#tbh they're one of my favourites among all my bacheloret babies ;-;
melien · 7 years
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Eden Lee Tisdale for @socialjusticesimblr‘s Slaughter or Salvage BC
Over-Emotional / Good / Friendly / Natural Cook / Photographer’s Eye
Eden Lee, 23, is a cheerful and friendly person who’s always open to expand their horizons, yet in fact they’re full of insecurities, which they mostly prefer keeping to themself. However, deep inside Eden Lee is hoping to find this special person who they can share everything with, and who will accept and love them. That’s why Eden Lee decided to enter Lorelei Kessler’s bachelorette challenge, genuinely hoping she’s the one. Of course they’re a little bit nervous because of their hearing impairments, struggling with which (along with trying to find their place in society) often results into mental kind of disorders, but they believe Lorelei and other people in the house will be supportive and make them feel like they belong.
TOU: Don’t claim them as your own or reupload, don’t change their genetics and face features. You can change anything else in their look (hairstyle, makeup, clothes, your own defaults etc.). Tag me if you use them :)
CC: hair / blush #9 / pattern
Private download unless they’re eliminated.
Interview under the cut.
Universal Questions: Personal information! Age, gender identity, species, place of usual residence, etc. I'm Eden Lee (yeah, usually people call me by my double name), 23 years old. I identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns. I'm a human, and came from Bridgeport, where I live in the suburbs with my family: parents and younger sister who’s sixteen. What are the specifics of your disability / disabilities? Is there anything we need to do in order to accommodate you and your needs fully? When I was fourteen, I had a really bad accident followed by serious head injury and lots of surgery, which resulted into hearing complications that I still continue to struggle with. I can slightly hear only some sounds very close to me, so I have to ask others to speak distinctly and preferably into my ear, if they don't know the sign language. The next year after the accident I entered high school, and this wasn't the best time. I always felt rejected because I genuinely tried to make friends, and some people just turned their backs and went away with obvious irritation whenever I politely asked to repeat something they said. I've been dealing with major depressive disorder since then which caused lots of self-hate and mood swings, and even though I feel it has become better lately, the symptoms still can kick in whenever I experience some kind of stress. So, I really hope people in the house will talk to me, notice me and be my friends. That’s all I ask for... not treating me as an empty space. No matter what, I still believe in humanity. I heard this challenge is a safe place for people with disabilities, so I'm optimistic. How would you describe yourself? How would your friends describe you? I'm just a regular person who tends to be too emotional and anxious at times, as well as too kind and indulgent, which isn't my best quality - I would give everything to become stronger and learn to stand my ground, because I’m quite easy to manipulate. I don't have a lot of friends, we communicate in sign language with those few I have. They usually say that I'm the most harmless and least selfish person in the world. That's good, right? But I take other people's problems very seriously, to the extent of them becoming my own burden, and always overthink, which isn't good for my mental health, so I guess I still have to learn to put myself first. I probably shouldn’t list only negative things... Sometimes, when I’m able to think clearly, I notice that I actually like myself in general. I can’t imagine being different, and I’m proud of who I am. Random bit of trivia about yourself, or your hobbies, or your romantic past My hobbies involve cooking and taking photos of the world - it's my huge inspiration and comfort whenever I start feeling down. I have a photography blog where I post my pictures, and my followers make me feel like I matter, they're seriously the sweetest. Hmmm, romantic past? I'll tell you the truth - I haven't really been with anyone. For long years I've had higher priorities than relationships, moreover constant hospital appointments took a lot of my time and powers. I had some crushes, but they were short-lived... Why did you enter this BC?* Are you nervous? What do you hope to attain? ... so I guess, it's time to regain what I missed and start looking for true love? Everyone deserves it. My demons kept telling me that I won't be good enough for someone, especially someone as great as Lorelei. But I perfectly understand it's not true. So yeah... of course I'm nervous, but it's a good kind of. I'll just try to act like I usually do, without thinking of competition and pressure. It's not the main point for me. Lorelei's feelings is what matters the most: if she likes me, I'll be really happy and grateful. If we're not meant to be, it's fine. But deep inside, of course, I hope for the first option. Lorelei Specific Questions: What are your thoughts on Lorelei herself? What made you decide to try to win her hand instead of Lyra’s? Both ladies are beautiful inside and out, they inspire me to be the better person and I admire them for starting this challenge - this is a truly great thing to do. However, I had to choose, and I felt like we have more in common with Lorelei. Just looking at her picture made me feel like she might become this awesome friend I never had, and we'll exchange support in our hardest times. I have a lot to learn from her. By the way, this strange feeling that I'll be safe by her side... that I made a right choice... is it just me? Never mind. What are your greatest fears? Oh, man... My greatest fear is that I'll waste my life. That I'll never accomplish anything great, or make a significant difference in this world. Honestly, I really want to help people with the same disabilities as me, I feel like it’s my mission. But I don't even know where to start... my mental issues haven't gone anywhere and I'm still struggling, so how can I help others when I'm a mess myself? Uh... Alright, I don't really want to tear up right now, because trust me, when I start crying, it lasts long. I’m an ugly crier, ha... Next question. What is your moral compass like? Do you believe in absolute good or absolute evil? I’m aware there can’t be absolute good or absolute evil: life isn’t just black or white. However, no matter what has happened to me before and almost made me lose my faith, I would like to believe every single person has got something good in them. How interested are you in music? It’s one of Lorelei’s on-off special interests, so you may need to be proficient in it to catch up. I love music! Before the accident I was pretty good in playing piano. Even though I'm partially deaf, I can hear music when I'm wearing my earphones and listen at maximum volume, and I'm really grateful to my medical care providers for not letting me stay completely deaf after the accident, because I wouldn't be able to survive without music. I like a lot of different genres, mostly easy-listening acoustic songs that help me relax. I also try to keep up with the trends and check the top chart positions every week. The only thing I strongly dislike is electronic music, as it is too heavy and gives me headache. If you lose, will you be able to cope? I won't lie, I'm quite sensitive and it's hard for me to deal with rejections, but it honestly depends on the circumstances, so I can't say anything exact for now. First of all I have to meet Lorelei and other contestants, and I can't wait to get started!
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