tcohs-messenger · 5 years
muriel, portia + julian body worship (receiving plz) i just want to love and appreciate them
I just want to love and appreciate them too anon- they deserve it
Worshipping Muriel is a lot quieter and in almost complete silence. It’s just as affectionate as you would with any person, with words and feelings communicated through kisses and the very gentle drag of fingers over his body. Worship the overall build of him, not just muscle- but the broadness of his shoulders, the flex and work of his fingers, and the worn, comfortable cushion of his chest. 
Say it in the kisses you leave behind, on the scruff of his chin and all the way down to the tips of his toes if you feel adventurous enough. Rub away his worries in wordless back massages and he’ll feel more loved and appreciated in that moment than he had for most of his life. Accompanying him in baths is another one way ticket to mushy-feels town. If any words are to be said, tell him just how beautiful and tender he looks right at the moment he’s relaxed against you- and he’s done for. If he cries just a little bit, it’s okay, just brush them away and kiss him with the same amount of love as you always have for him. 
Certainly more blushing and flustered whenever you’re attentive to her, words will go a long way. Compare her to the artwork of the greats, although point out just how much better sculpted she is. Cuddling is the best place for her to be attended to as she’ll be more receptive to your words without work or errands on her mind. 
Please take a moment to trace her stretch marks while you make love to her, just to tell her again that every part of her is a work of art. She may only squeak and whimper when you do, but she does appreciate it. Even out of the throes of sensuality, touching her curves and mindless attention to her legs and arms will have her absolutely gooey in affection. Whisper in her ear in the morning just how beautiful she looks in stuck up hair and drooled on pillow- and breakfast might just come a little later than usual. Oh well, might as well take the time to trace her freckles too while you’re at it~
He didn’t realize he needed it until you provided it to him. There’s something about being genuinely complimented out of no where that really raises the confidence, and Julian is no different. ‘I love how--’ goes a long way, especially when he’s in the middle of making coffee or just got back from work. Also a perfect way to make a back massage go from amazing to spectacular.
He needs it on especially bad days-- like pointing out how handsome he looks when his hair frizzes up on humid days, or telling him he looks so cute when the bags under his eyes are prominent on a long night. He’ll absolutely sputter in surprise of course, but he’ll never deny it after the third day in a row of compliments. Maybe he’ll even start believing you when you say it. If you even dare to murmur your lovely words while you’re intimate- he’s gone, completely at the mercy to whatever romance you have for him. He might cry too, but it’s okay, just kiss those lovely tears away and tell him that his blush makes him look ten times sweeter. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
My I request that you go nuts and just write something you find fun? Like a free choice request? :3c
Do I find it fun when Julian gets himself hurt? ...maybe a little bit. 
Julian comes to you when he inevitably hurts himself while drunkenly dancing on tables in the Rowdy Raven late at night, the poor fool~
Your name echoes through the worn cobblestone halls in a pained groan, followed by the shuffling of the fumbling Doctor Devorak. You know exactly why he looks so tail tucked, not even bothering to look at him for a moment as you finish writing the last note in your research journal. With a sigh and a shift in your neck to pop the joint, you get up and turn to see him- exactly in a predicament you expected. 
Julian stands (or leans actually) just beside the nearest vivisecting table, jaw tight behind his bashful smile and cheeks pink to the brim of being flustered. Sweat has beaded at his brow and trickles down as though he’d exerted himself in a good midnight run, but at midnight that is not what Doctor Devorak does. You know what he does, and you know exactly what it’s lead to if the way he holds his foot a few inches from the ground says anything to you. 
“Alright... let’s see what you’ve done to yourself this time,” you let out in an exasperated sigh, not even finishing your sentence by the time Julian has hopped onto and adjusted himself onto one of the tables. 
You don’t hesitate in undoing his boot and tossing it although you are much more careful when you notice his grimace at just the faintest rough shifting. You were expecting a cut at first, but upon pushing his pant leg up your assumptions are proven more than incorrect. 
“All mighty-- Julian what did you do to yourself this time?!”
His leg, of course usually normal, was now clearly swollen and bruised just above the shin- and a distended portion on the distal side of his foot clued you in on exactly the diagnosis. 
He gives a pained laugh. “I uh... had a few drinks, you know. Got up on a table and...” He gestures to his foot and chuckles a bit more. “I thought it might’ve just been a sprain but then- yeah...”
“By gods you fool, this is a full on dislocation,” your observation comes as you gently feel at the distended spot and feel just where the bone was out of place. “You’re lucky though cause I think I can pop this right back into place.”
