#tbh this was mostly an excuse to draw allen i love him so much
fhroggg · 2 years
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allen has a crush
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margoslxix · 6 years
OKAY so I was tagged by @autisticmob and I think these things are fun so here we go!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
So, obviously I gotta pick:
1. Homestuck
2. New Albion
But I legitimately don’t know what third fandom to pick. I’m going to go with.......
3. Magic the Gathering
Because, I don’t know, I like it and I don’t get enough chances to talk about these characters.
First Character You Loved:
1. “First” is tricky, because I loved most of the characters pretty right away. I guess Calliope? Not that I hadn’t loved anyone before Act 6 or anything, I just remember liking her right away after meeting her, and also thinking she was my favorite character for a while.
2. Again, this is a hard one. Annabel is probably the obvious answer, but it’s true. I think she’s everyone’s first favorite, though. Her songs are just so good, plus she’s the first character you really get to know.
3. Hmmm. Liliana? I loved her aesthetic right away, for sure. I mean, be honest, how can you not at LEAST think she’s pretty goddamn cool.
The Character You Never Expected to Love So Much:
1. Caliborn, full stop (heheh). He’s my son and I would die for him. My very, very first initial impression of him was “god, what a douchebag.” But he’s MY douchebag now and tbh I relate to him a lot. He’s got a lot of problems, he’s definitely not an easy person to like. But I think he has so much narrative potential, and even most of his awful qualities (mostly the misogyny, let’s be honest) could honestly probably be dealt with if he was actually properly socialized. Which I’m still not 100% sure isn’t canonically possible. Too bad the comic’s mcfucking over.
2. Lloyd Allen. He definitely comes across as a dick, but he’s got a lot of hidden depth. He’s just such a good guy? Like, once you learn the lengths that he went to and the danger he put himself in, just for the chance to make his boyfriend happy again, I just... I can’t, I’m getting very emotional. I love Lloyd Allen, okay?
3. Gideon MOTHERFUCKING Jura. I hate Lawful Good, usually. I think it’s often just an excuse for characters to be stupid as hell, rigid, and incapable of understanding moral ambiguity. But honestly, Gideon is one of the best Lawful Good characters I’ve ever seen. He is legitimately heroic, and the fact that he’s not 100% rigid in his alignment, choosing Good over Law every time, is honestly cool. I just... he’s a character type and trope that I usually can’t stand, but done very well, and that’s impressive enough that I honestly love him.
The Character You Relate To Most:
1. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you already know it’s Caliborn. He’s stubborn, determined, unyielding... and I’ll admit, I’m much the same. I think I approach problems in a similar way to him, and get confused/annoyed by similar, arbitrary things. Also, he’s absolutely autistic, and I’ll fight anyone who says he isn’t. 
2. Uncle Raven, aka David Adams. I mean, there are a lot of things about him that I can’t relate to. A lot. Like being extremely attractive, for one thing. But he is Aesthetic Goals. He’s a sad carnival man, and I’m a sad man who loves carnivals. He also copes with loneliness and abandonment about as well as I do, which is to say, not very well at all. Also the whole, “sad businessman who lost his mind and gained superpowers” thing is somehow also relatable. Now where the fuck are my reality-bending powers?
3. Vraska, probably. Gods, I fucking love Vraska. If Gideon hadn’t been my answer for the last one, it would have been her. The Ixalan story really hit me hard, and I love her a lot. Just, she’s been through a lot of shit and it’s made her hard and cruel, but who she is around Jace, now, with her memories intact, just... aaa, fuck, I love Vraska. I really hope they beat up Nicol Bolas soon. Fuck that guy.
The Character You’d Slap:
1. Cronus, probably. He just needs to stop. Not stop anything in particular, just stop in general. And the thing is, I don’t even completely hate him. I just hate a lot of his bullshit. Hussie once called him “the worst character in Homestuck,” and honestly, I can see it.
2. Okay, yeah, the “correct” answer here is probably Edgar or Sarah. But I’m still gonna go with Connor. I just, I don’t know, I have this weird, irrational hatred for Connor. I find him incredibly irritating. Almost every problem he’s ever had has been his own damn fault, and it’s obnoxious hearing him cry about it. I mean, “Connor” is still a gorgeous song and all, but as a character, I just wanna tell him to suck it the hell up.
3. Nicol Bolas? I mean, he deserves way more than a slap. But it seems like he’s literally behind every bad thing that happens lately and he needs to knock it the fuck off. Amonkhet was particularly like.... DUDE, not cool. You can’t just turn an entire world into a zombie factory, what the FUCK is wrong with you? I hate this fucking dragon, and this is coming from a guy who loves dragons, and also villains.
