trust you.” Bendy pulled the rope tight, making sure it was secure. jeez, what a crazy day. First he had to calm down a guilt devoured Koi, now these Weridos fall outta the sky and invade their camp? What’s next, Someone loses a leg??
“I kinda feel bad for tying them up..” Dale whimpered. “WHY??? the little orange one was gonna attack us!!!” Chip reminded her, trying to be the reasonable one here. “Yeah but.. Besides that, they seem really nice!! and look at that one!! It’s got cool red paint on its face!!”
“as much as I love a complement, this isn’t paint. It’s my skin, thank you very much.” Leon smirked, sparkling as usual. Except there were literal sparkles..- what the hell???
Chip just..observed carefully. wow, this guy was gayer than him and mugs combined. And that’s really saying something here. Though he hated to admit, these guys did seem kinda harmless.
‘I’m sure the grown-up’s could take these bozos in a fight, anyway. So..whats the big deal?? What’s everyone so afraid of?’
Chip, being the observant guy he is, decided to go check on the others. Since everyone was acting a little bit off. And suspicious, he might add. “Come on.” He Signaled Dale to ‘follow his lead.’ And within seconds, the siblings were on a investigation.
it was quiet. too quiet. Why you may ask? Well, I’ll let cup answer that one.
Cuphead Stares at raph. No conversation, no movement, just an intimidating cold stare. Raph couldn’t even bare to meet his gaze, so he turned to face the tents wall. As this starring contest continued on, the 2 bystanders looked at eachother with concern.
“cup, lay off dude. It’s been like 5 minutes. You’re scaring the poor guy!!” Mugs suggested. No one dared move.
another couple minutes go by, and mugs tries again. Again, not movement.
She tries again and again, and like every time before..
Nothing happened.
“UGHH!! WHY CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME?!” He shouted, readying up a punch to the face. “Hey, hey! Mugs, calm. Down. Anger will not fix anything.” Boris reassured him, in a desperate attempt to calm her down.
“Tell me, Bucko. Why’re you really here??” cup finally spoke up, building up the tension. Raph finally Met eyes with him.
“I don’t know, ok?! Look, one minute I was hanging out with my brothers, watching a Jupiter Jim movie, and then-“
”wait, who’s Jupiter Jim?” Mugs asked, not expecting to be heard. But of course..
He was.
“ah! Jupiter Jim is the main protagonist in me and my brothers favourite movies! He’s so cool, and also have a red panda sidekick!! But there’s also comics, fan fics, graphic novels, spin-offs, fan made episo-“
“Ok can you shut up? We don’t wanna hear about your nerdy lil sci-fi show, uh..whatever you are.” Raph went completely silent after that, slightly embarrassed.
“Dude. I-“ mugs sighs.
“Ok, move it boy toy.” He attempts to shove cup outta the way. But uh..
Cup snickers at his brothers failed attempt to move him.
“Keep trying, toothpick. One day maybe you’ll be able to make me move an arm” he howls with laughter. Mugs rolled his eyes. Tsk, at least he wasnt an overachiever study nerd.
Raph Just Watch the 2 siblings, letting out a small laugh.
Cup immediately turned his attention back to raph, looking kinda..pissed..off? Uh oh..-
“Find something funny?” his voice was low, as he inched in closer to Raph’s face. He stares at him again, narrowing his eye.
“just leave the guy alone. You’re being a bitch.” Mugs told him off, putting a hand on her hip.
“WHA- I AM NOT!! THIS GUY COULD BE POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS!!!” “Cup, he doesn’t even have any weapons.” this seems to get cup upset, he rolls his eyes and storms out. What a baby. Mugs scowls at him as he leaves, soon turning his gaze to their unexpected visitor.
“Sorry..a-about him. He’s just..very cautious..of people..”
“Well, can you blame him?” Boris stepped in.
“you and him have been through a lot together. He’s just trying to protect you.”
Well, this seemed to get to mugs. He thought for a moment. She hated to admit it but..Boris was right. Maybe they’d been acting like a jerk to cup.
As he got lost in his thoughts, Boris glanced at their prisoner.
this was gonna be one hell of a day, huh.