“Hm, that doesn’t really sound lucky to me. You’re gonna tell me to stay off of it too aren’t you-”
With a sideways, narrowed glance, you answer as you prep with gloves and wrappings, “Well yes but I wonder if you’ll actually take my advice.”
Knowingly, Julian gives light laughter and quickly braces himself for the worst as you carefully hold his limb. He pulls off one of his gloves and props it between his teeth while his fingers grip at the table. In averting his gaze, you tell him on three when you’ll move. The snap is sickeningly audible, louder in your ears than the following muffled yell he gives. You move swiftly to wrap it with a few thick measuring sticks to keep it straight. 
In your ministrations, you didn’t even notice that Julian’s grip had gone from the table to your arm, as if finding comfort in just touching another person. When you’ve finished with him he still lingers, panting and lingering in the following pain as he writhes on the table. You offer him a spot of morphine, only to have him wave it off. 
“Gotta stay clear of mind for the work that’s ahead you know,” he explains. 
“Oh and the pain won’t hinder you?” You counter. 
Julian musters a smile, torn in pain but still genuine. “It’s a bit easier with you around.” That does something to you- makes your stomach flutter ever so slightly. He moves then, hobbling on his one foot as he makes it to his office. “I might sleep for just a bit- maybe find a way to build a cast in the morning. Thank you again...”
He lingers another moment with a thought stuck in his mind, but words do not come. With another flash of a smile, he manages inside and flops onto his cot, perching his injured foot onto the nearest stool as he knows he should. 
To touch every injury he gets from his ruckus might be the only contact you have with him, but that’s enough for you for now. Maybe after this plague business is done you can finally ask him out on a proper date that’s preferably not sprinkled with drunken injuries. Although, only time with tell. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
How do you picture dad!julian?
Be me, wishing the tagging system wasn’t absolute garbage so I could find the dadlian pieces that I know I’ve written...
You know those videos of parents swooping in and saving their kids from out of no where- like their three year old is about to fall down a slope or something and the parent yeets in out of no where and scoops them out of dangers way? That’s definitely Julian- pretty much every day. 
Loves propping his kids on his shoulders or doing that thing where his kid puts their feet on top of his and he holds their hands while he walks with them. 
He really wears himself out with his kids, keeping up with most of their boundless energy throughout the day/week and then absolutely crashing near evening/the end of the week- he’s also that dad who could fall asleep anywhere, especially when he’s just sit down after work.
If you thought he was burning the candle at both ends before, then you’re not exactly sure what you’d classify this-- maybe burning the candle at both ends AND in the middle? or maybe you just threw the whole candle into a bonfire and hoped for the best. Either way, you’re not sure how he does it other than he might’ve went from black coffee to outright espresso at some point. 
As far as him as the kind of dad that he is, he very much strikes me as the almost ‘cool dad’ stereotype where he genuinely tries to get into the things that his kid enjoys in order to bond or assist them when they need it- and he’s generally pretty lax in rules unless it comes to the unknown (I’ve never personally bend to this part of town so I don’t want you going there until I’ve seen it myself)
He’s the kind of dad who his kid always goes to advice for since not only would they not fear being judged but they know he’d be able to actually equate it in a way that they can understand- and if he doesn’t know the answer, he knows the right way to comfort them. 
Julian would be particularly torn with rather or not he wants to share his sea-fairing past with his kids. Sure it was fun- but the danger... but if they’re anything like him, they’ll manage to snoop and find out anyway so why bother really hiding it? As long as they’re safe...
He very much doubts for a few years that he even is a good dad. He hopes and he tries his best- but really the only way to know that exactly is to hear what the kids have to say... and they only have fond words. 
Also, this is totally Julian trying to bond with his son’s new interest-
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
Ohhh could I request “I don't think I'll ever be able to live without you.” + “I can’t take it anymore...” for Asra x MC? Fluff or Angst, dealers choice ;)
Dealers choice? I choose BOTH. Prompts from HERE!
“I can’t take it anymore…” Blood was pounding in his ears from just the confession alone. Tea this late at night while barely clothed tended to do this to him, and while in bed among the walls of pillows and hung up blankets it made his confession brimmed with romantic tension. It just made him feel like he was drowning, a pleasant agony that filled his lungs and prickled his skin, the feeling of deep and unconditional love that burned from his very core. He felt so… melodramatic.