 Three Favorite Characters (In Order of Preference):
1. Caliborn, Calliope, Dirk
2. Raven, Lloyd, Han Mi
3. Vraska, Jace, Chandra (this list subject to change at literally any time)
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
1. Okay, so this is going to sound incredibly harsh, so let me preface it with, it’s not that I DON’T like him, it’s just that he annoys and vexes me, and I’m sick of seeing him, and ALSO that I used to like him more than I currently do. In FACT, I do sometimes have feelings about him that I would normally have mostly for characters I like more, so it’s not that I hate him, okay? But it’s Jake English. Fucking... he’s so goddamn stupid and self-absorbed. And yeah, I get that it wasn’t his fault. I get that he’s been through some serious shit that no one should have to go through. Yeah, okay, just like every other character in this comic. But like, come on dude. But it’s less about him, I think, and more about how the fandom treats him. He’s not just an accessory for Dirk, for one thing (and I’m sorry, you can NOT convince me that they get back together in the end, that’s stupid, they had literally no chemistry whatsoever). And anyway, I’ve ranted way, way longer than I need to. But I have to set the record straight. I don’t HATE Jake English, I just think he’s dumb as a bag of teeth and I’m sick of seeing his face.
2. I’m actually having a hard time thinking of anyone specific. The more I learn about most characters, the more I like them. Seriously, I’m trying to think of a character that I like even a little bit less than my first impression of them. Maybe Connor? But I wasn’t really super crazy about him from the beginning, so I feel like that doesn’t count. I guess I’m going to have to go with Tristan from A Pirate’s Tale (even though that doesn’t technically count as New Albion but FUCK IT, I’m counting it) because like, “Ride the Hemp” is my jam and an awesome song, but when you actually read the script, he’s just kind of a dick. So yeah, I guess that’s it.
3. Again, there’s no one in particular. I think both Liliana and Nissa fall under “I used to love them a lot, but now I’m feeling a bit more ambiguous about them”--Liliana because DAMN getting a look at how she’s treated Jace all this time from Vraska’s perspective was some SHIT, and Nissa because I don’t particularly approve of her leaving the Gatewatch after all that shit about realizing that Chandra was her friend and all. I don’t know. I don’t hate either of them. Heck, I don’t even dislike either of them. But that’s one thing that’s cool about the constantly shifting perspective in the Magic stories. I just know I’m going to see something from their perspectives that changes everything before too long. Hell, Dominaria is already giving me a lot of Liliana feels.
A Character You Did Not Like At First, But Do Now:
1. See, I actually kind of liked everyone in Homestuck right away. And I’m not even counting Caliborn here, because I never really disliked him, I just never expected him to be my favorite character. I guess maybe Eridan? It’s not even that I particularly like him that much now, I just don’t dislike him as strongly as I did at first. I’m not even sure why. I think that one fansong (”Ugly Story”) kind of increased my affection for him. But he’s still not even in my top 20, so I don’t know.
2. Rachael. I’m not going to lie, the first time I listened to The New Albion Guide to Analogue Consciousness, I thought she was obnoxious. I mean she did lowkey try to get herself killed while singing a big, dramatic song for the sole reason that this guy that she was convinced was her destined love match turned out to be gay. That’s some fuckshit, right there. But the more I listened and the more I thought about her... with all the shit she’s been through, it makes sense. And it’s not like her assumption was totally irrational. Plus, Connor told her that that was the case because Connor’s a fucking idiot. So I’m blaming him for this one. So yeah, Rachael’s actually pretty cool. Plus “The Show No One Saw” is a bop.
3. Hmmmmmmm, I don’t know. I’m honestly drawing a blank. Vraska, maybe? It’s not really that I didn’t like her, but I’ll admit, I kinda was late to the party with a lot of Magic stuff. So I was just like “Wait, isn’t she just that gorgon assassin from Ravnica?” but then Ixalan happened, and she’s my daughter now. So there’s that.
Three OTPs:
1. ....Do I even have to say it? Dirkborn is my real, true OTP. I’m utter trash for this ship. Their whole dynamic is so much fun, and honestly, these boys could be extremely good for each other. Plus, they actually have canon chemistry, so there’s that. Davekat is a real close second. It’s one I actually wasn’t 100% sold on when I first saw it, but now I can’t imagine the comic without it. I’m so happy that it’s canon. I guess third would be Roxy/Calliope, which is funny, since I really didn’t used to like that ship very much. But I’ve come around on it, it’s honestly adorable.
