streiknine-blog · 6 years
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Task 001.
—Ted Hughes
Full Name: Vincent James Ouellet Nickname(s): Vin, Vinny, Strychnine, Striker; Strike Age: 28 Date of Birth: 13 February 1990 Hometown: Québec, Québec, Canada Current Location: Dertosa, California Ethnicity: white Nationality: Vincent is Canadian, but his mother was American, so he’s got dual citizenship Gender: cis male Pronouns: he/him Orientation: Vincent is bisexual — but also fun fact he’s never had sex Religion: agnostic — he doesn’t think too hard about it, but I could see him going for something like Roman Reconstructionalist if he actually put thought into it. Political Affiliation: (I don’t know stateside politics and neither does Vincent) Occupation: full-time Poison babey — see also: hitman Living Arrangements: he’s got a small apartment with sparse decorations — really what he was looking for when he got it was somewhere that he’d be able to relax and cook.
The kitchen is the most put-together part of the one-bedroom place, with well-loved pots, pans, and bakeware. A couple nice dishtowels in a white with navy stripes pattern hang from the handle of the oven, and a much more ragged bleach-worn dishtowel is usually seen on the counter (used for wiping up messes as they happen). Little (fake bullet) shell casing salt and pepper shakers sit on the back of the stove, along with a little porcelain rooster — “You have to have a rooster in the kitchen.” Vincent would say, “It’s good luck.” — which its paint is chipping from how old it is.
The living/eating area has a navy and grey rug that looks like he’s had it since he was in his early twenties (and, honestly, he has) and a dark-stained wooden table with four chairs — the insert to make it into a six person table for if he ever had the Poisons over sitting against the far wall, in plain sight — and just a single placemat, that is pastel and multi-coloured and looks like he stole it from a sixty year old’s kitchen décor, sitting on the table at all times.
He’s got a small, grey, apartment-sized couch that he likes to curl up an nap on, so there’s a throw blanket and a single pillow always on it.
Language(s) Spoken: English; French Accent: Light buzzing on ‘TH’, ‘Z’, and ’S’ sounds — a holdover from his Québécois upbringing; for the most part has a fairly neutral “Seattle accent” that he’s taught himself as a consequence of being around Americans and wanting to sound less ‘different’. Still has a light Québécois accent tinging his words.
Face Claim: Zane Holtz Hair Colour: dark brown Eye Colour: blue Height: 6’1” Weight: 220ish lbs Build: lorge Tattoos: n/a Piercings: n/a Clothing Style: Simple, dark sweaters (navy, forest green, maroon, black), white dress shirts (buttoned to the top), dark sports coats, charcoal or black slacks are the standard, but he’ll wear dark wash jeans occasionally. Usually the jeans are paired with a crisp dress shirt (in any of the sweater colours) that may be rolled to to the elbows. If he’s doing the sweater + dress shirt + jeans outfit, his favourite combination is his maroon sweater with a navy dress shirt. He thinks he looks fancy in it. He’s not opposed to wearing light, airy colours (like powder blue, or dusty pink) but he gets a bit self-conscious when he wears them — thinking that they don’t suit him well enough for him to pull it off. So he sticks to dark colours and neutrals. They’re easier to hide bloodstains anyway, and the white shirts can be bleached.
Fan of French cuffs but never wears them because cufflinks are easy to lose at a scene. When he’s not on the job he’s totally breaking out the French cuffs and his silver cufflinks. There’s the occasional t-shirt + sweatpants combo but usually reserved for when he isn’t going out anywhere/not seeing anyone but the other poisons or the flower he’s booked.
For accessories, he’s got a dark grey tungsten carbide band that he wears on his left ring finger.
Usual Expression: neutral, vaguely aggressive leaning. His eyebrows make him look mad when he’s not holding them up in some form of expression. Distinguishing Characteristics: I’d say his biggest distinguishing characteristic is that he is tall and wide — like not only is this kid over six feet tall, he’s jacked as shit too.
Physical Ailments: needs glasses, and he’s nearsighted — it’s partly why he prefers knives to guns. Neurological Conditions: nothing I can peg but I’m sure there’s Something. Allergies: n/a Sleeping Habits: king of the cat nap, and honestly whenever he can knock out he’s gonna. He snores too. Eating Habits: he eats a Lot and he’s decently healthy… please see his favourite food section for a more detailed food thing. Exercise Habits: Boy loves to workout — gotta keep fit for murder, y’know? He’s fond of free weights, and bars… boy loves a heavy deadlift, and he’s gotta bench press his friends at least once. He’s also one to do sprints for his cardio, especially resistance sprints. Gotta go fast.
He works until it burns and he’s comfortably sore. Totally one to have a protein shake with oats added after a hard workout.
Emotional Stability: Vincent isn’t necessarily the most emotionally competent but he’s also not especially volatile. He’s got his moments — blind fury or just enjoyment of a kill can cause him to go a lil overboard. When he laughs it’s a whole body laughs — boy’s gonna feel things all at once if he’s going to feel them at all. Sociability: He likes to be with other people but he is just so painfully awkward. He doesn’t quite realize sometimes that he’s making jokes that aren’t funny and that he should stop making poisoning jokes to the flower that is eating the meal he prepped himself but, hey, we can’t be perfect and Vinny certainly isn’t. Body Temperature: I’d say he’s a slight onto the warm side — summer is hell for him. Addictions: can I say the high of a kill? But nah he ain’t a straight up murder-obsessed guy, he just really loves that feeling. In all honesty, he loves sweet things. Drug Use: Never Alcohol Use: Rarely drinks — he doesn’t like the feeling of being drunk/tipsy, but he will go for a lite beer or two, or a mixed drink that is “light on the alcohol, heavy on the mix, please.”
Label: the aggressor; the cold-blooded; the loyalist Positive Traits: Fearless, determined, willing Negative Traits: Ruthless, detached Goals/Desires: his biggest thing is having a balance to things, it’s a driving force behind his actions. Fears: spiders — too many legs they creep him out. Hobbies: cooking, reading, watching movies Habits: absently rotates his wrists/cracks his fingers when he’s focused on something. Mutters in French under his breath if he’s trying to figure something out.
Weather: cold, crisp winter day with large snowflakes floating down lazily — not a flurry, just pleasant and relaxing. Probably around -15C / 5f. Colour: navy and light blue Music: top 40 hits — 22 year old Vincent was the type to sing along to ‘Call Me Maybe’ in his car by himself. Movies: comedies, supernatural themes, French and Québécois cinema. Sport: Lacrosse; hockey (fan of the Canadiens and the Maple Leafs) Beverage: Hot chocolate!
He’s one to pick the drink up from a coffee shop on the way to an appointment, or to make himself a fresh one after he’s back home. He has several different kinds of it — from those hot chocolate wands, to tins of powdered mix, to single-serve portions of it for a on-demand coffee machine — and he’s not picky. He likes the sweetness of it, and, if he’s getting one from a coffee shop, makes sure to ask for extra chocolate sauce. At home it depends how tired he is. It’ll either be basic, with just hot milk and melted chocolate or fancier on his days off with tiny marshmallows or peppermint syrup. He especially likes to make hot chocolate for those he considers friends.
Food: He’ll give most things a try, honestly.
