#tbh i only know these films because of dylan is in trouble
if you say you like either of these films i do not trust you
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mariautistic · 2 years
Anyways uh. There's probably a bunch of endgame shit I've missed and. The Alan Wake part of the game that i guess i have to go play. So i wouldn't considered it "over" but the main story is uh. A little lacking tbh. It's very straightforward despite how much they invest on it being a mystery/horror/thriller and doesn't particularly care to invest in any character? I guess Jesse is there but she's so Nothing despite them constantly trying to tell you she's weird and Dylan. But the story doesn't rly do much for their relationship at All and overall the character writing is just not there. And the themes it has going on are really lacking or rarely end up anywhere interesting. I feel if you're gonna make a game about how the one thought you think is interesting is about how little we actually know of the world then like. I don't know do something with that? The "life is a prison with a poster on it" is more about how in the universe there's so much Shit that you just never know and people are just content with their poster and not just that life sucks but at least make Jesse an actively interested person in the supernatural then??? Instead of being annoyed every time she learns something new.
The combat has a lot of variation depending on which skills you find and level but i honestly just leveled upmy hp and telekinesis and had almost no trouble finishing the game right up to the end game. It's a shame how many weapon variations they give you only to let you just gloss over them, but i don't particularly cry over it because I hate shooters.
The ambience is very impecable and really like how scared i am of every new area despite never having struggled with fights particularly. Also an addendum to my complains about the combat is that the AI is particularly bad at doing its job and you rarely get hit if you just run in one straight direction. The only enemies i struggled much against where those floaty guys with shields bc i couldn't spam telekinesis but then I found out you actually CAN but you just gotta repeatedly throw things until they can't dodge them. So there's that.
I liked a lot the things you find around the place i think it's really funny seeing the daily complaints between departments and how toxic of a work environment it is, but after a certain point i was just inundated with the content and it felt like a chore rather than fun addendums to read. Specially the board/landline calls where i just had to watch the whole thing and couldn't just skip through some of the dialogue -_-
The level up system is just kind of bad for a lot of reasons, mainly that i just think it's stupid that i could do what i did and simply level HP and telekinesis and skip through most of the game without much struggling, and the fact the items you get are rarely relevant unless you want to level up the guns much and the in game money system is just. Ever used and there's not much punishment for dying and losing 10% of your whatever the hell if you have more than you can spend at any point in the game
The graphics are both really good in the building portion and the monsters have fun designs. However the animations leave a lot to be desired and wanting to go for an impressive realism always carries the cost that it might look stupid. Also Jesus Christ they need help from a cinema guy the shots in this game are fucking awful every cinematic where they focus on anything makes me feel crazy. The overdone close shots every time Jesse has an inner thought or the shot to shot back and forth between Jesse and whoever she's talking to is so bad i feel like if you want it to be ~cinematic~ you actually have to know about movies. At all. Literally just hire an annoying film guy to ask him what he thinks of the talking portions. Anything.
All of this to say that it's a bit of a lackluster game that tried to do a very big concept and to be fair. They did a lot of justice to it and it was fun to play despite all of this I'm complaining about. I still think that it's not a very good game for a lot lot lot of reasons but i would be lying if i didn't see the amount of effort put into it and how much i enjoyed the things it did well so i have a hard time writing it off as subpar or anything like that
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shapiros · 3 years
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check under the cut for character analysis / inspo !
01. mia wallace.
so, the first version of blair was intended to be a direct inspiration of mia – it was for a roleplay where all the characters were based off of iconic 90s figures ! as part of mia’s backstory, she was an aspiring actress who never accomplished more than a failed television pilot. otherwise, she’s mysterious and smokes a lot of cigarettes ? i changed some of the storyline for volume a bit, because i was nervous it was too heavy tbh, i wasn’t sure what the vibe was going to be coming into the group and what i could pull off. however, she enjoys novelty and loves corny jokes . . . so i’m sure the inspiration is obvious from there. 