2. Lloydven (Lloyd/Raven) is the obvious one here. I mean, I feel like it’s lowkey the most common OTP in the fandom. But like, damn. I honestly almost cried reading The Ballad of Lloyd Allen. They’re just so in love. Second is probably Leedrian (Lee/Adrian), just because. Honestly, it’s not even that deep fam, I just think they’re cute and also I love Adrian in general. HelMi (Helen/Han Mi) is a very, very close third, if not second. Like if you cry every time. Seriously, just.... FUCK.
3. Vraska/Jace. They had BETTER get that fucking date on Ravnica! If they don’t I will scream! That’s the best ship Magic has right now, I’m sorry, that’s just how it is. Now, I will say, I’m at a bit of a loss here. I used to ship the Gatewatch as an OT5 (Gideon/Jace/Liliana/Chandra/Nissa) but I feel like that’s been complicated by a lot of other feelings I have about individual members, so I’m not sure I really ship it anymore, leaving me kind of adrift. Honestly, though? Saheeli/Huatli had better fucking sail, so I’m going to call that #2 for right now. Please let them make a robot dinosaur together! And Chandra/Nissa is still fucking quality, I don’t care what happens.
OKAY so now I have to tag people. Since KC didn’t bother tagging 10 I’m not gonna, either. Just, any mutual who wants to can take it. For the sake of actually tagging people though, let’s say.... @draconicmentalist @stokerbramwell @gearydigit @the-cheese-hive-mind @swiftyscreativitycorner @vadvivon @humanmosquito And tbh there’s a lot of other people I would want to tag but I don’t remember everyone’s URLs and tbh I’ve already spent enough time on this post so, PLEASE DO THIS IT’S FUN
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11 Questions Tag
Tagged by these 3 beautiful people @cecenybabe @redtuan @cuddletuan (this post is gonna be super long, sorry in advance!) 
Rules: 1. post the rules 2. answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. write 11 questions of your own 4. tag 11 people
•• @cecenybabe Q’s (thank you for tagging me, Cece! 😘)
1. What are you doing right now?  - hugging my hot compressor b’cause this flu got me feeling cold 
2. What do you think of me and my blog? If you think I suck I can handle you tellng me that - Your blog is amazing! Because not only you’re a GOT7 and Mark stan... you’re also Paramore, Halsey, Avril, and Evanescence stan!! And i am too! yay!
3.  Your favorite authors and books you like to read if you like books( TOP 5) - I haven’t gotten the chance to buy any book lately, so I'm mostly reading stories on Wattpad and AFF. But I like Oscar Wilde’s (The Picture of Dorian Gray), Edgar Allen Poe (The Raven), Melissa De La Cruz (Blue Blood Series), and Claudia Gray (Fateful)
4. What music do you like to listen to? Any music besides K-pop? - My music genre range from pop, pop-rock, alternative-rock, indie, r&b, electronic, dubstep, and classical music
5. Are you a night or morning person? - Both 😄
6. Where do you wish you were right now? - Right where I want to be... Home~ 😁
7. whats’s your favorite season and why? - Winter because I get to cuddle with my blankie and I’m a winter baby. And Spring, it’s the time where it’s not too cold and not too hot, just nice.
8. What shows or movies are you into? - Riverdale (patiently waiting for S2), How to get away with Murder (haven’t finish S3 yet), Gotham (barely finish S1 T_T)...And I finally watched Insurgent last night 😄😄
9. What helps you when you’re stressed? - Chocolate, music, writing, drawing and coloring the mandalas 😊
10. do you play any instruments or wished you did? - I used to play piano and guitar...I wish to re-study piano again and try maybe drum or violin.
11.  do you prefer online or in store shopping? - In store shopping 
•• @redtuan Q’s (thank you for tagging me, Nicole! 😘)
1. Which fictional character do you think would be the most boring to meet in real life and why? - Probably all the bitchy and villains characters because I might either strangle or just murder them hahaha
2. What would be on the gag reel of your life? - Me yawning 24/7, searching for smth to munch 24/7, laughing like a maniac and trying to win my cats love 😆😂
3. What is one thing your ultimate bias does that irritates you? - Hm...like... WHY IS HE SO GOD DAMN CUTE?! HE ALSO PROBABLY KNOWS WHAT RED HAIR DOES TO HIS FANS ADN SECRETLY LIKES KILLING US ALL! ASDFGHJKL!!