He’s definitely fallen back on the ‘pan seared broccoli with wild rice and baked chicken breast (with smoked paprika, thyme, and black pepper)’ as a basic dinner meal for when he’s feeling lazy. If he’s not feeling lazy the sky is the fucking limit. He’ll make everything from a whole chicken or a roast with accompanying veggies, to stir-frying tofu and veggies. For lunch he’s usually eating something he’s packed — quinoa, lemon-dill salmon, asparagus; rare steak, sweet potatoes, broccolini; Cobb salad with an extra hardboiled egg or two; homemade “instant” ramen in a jar — and for breakfast he’ll either just straight up have a protein shake with oats and fruit, or some of the egg muffins he makes every few days (mushroom, cheese, ham,, quinoa) or he’ll really go all out and have French Toast or waffles.
Homemade stovetop mac n cheese is a comfort food he likes if he wants something quick (25 minutes, start to finish), but if he’s gonna make a comforting meal to distract himself he’s totally the type to go with a braised lamb sort of deal.
Animal: dogs
Father: Étienne Jean Ouellet (53); president of an insurance brokerage Mother: Lillian Grace Ouellet née Richardson (51); homemaker Sibling(s): none Children: n/a Pet(s): n/a Family’s Financial Status: solidly upper-middle class. Don’t you know the insurance business is practically a license to print money?
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius; 13 February 1990 MBTI: ISTJ Enneagram: type 8 — the challenger Temperament: melancholic Moral Alignment: totally pegged him as a Lawful Evil — uses murder to get his ends tidy, but has a strong sense of needing balance for things. Not one to just willy-nilly McMurder. Primary Vice: Wrath Primary Virtue: Charity Element: Earth
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ofxgrabba-blog · 6 years
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Full Name: Donald “Donnie” Lewis
Nickname(s):  To Dertosa, he’s Grabba.  To the rest of the world, he’s known as the TrapGod “The Don.”
Age: Twenty-Nine
Date of Birth: April 20th, 1988
Hometown: Dertosa, California
Current Location: Dertosa, California
Ethnicity: African-American
Nationality: American
Gender: Cis-Male 
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Hetero (romantic and sexual)
Religion: He was raised Episcopal, but he doesn’t practice it.
Political Affiliation: Leftist, but no real political affiliation.  
Occupation: He’s a singer and rapper, but now he’s mostly just a middle man to Heroin’s drug trade as he’s taking a hiatus from his music.
Living Arrangements: He lives in a large, modern home in the Jade District. (x)
Language(s) Spoken: English
Accent: He doesn’t think he has one, but he definitely has some sort of rap-influenced twang to his voice.
Face Claim: Michael B. Jordan
Hair Colour: Black, kinky curly hair but now he dons a buzz-cut with a fade so you don’t see the curls as much, but he definitely has the waves in his hair.  He used to wear his hair long when he was more of a singer, like this.  And then when he started getting more into rapping, he had played around with braids for a while, like here and twists like here.  Eventually, he just decided to cut it all off and that’s how he’s had his hair for a while, as seen here.
Eye Colour:  His eyes are dark brown, and he has really long, curly lashes.
Height: 5′11 and a half, so he often rounds it up to 6′0.
Weight: 155 pounds
Build: He used to have an average build, but he starting bulking up a lot more and now he’s definitely more muscular and lean.
Tattoos: His favorite tattoo was actually his first tattoo, the shape of Africa with The Eye of Horus in it.  It’s on his left shoulder blade, as seen here.  He also has his entire right sleeve covered, as pictured here. (Let’s pretend it’s real ok)
Piercings: He only has the standard lobe piercings.
Clothing Style: His daily clothes are definitely more a boujee-street style, but he certainly knows how to clean up and dress the part when he needs to. (Daily style: x, x, x || Event style: x, x, x)
Usual Expression: Donnie is usually very outgoing and charming, so he’s often got a smile of some sort on his lips.  Otherwise, his expression is usually neutral.
Distinguishing Characteristics: His full lips, curly lashes, impressive physique. 
Physical Ailments: N/a
Neurological Conditions: I’m sure some degree of narcissistic personality disorder, as a product of being constantly spoiled and adored as well as him becoming so big in the music industry. 
Allergies: Fish, pollen.
Sleeping Habits: Donnie hasn’t had a consistent sleep schedule in years.  He was used to running his body into the dirt and completely exhausting himself, often relying on coke to re-energize him throughout the day.  For years, he had gotten used to getting 5 or less hours of sleep a night, often staying up late in the studio or going out ‘til morning to party, and then performances and work-related stuff only harmed his sleep.  Now, he wakes and sleeps as he pleases, not necessarily worried about deadlines for music or performances as he’s taken an indefinite hiatus on his “journey to recovery.”  But really, he’s just been partying and occasionally making music.  He usually sleeps around 7 hours a night, which is definitely a boost for him, but it takes a long time for him to fall asleep.
Eating Habits: He tends to eat really healthily, taking fitness and physicality very seriously.  However, since he does smoke a lot of weed, he often satisfies his munchies with unhealthy foods.
Exercise Habits: Though he does partake in drug usage, he still takes very good care of his body.  During his transition from singing to rapping, he began working on his body a lot more; he decided that in order for him to be taken seriously as a man in the industry, he had to look and feel the part.  He goes on an hour-long run every morning, and five times a week he hit the gym with intensive training and plans on taking on MMA and boxing.
Emotional Stability: He would probably rate himself about an 8/10, given the struggles he deals with with his sobriety and his self-hatred for the accident.  However, he doesn’t seem to recognize his issues with his personality.  Like perhaps, his inflated ego, or his intense strive to be the best of the best.  Really, he’s probably like a 6/10.
Sociability: While he definitely does require time alone, whether it be merely for his thoughts or for his work, Donnie is a very sociable and outgoing person.  He tends to make friends wherever he goes, just because of his fun nature, but he often does it as a form of distraction for him.  If he talks to and meets a bunch of new people, he doesn’t have to think about all the people in his life that he’s lost, hurt, or those that have hurt him.
Body Temperature: Pretty average, leaning more on the warmer side.
Addictions: Cocaine, Xanax, Percocets, codeine.
Drug Use: Cocaine, Xanax, Percocets, codeine, pot, and the occasional psychedelics for musical purposes.  He smokes weed everyday, and his cocaine usage has cut back significantly compared to when he was actively performing and stuff, but addiction is hard to break, God dammit.  And he doesn’t necessarily want to break it yet anyways — it feels good.  Everything else, he does semi-regularly. 
Alcohol Use:  He enjoys drinking, but not as much as he enjoys his drugs.  However, he is a regular drinker — anything was better than nothing.
Label: The Trap God || The Lost One
Positive Traits: ambitious, confident, charming, creative, generous, intelligent, versatile
Negative Traits: arrogant, compulsive, greedy, indulgent, quick-tempered, selfish, vain
Goals/Desires: To be the best, to be respected, to do whatever the fuck he wants.  He ultimately just wants to be happy with his life.
Fears: To fail, not getting the respect he deserves, disappointing his parents, losing everything.
Hobbies: Running, doing drugs, having parties, flirting, exercising, making music, sex.
Habits: He has a habit of breaking into a free-style rap, or singing/humming harmonies.  He also tends to tap along to beats or make his own using his fingers.  He bounces his feet a lot, usually one at a time, and he often looks at his reflection.
Weather: Summer for sure — seeing all those women sundresses are the best.
Colour: Black, olive green, or taupe.
Music: Genres // Rap R&B, trap, soul.  Artists // Drake, Future, Travis Scott, Bryson Tiller, Kehlani, Brent Faiyaz
Movies:  Genres // Crime, action, comedy, horror, admittedly some chick flicks Movies // Scarface, The Wolf of Wall Street, Kill Bill, The Hangover, Clueless
Sport: Football, basketball, MMA, boxing, fighting in general.
Beverage: Hennessy, beer, or water.
