#tbh i made three quarters of this set nine months ago and i just never finished it
zooeydeschanel · 6 years
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#SeeYaNewGirl - Week 4
↳ Nick Miller, a summary
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bow-woahh · 5 years
Spop Fic recs (Catradora)
Hello Catradora trash can's today I finally give you what I've been promising for MONTHS - a fanfic rec list. Because, if you didn't already know, I read A LOT of Catradora fanfic, probably too much and although I'm definitely not the best judge of...anything, I really wanted to make this post, so here it is, weeks late.
(it's a long one though)
I’ve written my full opinions n shit on like the first 10 multi chapters and one shots because there’s a lot lol, and some I remember better than others (tbf I've re read all of them at this point), but yeahhh. For the others, I’ll describe it in less detail and a bit more jokily lol.
I'm sorry I haven't just linked all the fics bit I just want this to be out of my drafts loll, and I can assure you most of these are pretty easy to find, I apologise for the laziness though haha
Also I’ve tried to find the all the authors tumblr or other social media, but I couldn’t for all of them which sucks, so if you happen to be the author and I left you out, please comment :)
(here's a key first)
(o) = ongoing
(f) = finished
[T] =Teen and up Audiences
1. Upper West Side by ceruleanstorm (o) 100,000+ words
[Modern AU] [T]
This fic is so amazing!! It goes so deep into their psychology and past and damn is it hilarious at time. Also, I love the premise of it - Catra is a Uber driver and Adora ends up as her passenger. It's a fairly slowburn as it goes deep into the two girls' lives and really gives time for the relationship to develop naturally and that is honestly really appreciated because it makes the good moments between the two even better and more rewarding if I'm honest. A lot of angst though. All the other characters we know and love are also written amazingly in it too, and are made equally important. All in all, I love this fic and everything about it!
As of writing it has fairly infrequent updates, but each chapter is 10-20k+ words and has 9/12 chapters so...there’s a lot.
2. For my Sake by doublepasse (f) 100,000+ words
[Canon Compliant][E]
The story and world building is just - WOAH. This one is quite the slowburn but boy is it worth it. It's set a couple months to a year after season one, where Catra finally captures Adora but the tables turn very quickly when capturing her nearly results in her death, which Catra (unsurprisingly) didn’t want. The story has some BIG plot twists and is definitely one of the best canon universe Catradora fics I’ve ever read and the ending was very satisfying, but also open ended, BECAUSE there’s a part 2 coming and I couldn’t be more excited!
(Also, there is one chapter with nsfw content in it, but it has a sfw version)
3. Skinny Love by Maychup (o) 89,000+ words
[Canon Compliant][M]
Another amazing fic that takes place in the canon universe that has such great world building, and is very plot heavy. It takes place days after the S1 finale and goes from there basically. The premise of it is similar to many fics and one shots you’ve probably read - sleeping with the enemy. From the first chapter it seemed like it could have easily been a five chapter easy redemption fic but nooooooo, it goes a lot LOT deeper. I feel like this fic did such a great job on character development, Catra’s specifically, she grows so much throughout the fic. She is also such a mother to all her Horde pals in this and I love that haha.
At the time of writing, it’s still ongoing, and boy am I excited to see where it goes. It’s also super angsty and has a fair-ish amount of smut so be warned!
4. The Heiress and The thief by Fuhadeza (f) 58,000+ words
[Regency AU][M]
As it says in the fic summary, it is literally the She-Ra regency AU I never knew I wanted likeeee, it’s so good! Premise - Adora is taken by Lady Brightmoon, leaving her boarding school, and her best friend behind, Catra, and everything is fine until her old friend face resurfaces. This one had me screaming at times (most of them did, but this especially). It was a really enjoyable read and I honestly loved the way the author dealt with love and the way Adora dealt with her feelings and just ahhh- read it.