But when they stared at him like that, he didn’t know how else to act. When they held his hand and stroked over his fingers, nuzzling into each pad, it made that drowning feel ever more like heaven. He didn’t worry about whatever happened outside of their bed haven. The torment of the Count was a footnote- an annoyance if anything. “I love you,” leaves him for the first time between them in a dreamy breath akin to the swimming adoration deep in his lavender eyes. 
Then they chuckle, not mocking or awkward, but a light and airy sound of all the relaxation between them slipping out around them. A kiss is so much more. The breath shared through them is revitalizing and gives Asra the energy to ache for them so much more. When they part, he can see the love from him reflected in their eyes, and they ache for him just as much if not more. They breathe out a calmed sigh, and murmur back, “I don’t think I could ever live without you...” 
And he would never leave them, would never make them even consider the thought of departure- no matter how bad this flu became as it began its crawl through the streets of Vesuvia. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
ooh, Fluff 5. “It’s always been you.”, with asra/nb!mc? ;o; if you want! i love your writing sm 🖤🖤
Hi my name is ‘I am so sorry’ and prompt came from HERE!
I’ve never really had many regrets in my life- and I always do things in good faith or at least try to in the very least. I think, of all the decisions I’ve made, deciding to sell masks all those years ago was the best- because I got to meet you. I’ve felt so lost for the longest time before that, ever since I lost my parents. I was always looking for happiness, or a place to call home, or... or something that made me feel right and whole again...
And it was you, it’s always been you. You’re my happiness, my home, the person who makes me feel right and whole again. And I’m so sorry that these words come to you like this but... I love you. I don’t know what made me think that leaving home was right because not having you by my side is the worst torture I have ever imagined to be possible. You were right, and I’m coming back. I love you, and be safe. I’ll be back soon. 
With a magical, waxen seal, the parchment left his hands and was now in the posession of the South flying doves, as trusted in their guidance as any man and twice as fast. Asra pulled on his hat and allowed Faust to coil tighter around his neck, ready for the journey ahead. He would bound across vast plains and rolling deserts for them- and he did exactly that on his trek to Vesuvia, only to find the horror that the plague had toiled upon its once luxurious streets. But they were okay- they had to be. They are his happinesss, his home, his heart after all, and he wasn’t about to lose all three at once again. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
If requests aren’t open then my bad I’ve must’ve not seen it and I’m super sorry, but if they are, do u uh. Do u have any... thoughts? Headcanons? Feelings? About Julian x Mc x Muriel? I really don’t see a lot of it, which is a bit of a shame, bc i feel like muriel just feels the same about Julian as he does towards the apprentice (‘they r loud and nosey. And cute. Hate that.’ But still warms up, yknow?). Idk I feel like it could be cute idk
I think you’re right in that I believe Muriel could potentially warm up to Julian-- and honestly my thoughts on this might be a bit skewed because I haven’t played any of Muriel’s route yet--- BUT
I think Muriel’s feelings on Julian might be similar to his feelings on the apprentice simply because of what the apprentice and Julian ‘put’ Asra through IE a lot of emotional pain. Obviously, they didn’t mean to do that (I don’t believe), but the apprentice did put Asra through grief because of their death while Julian was sorta just an escape for that emotional sorrow and also didn’t help Asra that much through healing terms. I feel like Muriel just sees the apprentice and Julian as Asra’s quick fixes for going through his own healing, and because Asra and Muriel are so close Muriel wouldn’t really like that. 
That being said, one on one time with Julian and the apprentice would CERTAINLY help with that healing and realizing just how good of people the apprentice and Julian could be, ESPECIALLY with mutual healing between the three of them. A lot of the early start of the relationship has to do with past healing- and I think especially between Muriel and Julian there would be quite a bit of respect coming on both ends as time goes on. 
Muriel’s insistance that Julian’s self-blame (in terms of the plague and the apprentice dying because of his lack of interference) is not needed REALLY helps Julian out, and in turn Julian’s dedication and hard work to become a better and healing man would definitely rub off on Muriel and make him appreciate the doctor more. 
As far as headcanons are concerned- Julian sort of helps Muriel reluctantly become a more outspoken and socially active (although not nearly as much as Julian is) person, and they both become more forward in terms of relationships. They still tend to counter each other in personality and wants, but they also move forward in a unique way. 
I think a poly relationship with them and MC would be difficult seeing as they counter each other so much. Although the respect and perhaps affection is there, I feel like Muriel would just get too overwhelmed by Julian sometimes. As long as Julian is willing to slow down for Muriel’s sake, it might be easier to traverse a potential relationship between the three of you. 
