#tbh theres nothing shippy or anything but like... their relationship if that makes sense
technicolorxsn · 1 year
risukawa playlist
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bicthing-blue · 8 years
Ok so i've seen a lot of debate around Killing Stalking and tbh i decided to read it out of curiosity and need to formulate my own personal opinion, so imma put my 2 pence in. First i would like to point out that i acc think it does quite well as a psychological horror. It really makes you feel for Yoonbum in the sense that when he feels fear, so do you and it uses this to build suspense. This is actually quite hard to do, so i find that rather intriguing. It also very subtly tests the readers morals, for example when Yoonbum tries to poison Sangwoo i can imagine half the readers being all for it and urging for him to go for it while the other half either knowing it was gonna go wrong or feeling like thats just the wrong way to go about it. i would also like to point out that it never tries to romanticise the abuse, it makes it pretty clear that Sangwoo is just fucked up and theres really nothing shippy about it. For this reason i think it is a pretty good representation of this kind of stockholm abusive relationship, with the abuser making the victim believe they are loved even after all the terrible things they do and using this to manipulate them. The fact that Sangwoo really doesn't love Yoonbum is pretty darn clear, so anything about it being shippy is really just the fandom DESPERATELY trying to find something to ship. (And it really has nothing to do with Yuri!!! On Ice...like idk how yous came to that...i heard it was meant to be a joke.) But my biggest point and the one that really throws me off this manhwa is that I feel there could be more to the story than just the cycle of abuse, its a little bit torture porn. I am really waiting for it to move passed the "watch this abuse go down" plot line because in all honesty, from a point of plot critique, i'm becoming a little desensitised (and tbh being desensitised to hardcore abuse ain't all that great). What i find is that it starts to become predictable, once it starts to lighten up ever so slightly you are just waiting for it go back to beatings and abuse, and when it finally does go back to beatings and abuse you're just kinda like "there it is". It looses its shock value very quickly and, although the characters a quite well written, really lacks in any sort of character development as as soon as any attempt at change is made, it reverts right back to where we started almost instantly. So long story short, i'm really on the fence about Killing Stalking
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