Food: His favorite meals are definitely his stoned creations, but he tries to eat healthily for the most part.  He genuinely enjoys chicken caesar salads.
Animal: Wolves, bulls, lions.
Father: Gerald Lewis (57)
Mother: Vanessa Lewis (54) 
Sibling(s): N/a — he was an only child and a miracle baby for the Lewis’
Children: None... That he knows of.
Pet(s): He doesn’t trust himself to take care of a pet, but he really does want to get a Rottweiler. 
Family’s Financial Status: Upper middle class/Lower upper class.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
MBTI: ENFP (The Campaigner)
Enneagram: Type 3 (The Performer)
Temperament: Sanguine
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: Pride and Gluttony
Primary Virtue: Liberality and Kindness
Element: Fire
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𝙸 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝.   𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚔𝚗𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚎𝚜   𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚐𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜.  
𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎.
Full Name: Valentine Segreti (no middle name)
Nickname(s): Val, Bomber, Bomb. Tiny to very, very, very few in his past.
Age: 41
Date of Birth: Feb. 16th, 1977
Hometown: Dertosa lol. He’s never left.
Current Location: Dertosa, oh boy. This is depressing.
Ethnicity: Sicilian. There’s something else, too but God knows what. Guy’s a mutt.
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: tragically het/het
Religion: Agnostic. You get a fist to your head as many times as he has and try to tell him there’s a God.
Political Affiliation: That’s laughable.
Occupation: Head of Security at Forbidden Vices
Living Arrangements: He lives on his own in a small apartment not too far from Vices.
Language(s) Spoken: English
Accent: He’d say he doesn’t have one. The inflection of his voice is very rough, though.
Face Claim: Jon Bernthal
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: dark brown
Height: 6′3��
Weight: 210lbs
Build: Fit, athletic. Despite not having boxed in years he’s in the gym keeping it tight and right because that’s the only life he knows.
Tattoos: Val’s arms, legs, and chest are covered in a variety of odds and ends, none of which are particularly meaningful to him. His tattoos mostly consist of the type of flash pieces you see hanging on the walls of tattoo parlors. Eagles, playing cards, pretty women, panthers, crosses, etc.
Piercings: No piercings.
Clothing Style: Val dresses in what’s comfortable and practical for him. He’s no fashionista, but he dresses okay. A typical outfit for him would be boots, denim, a white or black tee, and either a leather or denim jacket.
Usual Expression: Relaxed, contemplative.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Val’s nose, which takes over his face in a unique way. It’s a product of years of being broken and healed over and over and over again. He got lucky though, in that he’s still got a pretty good looking mug, unlike the rest of those underground boxing fuckers.
Physical Ailments: HAHAHA shit Because of the nature of his past “occupation”, Valentine’s body is fubar. His joints click. His shoulders frequently pain him from past lacerations that weren’t healed properly. The same goes for his knees. His hands swell in the night when not in use. Basically, if you name a part of his body he can tell you something that’s wrong with it. Aside from the important parts, wink wink, nudge nudge.
Neurological Conditions: Mild memory and cognitive issues due to multiple concussions.
Allergies: Does bullshit count? None.
Sleeping Habits: Val goes through phases of sleeping really well or not sleeping at all.
Eating Habits: He’s a human garbage can. He will eat almost anything that’s given to him. He loves home-cooked food, but he’s not a good cook, himself. His diet basically consists of whatever he can grab quickly and doesn’t have to think too much about. That being said, he does eat often, and loves to snack. He’s almost always hungry.
Exercise Habits: Valentine goes to the gym daily and spends the majority of the daylight hours there. He doesn’t have much else to do in the daytime besides sleep.
Emotional Stability: Despite having plenty of demons and sorrows of his own, Valentine is a pretty stable guy considering. The only thing that throws him out of whack is when someone tests him hard enough to make him snap, because that is when he switches gears and can become extremely hostile.
Sociability: Val prefers being around others. When he’s alone he has too much freedom to start thinking, and when he starts to think he starts to become depressed. For this reason he is rarely by himself, but rather out in public.
Body Temperature: Val is very hot-natured. He’s always warm, but he doesn’t feel warm, himself. He’s like a human heating pad lol.
Addictions: In the past he was addicted to a number of stimulants. It wasn’t the drugs, themselves, that he was addicted to, but rather the action of taking them because of his own mental issues that he didn’t know how to handle before getting sober.  
Drug Use: See above. Cocaine and speed were big factors in his addiction.
Alcohol Use: After he was dumped by his coach and the underground boxing crowds, Valentine became an alcoholic to deal with his bodily pains and the fact that he had nowhere and no one to turn to. This ended when he was taken in by the drinks, specifically with Drink #2.
Label: The Loyalist, The Ghost
Positive Traits: Adaptable, easygoing, faithful, loyal, powerful, straightforward, tough
Negative Traits: Detached, impatient, indecisive, moody, stubborn
Goals/Desires: To protect the Drinks and Vices to the best of his ability. To not fall to addiction again. To open up enough to let others close to him.
Fears: Addiction, drowning (he cannot swim), ending up all alone.
Hobbies: He keeps a pretty mean fish tank in his apartment. The sound of it helps him sleep. He also collects auto magazines, but that’s just a fancy way of saying he’s a hoarder and doesn’t want to throw them out. Sometimes he will coach hopeful young boxers at the local gym he works out at if he’s asked. It’s not exactly a hobby, but sometimes Val will drive out of Dertosa to the outlying desert just to see something that big. He never goes much further than that.
Habits: Val is almost constantly cracking his knuckles and various joints in his body that pop. He snaps his fingers at his sides sometimes when he’s thinking. He likes to whistle. He can never sit in a chair quite right; he’s either leaning back or stretched out, never upright. He clenches his jaw frequently. Like any good Italian, he’s prone to gesture with his hands when he speaks.  
Weather: He loves when it rains at night and you can see steam rising off asphalt.
Colour: He doesn’t have a favorite, but he’s partial to red.
Music: Classic rock, mostly. He likes hiphop, rap, and some of the trap stuff that’s been released lately even though it all sounds the same.
Movies: Action films. He doesn’t keep up with Hollywood or recent films, but he loved the Fast & Furious series.
Sport: MMA, Boxing, Wrestling
Beverage: Arizona brand fruit punch in the 99 cent can.
Food: Oh god anything. He loves a good burrito or bowl of pasta best.
Animal: Dogs. Jesus Christ he loves dogs so much.
Father: Who?
Mother: Her name was Marianne Segreti, but she went by a different name on the streets. She died in ‘97 when he was 19. He doesn’t like to talk about it, or her.
Sibling(s): None? Honestly he probably has some half-siblings out in the world somewhere.
Children: None. He always did want a daughter though. He’s just never had the opportunity.
Pet(s): He has fish. They’re all named Fish. He wants a dog but he doesn’t want the responsibility.
Family’s Financial Status: He was dirt poor growing up. His mother had no extra money outside of what was used to rent motel rooms for her and Valentine to sleep in at night. He wasn’t wealthy, but he became moderately affluent during the height of his illegal boxing career, but that was short lived. He does okay now.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Enneagram: Type 5 - The Observer
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Moral Alignment: True Neutral
Primary Vice: Envy
Primary Virtue: Humility
Element: Earth
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bridgetloi-blog · 6 years
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Full Name: Bridget Madeline Lôi.
Nickname(s): Bridgie  Gin. Probably more. Make a loud enough noise in her direction and her ears will perk up. 
Age: Twenty-One.
Date of Birth: October 13th, 1997.
Hometown: Dertosa.  
Current Location: Dertosa. 
Ethnicity: Vietnamese. 
