#tbh i should just call it TPATMOS AU
powpowchaos · 1 year
HelLo OmGg!! I just found you but I'm legit in love w your art!!!
Is there anything you'd like to ramble about ur pirate au??? I wanna listen and eat your content up/pos/nf
Hello hello!!! Thanks sm for being interested~ Ill share some little ideas/things about this universe and AU since I dont want to go too wild with TPATMOS Comic. So ill ramble on little ideas that most likely wont show up~ So be ready for some hot spam text:
World: -The world is mostly fantasy based. If I were to make it 'accurate' to pirate history, and how they live. it wouldnt be all that fun. So the world is made up on DnD fantasy type logic. Magic, Myths, Enchantments, Curses, Gods of all kinds. All of that exist in this AU. -So its just fantasy pirate setting. Shadow's Ship: -Originally Named The Ark ( not sure if it would be renamed or kept the same ) -Shadows ship is unique even in this fantasy setting. His ship is powered by a chaos emerald that is hidden away in his quarters. -The emerald sits in the middle of something similar to an orrery. -The emerald powers his ship heavily. Such as keeping lights on, and fires going. It steers his ship without needing much wind if commanded to do so. But most importantly, the most unique thing the emerald can do is lift hip ship into the air. Air ships are just as common as sea ships, but one that can do both is rare or at least 'expensive' material wise. -Shadows Ship is large, he has his ship full to the brim with loyal crew members, it very much is like a small community. But a pirate community so its still semi rowdy. Shadow: -Hes made quite the name for himself out at sea. -Shadows main target when pirating is army ships and actually anyone brave enough to pick a fight with his ship. If they shot first- its only plight to send a reply back. -Shadow isnt fond of having his ship in the sky. the only reason he leaves the sea are for the following: 1: the ships underside needs to be cleaned. 2: avoiding a fleet of army vessels that could be an overwhelming match / rivals who teamed up and arnt worth his time. 3: secret for now.
-Shadow only ever shows mercy to those he deems worthy of it. children, the sick, and ones in mental distress. those are the ones that often get a pass. The most he does is leave them at the next island that clearly has some kind of civilization. other than that he wont lend anymore. Surprisingly the only reason he allowed sonic to stay was because he has a kid brother. -Rouge absolutely calls bullshit. Claiming shadow 'has a thing for blue' his reply if they were alone would be hinting to her being correct. Shadows ex boyfriend being a darker shade of blue with red eyes and goes by the name metal...
-shadow is 100% gay in this AU.
-Shadow has a cat that wonders the ship. Everyone adores Cathulhu. A calico little thing. Sonic: -Sonic was fished out of a ship wreak along with tails, and if it werent for them being brothers he would probably be tossed back into the wreak he was fished out from.
-Sonic being saved is rare, since shadow would toss enemies overboard and this being a rare occasion. everyone MUST be useful in some way. sonic is assigned to basically be something similar to a maid on the ship. getting the worst jobs.
-Sonic eventually starts to prove himself as useful, and having tails around improving a lot of the strange tech on board also helped sway the crew on letting the two stay.
-In the comic currently sonic has been on board for a little over 3 months. His stay is much longer than anyone else they ever fished out from the ocean. Its very much accepted that blue is here to stay.
-Sonic thinks the captain sure is handsome too bad he can be a buzzkill sometimes. Other characters: -Rouge: She actually has a bar on board. she also is the only one besides shadow who has her own quarters. Shadow says she has the larger room since she enjoys to splurge. -Omega: Hes not a robot but he is a wondering soul bound to a set of armor. I guess the best visual example would be Al from full metal alchemist lol
/// I-- Have more but ill have to keep those ramblings for after i finish drawing out the comic!
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