#tbh I think once I get a good Sheryl variant doll I'm... prooobably gonna hold off RH-buying for awhile (at least for the rest of the year)
purfectprincessgirl · 3 years
They have just leaked 2 of the Pacific Coast rainbow High dolls
Ahh yeah, I saw them over on my Instagram feed today... aaand I'm not quite sure how to feel about them rn tbh ^^;
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Like, for Harper Dune I'm... pretty confused why she basically looks identical to Marisa Golding (but with less-shiny hair?), and while I do get where they're going for with Phaedra's sunset-y palette... idk, something about her design just doesn't really vibe with me enough to wanna buy her atm 🤷‍♀️
I mean, granted I am still hype to see what Bella's full Malibu look is gonna be like 'cause its about time she got some merch spotlight again... but at the same time I kiiinda feel like we already have "enough" characters to work with to fill up some of these doll line spots (esp since the "main 6" girls already had their own special lines with Cheer & Winter Break)? Like, just imagine a mix of the Series 1-3 characters blending into this Malibu line could've been cool if Bella was gonna be there (or even have her current roommates like Daria, Sheryl and Stella be included since they're technically their own "clique" now). But thats just me :p
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