Nationality: American. 
Gender: Cis Female.
Pronouns: She/her.
Orientation: Bi across the board. 
Religion: Agnostic.
Political Affiliation: Left. Hates the System, in a vague sort of way. 
Occupation: Waitress. 
Living Arrangements: Rents a studio, roughly lower-middle class. Only other resident is a potted palm that is trying to kill itself, despite Bridget’s valiant efforts. 
Language(s) Spoken: Vietnamese, English.
Accent: None. When speaking Vietnamese, it tends to reflect a south-central dialect.   
Face Claim: Lana Condor. 
Hair Colour: Black.
Eye Colour: Brown.
Height: 5′2
Weight: 114 pounds.
Build: Short, petite- slightly stocky, in the way a cheerleader might be built. 
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: Both lobes, three on her left helix, and two on her right. 
Clothing Style: See post. Iridescent, holographic ankle boots. Platform heels. Slinky black dresses. Sleeveless band tees. Ripped black denim. Fake pink fur. Flannel. Items in fuschia or violet. Short skirts. A mess, occasionally. Pretty, occasionally. 
Usual Expression: Half a smile at the corner of her mouth, can fluctuate quickly.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Shimmery lipgloss. A hand on the hip, in a very pointed sort of way. Neon nail-polish. A very long, sleek, ponytail. 
Physical Ailments: None. 
Neurological Conditions: Learning disorder, specifically dyslexia.
Allergies: None.
Sleeping Habits: A mess. Works late, sleeps late, roams around the house at five AM with a fistful of Sourpatch candy. Sleeps in her socks like an absolute monster. Working at a bar will do that you. 
Eating Habits: Generally healthy fare. Has a crippling sweet tooth that gets the best of her- has been known to graze on jolly ranchers during work, eat an unsettling amount of cotton candy on her days off. Bridget is lucky she’s so militant about flossing. 
Exercise Habits: Played field hockey in high-school, and was also a flyer on the cheerleading squad. Likes frequent kickboxing and judo, will spar alongside Frenchie. 
Emotional Stability: Well. She certainly feels things, and feels them intensely. I’d say a six? Weak seven? Bridget can recognize and identify her emotions just fine. She just isn’t always in the front seat when controlling them. 
Sociability: Absolute extrovert. Loves socialization, even if she doesn’t particularly LIKE the person she’s socializing with. It’s rare to find her over-stimulated by people, but it’s happened a few times when fatigued. 
Body Temperature: A tad on the warmer side. 
Addictions: None. 
Drug Use: Socially. Indulges in simple pleasures when alone- who doesn’t love a fat joint? 
Alcohol Use: Her job itself, and her personality, means that she will drink a lot. She will drink buckets, in social situations. 
Label: The entertainer. 
Positive Traits: curious, sociable, intuitive, rational. 
Negative Traits: impatient, self-indulgent, prickly, violent. 
Goals/Desires: Wants, in her heart of hearts, to find contentment. A future that lends her enough freedom to be comfortable. Not working under anyone else, not entrenched in a life of crime that will only lead to more trouble. Doesn’t mind crime, per say. Just doesn’t want to be bossed around like her father was. Strives to also never take anything too seriously to the point where she can’t enjoy the present. 
Fears: Not being in control of her life’s direction. (Even if her current direction is bad). Spiders. Spiders that disappear under her couch. Pelicans.  
Hobbies: Not exactly a regular hobby, but kicks ass at jumprope. Likes visiting botanical gardens. Doodling. Likes going to the movies on weekends. Baking, occasionally. Wants to learn how to play the drums. 
Habits: Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Playing idly with her ponytail when annoyed. Pursing her mouth. 
Weather: Summer nights, when the air feels close, but not uncomfortable. Dead of winter, blankets of snow. 
Colour: Fuschia. Violet. Anything eye-straining. Black. 
Music: AFRICA, BY TOTO. Everything else is secondary. Loves 80′s music. Loves Depeche Mode. LOVES trashy pop. Kesha, Cobra Starship. BRITNEY, bitch. Picky about classic rock. 
Movies: Jennifer’s Body. True Grit. Troll 2. The Descent. The Fall. Little Shop of Horrors. Bad horror films fished out of the Walmart bargain bin. The Revenant. 
Sport: Football. Cheer. Rugby. 
Beverage: Coffee, but black, no sugar or cream. Cherry Coke. Milkshakes. Gin. Lemonade sweet enough to rot your teeth. 
Food: Birthday cake ice cream.  The entire menu from IN-N-OUT. 
Animal: Dogs. Parrots. Goldfish. 
Father: Peter Loi. Fifty-Three. Drug dealer. 
Mother: Angelica Phan. Unknown. Unknown. 
Sibling(s): Erik Loi. Thirty. Drug dealer. 
Children: None.
Pet(s): Sadly, none. Would probably want like, a tropical reef tank. A cute pufferfish. 
Family’s Financial Status: Middle class. Not particularly stable, considering occupation. 
Zodiac Sign: Technically a Libra. More Gemini/Leo energy, however. 
Enneagram: Type 7. The Enthusiast. 
Temperament: Choleric. 
Moral Alignment: Chaotic neutral. 
Primary Vice: Wrath. 
Primary Virtue: Chastity. 
Element: Fire. 
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rebelliumhq-blog · 6 years
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Full Name: Nicholas Afonso Ross 
Nickname(s): Cypress to Toxins, Ross to old friends, Nicky to a select few, and Fonz to two of his (purposefully) distant aunts
Age: Twenty-nine
Date of Birth: June 18th, 1989
Hometown: Everett, Washington
Current Location: Dertosa, California
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Portuguese by one set of grandparents
Nationality: American
Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Bi(sexual/romantic)
Religion: Atheist 
Political Affiliation: The only politics Nick pays attention to happens within county lines tbh
Occupation: The one with the least paid vacation hours in town, of course. Cypress has been a flower for more than seven years now, but Nick has worked several odd jobs around Dertosa to get extra money over that time. For now, Nightshade is keeping his pocket padded enough to kick his feet up more often than not 
Living Arrangements: Designated apartment on top of the Garden of Eden, which he refers to jokingly as the penthouse
Language(s) Spoken: English, a functional amount of Spanish
Accent: Next to none – Nicky’s got that neutral, low n’ confident mid-western radio voice when he’s speaking naturally. He’s good at accent-matching with a conversational partner as well and tends to consciously or otherwise pick up on people’s tics and modulations the longer he’s talking to them
Face Claim: Shiloh Fernandez 
Hair: Dark brown, cut himself and permanently mussed unless preventative measures have been taken beforehand
Eyes: Hazel, just distantly hinting at green
Height: The body says 5′10 but the attitude says 6′5
Weight: Between 145-150 lbs
Build: More uber-lean organic than classic Beef - he’s thin, but not entirely without muscle
Tattoos: Two, on the back of his left hand and his right forearm. Both are pre-Dertosa and both were gotten entirely just for the aesthetics.
Piercings: 16 y/o Nicky totally got The Hoop™️ (though it’s only in about 60% of the time nowadays)
Clothing Style: Usually keeps it simple. The go-to is a dark long sleeved v-neck t-shirt and a well-fitting pair of black jeans: easy to coordinate, but not too sloppy in case he gets suddenly called in to a job. He’s got a passion for henley’s, a few crisp white collared shirts stashed in the back of the closet for special occasions (or catering clients), a tendency to forget about the top couple of buttons, and an occasional tangle of necklaces, but always only a single silver ring ( x  x  x )
Default Expression: That type of neutral you can read just about anything into -- his eyebrows look just a little bit raised, like he’s either amused or doubting what you’re saying, but he’s definitely paying attention to it.