MC might end up playing the middle man a lot, a sort of bridge to help them coincide and bond even more. I can definitely see, while in a relationship, Muriel slowly becoming more forward with Julian in a physical sense- although it is slow. Intimacy between the two would be taken slowly and carefully, although it may be easier with MC in the picture. There is A LOT of cuddling and backrubs involved, and trio baths help in easing the nerves and heightening the romance. 
The further into the relationship the three become, the more Julian feels comfortable in becoming ‘spontaneous’ in the bedroom- going as far as to squeeze Muriel from behind and kiss between his shoulders despite the grumble he receives in turn. He’ll always get a reluctant smooch back if he asks for it though- and it’s always with a little, embarrassed smile. 
Overall, it’s a very tortoise based movement to their relationship. I don’t see Muriel and Julian by themselves making it too far, but with MC there is definitely more potential there. I think it’s definitely a cute poly ship though and has the potential to really help both Muriel and Julian become stable both by themselves AND with each other. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
hello! could i ask for Nadia, Lucio and Portia with a big buff s/o who is the BIgGEST dork. like. ever. they could bench-press their partner easily, but they're really goofy and cheesy with their flirts and when they fluster their partner they just have this big dumb love struck grin on their face (im a sucker for dorks in love okay-)
I do love me some stronk babes- ESPECIALLY stronk babes that are cutesy and dorky and in love
She doesn’t get flustered often, or at least that’s something she tries to uphold as a fact. That being said, her partner is easily one who is able to denounce the fact into just an ideal fantasy. 
There’s something about the ‘biggest dork’ part that turns her from purely admiring of her partner to full blown ‘oh god- oh they’re so cute...’
She’s a big fan of her partner just out of no where swooping her up off her feet and into her arms, maybe not quite a passionate gesture but out of fun? It has Nadia absolutely giggling like mad and trying to hide her blush. She will insist not to do it with others around but honestly... she actually really likes it, even if people tease her as a Countess being swooped off her feet. 
Bench pressing her also leads to a laughing fit, a mixture of her just astounded that someone would so unabashedly be up to lugging her around out of no where as well as just how cute her partner looks with that beaming smile all the time... she really needed someone just unhindered and goofy to lighten her load. 
He’s a bit thrown to have such a stronk partner that looks so blissfully enamored by him. Sure, lust he can see, but the way their eyes sparkle when they land on him makes his chest tighten every time...
He mostly tries to push that lovey dovey feeling away, smirking it off and in turn admiring them just as much, compliment after compliment not only about their muscles coming their way, but his hands do like to linger and feel them when he lays the flirtation on just as thick. 
But use those muscles against him, either in just really tight hugs or doing the bench pressing method and it will have him turned to putty in seconds. He’s very fond of the tight hugs especially, and even when he’s stressed or angry about something it will end up melting him back into their arms, closing his eyes as they seem to protect him against the world...
If you try bench pressing him though he’ll definitely try to do the same in return (although my bet is that he won’t make it past one rep) to get them just as flustered. He’s not opposed to being picked up, but it’s not what flusters him the most either. He’ll try to squeeze a piggy back (or several) out of them. 
Definitely the most flustered by her muscley partner. She won’t even realize that she feels up their arm muscles while idly cuddling or talking unless they point it out- to which she’ll blush and look away, shrugging it off. 
She’s not as embarrassed by these tendencies just because her partner is so easy going and sweet about it. And if they actually enjoy and encourage it she outright squeals and keeps the behavior up, even in bed when they fall asleep she will just trace their arms, stomach, and chest before completely falling asleep. 
What gets her the most is being picked up. The way they effortlessly sweep her up like a blushing bride just makes her heart pick up pace, and when they smile at her, call her that cute little pet name- she can’t help her dark red cheeks and hiding her smile as she tucks against their chest and allows them to bring her around wherever they please. 
She will never get over the mixture of stronk and sweet babe that she managed to partner up with, always a flustered mess when she’s picked up and even more blubbering in her embarrassment and slight arousal when she’s bench pressed without strain. But it’s their goofy attitude that makes her completely abandon her embarrassment every time. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
could you do fluff #10 for valerius/mc?
I took a little liberty with the sentence structure, I hope you don’t mind~ Prompt came from HERE!
“How are you feeling?” When they come in, Valerius swears that the candles in the room burn just a little bit brighter. Of course, he didn’t know much about magic, but he was sure that it wasn’t that which made everything so much more tender. They meander around for a moment, setting down a glass of water and a bit of breakfast before opening the curtains, all while the Consul began shifting beneath the covers. They’d only turned around the moment he had kicked the blankets off in frustration and pushed himself up on wobbly elbows. “Val- don’t strain yourself-” they reach out quickly, only ushered away when he grumbles to wait.