5. Faded with feelings by yesimgay (f) 24,000+ words
[Roomates AU][T]
This fic. I read this a WHILEEE ago but to this day this is one of my favourite fan-fics ever like it’s hilarious, and fluffy and unproblematic and sometimes you need that tbh. Everything you need to know is established in the first chapter but the way it is done feels so natural, as if it’s just Adora‘s or Catra’s thoughts and I love it. Also the premise is GREAT - Catra has ADHD and smokes weed to help with it, and Adora accidentally takes an edible, which is when shenanigans start to ensue.
6. Dream of Me by DBsean (f) 18,000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Although it is on the shorter side with only five chapters, this was another fic that was so so good in quality and premise. For whatever reason, Catra and Adora start sharing dreams, enabling them to share moments together that they (unfortunately) can't have in real life, due to them being on opposite sides of the war, and in turn - enemies. The angst in this fic literally KILLED ME, and the characters dialogue is so good as well! I also recommend you check out some of the authors other fics, they're all great!
7. we've been making shades of purple out of red and blue by darklady21(o) 19,000+ words
[Roomates AU][M]
Another Roomates AU, bUT instead of being best friends, the two barely know each other, or interact at all...GREAT RIGHT?!? Honestly though, I think the author did a great job in making it not seem too rushed, especially in the setup and establishing how although they know each other, they DONT know each other, so the first couple chapters are basically that stage where they are learning more about each other and leaving stupid post it notes around the house, and it just feels so natural and great! Updates aren’t super regular, but there’s already nine chapters (as of writing) so definitely check it out, as well as their other works too!
8. Razorback by Starr_Reborn(o) 22,000+ words
[Canon Divergence AU][M]
Apparently, the author wrote this with the intent of it being fluffy. From the title you can tell that is NOT the case. At all. This one HURTS. This is very very angsty, and also has some themes of rape in it, so if that kinda thing triggers you I might wanna skip out on this one. It is a really good fic though and stands out from a lot of the others because of the way it is written. Chapters aren’t usually longer that 1000 words and the writing style is quite disjointed at times, and it a lot of the time a stream of consciousness. At times it can even be a little confusing or hard to follow, but I find it makes it even more interesting, and also means it will probably be a fic I come back to once completed. It is genuinely so unpredictable, I have no clue where it’s going, but I really love it for that!
9. Sunflower by TechnoSkittles (f) 6000+ words
[High School AU][G]
Oh, BOY. Oh boyyy. This fic - it's 8 chapters and only 6000 words yet the story is just- Ahhh READ IT. It's so good! And like the author in general is so amazing at writing like check out all their works (especially their latest one shot omg I loved it). Anyway, read this, it's not too long, it's cute and also genuinely surprising, the ending was not something I saw coming AT ALL, so YEAH!
10. I like me better when I'm with you by lesbians_harold(f) 22,000+ words
[High School AU][T]
Just a nice, fun, fluffy high school, friends to lovers AU. Catra moves to Adora’s school senior year and the twos friendship is quickly rekindled, after a rocky start albeit. Adora is a big ol’ jock and Catra draws which is a headcanon I LOVE. It’s written so well, and the characters are also written well too! It is a lil angsty at times, but not to worry - but it does pay off, I assure you.
11. I thought we were best friends by vanilla107 (o) 45,000+ words
[University AU][T]
Breakups. Lots of breakups, and angst. This one will mend your heart then hurt you. BE SCARED. But go read it. I mean it. It's good!
12. Dirty Dancing by LilLegalLoli94 (o) 9000+ words
[Dancing AU][M]
Basically lots of (sexual) tension after years of not seeing each other because Adora moved to Brightmoon Dance Academy. It's good. Real good.
13. Back to Black by eveynull (f) 6000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Post War) Gays go and visit their past, staring angst, and featuring your favourite co-star - fluff!
14. how things are supposed to be by maggiesbombshell (o) 11,000+ words
[High School AU][M]
A jolly slowburn that will hurt your soul because (internalised) homophobia and gay.