It’s time to prepare.
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averagetmntfan · 5 months
Incorrect quote(???)
cup: mugs can you pass the sugar
mugs: sure
mugs: *pushes vin towards cup*
*cough* @mikey-rottmnt *cough*
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averagetmntfan · 5 months
incorrect quote(?)
mugs: you guys are nothing but a bunch of low life whores!!
The crew: …
(*COUGH* @mikey-rottmnt *COUGH*)
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
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Look at her >:]
Ft the old man ig /hj(?)
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
Portals gone wrong!
(“The 4 servants Au” & “time beats a dead man Au” ((collab w/ @mikey-rottmnt)) Crossover fic!)
tbadm universe, 11:38 am.
“Well, shit. We’re screwed.” Bendy slumped, watching koi pace back and fourth in the tent.
“I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT! I SWEAR I WROTE IT ON MY PHONE!!” Koi panicked, running his hand through his fluffy hair.
“well I mean, shouldn’t you know this kind of stuff? Since ur Mugs boyfri-“
“SHSHSH!!” He put a firm grip on bendys shoulders.
“Keep your voice down, dude!”
“Ok, ok! Jeez! js let go of me, please.”
Koi Immediately retracted his hands away. his face looked strained, as his body shook ever so slightly. He had no idea what to get his partner for his birthday. Which was today.
clearly, he wasn’t great at hiding it either. Because as soon as bendy got a look at him, he knew immediately.
“Look, if you’re so worried on what to get him. Why not ask cup?”
Bendy suggested
“HE’LL JUST LAUGH AT ME! OR GET MAD AT ME!!” Sweat was pouring down his face, making him look like he just got out of a pool.
“Okay, okay!! Fine!! just, chill. I’ll ask him for ya-“ He hopped of the cot, walking out of the tent. As koi watched in horror, he lays on his sleeping bag, getting lost in his thoughts.
As he stared as the ceiling of the tent. He saw an orange spark. Immediately, he blinked. And the spark was gone.
‘I must me imagining things.’
T4S Universe, 11:38 am.
Mikey groans, laying flat on the couch. His whole head pounding with pain.
His mouth throbbed, his teeth hurt, and his tongue was sore. All because of those stupid braces.
he couldn’t even eat anything! That’s how bad his mouth hurt. He still didn’t understand why he needed braces in the first place. His teeth looked okay to him, anyway.
He wanted to just..scream and cry. But his eyes were dry, and his voice was weak. He had no idea how to even feel right now.
“you okay, Angie?” Leo asked, slowly leaning on his baby brother.
..riiiight, his brothers came home early to “comfort him”
“No, my mouth hurts like shit.”
He said, slumping even further in his sweater.
“Leo, ur not making it better.” Donnie commented, smirking ever so slightly at his phone.
Leo gave him an annoyed glare, before turning his attention back to Mikey.
they all go silent, js watching another Jupiter Jim movie. When suddenly..
“Mikey..W-Why’re you glowing?”
Raph jolts up, looking at his lightbulb of a brother.
The twins turn their attention to their little brother. Leo stares at Mikey in disbelief. Sure, it wasn’t an impossible event, but he never expected it from his own brother!!
Suddenly, a glowing orange spark awoken from the floor. Soon getting bigger, and bigger. And within seconds..
The portal had swallowed them whole.
Tbadm universe, 12:30 pm.
ah yes, the sound of a peaceful brunch. The birds chirped, the sun shined. It was almost perfect!!! “GIVE IT BACK!!!”
..almost, perfect. The chipmunks siblings were fighting again. Typical siblings, battling over what seemed to be a rare species of caterpillar? Interesting. But one thing was for sure…
This was giving vins a serious question about her life choices. Are her and cup doing the right thing? should they..not? What would everyone think? As if on que, a thump had hit the ground. Actually, it was Multiple thumps. Repeatedly!! Mugs was the first to react. Well, if u call screaming and jumping to Koi’s arms a reaction…
“ughhhh..” The strange creature groaned, starling nearly everyone.
“WHAT ARE THOSE?!?” Mugs yelped, holding onto koi tightly.