Distinguishing Characteristics: You can narrow him down pretty quick by either hair, the two tattoos, or the passionate hand gesturing in midst of a conversation. 
Physical Ailments: N/A
Neurological Conditions: N/A
Allergies: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Erratic, well-established from when he was younger. Nicky’s never been able to go to sleep early a day of his life so while he’s far from a morning person, he’s also way too much of an overthinker-type to wallow around alone in bed and ends up inevitably kicking his own ass out before ten almost every day unless he’s absolutely exhausted. Consistently has bizarre dreams that he rarely remembers. High-functioning on his standard five to six hours, with the help of morning coffee.
Eating Habits: He’s trying to be healthy, he promises, but his best friend is still skillet-friendly breakfast food and a microwave and if it’s a portable meal, even better. 
Exercise Habits: He ran track and field in high school and after graduating promptly never formally exercised again. A little bit of typical living room fitness, has been slowly getting back into running this past year, still doesn’t break more than twice a week when he remembers to do the damn thing, but when he does he tends to go until his lungs burn and his legs wobble underneath him to make up for it.
Emotional Stability: I thought of like five different numbers and changed my mind because I honestly have no idea. Does it count as stable if you’re emotionally in flux but you’re doing it consistently? There’s no way to avoid stress or frustration or over-stimulation in this line of work, Nick at this point embraces it and lets the adrenaline call the shots and get him back to neutrality later. 
Sociability: God, listen, Nicky’s such a fucking extrovert but he doesn’t LET himself fully flourish the way he should. He digs having a wide circle of people and he likes conversation and he likes to have a good time, but he ain’t gonna Trust Like That right off the bat in Dertosa. He’ll weaponize his extroversion for his own use here.
Body Temperature: Average, on the cooler side
Addictions: Making stupid decisions for fun when he clearly knows the smarter option
Alcohol Use: Social with an edge
Drug Use: Better than it used to be...
Label: The Performer, The Hidden Depths, The Analyzer, or The Deadpan Snarker
Positive Traits: Confident, intuitive, adaptable, clever, persistent
Negative Traits: Mercurial, suspicious, cocky, impulsive, withdrawn 
Goals/Desires: Freedom, independence, a reclamation of his social status. To be self-sustaining, whatever it takes. To leave his mark, one way or another, on the city or the world. 
Fears: Claustrophobia – specifically underground. Fatal illness. A complete loss of control, or more importantly: dignity. The complete sort of failure that makes one reliant on others for the rest of their lives. The type of failure that would prove his family, still entirely ignorant of his situation, right. 
Hobbies: Collecting old movie posters, fucking around on his ancient piano keyboard, keeping his own special little coded notes of a sort (his back-up for all information he qualifies as need-to-know, but written down in choppy word-association type bulletpoints that are nigh-incomprehensible if a stranger was handed them on the street. The people that know Nicky/TC well enough to pick apart some references just might be able to crack it).
Habits: Mussing his hair, ‘spacing’ aka retreating in the middle of a conversation, so much eyebrow raising, putting his feet up whenever he can get away with it, locking his front door behind him every time he comes home, even if it’s just for a short stop. Walking absolutely everywhere. A huffed laugh or a low chuckle instead of loud and outright cackling. Letting his silence and his gaze ask his questions for him. And one clear nervous tic: licking his lips. If he’s stressed out over a long enough time, they inevitably start getting chapped and he’ll pick at it until he makes himself bleed if the stress is pervasive enough.
Weather: Overcast n’ a little breezy, or a classic Cali hot summer night.  
Colour: Dark blue or green
Music: Cage the Elephant, Tom Waits, The Smiths, Portishead, Joni Mitchell
Movies: Vertigo, Snowpiercer,Trainspotting, Alien, The Night of the Hunter
Sport: Will go in hard on pick-up soccer but never follows any teams
Beverage: Coffee with sugar and no cream, or a Guinness 
Food: Literally anything involving pasta. Would also sell state secrets for really good dim sum.
Animal: Man’s best friend, but he was totally one of those kids that was really into wolves.
Father: Victor Ross (61), salesman
Mother: Frances Ross, née Holland (56), secretary 
Sibling(s): Carolina Ross (31) and Angela Ross (33)
Children: N/A
Pet(s): None currently, but he has great memories of his childhood family dogs
Family’s Financial Status: Comfortably middle class
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
MBTI: ESTP, the Entrepreneur 
Enneagram: Type 3, the Performer
Temperament: Choleric
Moral Alignment: True neutral 
Primary Vice: Pride (followed by Envy)
Primary Virtue: Diligence (followed by Temperance) 
Element: Earth
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whiiskeys · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Virginia May Crowder — nicknamed NIA since childhood.
NICKNAME(S): To those who are familiar to her, RYE is her chosen name. Otherwise, she’s strictly WHISKEY or MS. WHISKEY (depending on how formal the situation is). To a lucky (very) few, she’s Nia. If she allows you to call her by her given name, you’re in.
AGE: Thirty-eight.
D.O.B.: March 7th, 1980.  
HOMETOWN: Dertosa, California.
CURRENT LOCATION: Detrosa, California.
ETHNICITY: White (primarily Irish) on her father’s side. Black on her mother’s (Ethiopian).
GENDER: Cisgender female.
PRONOUNS: She/her.
ORIENTATION: Bi(romantic/sexual).
RELIGION: None. There was no mention of God in her household, and she sees no reason in crawling to him on her knees now.
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Independent, though she seldom participates in politics.
OCCUPATION: Co-owners of Vices (and, by extension, Forbidden Vices).
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Lives in a comfortable loft in the city. She likes the bustle, the energy, the noise, and would be hard pressed to give that up in favor of the seclusion of the suburbs. She grew up in a house with quite a bit of property, and she now associates the quiet with unnerving memories — namely, the one that got her father taken away from good.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, a small amount of Spanish.
ACCENT: The slightest hint of a Georgia twang, picked up because she mimicked her father when she was younger. Because she lived a relatively sheltered life, only exposed to California kids during school hours, she learned to speak like her Southern parents.
FACE CLAIM: Ruth Negga.
HAIR COLOUR: A deep, near-black brown.
EYE COLOUR: Chocolate brown.
HEIGHT: A misleading 5′2 (her presence makes her appear much larger).
WEIGHT: A sinewy, muscled 120 lbs.
BUILD: Strong and sturdy, like a gymnast. Her muscles are short-twitch, compact, made for sprinting. She can pack one hell of a punch, and her kicks could definitely knock a jaw off its hinges. There’s nothing diminutive about her.
PIERCINGS: One in each ear.
CLOTHING STYLE: If she’s trying to project an air of professionalism, she’ll go for something simple but with a bit of flair — like a dark suit with a bold shirt underneath, or a classic suit in a vibrant color (since she doesn't mind some attention). Otherwise, girl vacillates between dresses and beanies, between jeans and a fringed motorcycle jacket and something a little more girly. Her Doc Martens and moto jacket are definitely her prized possessions, however.
USUAL EXPRESSION: Relatively neutral. She’s not an asshole right off the bat; more than anything, she’s efficient. She’s not going to waste time on small talk, and you better not waste hers.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: The beauty marks that spot her face, like a smattering of stars. The free way she walks, hips swinging. Her voice, which is loud and commanding without any effort. Her stare, which can morph from warm to ice-cold within seconds (a trick she inherited from her father).
PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Only the occasional splits in her knuckles or pulled muscle from running or boxing (her two chosen exercises in order to remain strong enough to defend herself).