02. audrey horne.
i never finished twin peaks, but i got super close before they took it off netflix lol. but this dale cooper quote : “ you're beautiful, intelligent, desirable. you're everything a man wants in his life. but what you need right now, more than anything else, is a friend. ” makes me cry really, bc that’s exactly how i feel about blair sometimes. also, audrey’s neglected by her parents and acts a little crazy as a result, literally lies all the time, and comes up with a lot of disguises and aliases throughout the story. 
03. michelle burroughs.
this one is funny bc she says like 3 words throughout the movie, but the point is vibes. mainly she’s just hanging with the guys and smokes a lot. i remember a list of characters from this movie ranked by coolness where she was 13/50 and they noted that she spends the film listening to music, getting stoned, and vandalizing statues. gives me a lot of jamie/marty/blair/dean in high school energy. i think it also helps that a lot of dazed and confused’s vibes inspired woodstock itself. 
04. dylan sanders.
a teenage rebel with lackluster grades and a penchant for trouble. they’re twin flames, really, and i think of this quote from madison lee, who said she’s, “always out to prove how tough and independent she is but unable to make it on her own.” that’s a mood. dylan, before joining the angels, had a number of odd jobs and hobbies, like bartender, yoga instructor, field guide, rodeo entertainer, etc, and i liken this to blair’s impetuous nature and frequently changing hobbies and interests. 
05. fleabag.
relentlessly snarky and sassy, always trying to get a joke in. many sexual encounters, though few with meaning. however, once you get past the surface level stuff, i feel like fleabag’s storyline includes a lot of what i’m trying to accomplish with blair, too. she’s fundamentally flawed, prone to bad decisions and acts on impulse, but deep down, she has a good heart and tries to protect people that she cares about . . . even when she often fails. bonus quotes: “sometimes i worry i’d be less of a feminist if i had a bigger chest.” / “don’t make me an optimist, you will ruin my life.” 
06. marla singer.
god, this list is such a red flag, please run away not only from blair, but from me. re: strong willed woman who comes across as totally batshit. i feel like it says a lot that you meet marla at a testicular cancer support group, a disease that she obviously doesn’t have lmao. she just goes there for free coffee, and you know, these are the things blair will do for free shit and i feel like she carries this same unhinged energy. 
07. daisy jones.
i feel like this is self-explanatory without the success...though maybe success is still pending for blair, she has time. but tall girl with a certain measure of star quality who leaves her priveleged and lonely life to try her hand at hollywood, throwing herself into a world of sex and drugs. she’s someone who really wants to have a lot of freedom, but finds herself at a loss from one turn to another, and i think of her turning up to music practice with like a bottle of wine in her hand and an air of unprofessionalism and i feel like it really suits blair. not to mention when i look back at descriptions of how lonely daisy felt growing up and the certain emptiness she felt in her house, i feel like it parallels a lot with blair and even her private desire to prove herself, even if she’s traumatized by failure and scared to admit it. i also remember being really inspired by daisy’s perception of love, the entire “i wish someone had told me that love wasn’t supposed to be torture / i thought love was war / i didn’t know it was supposed to be peace.” i finished the book right around the time i started playing blair and i definitely was inspired by that idea, of blair believing that love is something that makes you heavier instead of lighter. 
08. margot tenenbaum. 
when margot ran away from home and came back with one of her fingers missing and no one knows what happened . . . blair felt that ! she’s also infamously secretive, often sulking, smoking, and ignoring her husband. blair also felt that. her father also consistently points out that she was “adopted,” therefore isolating her and setting her apart from her siblings . . . feeling isolated within your own family is a big blair theme for all of these honestly, as well as characters who are iconically known for smoking cigarettes apparently, but we been knew blair doesn’t smell the best.
other blair inspo: 
and i oop
honorable mentions/quiz results: tokyo – money heist, eleanor shellstrop – tgp, faye valentine – cowboy bebop, effy stonem – skins, clementine – eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, tyra collette – fnl, maeby funke – arrested development
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mvlcxlms · 3 years
hello  you  gorgeous  people  !  in  the  midst  of  focusing  on  the  rp  i  totally  forgot  that  i  had  to  make  an  intro  , so  i’m  sry  if  this  seems  messy  &  rushed  ,  but  tbh  that’s  pretty  on  brand  for  me  so  (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞  .  anyways  i’m  casey  ,  your  always  stressed  and  sleepy  admin  ,  she  /  her  pronouns  ,  and  this  is  malcolm  and  he’s  a  garbage  boi  so  here  we  go  !