15. Some things you don't see coming by Trashibesensei (o) 20,000+ words
[High School AU][T]
Adora being a big ol' jock, and Catra being a big ol' gay. I’m not even gonna explain it, you have to find that out yourself.
16. A quarter after three by Maychup (o) 11,000+ words
[Youtuber AU][M]
Adora's gay panic settles in when she bumps into her childhood bestie, Catra, live streaming in the streets of LA. My favourite part of this fic has to be the YouTube comments she gets. This one will make you laugh. And go AWWW CUTE.
17. A Song to My Heart by DemiRebel (f) 8000+ words
[Neighbors AU][G]
The cute girl next door keeps singing loud, and it sounds BELLE, so what else would you do other than creepily listen?? 10/10 for premise.
18. Occupied by Nny11 4000+ words
[Modern AU][T]
The most hilarious soulmate AU I've read tbh. One word - bathrooms.
19. Whispering Dreams by dragonesdepapel (f) 7400+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Adora finds a wounded and sick gay so obviously, she helps her out, much to her protesting. This fic will honestly make you go through the five stages of grief. Big ol' oof.
20. Why you SHOULD bring in your untrained cat to the rebellion by locuas (f) 6800+ words
[Canon Divergence AU][G]
This fic is a literal joke. But it will probably be the best crack you will ever read, so. READ IT.
What drove her insane, 13,000+ words (f)
One shots:
1. hang tight (all you) by TechnoSkittles 9000+ words
[High School AU][T]
This is a fic that will break your heart and mend it. It's about Adora coming to terms with her sexuality throughout high school in a pretty unsupportive environment, added onto the fact she has a crush on her best friend. It's paced so well, nothing feels rushed and although it's only 9000 words, it manages to flesh out characters that aren't even in the show, and it obviously does a great job with the topic at hand - sexuality and homophobia. Like it honestly touched my heart, reading it I genuinely wanted to cry. I loved everything about it, from the moment it started to the last line. It's just written in a way that is probably relatable to so many people who are or have struggled with coming to terms with themselves, and shows how for some it's really not an easy thing. It's also written beautifully, and I PROMISE you won't regret reading this! Definitely check out some more of their works too, they're all great reads!
2. you're my favorite song (and it's stuck in my head) by artemiswords 16,000+ words
[High School AU][T]
A belle valentine's day fan fic which I just,, ahhhhh this is some of the best 16k words I've ever read, it's so nice and fluffy! Premise - Catra has to take the bus to school, and ends up sitting next to this cute girl on the bus, Adora, and listening to TayTay (Swift), sharing earphones with this complete stranger. Obviously, Catra develops a crush, but she is sure Adora is straight. It's written so well, and is such an enjoyable read, with so many great moments and dialogue. Music is a very prevalent theme (which you can tell from the name tbh) in it, and the amount of song references in it also make it feel so fleshed out in a way, like their both just teenagers with somewhat questionable music taste. Just all the exchanges they have are great, especially the ones over text and social media, there were so many funny moments too. DEFO, recommend if you wanna read something nice and lighthearted!
3. The Interlude That Never Ends by FMLClexa 2000+ words
Twitter: catrxs
[Historical AU] [M]
Angst. Quite angsty. But also fairly fluffy, it has a good balance. And the writing style is just so - it gets your heart wrenching despite being fairly short, and is also very poetic, and I don't know about you, but I love things like that! The fic is a historical/soulmates AU where they are bound to fall in love, no matter the period they're reincarnated in. It's one of the most creative fic ideas I've ever read, and the concept is executed so well, which makes it even better. And it's, so so damn sweet ahh, read it read it READ IT!
4.  is there a knife in your bed or are you just happy to see me? by ceruleanstorm 6000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
This fic was everythinggg, it is so cute, like it’s basically 6k words of fluff! Also, if you didn’t already notice, the title (and the fic) heavily references the fact Adora keeps a knife under her bed (I DIED when that happened in s2).  Set post war, Catra sneaks away from her post to visit an overworked and stressed Adora in Bright Moon and cuteness ensues. I honestly just love everything about this fic, we need more fluffy and funny fics like this! The dynamic the two have in this is perfect and the dialogue and general writing style of it is great! And Adora’s internal dialogue in this honest to god had me dead. Needless to say this is one of my fav Canon Universe one shots.
