#tbh psure this is the third thing I have Ever produced on this site
mistybogchild · 4 years
Ok, so, I was tagged by @napkinthief to do one of these /a b o u t  m e/ exposés so here we gO
Name: Dylan
Gender: psSh  a l l e g e d l y
Star Sign: Sun - Scorpio  Moon - Cancer  Ascendant - Sagittarius
Height: 6′ 0′
Sexuality: Gay (~96% confidence)
Favorite Book: Classic - Frankenstein  General - umm there are so Many, I guess I always loved Cuthbert Soup’s Whole Nother Story series, maybe One Hundred Years Of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I can’ rEmEmBeR
Current Time: 12:23 PM
Average Amount Of Sleep: 6-8 hours depending on a short list of modifyers
Dogs or Cats: tbh whenever I see either I mentally scream “iT’s A  c H i L d”
# Of Blankets: summer - 0-1  winter - 2-3
Dream Job: Manga Translator by day, Instagram rubber photographer/model by night
Blog Established: 2013
Favorite Animal: Wolf, but also Bearded Dragons
# Of Followers: 251
Reason For URL: To this day, the anime that I have vibed the most with has been Mushishi, and both my URL and PFP reflect this
Something I’m Grateful For: My small collection of plants, but equally my personal library of high res music
Favorite Color: I thought it was purple, but tbh i’m psure this is just bc its Klance combo color. In practice, I like very aesthetic color combos, many of which happen to be in a Pantone sample book I got on sale at Trident books on Newbury street
Last Song: The Crimson by Atreyu
Last Movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel
Last Show Completed: Not Anime - Man In The High castle  Anime - Kids On The Slope
Currently Reading: So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Olulo
Currently Watching: Not Anime - Better Call Saul, Teen Wolf  Anime - Bojack Horseman (2nd watch), Fire Force, Hunter x Hunter, Black Clover, Fruits Basket (2019-pres), Neon Genesis Evengelion, Kipo
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: tbh depends on the mood
Craving: Fruit Tart and a pot of Primo Quality Hojicha
Coffee or Tea: Coffee onceish a week, Tea everyday
Named After Someone: When I asked this some time ago, they said no, but when I asked at a different time they said something along the lines of yes-ish. Allegedly I am named from a baby book, but the decision was highly influenced by a char from the chow 90210
Last Time You Cried: Summer 2017- Michelle’s Office, Uncle Jon’s Coffee, Marion, Massachusetts
Any Kids: Not until at least 2030, and only if I find a man that wants them gremlins too
Do You Use Sarcasm Alot?: h A. (yes, but not to throw shade) [ok, this is a lie, but I only use it for shade like 20ish percent of the time]
What’s The First Thing You Notice About People: At the exact same time, I observe both their energy, fashion sense, and any accessories to determine whether they are a normie or not (so that I know which social mode to switch into)
Eye Color: eeeeeehhhhhhh “h a z e l”
Scary Movie or Happy ending: Happy ending, this timeline is already a scary movie
Any Special talent: Too much knowledge on things like computer networking, public transit systems, linguistics (but only bc I have yet to formally study it).
The sheer patience necessary to give old/cluttered PCs tuneups.
A growing knowledge of Japanese vocabulary.
What Country Were You Born In: “America”  \ * - * /
What Sports Do You / Have You Play(ed): Soccer in ummm kindergarten(?), Basketball for I think it was two days somewhere around 2008 to 2011, and Cross Country for two years in HS, is yoga a sport yet?
What Are Your Hobbies: Japanese language, tinkering with computers and computer networks (both software and hardware), gardening (both outdoor summer garden and my collection of houseplants)
Any Pets: Only my green beauties in their pots
Favorite Subject In School: HS - Science, Latin, and History  Currently - Asian Studies
Hmmmmmm I guess i’ll tag @metallicat5678 @proverbial-princess @undead--hotmess and uhhh any of y’all beaut mutual that bless my dash with shitposts and spicy anime fanart
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