4. Do you have any irrational fears? - Clowns, crowded area, drowning, and spiders
5. You have the chance to spend a week with your ultimate bias - do you have them show you around their hometown, do you show them around your hometown, or go somewhere neither of you has been before? - Maybe go somewhere where neither of us has been before.
6. Do you have any guilty pleasures? - The classic movies
7. If you could direct a MV for any of your ultimate bias group’s songs, which song would you choose and describe the MV. - this is tough... it’s a choice between GOT7 Paradise or Mayday.. But i guess, I’m gonna go with Paradise...Since GOT7 has been making serious MV from If You Do Era up to now, I supposed Paradise could be like those Summer holiday spending at the beach feels mashing it with a refreshing new found relationship type of MV.
8. What is your dream job? - Owning my own cafe 😊
9. What is one word or phrase that you say too much? - Heh... meh... nyeh... 😆
10. Realistically, if you had the chance to go on a date with your ultimate bias, would you? - Yass!! I mean, I’ve been given the chance to go and it’s once in a lifetime opportunity!!
11. Out of all the members of your favorite group, do you think the member you’re the most compatible with is your bias? - Hm...tbh i don’t know... Mark gets shy and overwhelmed when someone he doesn’t know approach him (me too!) He is quiet but becomes really childish around his friends (i am too!!) So, i think we are(?) 
•• @cuddletuan Q’s (thank you for tagging me, Jeng! 😘)
1.) If you’re a book/fic, what would be your genre and alternate universe? - Fantasy with a little bit of romance. All kinds of supernatural mythological creature living in one world type of A.U
2.) Best nuggets in the world? - Mcdonald’s chicken nuggets !!!HANDS DOWN!!!
3.) Do you have your own emergency stack of ramen? - nope
4.) What do you want to eat right now? - Tteokbokki (Spicy rice cake)!!! and Lamb Chop!! 🤤🤤
5.) Oldest Korean song (from a Korean idol/group) you know by heart. - It’s You and Sorry Sorry by Super Junior (can I just say that Donghae still looking hot af after all these years) 🤤😍
6.) Do you have any pets? - yes! 5 disrespectful lazy cats~ 😺😺😺😺😺
7.) What song are you listening right now? - Excuse Me by Jazmine Sullivan 💕
8.) What do you think of Tumblr? - Hm...if you follow the right ppl, Tumblr is fun. But if you hang out with the wrong crowd, it can be a little disturbing... Be careful of who you follow because some of their posts are either mind triggering or just simply nsfw. And i have a hard time following ppl back now T_T
9.) Is there anything you want wish when you meet the dragon Shenron of Dragon Ball? - Idk... I don’t want this to be like the movie ‘Wish Upon’ 😅😅
10.) Favorite Korean variety/reality show? - ever since I became a kpop fan, i have none 😋😄
11.) Say something about your ult bias. - ermm... I’m not good with this... But, what drawn me to him, aside from his obvious good looking appearance and the fact that he made himself known as the quiet one in the group (I am most attracted to that one quiet member..idk what’s wrong with me :D) To someone who’s not an Ahgase, he may give off the mysterious vibe, but to us fans, especially those who stan him... He’s actually just a cute shy cinnamon bun! And he’s just like every introverted people in the world! Quiet - and again - shy, prefers to stay around friends whom he’s known over the years, a family type of guy who happens to adore his two nieces. How cute is that?? asdfghjkl!! And have you seen him land all those magazine shoot gigs?! He looks gorgeous like the model he should be!! Well, this is all I can say, and I think I said enough... I think... 😋😄 _______________________________________________________
My Questions:
1. What is your favorite quote from any songs of your fav group(girl or boy)?
2. If your life is a book or movie or drama, what would you name it (title)? 
3. Would you write a song, choreograph, or become a manager of your fav group?
4. Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, or Water?
5. If you were to be in the situation like Madea’s Witness Protection movie and have to live with her, how long would you last? 
6. Which emoji do you usually use?
7. Where would you go if you were given a plane ticket and your flight is leaving in 2 hours?
8. *cont from Q #7 ... And who would you go with? One of your parents or siblings, best friend, or your ultimate bias?
9. Heights, Deep water, Insects, or Reptiles?
10. If you could pick a director, actors, and actresses to direct and play your life. Who would they be and why?
11. Branded makeup or Drugstore makeup?
Tagging in: @2jaekisses @superfanboy19 @youngjaesloudlaugh @jj-nyoung @imjaebeomtrash @jeonandtuan @imxjaebeom @different-or-weird @pup-yongguk @wanderingingot7wonderland @krisyoels @aragyeom @officialwangtrash
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