5.Girl’s Become Lovers (Who Turn Into Mothers) by A_Zap 2000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
This has to be one of the cutest, well written, fic I’ve read! Catra brings home the only survivors from a tragedy her and Scorpia stumbled upon, but one thing Adora doesn’t expect is for them to be children. The,, emotions in this are so raw and powerful. Even though they obviously have these new little people in their life though, their problems don’t just go away, they still have their own issues, and have to deal with them while looking after these kids. In general they handle mental health so well, and Shadow Weavers lasting effect on Catra SHOWS and it shows hard. Honestly, it made me want to cry at some parts and the ending was EVERYTHING, so reAd IT.
6. baby, i'm a house on fire (and i wanna keep burning) by wittchers 7000+
[Medival AU]
A really fun fic to read, with a very original premise: after the Horde defeats the kingdom Bright Moon, Hordak is crowned, Queen Angella was killed, and Princess Glimmer is missing, which leaves Lady Adora forced into an arranged marriage with Lord Catra, to keep her people happy. Obviously, being an arranged marriage, with her enemy, she ain’t too happy about it, nor is Catra. But they have to put up with it, and each other. Honestly, like the development of their relationships is sooo good, and there is the perfect balance e of angst and fluff (if you can call it that?) so don’t worry it won’t kill you! Like ahh, the emotions in this - so well described with so little words. And the ending is great, in general it’s great!
7. Adora Casts: Zone of Truth by Hemogobbler 2000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Literally just 2000 words of utter cuteness and hilarious dialogue haha. Premise - Catra has just defected recently, and is still warming up to Adora, is still slightly shut off from her. So, to try remedy this, she gets a truth serum from Madame Razz, and slips it into their food, leading to them talking honestly about their feelings for the first time in a while. I just love it so much because I feel like this is genuinely something Adora would do, and also something I’d probably do in her situation - Catra opening up is a rare occurrence! Also, as I said, their are some really funny, laugh out loud moments, which out of context are so weird, yet somehow manage to make a lot of sense. Anyway, if you just had a bad day, I think this fic would definitely lift your spirits.
8. bloom by kimah 4000+ words
Twitter: whitehotmoons
[Modern AU][G]
A post break up fan fic where Catra's therapist suggests Catra write down her feelings, which leads her to write the things she hates about Adora, and their interactions they've had since their break up. The way it's written is so... angsty but like, not? I'm bad at this. Literally, reading this I really felt Catra's pain, and I just wanted to give her a hug at times. Adora too. The small details the author outs into the characters makes the characters all that more realisitic too, and I love it! Seriously though, the angst, will, get, you.
9. I do adore by thankskelley 6000+ words
Twitter: cosmicsporks
[Modern AU][G]
A Catradora fake dating AU. Is there anything more you need in life? Catra and Adora are are roomates, and one day, Adora bursts in, saying she finally came out to her parents, and also that her parent had assumed they are dating... leading her to ask if Catra could pretend to be her girlfriend for while. What could possibly go wrong? Hmm?? I've always loved the whole fake dating premise (to all the boyss) and with characters like Adora and Catra, (especially Catra like she is a TEASE) I always thought it'd be great. Who doesn't love oblivious gays? Their dynamic in this is also great, especially all the flirting and teasing. BUT, of course, it also a bit angsty too. I can promise you you'll love it!
10. Chocolate and Roses vs. Heartache by Trashibesensei 9000+ words
[High School AU][T]
Another high school AU...I know I have a problem leave me alone. This time, if you couldn’t tell by the title, there’s some heartache involved, because: this Valentines Day, Adora doesn’t spend it with her best friend (now ex bestie) Catra. Even despite her popularity that she now has due to being the star player of Bright Moon’s soccer team, she can’t shake of how much she yearns for her old friend. Somehow, even with all the angst, it is still sO fucking FUNNY, the way Mermista was written was great, and she had some of THE best lines. But yeah, it’s so pure and just - Catra needs a hug, Adora needs a hug, they need to hug EACH other tbh! It had a very nice and hopeful message, and also kinda surprised me with the end.