ALLERGIES: Cats. Get those fuckers away from her.
SLEEPING HABITS: Consistently sleeps about five hours a night. There’s simply too much to be done, too many dreams that need capturing, too many ideas that need to be implemented. She can’t afford to waste nighttime hours — the day is short enough as it is.
EATING HABITS: Much more irregular. Often she foregoes meals in favor of something on-the-go, or something in liquid form (i.e: her favorite dark beer, or even a cabernet if she’s feeling fancy). However, she is partial to a good mac and cheese — her mother’s was her absolute favorite as a child.
EXERCISE HABITS: Runs six miles each morning, every day, without fail. Similarly, she tries to get a couple matches at the boxing gym, or at least knock a few out on a bag. She has a lot of frenetic energy, and a lot of aggression that she tries to keep at bay, so the physical activities are necessary parts of her day.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Rye probably ranks a 10/10 on emotional stability, whereas Nia herself is somewhere around an 8. She has her moments, but she generally manages to keep herself neutral, mild, and unaffected. In truth, she’s father sensitive about certain things, and she’s definitely got a soft interior when it comes to her fellow Drinks. She is joyful when around them, and loves to witness their happiness. Anything happens to them, and she’ll go into efficient Amy-Dunne-frame-a-motherfucker-for-my-murder mode. She’s capable of it, too.
SOCIABILITY: Rye is truthfully a social being, though that doesn’t necessarily extend to everyone. Again, it’s her fellow Drinks that she most prefers (and a select few in particular). Though she doesn’t necessarily tell them, she certainly demonstrates her love for them. She’s a total mama bear.
BODY TEMPERATURE: Despite all her energy, she’s usually cold. It’s like her body knew she would constantly be running around, covering this problem or that, and so gifted her with superhumanly cool blood in order to keep her from sweating profusely. When she’s stationary, her body goes into shock — it demands a blanket, heat, something. She likes to curl up around a fire.
ADDICTIONS: Does moving count? She can’t stop and sit still. Other than that, nothing. She doesn’t allow herself to get too addicted to anything — everything is okay in moderation.
DRUG USE: None, besides the occasional melatonin when her mind simply won’t cease buzzing.
ALCOHOL USE: Regular, but nothing excessive. Definitely not beyond the one-drink-a-night on average, despite her work.
LABEL: The Ambitious, The Mafia Princess, The Pariah, The Loyalist.
POSITIVE TRAITS: adaptive, creative, committed, efficient, determined, flexible, honest.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aloof, bull-headed, blunt, obsessive, rude, disinterested, distant.
GOALS/DESIRES: To continue to run Vices efficiently, providing a good working environment for her employees (and a positive experience for her customers). Additionally, she wants to expand business, make it even more of a spectacular — she has a few ideas about some underground operations, but she’s keeping that hush hush so far (until she can sway Moonshine over to her side — quite a feat)
FEARS: Failure.
HOBBIES: What are hobbies? Girl is always working.
HABITS: Picking at her cuticles. Absently gnawing on her lip. Leaning her head against her hand; cocking it sideways. Going glassy-eyed when someone bores her (she can’t help it!) Stopping people when she feels they’re wasting her time. Speaking bluntly, which can often come across as rude. Cutting to the chase. Smacking people who are close to her on the shoulder, or otherwise getting physical with them. Laughing too loud.
WEATHER: A warm seventy-five degrees. Alternately, nighttime and storming. She loves a moody sky, smeared with dark blues and grays.
COLOUR: She doesn’t really have a favorite, but blue’s a good one. Purple, too.
MUSIC: Classic rock. Give her some Nirvana and she’s good to go.
MOVIES: The movies from her childhood. Other than that, she doesn’t really watch TV.
SPORT: Give her MMA and she’ll go hog-wild. She’s also partial to Basketball (go Golden State).
BEVERAGE: Despite her name, she rarely enjoys a whiskey. Instead, she’ll opt for a simple Belgian beer or a Cabernet.
FOOD: Mac and cheese. That is all.
ANIMAL: Dogs. She wants one of those fucking Labradoodle things in spite of herself.
FATHER: Virgil Joe Crowder / Seventy-eight / Infamous Dertosa crime lord (currently imprisoned with over a dozen life sentences).
MOTHER: Aisha Dawit / Sixty / Housewife.  
SIBLING(S): Julius Beau Crowder / Forty-three / who the hell knows? Not Nia.
PET(S): N/A.
FAMILY’S FINANCIAL STATUS: Wealthy and then, just as swiftly, impoverished.
ENNEAGRAM: The Achiever.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: True neutral.
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agentflanders-blog · 6 years
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                                                                                              — STATISTICS 
“When a body is burned, the heart is the last organ to oxidize. While the rest of the body can catch flame like a polyester sheet on campfire, it takes hours to burn the heart to ash.”
FULL NAME: Claire Elise Flanders 
NICKNAME(S): Claire-Bear ( by her father, on the rare occasions she actually saw him ), Larry ( by her younger sister Eleanor, because ‘Claire’ proved difficult for the lisping toddler to pronounce ), Flanders ( by former partners and familiar coworkers ), CUNT ( behind her back, of course, though she’s not unaware of it )
AGE: Thirty
D.O.B.: October 3rd, 1987
HOMETOWN: Belvedere, California
CURRENT LOCATION: Detrosa, California
ETHNICITY: White; Finnish on her father’s side, Swedish and French on her mother’s
GENDER: Cisgender female
ORIENTATION: Hyporomantic bisexual 
RELIGION: Lapsed Christian / stubborn atheist  
OCCUPATION: Special Agent for the FBI, formerly a detective with the LAPD
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Currently living out of a dive motel on the outskirts of Detrosa; she refuses to settle, and the FBI is paying her expenses anyway. The only money that comes out of her pocket is for alcohol ( a sizable chunk of change, if you have Claire’s habits ) 
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, Spanish, a bit of French 
ACCENT: Generic American. Flat affect. 
FACE CLAIM: Alicia Vikander 
HAIR COLOUR: A natural, virgin chocolate-brown. The ends get sun-dyed.
EYE COLOUR: A deep, warm brown with a distinct yellow cast to them; like caramel. 
HEIGHT: A misleading 5′6 ( she appears proportionally smaller than she is ). 
WEIGHT: A slim 115 lbs ( blame scarcely eating for her diminutive frame ). 
BUILD: Skinny, not slim. Knob-kneed, muscles protruding because of lack of food and not actual bulk. 
TATTOOS: Only one: ELLE, stamped across her hipbone, flanked by a daisy. 
PIERCINGS: One in each ear ( done when she was a baby ). 
CLOTHING STYLE: If she’s working, she tends to wear button-ups and black slacks or jeans, along with comfortable Doc Martens. If she’s off, you’re more likely to find her in some flimsy tank ( for comfort, not fashion ) and slouchy jeans. A Ramones tee hanging off her shoulders. Think haphazard and monochromatic. She scoops up whatever t-shirts she can find secondhand and pairs them with one of her two demolished pair of dark jeans. If it’s cold, she’ll throw on her faux-leather jacket. That’s about it as far as fashion is concerned. Rings, rings, rings. She likes rings because she often absently digs them into the flesh of her legs; hers are particularly pointy, particularly given to drawing blood. 
USUAL EXPRESSION: Prickly. Standoffish. Sarcastic. Blunt. Then, there’s that unmistakable madness in her eyes; sad, lonely, broken. Like a fire still alive in her irises. 
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: She has two long, deep scars from her two wrist surgeries. They are both long and gashed along her vein, ugly and pink. She likes to cover them up and can usually be seen clutching her shirtsleeves in her palms. The scars from where she cuts herself, mostly on the inner thigh. Just little ticks, like she’s tallying something. 
PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Chronic insomnia. Further, Claire is left-handed, a choice to minimize the damage to her right (which she needs working). Her right wrist landed peculiarly in her fall, and it has never worked properly since.
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS: Diagnosed PTSD, depression, and ADHD. Self-medicated anxiety disorder. Alcoholism. Opioid addiction. Trichotillomania. 
SLEEPING HABITS: Erratic. She tends to go through bouts of regulating herself to sleeping at around eleven-midnight, and then others of insomnia ( where she often doesn’t fall asleep until four in the morning, if ever ). Usually she falls asleep drunk, and fully clothed. If she doesn’t, she leaves her clothing on just the same (on the off chance that she’ll have to flee in the middle of the night because another fire is nipping at her heels). It’s an odd habit that she has had since her childhood. 
EATING HABITS: Similarly irregular. Oftentimes she forgets to eat, and when she remembers, she always reaches for something palatable rather than nutritious. For her, that means something sweet, like a donut or a candy bar. Quick, goes down easy, fuels her for a while. 
EXERCISE HABITS: Runs on occasion, though that’s more to quiet her mind than anything else. To stop herself from slicing into herself again, again, again. 
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Claire probably ranks a 4/10 on emotional stability, though that is not necessarily demonstrated outwardly. To most, she would appear to be mild, unaffected. In truth, she’s a deeply emotional human being, and she feels things very strongly, which makes her very mercurial. Her mind is a difficult place to be. When she is sad, it is suffocating. When she is joyful, which is rarely, she feels like a live current. 
SOCIABILITY: Claire prefers being alone to anything, but can become very depressed when she hasn’t seen anyone in a long time. She doesn’t want to admit it, but company is necessary for her. She was once a very social child, but she grew into a reclusive adult; something which was borne of trauma, not her natural inclinations. 
BODY TEMPERATURE: She runs very hot. Touch her hands and they’ll feel like embers; it’s why she likes her air-conditioning up very high. Her room feels like an icebox. 
ADDICTIONS: Alcohol, opioids, cutting. 
DRUG USE: She was first prescribed opioids when she was young in order to treat the pain from her hip and wrist surgeries. For a while, around sixteen, she became involved with a group of people who regularly used heroin. Now, she prefers to stick to OxyContin and poppy pod tea.
ALCOHOL USE: Excessive. We’re talking wake-and-guzzle. She scarcely feels a few shots now; it takes her much more than that. 
LABEL: The Abrasive, The Cynical, The Escapee, The Vanished
POSITIVE TRAITS: adaptable, compassionate, courageous, fair-minded, intelligent, intuitive, persistent, sincere 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive, aloof, impulsive, cynical, detached, harsh, impatient, inconsistent, mercurial, secretive, unreliable, unpredictable 
GOALS/DESIRES: To solve the cases at hand with skill and efficiency. To become well-respected within the FBI. To transcend what happened to her as a child. To be able to exist idly and be content. To be happy. 
FEARS: Acrophobia. Anthophobia ( due her mother’s love of flowers and the suffocating bouquets that were always located around the estate ). Fear of food ( particularly of meat ). Claustrophobia. She both fears fire and is obsessed with it; with possessing it, controlling it. 
HOBBIES: Drinking, hair-pulling, cutting, listening to music while lying prone ( likely on the floor ) or thrashing wildly, reading ( exclusively pulpy detective fiction or true crime ). 
HABITS: Biting her fingernails. Pulling her hair. Chewing her lip. Cursing in a continuous string. Digging her rings and/or nails into her flesh. Sitting cross-legged. Standing with feet fixed far apart. Avoiding eye contact. Walking fast. Going to bed after 4 am ( if at all ). Not sleeping. Forgetting to eat for days. Sleeping fully-clothed, on top of the sheets. Gives one-word answers. Stops to think carefully before she speaks ( unless she’s sloshed ). Excessive sarcasm. Replies with “hmm” rather than an actual reply. Speaks very deliberately. 
WEATHER: Cloudy, possibly with rain. A crisp 65 degrees. She despises being too warm and begins to feel suffocated by heat. 
Music: Screaming Females, Hayley Kiyoko, Samia, Courtney Barnett, Deap Valley, The Clash, Talking Heads, Led Zeppelin. 
Movies: The Shining, Psycho, Blade Runner, Fatal Attraction, Dogville. 
SPORT: She can only tolerate soccer. 
BEVERAGE: Teeling Irish Whiskey or the darkest stout imaginable. 
FOOD: A Reese’s peanut butter cup, though she prefers to drink her meals. 
ANIMAL: Hyenas. They are female-dominant. 
FATHER: Jonathan “Jack” Flanders / Deceased / Former business mogul and owner & CEO of Flanders Farms packaged foods company  + LEGAL GUARDIAN: Elliot Turner / Sixty-three / Former Criminal Psychologist & current True Crime writer 
MOTHER: Virginia Turner Flanders -- called “Turner” by her friends / Deceased / Former Pageant Queen 
SIBLING(S): Eleanor Marie Flanders / Deceased 
MBTI: ISFJ - “The Defender”
ENNEAGRAM: TYPE 5 - “The Investigator”
TEMPERAMENT: Melancholy (SECONDARY: Choleric)
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good 
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mickeyslim · 6 years
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                             [ She bites God  
                                                in the wrist ] 
Full Name: Mary Mars
Nickname(s): Mickey Slim / Mickey / Mick / Slim. Lalli. Masha. Bitch.
Age: Twenty-Four
Date of Birth: November 13th, 1993
Hometown: Montreal, Quebec; Canada
Current Location: Dertosa, California; United States of America
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Canadian
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Panromantic. Pansexual.
Religion: Atheist. Raised Catholic.    
Political Affiliation: “I don’t believe in the Republican party or Democratic party. I just believe in parties.”
Occupation: Stripper. Head dancer at Forbidden Vices.
Living Arrangements: Lives alone.
Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Russian
Accent: American
Face Claim: Kang Seulgi
Hair Colour: Natural hair. She consistently wears wigs of all cuts and colours, the latter including unnatural pigments (pink, purple, white, etc), both on and off stage.
Eye Colour: Dark brown. Similar to her wigs, she wears numerous colours of contacts both on stage and in everyday life.
Height: 5′3″
Weight: 92lbs
Build: Lean & slim. Toned but with very little muscle mass. Example.
Tattoos: 01. Across her shoulder blade. No rose. 02. On right foot. 03. On her left ankle. Gun is oriented so the barrel points towards her sole, making it appear as though the gun is tucked into a sock/shoe.
Piercings: Two piercings on each earlobe. Two on upper left ear. Barbells on both nipples.
Clothing Style: Varies. Has a penchant for ‘40s - ‘50s aesthetic; curler rolled hair and bright red lips. Also likes eclectic & very high high heels, large fur/faux fur jackets. Black trench coats. Short skirts. Tight dresses. Diamond chokers. Everything black. Shirts worn as dresses. Thigh high boots. “Always dress as if you are going to see your worst enemy.”
Usual Expression: One of two: Resting Bitch Face or The Cat That Ate The Canary And Told His Mother About It.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Assets. There is constant debate on the truth of her breasts and ass. At least one is real.
Physical Ailments: Hyperthyroidism 
Neurological Conditions: None
Allergies: None
Sleeping Habits: Nearly nocturnal due to work hours. Tendency to oversleep or under without any in between, sleeping for 14 or 4 hours.
