#tcfsv zephyrus
charliechaotic · 2 years
Just found out about 'Give Me A Kiss' by Crash Adams and now I NEED a Tommyinnits Clinic For Supervillains animatic with at least the big part starting at 1:20
totally not because of the mcdonalds at midnight line-
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angelscherryblossoms · 7 months
DSMP one-shot kind of based on TCFSV
(slightly based on Tommyinnit's Clinic for Super Villians. it's not that good I was just bored so decided to write this short one-shot)
L'Manburg. A nation that had been through literal hell. So imagine how much more chaotic it would be if the characters had superpowers
Third person pov:
Tommy was walking back to his apartment after a shift at his job of a multi-million dollar company that helps supply food around the world at affordable prices. That's right, he works at McDonald's. Anyway, Tommy was on his way back to his apartment where he would collapse onto his bed and fall into a peaceful slumber. But he's Tommy, of course this wouldn't happen. He found himself hiding behind a car while the top three villains fought against the top three heroes. Tommy watched from behind the car as the battle went on in the middle of the deserted street. Siren fought against Flame, Blade fought against Dream, and Zephryus fought against 404. Siren was simply using his powers to control Flame and make him attack 404, who now had to hold up against Zephyrus and Flame. Blade was dodging any attacks Dream threw at him. Tommy didn't like the heroes, definitely, but he also didn't agree with some of the things the villains did. This was one of them. Like, if you're going to start a fight, do it somewhere more convenient for Tommy, because he's a big man that wants to go home. Tommy just has to wait for this fight to, either, end or be directed to a different area. Apparently the gods have it out for Tommy, because the fight moves closer to him. So close to the point Zephyrus sees him. Tommy just accepts his fate. He's going to die. He's going to die before he gets to drink, or smoke, or get all the woman. But most importantly, he's going to die before he can tell Tubbo and Ranboo how much they mean to him, he's going to die before he can live. But Zephyrus doesn't kill him. Zephyrus hides him, and gives him a chance to run away. So Tommy does, and he runs like hell. He runs until he can't run any further, and that happens to take him to an alleyway, where he collapses and just lays there, looking at the night sky from the dirty concrete floor.
Zephryus/Phil pov:
I was fighting 404 and jumped back to avoid him touching me. As soon as he touchs someone, it's over and his powers put you to sleep. I happen to glance to my side and see a teen boy with curly blonde hair hiding behind a car. He also sees me, but he doesn't seem terrified. He sort of just stares at me and seems to be thinking to himself. I turn my back to him, spreading my wings and looking at 404. I hope the kid understood and ran, because after a few seconds I took off to the sky's, continueing with the fight.
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