It didn’t kick in at first, only days later did the strain of arcane magic- although only for a few years as compared to others- finally catch up with its pending exhaustion and had hit him hard enough to the point where bed rest was essential. He despised it. He felt utterly vulnerable, weak, and useless and even began to wonder if Nadia might retract her previous sentiments towards his change. But that was a problem for another time. Although it all weighed heavily on his mind from time to time, he did find that there was one plus to being bed-bound, and that was the mage who often came to give him both company and assistance where needed.
He finally sat up fully with a few minutes of struggle, all while the mage stood a careful foot away with brow stitched in worry then soon smiling as Valerius’ struggle began to seep away. Only the next few days would tell if he’d get even better, but for now- he extended a hand to hold theirs and he gave a breathy sigh. “I don’t think I’ve said it yet, but thank you. Despite everything, you’re here for me. Despite all the things that went wrong in my life... you’ve managed to be the one thing that went right. I wish I can one day repay that in some way.”
Their smile grows a bit. “Well that’s for the future- for now, I just want you resting and better, so let’s work on that.”
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
i had an idea for like a monster switch AU? like human julian meets monster apprentice? i thought that'd be interesting :)
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I’m not too sure how much I’ve written on a monster apprentice and human F/O, although I’m sure I’ve written something similar to it somewhere fuck you tumblr search function I cant find shit anymore
But here’s a bit on a monster apprentice– and a specifically mantis monster apprentice~
Julian’s still not completely used to the whole… well magical and the arcane thing- so a monster apprentice would be more than a handful at first.
He doesn’t really know where to start as the side of him so desperately eager to learn is itching to ask them question after question about who and what they are- but that is more than likely disrespectful, isn’t it…
It takes some time for him to get used to having a partner on the not-so-human scale, but proper communication is really what helps, either through writing or spoken word. 
He’s seemingly always surprised by the new things his partner teachers him be it anatomy, culture, social mannerisms- he always keeps a notebook on him to take notes, especially small details on medical care and first aid for monster kind. 
He’ll do research on his downtime too, not only on the species of his partner but of other monsters!
Of course, bug monsters are a bit more different from other furry and even scaly or feathery monster kind. 
He’ll have to be careful with their sensitivity to cold and, as a mantis, their sensitivity to humidity and disease. Julian will take special care to make sure his home is warm and comfortable for them, including proper places to perch when he’s not available to cuddle with. 
Although at first he might be a little nervous to touch them (as are most humans), he will quickly adjust from just seeing how gentle his partner is with their hooks- so the first few days together might be a bit of a slow incline into full blown partnership. 
He’s especially fond of the way they gently scratch through his hair and down his back- it’s a particularly easy way to get him to sleep and quickly~ he also loves being tucked within the arms of his monster partner, either just in comfort or in more intimate encounters. Hold him with those little praying hands!
When it does come to intimacy, they should expect him to be incredibly gentle and even give his partner the reigns for most romantic nights. I’ll leave most of the ‘how’s of the anatomy up to you, but needless to say Julian is very enamored and more than willing to learn about his partner through experience. 
Also needless to say, he does briefly joke about ‘eating him when they’re through with him’, but only the one time~
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
can i get some poly hcs withe Aisha and Salim with a quiet and easily flustered reader? i love these two with all my heart like o o f -heart eyes emoji-
Oh nya I thought I had done this before but turns out it was actually for Namar and Nasrin so yessss- oh also this is assuming that all three of you get together after in game events...
First and foremost- they’ve been gone for a long time... they’ll need you’re help to really get used to being back in the real world now. I’d think there weren’t many ‘advancements’ in the tech and such- but learning about the places in Vesuvia that have changed will be very important for them. 
But they’ll also get to teach YOU things about Vesuvia that you hadn’t even heard- like exactly where every signal hidden portal is and about the people and history of the place. 
It’s a very slow moving relationship at first with all three of you getting on the same footing of interacting with one another while also healing from the twists of the arcana realms. Salim and Aisha would take time to build up their magic resources again and to reacquaint themselves with the world once more. Needless to say, it’s having you with them that they feel comfortable much more quickly. 
In the few days and weeks before platonic turns to romantic, you’d notice Chimes and Flamel being uncharacteristically cuddly with you as opposed to their human counterparts. 