11. someone you like by caela 5000+ words
[High School AU][T]
As a gen z, or x, or whatever the fuck I am, I always appreciate a fic where the characters say stupid shit over Instagram to their crushes which results it getting a date to prom. Although I can assure you that would never happen to me. But this So FUCKING cute and funny so READ.
12. this is what it's like when we collide (this is how you bring me back to life) by azul (7daysoftorture) 5000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
This galaxy brain fic is amazing and that’s ThE TEA. Catra gets a wish stone from Hordak and we all knowww, WHO she (subconsciously) craves - Adora, which obviously leads to hell breaking loose, because, disaster gays. Anyway read this it’s great and made me feel forget about the cruel world we live in.
13. Five Times Catra was a Cat and One Time the Cat was Catra by sunscreams 2400+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
A BELLE, well written 5 + 1 which is just pure fluff (some hurt/comfort too) and Catra being Catra (so a loveable pain in the ass) after joining Adora in Bright Moon.
14. Vital Signs by SereneKarma 2000+ words
[Modern AU][G]
Like a dumbass Catra breaks her leg and gets put in hospital, but hey - it’s okay as long as she’s got a cute nurse to look after her! It’s pretty funny just based on the concept alone so read ThIs BiSh.
15. You put the cracks into my moral code by Littleamethystc 3000+ words
[Gang AU][T]
Catra is a hotshot mafia member, Glimmer and Bow are the PoPo, and Adora is underestimated as HELL. It’s also pretty funny, like the whole concept is just perfect, so check it out!
16. The Best Gift I Could Ever Ask For by blueninjasharpshooter 1500+ words
[Modern AU][G]
Just a short n sweet fic of Adora celebrating her birthday which she forgot, and also Adora has a pocket knife in her boot, which is so accurate lmaooo. As well as having the most accurate character portrayals, AWWWWwwwww, was my reaction to the end of this fic, so read it to find out wHY.
17. but i still don’t wish death on ‘em (i just reflect on ‘em) by ayushi_writes 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Post S1) A year after the battle of Bright Moon, Adora and Catra are standing on a cliff, and Catra finally has a chance to end it all. But WilL she?!?!  Let’s just say, Catradora are the queens of promises.
18. Whiskey and Eggnog by briony8969 3500+ words
[Modern Christmas AU][G]
A cute Christmas fic where a nervous Adora goes home for the first time in months with her new friends from college, scared of what they’ll think but more scared of a certain SOMEONE she hasn’t spoken to in months. So basically: sexual tension gAlore.
19. She's a Regular by BaronVonChop 1500+ words
[Coffee Shop AU][G]
Adora is gay. Catra is gay. Catra works at a coffee shop (badly), and Adora goes to said coffee shop soo much, that it gets on her friends nerves, coz she very obviously likes to flirt with a Catra. It’s funny too. That’s it. That’s the fic and I love it.
20. Hand in Hand, We Make Our Way to The End by thethirdphiladelphiavireo 6500+ words
[Canon Universe - Soulmate AU][T]
Catra and Adora figure out they are soulmates after years of not knowing what it meant, but OBVIOUSLY, cannot communicate like mature humans, because - same.
21. How Do You Tell A Girl You Really Like Her Eyes? by Gay_Panic 1000+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Pre Canon)Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a very gay, very wholesome, very nice first kiss fic. They are very gay for each other in this one, they don’t even care if KYLE catches them kissing.
22. Tender Moments by yesimgay 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Post-war) Catra still feels guilty about everything she did to Adora in the past, so instead of sleeping at the foot of the bed as usual , she decides to sleep next to Adora...So there’s fluff, lots of fluff, and it is very tender.