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(  dylan  o'brien  ,  cismale  ,  he/him  ,  matthew  lillard  )  have  you  turned  on  your  tv  lately  ?  all  they  ever  talk  about  now  is  MALCOLM  TORRANCE  .  apparently  the  ACTOR  is  the  biggest  thing  in  hollywood  right  now  ,  which  is  crazy  because  they're  only  TWENTY  -  SIX  years  old  .  i  hope  they  don't  let  it  get  to  their  head  ,  but  you  know  what  they  say  about  GEMINIS  .  my  cousin  met  them  once  ,  and  she  said  they  reminded  her  of  the  smell  of  cigarettes  clinging  to  ripped  clothes  ,  expensive  white  shoes  covered  in  dirt  stains  and  crude  drawings  ,  polaroid  cameras  filled  with  private  moments .  in  an  interview  they  said  that  their  dream  is  to  STAR  IN  A  CRITICALLY  ACCLAIMED  FILM  ,  but  i  guess  only  time  will  tell  if  they  end  up  being  a  flop  or  not  .  (  casey  ,  23  ,  she/her  ,  est  )
name :  malcolm  anthony  torrance
age :  twenty - six
date  of  birth:  may  31st  
zodiac :   gemini
place  of  birth / hometown :  jersey  city  ,  new  jersey
gender :  cismale
pronouns :  he  /  him
orientation :  bisexual
parents :  edward  torrance  &  kathleen  reilly
siblings :  benjamin  torrance
career :  actor
malcolm  was  born  in  jersey  city  on  a  rainy  day  in  may
his  parents  ,  at  the  time  ,  were  thrilled  to  add  another  member  to  their  small  family  after  trying  to  get  pregnant  for  years  after  giving  birth  to  their  first  son
from  what  malcolm  remembers  of  the  first  ten  years  of  his  life  ,  it  was  pretty  normal  ,  pretty  happy  aside  from  his  older  brother  doing  older  brother  things  to  make  his  life  hell
he  was  in  fifth  grade  was  when  he  started  to  notice  a  change  in  his  family  –  his  dad  seemed  to  work  a  lot  ,  slept  on  the  couch  often  ,  he  could  hear  arguing  coming  from  their  room  at  all  hours  of  the  day
his  brother  ,  about  fourteen  at  the  time  ,  would  distract  him  with  movies  and  skateboarding  lessons  because  he  was  old  enough  to  know  what  was  going  on
the  next  year  was  when  his  parents  filed  for  divorce  ,  and  of  course  at  the  time  he  didn’t  know  it  was  because  his  dad  had  been  cheating  on  his  mom  but  he  did  get  remarried  awfully  quick  so  it  didn’t  take  a  genius  to  figure  it  out
his  mom  had  family  in  california  so  that’s  where  she  moved  them  once  his  dad’s  new  wife  got  pregnant  and  he  dropped  all  pretense  of  caring  about  him  and  his  brother
and  when  he  was  fourteen  his  mom  got  remarried  too  ,  the  same  year  his  brother  left  for  college  ,  leaving  malcolm  to  deal  with  them  alone
so  high  school  was  rough  for  him  .  he  was  in  detention  a  lot  ,  one  of  those  kids  that  you  just  expected  to  get  in  trouble  on  any  day  ending  in  a  y
he’s  done  it  all  –  smoked  cigarettes  behind  the  bleachers  ,  spiked  the  punch  at  dances  ,  graffitied  any  available  surface  ,  argued  with  teachers  over  the  smallest  things
he’s  generally  not  a  dick  ,  so  the  therapists  his  stepdad  sent  him  to  said  he  did  it  for  attention  and  also  probably  because  he  has  adhd  (  he  just  sold  whatever  they  prescribed  him  so  joke’s  on  them  )
his  stepdad  wasn’t  terrible  ,  but  obviously  not  the  paternal  type  ,  always  acting  like  malcolm  was  some  cat  that  he  just  had  to  make  sure  to  leave  food  out  for
