#tbt properly later lmao
deadn30n · 8 months
good morning i bring some important yone headcanons
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▹ unsurprisingly, yone doesn't have a heartbeat. this shouldn't come as a shock to anyone, given the man is quite literally an animated corpse, but just in case you didn't know? he doesn't have a heartbeat. the only exception to this is in the HEARTSTEEL universe. he died, yes, he was drowned by an Azakana, but i feel in this particular case, special circumstances w/ the Azakana currently possessing his body have allowed him to have a heartbeat.
▹ following up on the above point, Yone's skin is incredibly cool to the touch. as he doesn't have a heartbeat, thus he doesn't generate any body heat for himself. he can absorb it from others, but for the most part he's just cold. it's a large part of the reason he dislikes anyone touching him, as he doesn't want them to feel how cold he actually is. again, the only exception to this is the HEARTSTEEL universe, where he is warm.
▹ a third followup from this point is that because Yone died, he does not need to survive in the same conventional ways that humans do. he does not need to eat, sleep, or drink anything, even though he wishes he could. he has a habit of pretending he can just so he won't alarm other people and allude to the fact he's actually dead. likewise, again, HEARTSTEEL is the only exception to this.
▹ Yone prefers to use less words and more action when it comes to interacting with people. this is partially in due to his reserved nature, as well as the fact that death has utterly ruined his vocal chords. he sounds a lot more scratchy and distorted than he did in life, and dislikes using his voice in most cases because of it.
▹ Yone's eyes used to be a beautiful shade of emerald. however, after his death and the subsequential possession of the Azakana that followed, his eyes are now mis-matched with the right be bright red ( signifying the Azakana's spirit dwelling alongside his own ) and an alarming ghostly blue for the left.
▹ The mask on his face cannot be removed. It is the direct link between himself and the Azakana inside his body. As much as he wants to rip it off ( and has tried several times unsuccessfully to ), the creature is too deeply embedded into his very existence for him to be as easily rid of it as he wishes to be.
▹ The times where the Azakana can actually possess his body are far and few in between. Yone has an incredibly resilient spirit, making it difficult for the creature to have it's way with him whenever it wants. But for the times it does manage to surface, Yone is unfortunately rendered temporarily incapacitated and has no memory of whatever happens while it has a hold of him. ( This is also why he's strongly against the idea of possession for any reason and views it with immense spite. )
▹ In life Yone was a diligent man devoted to caring for his younger brother. He was determined at all costs to set Yasuo onto the right path, but ultimately felt like he failed to do so right before his death. In his new life, he seeks retribution for the wrongs he believes he committed and hopes he can still guide Yasuo from the shadows; like a whisper, barely out of earshot. He believes his redemption lays in Yasuo; and when Yasuo has reached redemption, then so too shall Yone. After this, Yone believes he'll be able to pass away properly and rest in peace, knowing he finally fulfilled his duties as an older brother.
▹ Despite his rebirth and desperation to find retribution and be laid to rest once more, he actually has a bit of humor to him. If you're fortunate enough for him to call you a friend ( or perhaps even a lover? ) you may even catch him making the very occasional joke in a subtle way. Even though Yone appeared to be harsh and even unkind at times, he did have a playful side to him. He just... unfortunately had to grow up much quicker than most children, as he had to ensure he could care for his younger brother properly.
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