#tbh I don't remeber bb fandom being so bad
yournextflame · 2 years
i think people assume greter will is evil because after radagon defeat the elden ring desapear from radagon elden beast surge from the black mist inside him and made he the sword, the impression is the beast is the literal thing inside radagon and he is but a tool and for some reason the beast want to fight the player. and you know in bloodborne everything for the fandom is blamed on oedon or moon presence. is easy to blame something that the players consider inhuman to be the mastermind all along
It's not like I am against idea of the Greater Will being evil, I don't like that this view is based on mistranslation rather than proper analyses. So far the most evil deed of the Greater Will is banishment of Nox, but even then I wonder what exactly lead to the banishment? They killed a god (assuming that Fingerslayer Blade has the same origin as Sacred Relic Sword) but we killed a god too, burned Erdtree, the Elden Ring was shattered, but the Greater Will is kinda like “okay.jpg”
The Greater Will did like 2 confirmed things in entire timeline, sent golden star with Elden Beast on the Lands Between (and there is a lot of evidence that it was origin of life, considering Hyetta’s dialogue and golden star-golden amber-primordial matter-primordial life chain of transformations) and punished Nox for some reason. The Elden Beast is Elden Ring and... I don’t know, how anyone could look at this jelly and say that it was a major political actor, who played the strings behind the scene?
Ahh, Great Runes are the stuff of demigods; the children of the goddess, Queen Marika. She who is vessel of the Elden Ring.Tainted by the strength of their runes, her children warred, but none could become Elden Lord
Maybe influence of the Elden Ring exists (it’s a bunch of runes after all), but it’s like, you know, more subtle thing than Elden Beast ordering Marika what dress to wear today. Think about One Ring from Tolkien works (Numen/Numenor, the Lands Between, maddening rings, anyone?), it’s not exactly mind-controlling, but it corrupts a person over the course of time and we know how much Miyazaki loves this trope. Perhaps description of scar/sorseals hints something like this:
These seals represent the lifelong duty of those chosen by the gods.Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance
(so, what kind of influence Nox tinfoil helmets were blocking then?)
I have a strong disdain towards Marika/Radagon are sockpuppets of hallucigenia theories, it basically erasures them as characters (I can give a pass for Radagon’s bossfight and bossfight only simply because of how remembrances are working). Speaking of Radagon, was he even turned into Sacred Relic by the Elden Beast intentionally? It takes the sword and swims from us like it’s about to break world record. It’s scared. I’m surprised that people don’t talk more about Seluvius and Preceptor Miriam wearing Mask of Confidence (when Radagon married Rennala, he ordered the Carian magic preceptors to don these masks. To make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private). Where exactly Seluvius learned about Fingerslayer Blade and why is there Red Wolf of Radagon near Siofra River?
I agree that it’s easy to blame some abstract thing, especially when not one, but two waifus are presumably antagonistic towards it. People are writing 10 paragraphs long theories explaining how Ranni “I did it all” never really participated in Night of Black Knives (the most recent gem I’ve seen recently was theory that Godwyn wanted to be killed) because it’s really hard to accept for some fans that she isn’t pure and meek doll.
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