but  jeez  was  he  rich  ,  some  soulless  businessman  type  that  liked  to  make  money  but  liked  to  spend  it  even  more  ,  always  flying  his  mom  out  to  tropical  vacations  and  buying  malcolm  whatever  new  piece  of  technology  just  came  out  ,  probably  just  to  keep  him  from  bitching  too  much
his  mom  ,  though  he  loves  her  to  death  and  knows  she  was  just  trying  to  give  him  the  best  possible  life  ,  was  easily  won  over  by  the  money  ;  she  loved  the  nights  spent  at  expensive  restaurants  and  hotels  ,  loved  going  to  broadway  shows  and  spending  thousands  on  a  single  shopping  trip
so  she  wasn’t  around  much  either  ,  but  malcolm  kept  his  mouth  shut  because  he  figured  she  deserved  it  after  dealing  with  his  dad  for  all  those  years
and  malcolm  wanted  to  make  the  best  out  of  the  situation  so  he  found  ways  to  keep  busy  ,  and  one  thing  he  learned  that  he  really  loved  to  do  was  act
he  joined  the  school’s  drama  club  because  he  figured  it’d  be  an  easy  a  but  his  energy  just  translated  really  well  on  stage  ,  he  had  no  problem  giving  it  his  all  because  he  essentially  has  no  shame
so  after  he  graduated  high  school  he  went  to  LA  to  try  and  make  it  ,  blessed  by  his  mom  and  his  stepdad’s  money  keeping  him  from  starving
he  had  a  few  bit  parts  until  he  hit  the  jackpot  with  hackers  in  95,  which  is  when  he  started  getting  recognized  on  the  street  and  photographed  leaving  bars  drunk  off  his  ass  ,  branding  him  a  messy  party  boy  by  the  media  ,  but  he  has  absolutely  no  problem  with  it
malcolm  is  …  for  sure  a  gemini  askdflj
he  loves  change  ,  loves  switching  things  up  constantly  because  he  gets  bored  faster  than  the  flash  can  run  a  mile
for  that  reason  ,  he’s  kind  of  a  terrible  boyfriend  .  not  that  he’d  cheat  or  anything  ,  but  it’s  hard  to  hold  his  attention  and  keep  him  in  one  place
he  does  try  because  he’s  a  very  loyal  person  ,  like  will  for  sure  go  to  jail  for  you  if  he  loves  you  ,  but  it  does  take  a  lot  of  dedication  to  become  someone  important  to  him
he’s  a  super  fun  person  to  be  around  ,  always  up  for  anything  ,  doesn’t  stay  in  a  bad  mood  for  too  long  (  partly  because  he  has  a  shit  memory  but  oh  well  )
but  he  does  have  his  mood  swings  here  and  there  ,  you  never  rly  know  what’s  gonna  set  him  off  ,  he  could  be  laughing  one  minute  and  then  throwing  things  at  a  wall  the  next
should  probably  go  to  therapy  again  but  he’d  sooner  eat  glass
might  have  a  partying  problem  but   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  he’s  young  and  famous  what  else  can  you  expect
probably  high  99%  of  the  time
he  likes  to  think  he’s  a  bad  boy  but  he’s  a  fucking  sweetheart  ,  11/10  cries  while  watching  kids  cartoon  movies  ,  especially  if  they’re  about  dogs
speaking  of  which  ,  he  has  an  bernese  mountain  dog  named  lazlo
idk  what  else  to  add  here  ,  the  backstory  was  pretty  long  so  i’ll  give  y’all  a  break  <3
so  that’s  it  !  if  u  wanna  plot  (  which  i  would  luv  )  u  can  like  this  &  i’ll  come  message  u  ,  or  u  can  dm  me  here  or  on  discord  @  𝐝𝐫. 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐚𝐧#9604  .  can’t  wait  to  rp  with  all  u  cuties   ❤️
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dylinski · 4 years
So i binged teen wolf and the maze runner movies and i may or may not have cried (u cant prove anything),but idk what to watch next,so what your reccomendations for dylan stuff?