“Excuse you, teakettle!! We are turtles, clearly.” One of the other creatures said. As raph was getting himself up, he was shown down by a tall figure. Taller them him, that’s for sure. “Alright, buddy. Start explainin’, who you, and your little goons are.” Cup demanded, Looking dead serious. (As usual, I guess-)
“Look uh..sir? We don’t want any trouble-“
“YES WE DO!! FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!!” Mikey shouted, raising a fist in the air
The crew awkwardly stare at the littlest one. Bendy snickers ever so slightly. I think these 2 would get along just fine!!..if Boris let him get closer then 18 feet away.
“wait- soo, how’d you all get here?? No one rlly just..comes to the middle of the forest..” koi gently placed his love down, now resting a hand on his hip.
the brothers proceed to look at eachother, then all their eyes fall upon mikey.
“great question, why don’t we ask the damn lightbulb, eh mike?” Leo stood up, crossing his arms in disappointment and blame. Starring daggers at his lil bro.
“OH, SO ITS MY FAULT I MAGICALLY STARTED GLOWING?!” Mikey shouted, making this nearly more awkward for our beloved crew of cartoons. “Ok, how about we all just..calm down, okay?” Vinnie suggested, standing between the 2 turtles.
“whaaaaat is even happening right now??” Donnie whispered, moving ever so slightly to his older bro.
“honestly? I have no idea, don.” He whispered back. This one definitely in top 5 weirdest shit any Of them have ever been in. And ohoho boy, was it just gonna get weirder and weirder from here…
You have no idea how long this took to make..
I was gonna put drawings in here too, but I couldn’t draw one thing and then another, then…I ran out of motivation.
But maybe eventually, I’ll go back and add drawings :]
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averagetmntfan · 7 months
“Picky eater.”
(TBADM mini fic)
(@mikey-rottmnt good luck HEHEH-)
The family sat at the table. It was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the chewing of their food. 
Mugs plate remained full. Not even a small nibble taken out of it. He seemed..lost, and uncomfortable. He poked some more at his food. Making various disgusted faces, as if they were trying to insult the food itself. Her father glanced at her in annoyance, getting slightly pissed off. 
“Why aren’t you eating, mugman?” His father asked. he knew his dad too well for this to end well. “ I’m not hungry.” He claims, shoving his plate to the middle of the table.
“But I haven’t seen you eat at all today..?” Cup questioned, munching on a piece of bread. She turns her attention to her father, who looks ready to jump across the table and strangle her. instead, he looks mugs up and down slightly.
“Lookin’ awfully skinny there if you ask me.” He stuffs some food in his mouth. Mugs looks at him. Burning with rage. He stands up and slams his hands on the table, knocking off some important looking papers and a glass of water. 
“What does me looking skinny hafta do with anything?!” He argues. the tension grew between the 2. As cup slowly backs up & into his room.
“I was just saying, you could gain pond or 2. It’s not a great look to be twig-skinny.” He smirks, sipping his wine. Mugs is appalled at this. And extremely hurt. He fights some tears from escaping his eyes.
“I HATE YOU!!!” He shouts before stomping to his room. He slams the door, rattling the whole house. He particularly lunges into his bed, laying back to bed. They stare at the ceiling, before pulling his hands into view. 
“..what’s wrong with me..?” His voice shook. Those words. That look. He felt..terrible. This wasn’t the first time he hadn’t eaten his dinner. But he never..yelled like that before. Especially at his own dad. She already knew how this was gonna go down tho. Their dad was gonna burst into their room, scream their ears off, and run off to do work.
he sat up, sitting on the edge of his bed. He turned his gaze to his mirror and just…stared at himself. It was common for people her age to hate themselves, it was the era right now. Mugs wished it wasn’t like that. He wished he was more like his brother. Smart, funny, responsible, Not to mention strong. Him on the other hand..was shy, quiet, insecure, and small. He was more the type of person to sit alone in the library and read. While their brother has hundreds and hundreds of friends. And has a whole group that follows him like lost puppies. To put it simple:
Mugs was a nerdy awkward kid. And cup was a charming jock. He felt like he was always in his brothers shadow. His brother was smarter than him, more charming, more confident, more responsible. Mugs felt like he was..nothing. 
