#tbh i usually write hajime w brown eyes even though theyre green in the show im pretty sure. but it had to be done 😏
chimielie · 8 months
summary: didn’t they tell us ‘don’t rush into things?’ didn’t you flash your green eyes at me? haven’t you heard what becomes of curious minds? (or: what happens after graduation to a pair of teenagers in love)
word count: 1k
cw: irresponsible decision making (but i assure you there will be no consequences), The Teenage Need To Get The Fuck Out Of Your Hometown, mountains of fluff, my usual Thing iykyk, excessive 1989-related puns
hajime’s never considered himself an impulsive person.
sure, he’s: headstrong, audacious, hotheaded. but he almost always has oikawa spearheading his more reckless decisions with wild emotional situations, a shield that makes him look like a calm, responsible adult. oikawa could make almost anyone look sane.
hajime is pretty sure even oikawa would call him crazy right now, if oikawa weren’t in argentina. maybe, for all his turbulent nature, his friend really is some grounding force; since he’s been gone, hajime’s felt on the precipice of something
 big. earth-shattering.
“i just can’t stand it,” you say, head lolled back onto his shoulder, spine curving into his chest. hajime is trying valiantly to ignore the soft weight of your ass on his lap, even though you’re mostly sitting between his applesauce-crossed legs. he can feel it, though, against his right thigh. he is failing miserably. “it feels like everyone’s moving and i’m
“stuck,” he echoes, and you roll your head so you’re looking right, out of his bedroom window at the familiar landscape of miyagi. the sun is close to setting, having burned through the daytime clouds and casting a brilliant glow over you. your lips look darker and fuller and more kissable in this light, he’d thought earlier, right before he’d kissed them bruised.
“more like a balloon,” you muse. “on a still day. just drifting up, and up, and up, and the birds are just flying by.”
he hums, deep in his chest, in agreement. something’s felt wrong ever since graduation. you and he had stayed, and it had been what you both wanted at first.
but not like this.
miyagi without oikawa, without makki, who was rooming with mattsun in the city while the latter earned his junior degree and the former chased youtube fame, wasn’t what he’d thought it would be at all.
“it’s gonna be all ours,” you’d promised him, graduation cap tilted jauntily and smile brighter than the pure white clouds drifting above. “you’re all i need, hajime.”
but miyagi without the people you’d grown up with was empty, a melody that only echoed memories. it was you and him—and the ghosts of your childhoods.
“you’re not happy here,” he says. not a question.
you twist to look at him, eyes open wide. “i’m happy with you. i didn’t mean—”
“i know,” he says, kissing your pursed, worried mouth. “but we’re not happy here. i feel it too. maybe i’m crazy, but i think we need—”
“change!” you’re sitting straighter in his lap now. “every day is the same. i’m starting to feel like i need to do something insane. i need enrichment in my enclosure.”
he puts his arms around you and you draw yourself tighter into him until you’re cheek to cheek.
“do you trust me?” he says. you snort.
“what is this, haji, aladdin?”
“yes,” he says, rolling his eyes. in this light, they’re a forest, green and deep and irresistibly inviting to you. “do you trust me, princess?”
you nod, and he feels it against him, your skin rasping together. “of course. take me to wonderland.”
“that’s corny, too,” hajime grumbles. “don’t criticize my romantic gestures then reference the wrong movie.”
“whatever,” you brush him off. “how much do we need to pack?”
that’s how the sun sets on your last night in miyagi.
hayakawa tomoka’s job at the ticket counter is so boring. she sits there all night—during the day, she studies fine art—, a magazine propped up in front of her, arching high brows at anyone who hadn’t had the forethought to buy tickets online.
she does so now at the young couple skidding to a stop in front of her, suitcases bulging even if there’s only one each, panting for breath and knocking shoulders as though even their bodies are on a gravitational course to each other. they can’t be more than twenty.
“when’s your next flight to california?” one asks, his straight hair sticking up like a hedgehog.
where in california?” hayakawa asks, pointing her mouth at them. “it’s a big state.”
“anywhere,” the other says. “we’ll find our way to where we need to be.”
hayakawa blinks slowly at them. these new romantics are too exhausting to deal with at this hour. she types, click-click-click, wrinkling her forehead at the blue glow of her computer.
you stare anxiously at her as she does, desperately hoping for anything in the next day.
hajime tugs you into him as you wait, and you relax, turning a closed-eye smile up at him while he looks down on you with a mirrored expression.
“too impulsive for you yet?” he says, mouth twisting wryly. you shake your head.
“there’s one to santa ana,” hayakawa says. “the south. in five hours.”
“perfect,” you say eagerly.
“thank you,” hajime says.
there are two seats free next to each other, serendipitously. ticket prices are exorbitant, but not bank-breaking—both of you had worked all of high school at the cafĂ© next door, earning good tips and waiting for something worth spending it on.
“okay,” hayakawa says finally. “your flight’s set, mr. and mrs. iwaizumi. safe travels.”
“thank you,” you say effusively, “so much.”
“you too,” says hajime, and then turns very red.
hayakawa watches you go, a rare and soft smile gracing her features as your suitcases crash into each other even as both of you refuse to let go of the other’s hand to control their direction. the night shift is boring. something like this shakes things up.
after a race—more like a marathon—through customs, hajime finds himself shifting in a plastic seat, peering through the blackness of the night for a glimpse of airplanes landing. falling stars, sort of, magic to be wished on. you breathe evenly, deeply asleep with your head on his shoulder, his denim jacket wrapped around you, leaving him with just his hoodie and the new band of cheap jewelry around his fourth finger.
his mother would flip if she knew how rushed his wedding was. next time, he promises himself, he’ll do it again with you if you’ll keep having him and the ceremony will be beyond your wildest dreams.
it’s colder than he thought it would be in the airport. the earth is moving under his feet.
you’re all he needs; he’s gonna give you the world.
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