23. Perfectly intertwined by dragonesdepapel 2000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
On Catra’s first official day in Bright Moon, Adora drags her to a festival and they do cute things and it’s cute, and you should defo read it.
24. a girl without freckles is like a sky without stars by dear_universe 900+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
More bed sharing because I CANNOT help myself, I love fics like these! Catra can’t sleep without Adora on her first night at the rebellion, so, she knocks on Adora’s door and things go from there.
25. Something to remember you by by DBsean 3000+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
Adora sneaks back into the fright zone in attempt to retrieve something, when Catra catches her. It’s cute af. Despite the circumstances.
26. Skiffs & Ships by mysteryinc 900+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Pre-show) Just two gals being pals who missed each other a fuck ton while on separate missions. It’s pretty cute.
27. Starstruck by InvisiblePinkToast 2500+ words
[Canon Universe][G]
(Pre-show) A lil bit of angst, and nightmares, and a little bit of fluff, Stargazing and bed sharing - what more could you need?
28. a truth so loud you can't ignore by adverbialstarlight 2500+ words
[High School AU][T]
Catra ignores the growing feelings she has for her best friend, until the truth is so loud she can’t ignore it (see what I did there?) But for real tho this fic really gave me angst that hurt my soul then fluff that healed it, so we StAN.
29. Horde kids are just Like That by gerti 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Canon Divergence) What would happen if when Adora defected the Horde, her and  Catra where still girlfriends? Read this to find out because it’s FUCKING hilarious lmaoooo, like it’s so absurd but somehow still makes perfect sense.
30. The First Step by oldmountainsoul 2900+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
(Post S1) Apologies which end in getting shoved out off trees are now exclusively for the Catradora fandom only.
31. (You’re My) Haven by giraffewrites 400+ words
[Canon Universe - Pre Canon][G]
(Pre-Canon) Adora only kisses Catra when she thinks she’s asleep, but my girl Catra ain’t playing no more so one night she just goes in for the KILL, Aka, cute dorks just being cute dorks.
32. Beyond the Screen by SereneKarma 5000+ words
[Youtuber AU][G]
If you can't tell I really like YouTuber AU's. Catra being the angsty gal she is starts a YouTube channel to rant about her old best friend who practically vanished when she was 15, and her viewers (who definitely have no life) end up finding her.
33. come on, sugar, don't you leave early by thesqian 1500+ words
Twitter: @crnkgmeplys
[Modern AU][G]
Two gays at a gay wedding, who clearly have some shit going on, but it’s okay because gay weddings always bring gays together. I said gay a lot in that sentence. Read the fic, it’s short n sweet and cute, so you can’t go wrong!
34. but we could never stay away (from each other) by adorassword 1500+ words
[Canon Universe][T]
Catra and Adora have a nice, not so nice chit chat on Adora’s balcony late at night, - these two need LOVE, and I needed a hug after reading this coz damn. Damn.
35. bad ideas by ranpoandpoe 1000+ words
[University AU][T]
How we all wish thinking about your crush at 2am would go. That’s the only context I’m giving, so READ IT.
Also, here are some of my fav one shots I’ve written:
Two Sides Of The Same Coin 1000+ words
[Gang AU][T]
If I was perfect 2500+ words
[Modern AU][T]
And check out my Catradora week series, however my fav is:
damn you, unrequited love 7000+ words
[Modern/Sixth Form AU][T]
Here are some more series packed with fics that I’ve really enjoyed too!
Catradora Oneshots by clicheusername5678 @hey-adora
Catradora Tumblr Prompts BY sunscreams @catradoramma
if I grind my teeth at night, would you hear it? By poetroe
in the bottom of a coffee cup  + pieces by inkwelled (their stuff is great)
Twitter: adorascatrq
Anyway, I hope you guys appreciate this, it took quite a while lol. I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you check out some of the fics on the list (maybe all if you're a crazy mf)
Until next time (:
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