Before she knew it, it was 8:00. He was so lost in thought that the time flew by. 
“maybe I’ll just go to bed early..I feel sick.” he thought about what cup said. To be honest, he hadn’t eaten it a really really long time. But eating made him feel..sick. He knew it was silly, but it truly did make him feel gross. Looking at themselves in the mirror made them feel..gross. Like, he wasn’t happy with how he looked.. in fact. He actually didn’t feel good at all. Like, for real. She shot up, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. They DASHED to the bathroom. And..threw up. he felt disgusted with himself. She stood up and looked at the mirror again. This wasn’t what he wanted to look like. “why can’t I just look the way I want..?” Their eyes watered, starring at the mirror like a black hole. He stood there and js..cried. Quietly, but everyone already knew what he was doing in there. 
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
Get served!..or maybe later.
(TBADM mini fic!!)
(*COUGH* @mikey-rottmnt)
“Pff, you think I’m no match for your skill?” Koi smirks, crossing his arms furiously. Cup gives him a look. His expression shifts to a completive game face. “wanna bet, playboy?” He responds, tying an apron around his waist. 
“H-hey now, guys! just calm down, would ya?” Vin tries to reason with them, but it went through one ear, and out the other. “oh boy, here we go..” mugs leaned on the kitchen wall, readying up his phone to record this memorable battle.
“I serve mugs, and you serve vins.” Cup suggested. Koi nods, determined to kick cups ass in this cook off. The others gather around the island table, curious on how this will turn out in the end. Not well, clearly. But who cares? It’s gonna be memorable, that’s for sure.
“Cup, come on. Your more mature to waste time battling a kid..” vin rests a hand on cups shoulder. While koi takes massive offence! The audacity!! Koi was a respected, young man!  Not some crayon colorer!! 
“I beg to differ! I’m gonna make a dish so savoury, you won’t even want the meal to be devoured!!” He claims, confidence through the damn roof. 
“okay, if we’re really doing this..y’all need to wash your hands. It’s the number 1 rule of cooking!!” They all nod in agreement. “Ok, fine. We’ll see who’s better, after we wash off.” They quickly hurry off to get themselves ready for this food war..
“On your mark..” tic, tic, Tic…
“Get set..” tic, tic, tic..RIIIINNNNGGGGGG!!!
“GO!!” the whole crew Erupts with cheers and screams! As our 2 battle in the kitchen, sabotaging one an other!! 
“Oops! I took all the spices! Looks like your using salt, playboy!!” Cup shoves koi outta the way, selfishly taking all the spices. Even though we all know he’s only gonna use like, 3 of them for his dish. Koi fumes with frustration. Ok, that’s how we’re gonna play, huh? well, so be it. Koi yoinks the need spices right out of cups grip! “Think again, teacup!” 
As the 2 battle it out, the sideline conversations were quite interesting..
“Hang on a Sec..” Bendy wondered. Chip turns his attention.
“Isn’t the over and stove like, broken right now?” Bendy says. The whole gang goes silent. The only thing being heard was mockery from cup and koi.
“Eh, they’ll figure it out. Eventually..-“ mugs shrugs, the others agreeing. They record these 2 idiots, containing there laughter quite well!
I guess they’re ordering pizza tonight…
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
• Highschool! Cup definitely shoved his dirty, disgusting clothes either in mugs room, or his face..
• tea enjoyer
• coffee enjoyer
• a very sore winner
• a humble winner! …unless it’s bowling.
• not good @ lifting. But is an absolute BEAST at punching.
• the most charming yet corny guy you’ll ever meet.
• use to bite ALOT as a kid
• karaoke master fr
• not rlly seen as “ fine~” but more seen as “cute •.•”
• Randomly jumpscares mugs for fun or just out of boredom
• has “accidentally” punch cup uh..A LOT-
• plays as Mario in mario karts-
• plays as princess peach in mario karts (in koi’s honor)
• always cold
• always warm
And yeah, that’s all I got..-
(Note: all of mugs are canon in this au, all of cups are uncanon/ actual headcanons ((ask @mikey-rottmnt if any of these are canon-))
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