#tbh I think byler would have to literally kiss for those still convinced there is zero evidence to actually consider it a possiblity
will80sbyers · 1 year
I like how gay mike truthers claim bi mike truthers have 'no evidence' when the majority of their evidences are coming from reaches like mike forcing himself to kiss el while imagining will's painting on the wall, mike supposedly only loving el whenever she is 'bald' even though he was mesmerized by her when she was feminine, mike supposedly not giving a fuck about el at all when they first met even though he insisted on protecting her and they formed a quick connection from the start, pointing out that conan poster supposedly proves mike is gay while ignoring the woman on the poster collectively because it doesn't suit the intended take that mike also might be attracted to women, etc. and do not get me started on all the 'closets' thing and minuscule details like shades of the sun shining on mike's shoulder that points to him being gay which do not even point to a specific sexuality info even if they are taken as non-hetero mike evidence.
but apparently thinking mike might be into girls and loving el/being attracted to her is a reach even though the show uses explicit scenes to prove that they had/have genuine feelings each other both in the scripts and on the screen, them being promoted as a couple for years in an outside the show with explicit scenes that show their attraction. not to mention how mike's positioned in the love triangle which is already a BISEXUAL love triangle in itself and the love triangle thing is what can point to mike being attracted to both el and will but ultimately going with will because they are more fit for each other. and people collectively ignoring the evidence that mike is paralleled to the other canonically bisexual character in the show aka Vickie because it doesnt count as a 'proof' apparently is honestly astounding.
Sorry not sorry for saying this but gay mike truthers need to get a grip and bi mike truthers have the right to speak up against biphobia and ridiculous takes in the fandom because it is getting tiring and annoying af.
Luckily not all gay Mike truthers are like that, there are many that acknowledged those things and still consider bi mike a possibility and those are the people I personally want around
but yeah that's not a valid argument because it's just not true, I think everyone should be allowed to make all the reaches they want personally I am the first that enjoys and does that sometimes, but at least don't say we "have no proof" ... I think we just think the gay Mike proof is not convincing enough for us and the bi mike is more convincing because we have a different point of view on Mike's character... That's it, a different interpretation.
And I mean... We even have literally a script that pretty much explicitly states that Mike liked El romantically in s2... so it's a really weird take to say bi mike truthers don't have any reason to think he's bi... It's confusing to me how people can seriously believe that tbh
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And as I said many many many times you can even not believe the script or think they changed stuff if you want, that's not a problem for me because nothing is confirmed yet and who knows, maybe they did decide to make Mike gay after s2... I have no idea because I'm not the writers!
I just would like for people to stop being randomly biphobic in the tag because that does trigger me and makes me feel like I can't enjoy byler in peace without feeling like I have to defend my whole identity when I'm reading the tag
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