Sleeping in the same bed is shockingly easy since they help you together to hone your own magic, mostly through meditation and astral projection. Afterwards, why would you even want to leave? You’re exhausted and the bed is always so comfy. Of course, you only slightly regret falling asleep between them because it feels a little too intimate but...
The first move is a little awkward, probably waking in the morning between them once more with you facing Aisha and a little surprised to see her already awake and... holding your hand, working your fingers between her own. She’s got the sweetest, lethargic smile with eyes still hooded and drowsy. Salim, just behind you, shifts his legs as he wakes up a little bit. The look you once placed as being drowsy is quickly replaced with one that was faintly coy- and she kisses your knuckles before commenting on how wonderful you look when you just wake. 
Kissing her is not something you expected, all your ducks are certainly not in a row when she cups your cheek and bestows such a soft touch you swear you were loved on by a butterfly. You’re wordless and stunned, trying to figure out what questions to ask and how to ask them... but nothing comes of it...
Not until later that day and a weird sense of guilt is eating at you. Every time you glance at Aisha you’re flustering and every time Salim smiles at you you’re sweating. Your words to Salim are dripping in nerves- sheepishly explaining that his wife had kissed you and you didn’t mean to kiss back and you’re so sorry and...
Salim looks guilty for a moment before shaking his head and reaching out for you, probably holding your chin under his thumb, a touch just as tender as his wife’s. We didn’t intend to make you fret so much... it’s okay, he told you as he leaned in, pausing to see if you’re nerves got the best of you... and when they didn’t, he’d kiss you too, just as gentle and butterfly in nature. 
You’re much more akin to expect the intimacy in cuddling now, and Aisha and Salim both learned from their mistake to not move forward without the other at your side. You’re always between them when it happens, either kisses or something a little bit more- and although it could be said without words just how all three of you feel about one another, the words do come in both pillow talk and morning tea just to work out where you wanted to go with this. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
Oooh.... how about T J V for Julian.
Toy, Jackoff, and Volume for Julian~ ;)
Julian slumped back with a distressed sigh. His shitty mattress creaked uncomfortably as his form settled, only to creak again when he rolled onto his stomach and gave a similar, annoyed sound. Poking an eye open, he caught the dull res light of his clock- only 1:37. Distressed and annoyed, he could only wonder why he had yet to be able to fall asleep... definitely had nothing to do with the espresso just hours before to finish his paper...
Flopping over onto his back once more, one of Julian’s hands shot over the side of the bed and buried into his bedside drawer, shuffling through random flu and cough medicines before he found what he needed. After all, if he couldn’t sleep he might as well just... do something to take up the time. Although the thought had only just occurred to him his body was already eager to pick up that little nibble of an idea.
He can barely see through the darkness of his room, but he doesn’t have to. Julian weasels out of his pajamas with one hand while withdrawing his supplies with the other. It takes only seconds for him to pop the cap and drip the lube inside over his palm. It’s stark cool against his length, drawing a gasp from him, and once the silicone flesh light is introduced- he knows he has to cover his mouth to remain even slightly decent.
His hips stall, slowly pushing up to meet the comforting squeeze of the toy and his palm. He cries out much too loudly with a curled back, arching up in a fast jerk as rhythm is completely abandoned in favor of furious drags and slick squelches. 
It’s not nearly as fulfilling as he’d wish it to be, but beggars can’t be choosers. Alone at night in his shitty apartment with class only a couple hours away was definitely not the brightest situation either. But Julian dreamt of someone he could only imagine being with, especially so as his hips stuttered and he sullied the toy he was so thoroughly fucking. And just like that, he could rest easy. 
Volume- very loud, he has to muffle himself sometimes even when with his partner. Moaning and almost screaming/squealing depending on the situation. (from a previous piece)
Jackoff-  rushed and hurried and only when he’s stressed and needs a break (from a previous piece)
Toy- definitely has a flesh light and maybe a few different vibrators, can honestly get the deed done though with a bit of lube and his hand. 
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
you dont have to but fluff number 9 with julian/lexi >:3c -Peach
I can’t say no to you Peach! Prompt came from HERE! Lexi is my apprentice!
Julian never really thinks about how coffee is always made for him in the morning- in fact, he never really thinks about how he’s actually been sleeping in (his version of sleeping in, of course) for the last couple of months. While most of his healing was done on his own terms, and he actually did work to go to bed earlier, he would not once deny that the fellow doctor who sipped from her own mug at the dining table, still bleary eyed and bed headed, had something to do with that too. He leans against the counter as he drinks his own coffee and gives a smile unbeknownst to him as he only stares at her for a time, taking note of the cute wisps of hair that flair out in messy strands. “Thank you for the coffee... you know me so well.”
