#tbh idk much of fnaf lore so I am just making whatever lol
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November prompt list challenge 2022, Day 9 - Haunted
Those kids are supposed to be fnaf ghost children. 😶 There. I won’t say more about it. Think what you want. I’m happy with this one hehe.
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oraculideluna · 6 years
Munday Meme
Name: Liz
Pronouns: She/Her
Selectivity: For my sanity, I’m fairly selective, though I do try to be open about RPing with new people who aren’t mutuals.
Favorite animal: Sharks, cats
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: Luna. I’ve invested so much time and love into her, and she’s really come so far from when I first started RPing her, so she’s easily my favorite muse. However, my Assassin’s Creed muse is also very dear to me. God, I love him so much. Out of all the muses I’ve had in the past, he’s one I regularly want to go back to.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: Mm. Don’t judge me, but I enjoyed Charlie from the FNaF novels quite a bit, though I’d probably also lean heavily into the game lore, since we now know her role in those, too. But I haven’t had a lot of inspiration for new muses so much as I constantly think about old ones lol
Most identifiable fictional character: I can’t think of many off the top of my head, but I tend to feel like a mix of Rapunzel from Tangled, and Megara from Hercules.
What color your aura is/think it is: I think...maybe a bright blue? With a constant tinge of anxious red that fluctuates.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): This one is tough because some of it is self-identifying, which is very subjective, while others are observational, and some are incomplete. I enjoy all of these as character building tools and such, and I know my general personality test results, but I don’t particularly live my life by these kinds of things. (But the zodiac is a favorite, I love it. Luna and my AC muses are both Libras, but while Luna regularly fits as a Libra on the cusp of Virgo, Cal is the most un-libra-like Libra I have ever seen. He’d work far better as an Aries tbh, but check his October 21st, Libra-Cusp-Scorpio birthday and laugh with me that he fits neither.)
Do you think you’re a good driver: Yeah. I mean, I used to be a bit less cautious, but I was in a car accident with a street light in December 2016 because of all the ice, I broke my hand and ended up having surgery (to remove a tumor that started growing because of the break), and I’ve become a bit more careful. Still, I don’t put my car in a full stop to make a turn. 
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): I don’t know if it was more than just a small thing on twitter, but I saw several tweets about gummy candy, and my answer is sour gummy worms.
Favorite vine and/or meme: idk about vine, but I love the Star Wars ‘high ground’ meme. Also, all the EA memes.
Why did you choose this muse: Sort of an aligning of the stars or whatever. I had just left a fandom rpc for being incredibly toxic (which sucks because I’d been wanting to RP that character for years) and was in-between muses, looking for someone new, and then E3 footage of XV aired and it really caught my attention. I resisted for a couple of weeks since the game hadn’t come out yet, but July 1st 2016, I gave in. I researched everything I could about the game (since previously I had known mostly the Versus XIII version of the game and hadn’t looked too deeply into XV), theorized heavily on what I thought would happen, and then dove in.
Favorite rp memory: Hmmm. Well, there was an intermission I had between group / fandom RPs, during which I had just a personal thing going with one friend. It was Marvel with heavy leanings into mythology (since it was Sif, Thor, Loki, Sigyn, and several others), and we had just...these epic plots and plans, and at one point, we took such a turn with the plotting, killed one of our characters after a year of buildup, and sure we brought her back eventually, but man it was devastating to write her dying. Still sticks with me to this day. My heart doesn’t regularly shatter while RPing, but that one did it. (Jay recently did this to me, too; broke my heart to pieces and it was so good. I’m still not recovered.)
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: Most of my ‘favorite things’ I’ve written are either super short oneshots, or like...a line, or a scene or a paragraph in an RP. Sometimes, I surprise even myself when a combination of words comes out that’s particularly good. By way of plots, I’ve got some really well fleshed out ones with Jay that I’m absolutely in love with, and I enjoy writing pretty much everything we do there. Also, on my AC muse, I have a lot of stuff I’ve really enjoyed. That fandom was so down for flexibility of plots and exploring all sides of characters. I had AUs on AUs and it was glorious.
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “If brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece.”
Give a shout-out to someone: Since I’ve called out Jay twice here already, I’m gonna shout out my bro @ravusnightblossom <3 What an amazing and rad mun with such a well thought out muse, and mmm I am so happy to have this Ravus in my life. I just absolutely love them both so so much, please know that I love them and am glad they enjoy me spamming their inbox :] *hugs*
Also, @dromii has been with me and Luna for a really long time and has been such a positive influence on us both. I love them and their Cloud (and all their muses) so so much. So much thought and care gets put into all of their AUs and plots and muses, and it really shines through in their writing. (Also, they hit me with so many feels and I live for it ;_; <3)
Tagged by: I blatantly stole this from @totustuumegosum
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it
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