omgomgomg, YEEEEEEEEs (dont worry i wont tell 🤫) well, literally any of his stuff tbh. ill tell you a bit about it the first time - its not THAT great a movie, but dylans amazing in it. its about this guy who is in love with his best friend and is going to tell her at a party and then he meets this other girl there and they have an adventure over the next two days of getting to know each other. its a cute teen romcom about relationships and growing up and shit like that lol high road - dylan is a BABY in this and its not a movie for everyone. he's also not in the very beginning since while he is a main character he's not THE main character. this is what you would expect of a raunchy comedy. this dude sells weed and sells it to dylans character and he's like his only friend and when the weed dude gets in trouble he decides to go on a wild road trip and dylans character tags along and its just...its what you would expect of a low budget b-movie. lol dylan is a baby and cute af though. the internship - he's not a main character in the but is a supporting character. he's not in a bit of the beginning but he's so fucking funny and sassy. like stiles on steroids. (also if you wanna see him soaking wet while dancing on a stripper pole for .002 seconds watching it is worth it for that lol) its actually a pretty good movie and is what you'd expect for an owen wilson and vince vaughn film. american assassin - this is an AMAZING film. i love mitch so much sgsaggd, it is very violent and there's a lot of language, but its a really good movie. dylans character is an average guy whos happy and in love but then tradgedy strikes and he goes on a revenge spiral until he's recruited by the CIA. now if im being honest the book is so much better than the film and sadly they arent planning on making more because the film didn't do as well as they liked. but its action packed, about growth, dealing with shit, loss, revenge, doing whats right, betrayal, and just a really fucking muscular and badass dylan okay 👌🏼 deepwater horizon - so again, he's not a main character but is in a good bit of the end of the film. this is based on the true story of the oil rig, deepwater horizon. there is a lot of violence and it can be very intense for some people though. its very suspenseful but a really amazing movie and well done and makes you very mad because of the fact that all of this happened and was preventable. do you remember that big oil spill like 10 years or so ago? yeah, that was the result of the disaster on deepwater. weird city - so this is an anthology series, but dylan is only in episode 1. he's a cutie and its really good (the rest of the show is shit tbh) its amazing and he does amazing. its about love and finding you're true love and also different stigmas within society as well. about upper and lower class and what is expected of you and being accepted and finding where you belong. and that love is love, screw science. lol its just super cute okay. amazing stories - another anthology show where hes only in episode 1. you will cry again, but just watch it. ugh, thick dyl, with a beard, in 18th century clothing, hopping through time, chopping wood. we love to see it okay, just watch it. new girl - so dylan is in ONE episode of the show new girl and his name is literally “the guy” hes not in the whole thing but a good chunk of it and its all flashbacks. hes really really funny and i love that show in general anyways. its doesn't revolve around dylan and hes in maybe half of the episode but if you ever get around to it its good. the episode is season 2 episode 23 “virgins” there's a couple other things hes in but they're like 10 minutes and 3 minutes. there's blockhead’s revenge from funny or die and episode 6 of first dates with toby harris. also sacks west. but you're not missing anything with those.
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perryavenue · 4 years
Hollywood on Netflix
Hopefully not too late to the party. Sharing my thoughts about Hollywood on Netflix. Putting them below the cut for those of you who haven’t yet seen all seven episodes. Long post, don’t judge me!
I loved it! Hollywood was the perfect escape while being confined at home. All the 1940s glamour, beautiful clothes, great cars, cool music, and pretty people. Plus the underbelly of homophobia, racism, sexism, blackmail, bullying and harassment. I have quibbles with a few things (explained below), but there’s so much in Hollywood that’s really, really good.