Lexi starts to smile, then pauses to yawn into her mug. She sets the mug down and stretches her arms above her head before opening her eyes again, the same lost look of love in her emerald eyes that Julian swore he wandered into every single day. “Of course honey! After all- your heart is mine and mine is yours~ We just borrowed each others and never gave them back.”
He can’t help himself from giving a drowsy chuckle as he rounds the dining table and leans down to kiss her forehead. When he sets his mug down, his hands take purchase in rubbing her shoulders, unable to stop from just gently touching her, getting across just how sweet those honey-dipped words made him feel. “You’re such an eloquent poet... you always know the right thing to say...”
She looks up, eyes closed in bliss, and shrugs with her whisper, “Thanks. I actually read that last part on a fortune cookie... I’m glad I remembered it. For the record though- it is true~”
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
Could you do V and R for Julian, please? n.n
Volume and Risk for Julian~ ;)
The water is still steamy once you’ve dipped into the bath. Once more expertly mixed with salts and scents that Julian had picked out, it’s titillating to the senses just to completely submerge and come up. You look back at him just as you lift from the water and are greeted with his red cheeks and darting gaze. Julian gives the most audible gasp as you curl your finger in come hither, and he moves immediately to your command. 
The bathtub at home wasn’t big enough for two people. Oh how Julian had openly dreamt of the both of you helping each other wash, both hands in each other’s hair and nearly falling asleep at how comforting it was. Of course you bestowed him his wish, a dream you too desired, but now seeing you here in front of him and with the way you pulled him in closer… and closer… there was another desire that you both found much too difficult to tame. 
You were still washing him of course since that’s what a bath was supposed to be. Your hands stayed splayed on his chest, rubbing the suds over his form as you rose and fell on him in slow rhythm. Julian’s head stayed lolled back, eyes slipped shut and expression lax as he just let you move on him as desired. The warmth of the water was too much for his tired muscles, perfect, pleasured lethargy licking at every nerve in him until he was completely still except for the twitch in his cock and the throb of his fingers at your hips. 
He’s ludicrously loud, the sprinkles of your name scattered between glass shattering moans and groans. Within the chambers of the bath his noises bounce between the stone and almost echo. Your name will be branded in the marble walls by the time you’re done with him. 
Julian is so perfectly melded to you with only the slick of water and soap between your chests as you laid against the side of the bath. The sun was still sinking and painting the skies orange and pink. The air was starting to cool when Julian finally sat up and quipped, “Oh... Nadia surely won’t like that we’ve desecrated her bath...” Perhaps later you could tell him that she was the one to suggest it in the first place.
Risk- He doesn’t really realize how risky he’s being until after the fact, especially when it comes to being out in public with his partner. Might need to be reeled in a bit every now and again~
Volume- (also from a previous ask) Very loud. He’ll need to be muffled if you don’t want to be caught or unless you’re in a properly soundproofed room. Usually incomprehensible phrases or praises if not your name.
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
0w0 can I get some A Z Julian pls ily
Aftercare and ZZZ with Julian~ ;) And ily too
The moment his eyes widen, go hooded, and go lax- his entire body follows suit like perfect coordination. You love to watch the process of it, how his entire body, nearly every muscle and nerve, fires up and tenses only to go completely limp beneath your tender palm. And when he’s gone completely relaxed, you help him out of straps and binds and properly back into bed. 
You get up- and the moment you do, Julian is whining and extending his hands to you, pawing at the air for attention. “Oh hush,” you tell him. “I’ll be back in a second~” 
You know exactly what he needs: a warm rag, a glass of water, and his favorite lotion. Julian is practically mewling for you the moment you return, brandishing your loot as you sit back in bed beside him, helping him clean with the rag and then lotioning up the sore parts of his joints. It’s the massages that gets him, makes him purr, makes his smile go from pleased to completely soothed. 
He’s about ready to fall asleep when even calling his name doesn’t rouse him. You tug on his hand, open his fingers, and gently place the glass in his hand. As though knowing the chastising he’ll face if he doesn’t comply, Julian immediately sits up just enough to gulp down the water, finishing it off in a few swigs with a satisfied, dopey smile. When he places the glass down, you collapse in bed beside him finally, falling into arms he has outstretched for you. 
“Thank you, darling...” he whispers finally, and you’re glad you’ve brought him water since his voice is so hoarse. He loved it though, you can tell by his face, and sleep for once washes over instead of crashing or barely even meeting. And with you in his arms it is without nightmares. 