Let’s start with the “goods”
Number one on my list was the ensemble acting. Unlike ACS Versace, were Darren had the lead and the story was built around Cuanan and his murders, in Hollywood, no single person carries the weight of the story.  Instead, there are something like ten actors who have roles of similar size. My faves were Joe Mantello as Dick Samuels, Dylan McDermott as Ernie West, Jeremy Pope as Archie Coleman and Jim Parsons as Henry Willson. They were given such great material to work with! I think there could be an Emmy race between Dylan McDermott and Jim Parsons.  I don’t mean to slight Patti LuPone as Avis Amberg and Holland Taylor as Ellen Kincaid, because they were excellent. There were so many good performances across the board!
Number two was the great chemistry among the actors. Darren, Jeremy and David just clicked in their scenes together as Raymond, Archie and Jack.  I was completely sold on the relationship between Darren and Laura Harrier as Raymond and Camille, too. Speaking of Laura, how many saw her in Spike Lee’s BlackKKlansman? She was terrific in that film, and totally unrecognizable.
Next is my list of “Um, what just happened?”
Some of these may be why Hollywood got mixed reviews, but although my eyebrows went up a time or two (or three) I still LOVED the series.
Number one on this list was the one actor/role that just did not click for me. It’s Jake Picking as Rock Hudson. A number of people have mentioned it. I don’t know if the problem was his acting, the direction he was given, or both, but TBH, there were moments when it was painful to watch him.  In the last episode, he tells Henry how badly Henry traumatized him, but I never felt we really got to see it (except for possibly Henry’s Isadora Duncan dance). I just wasn’t able to convince myself that the character was believable.
Number two was Henry’s redemption arc in the final episode. He was apologizing to Rock, and seeking Rock’s forgiveness. I can understand how being in therapy can include the need to apologize to those you’ve harmed. But although my problem might have been more with Jake Picking’s acting (because Jim Parsons was incredible) I had trouble buying what Henry was selling in that scene.
Number three was the decision by Jack, Raymond, Archie and Rock to pimp themselves out so they could raise the $25,000 to pay back the “Meg” budget overrun. Then Jack declines, leaving only three to get it done. I decided to do the math. That’s a LOT of sexual trysts if you base it on three guys taking in either $100 or at best $200 a pop. Ernie was right to tell them no, call in some pros, and generously make up the rest with his own funds. Maybe the shark didn’t quite jump at that plot line, but I saw it circling.
Number four was the request by the photographer to take nude pictures of Camille and Jack. Jack says “yes,” but Camille’s response is ambiguous. Should we assume that she declined? I kept thinking of the harm those pictures did to actors trying to get ahead in their careers. It’s a piece of plot that was left dangling.
Number five was the Oscar ceremony. So many nominations and SO many wins! Fun to watch, but kinda over the top, maybe? Also, Camille was able to claim her front row orchestra seat, yet Anna May Wong ended up in the balcony? What was that about?
Last is my list of “loves”
Right at the top is the Darren of it all. He wasn’t the only reason I watched Hollywood, because the subject matter and the fact it was a Ryan Murphy production had plenty of pull. Darren was great as Raymond. He nailed Raymond’s ambition, his naivety and inexperience as a newbie director, his romanticism and his passion. Plus, the guy should wear those wide brim hats all the time. He wasn’t the lead, but he was great in a supporting role. Just one question… the publicity still of Darren with the thin mustache was used multiple times, yet we never saw a mustache during the series. What was up with that?
Second on this list was the curmudgeonly film editor, Harry Golden, who took no shit from anyone and hid a spare copy of “Meg” when all the others were burned. That was William Frederick Knight, an actor I’ve never heard of before, and he had the best lines in the series. Hands down!
Number three was “Meg,” the film within the series. Just when I thought it was going forward, something completely unexpected would happen. It kept me on my toes. “Meg” had more lives than a cat!
Number four was the closing credit, “The Beginning.” Bring me season 2 ASAP!!
Seven episodes of transactional sex, ambition, and overcoming adversity to follow your dreams.   Worked for me!
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