Aftercare- water for all that screaming and massage his muscles, they’re probably very sore ;-;
ZZZ- he usually either collapses in weakness or can barely get to bed, but after a good night like this... it’s a gentle wade into dreamland
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
a-k muriel?
A through K for Muriel~ ;)
Definitely a TON of cuddles. I would dare to say the sex itself is just sensual cuddling but aside from that, cuddles and probably helping each other clean up by the fire. Very in need of kisses. Seemingly not tired and could still very easily lift you either back into bed or into the tub for a wash. 
For him it’s his hands. Playing with his fingers, kissing his knuckles, nuzzling into his palms, makes him go over the moon. For you it’s your stomach and sides, just the most comforting feeling is to wrap his arms around you and ohmygod laying his head on your stomach while laying in bed and you’re playing with his hair? Best time of his life. 
Thick but honestly not that much and very little taste for some reason? Very light salty flavor and not bitter at all but because of how thick it is will stick to your tongue if you... yknow...
Dirty Secret-
Actually has a lot of wet dreams that he’s embarrassed about. He will never tell anyone, not even his partner about, especially since sometimes (very rarely but sometimes) he relieves himself in the morning at the thought of whomever it was about...
With himself he’s well versed but simply because he doesn’t like people he wouldn’t have had the chance to get around much. His first was most likely with you or maybe Asra. 
Favorite Position-
Missionary or riding him, anything as long as he gets to see and hold you close. He never wants a position where he or you is faced away because it’s comforting just to hold you. 
He won’t make jokes or goofy noises no, he much more appreciates the intimacy of the moment and wants to keep it that way. He’s not opposed to soft laughter though, especially if you’ve accidentally tickled him (in the ribs, do it, it’s so cute!)
(i’m so awkward about pubes I’m sorry) Same texture and color as rest of his hair but is a bit softer than you’d expect. He trims when it gets out of control but nothing too out of the way. 
Sex with Muriel is essentially sensual cuddling. He wants his hands on you, careful and gentle, and please touch and hold him in return he feeds off of it. He’s not motivated by release but to instead just stay in this moment with you. Any sexual moment with you, be it full on or a few handsy minutes, is absolutely perfect to him. 
He doesn’t do it unless he has to- and that has to comes around when he has a wet dream. He’s quick and to the point, and because he wants to get it over with it ends rather quickly. Only a few times has he ever pleasured himself for the sake of pleasure... and it was perfect. 
Creampies. Either filling you or being filled, honestly, but if it’s you he will have the deepest need to eat you out afterwards. The need is so great that sometimes he’ll be more forward and actually ask if he can.
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tcohs-messenger · 5 years
C, O, P with Asra? :3c
Cum, Oral, and Pace for Asra~ ;)
You know how he likes it, how he wants it, and for now there isn’t a single nerve in your body telling you to tease or annoy him. Not when he’s holding your cheek so sweetly. His fingers trace up your ears and into your hair, and in one moment you feel like you’re being praised in silent caresses.
But Asra isn’t silent. As you take half of him down, the flat of your tongue guiding him by the vein of his length, Asra gives heady whispers of your name. You can feel his thighs quake over your jaw. His palm on your cheek holds tighter, half intending to guide or to stop, you’re not sure which one.
So you glance up, watching through your lashes. His chest rises and falls in shallow, fast breaths. Asra’s eyes are hooded too, parted only enough for you to catch the pools of warmth and affection in his violet irises. His lips, open with wild abandonment to let free his songs for you. You know then how unfurled he was.
You pull back, watching as his cock hits back against his stomach in a sheen of your spit. His muscles tense and slowly calm as you lean in again, this time to lick him. Quick, light, over every inch from base to tip. Asra’s gasps grow louder. With a sprinkle of your name and to the heavens, he starts to grow silent just as you touch him head on, braced as his seed leaves him in long, heavy streaks over his stomach and chest.
It takes a few broad licks for you to devour all that he’s treated you to. The sting of salt is light but leaves your palate the moment you swallow. With the last bit of him on your lip, you finally raise up to kiss him, just as he likes it, a final taste of himself to seal how delectable a meal you’ve had together.
Cum- heavy loads, more salty than anything, much lighter in color and thickness
Oral- much prefers to give you oral but won’t turn down your offer. He prefers to cum on your face so he can lick it off.
Pace- slow and tantalizing. He wants it to last for a while if it’s particularly on himself. Prefers a slow incline that presses onward into a peak.
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