Eating Habits: Unhealthy. Enjoys indulging herself/binging, and as such often eats all her daily calories in one meal without eating before/after this moment. Lazy and rarely cooks, leading to ordering food or going to restaurants nearly every day. Will cut down or otherwise refrain from eating if she notices weight gain.
Exercise Habits: Does not enjoy exercise, and does so as little as possible. As she dances 5 - 7 nights a week, this is her main source of cardio. Only participates in other forms of exercise to control her figure, and otherwise relies on her metabolism. The singular thing she does with consistency is workouts to maintain & perk her butt.
Emotional Stability: She’s obsessive, analytic, untrusting and vindictive - particularly towards men. While Mickey is aware of who she is and has few insecurities in relation to herself, her stability is certainly brought into question by her actions and scheming. There’s also some substantial paranoia in regards to the death of her boyfriend before she came to Dertosa. Solid rating of 5/10.
Sociability: She’s an extrovert that enjoys social interaction without depth - largely because her favourite hobbies are partying or the subvarieties within that past time. That being said, she required solitary time to recharge, and befriends few people. She goes out for meals/outings more frequently by herself than with another.
Body Temperature: Hot-natured
Addictions: Cocaine
Drug Use: Frequent. Preference for coke, pot, and acid.
Alcohol Use: Frequent. Preference for hard liquors.
Label: The Enigma / The Femme Fatale / 
Positive Traits: ambitious, independent, analytical, witty, clever, intuitive, charming, flirtatious, adaptable.
Negative Traits: vindictive, callous, vain, aloof, cunning, illusory, deceitful, vulgar, machiavellian, obsessive, sarcastic, antagonistic, paranoid.
Goals/Desires: Financial & physical security. Power. 
Fears: Identity being discovered.
Hobbies: Dance, sculpting, people watching.
Habits: Popping gum, shifting weight between hips, swearing. 
Weather: Overcast, full sky of clouds. Early fall temperatures, requiring a sweater but no jacket.
Colour: Black. 
Music: ‘90s and current R&B/hip hop, classic rock, retro female jazz singers.
Movies: Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Stanley Kubrick, David Fincher. Benicio del Toro, Anna Karina, Rooney Mara. 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Heathers, Bladerunner, Bladerunner: 2049. Big Trouble In Little China. Molly’s Game. Pulp Fiction. 
Sport: None. Dislikes sports.
Beverage: Milkshakes. Absinthe.
Food: Bloody steak.
Animal: Black leopard.
Father: Unknown.
Mother: Unknown. Adoptive mother: Oksana Kuznetsova, Russian-born Canadian citizen. Online scammer. 
Sibling(s): Numerous brief adoptive/foster siblings. Three of longer length under adoptive mother Oksana.
Children: None. Does not wish to have kids.
Pet(s): Three-legged black cat; “Toucan Sam.” Mutt dog; “Cat.”
Family’s Financial Status: Birth parents unknown. Adoptive mother, middle class.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Enneagram: Type 7 -- The Enthusiast
Temperament: Sanguine
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral x Neutral Evil
Primary Vice: Wrath
Primary Virtue: Diligence
Element: Fire
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tertiovitae-blog · 6 years
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Full Name: Simon Chun, as far as federal documentation says.
Nickname(s): Sy, if he has any beyond that, he doesn’t know about them.
Age: 32
Date of Birth: September 22nd, 1986
Hometown: New York, NY
Current Location: Dertosa, CA
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: American
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/him
Orientation: Purposefully emotionally unavailable tbqh
Religion: Raised under a Presbyterian mother and an apathetic father. Currently swings between atheism and agnosticism: he’d like to believe there’s some higher power but fails to see much evidence for the presence of one - at least in the form most modern religions teach. There’s no proof in Simon’s eyes of a God that’s both powerful and benevolent. 
Political Affiliation: Independent. Mixed liberal and conservative attitudes. 
Occupation: Former assistant district attorney in Suffolk County, MA, current owner of Pulp Kitchen and Pulp Vintage, his side business in the rare book & documents. PV specializes in early editions, maps, signatures from significant persons predating the 21st century, and the ever-popular vintage movie posters, as well as a few specialized items (architectural blueprints, maps, letters) from Dertosa’s history. Only a handful of these precious items he actually displays: in the very back of the store, close to his office and locked behind a delicate metal gate. Walk-in purchases are not welcome, though interested customers may contact Simon through PV’s website or by phone to make an appointment to examine the collection in person.   
Living Arrangements: The second floor of Pulp Kitchen is dedicated to Simon’s living space, accessed through the stairwell connected to his backroom office, which also empties out into the alley behind PK. He likes the simplicity of an all-in-one building (as well as the feeling of security afforded by elevation and insulation from other people and structures). He’s managed a mish-mash aesthetic of spare industrialism and coziness: exposed brick walls and steel beams, a dark floor but the living room popping with a deep goldrod-yellow carpet and anchored on a large, buttery, reddish leather sofa. There’s a knit throw blanket tossed over the back of just about every seating surface that isn’t the chairs at the kitchen island. All doors are sliding and usually left open for the feeling of greater space. The apartment is blessed with the same wall-to-wall windows of the cafe downstairs and Simon enjoys having his morning coffee with a chair pulled up to them to soak in a little sun and watch the street wake up below. There’s a surprising lack of bookshelves considering the man himself, but less surprising considering the abundance of them downstairs. 
Language(s) Spoken: English, Korean (less frequently than he knows he should). 
Accent: Fairly neutral American, a very clear, well-enunciated way of speaking.
Face Claim: Steven Yeun
Hair Colour: Black, slightly wavy, usually brushed back or curling over one side of his temple, just a little too short to tuck behind his ears. It tends to not bother him enough that he lets it do what it wants
Eye Colour: Dark brown - call it coffee. 
Height: 5′9
Weight: 145-150 lbs
Build: Closer to slim than wiry or bulked, he pushes himself to stay in shape but he ain’t out to get buff.
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Clothing Style: Man’s got a big spectrum. Take your normal urban book-keep stereotype and add a few more colors and much nicer shoes. Almost always in a collared shirt of some kind, sleeves rolled up above the elbows and leather bracelets on his wrist, or maybe under a well-cut blazer with a discreet watch. You’ll never see Simon in a simple t-shirt if he’s got any choice about it, but at work he’ll range anywhere from this level of fancy jacket to this level of relaxed everything. If he’s going to go casual, it’s definitely in a hoodie with a some kind of weird reference plastered on the front. 
Usual Expression: Neutral and a bit removed, he tends to look ten levels deep in daydreaming even when he’s just sorting shelves or making a cappuccino. There’s pretty clear tells as to whether was he’s thinking is upsetting or pleasant: pinched brows or the smallest upward quirk to his lips.
Distinguishing Characteristics: A rigid scar above his left hip from the struggle three years ago that nearly cost him his life. Simon thanks the bullet scraping his side for giving him the panic-adrenaline to even survive it. A single dimple in his left cheek. Oh -- and we can’t forget the goddamn glasses. He felt like a jackass at first with fake lenses in, but over time he’s learned that they generously contribute to his fulfilling a certain stereotype within this new identity, and he’s now happy to hide behind the thin extra layer of protection granted by longer hair and a useless pair of wire frames. 
Physical Ailments: None.
Neurological Conditions: His move to Dertosa came with a government-recommended psychologist, though Simon only met with her for a month before dropping out of his appointments with the stubborn belief it was better to take care of himself. There’s a bit of a self-stigma in Simon’s mind regarding mental health: depression and paranoia are emotions from his point of view, not conditions, and he expects himself to manage them like an adult, regardless of whether or not that’s a realistic goal. 
Allergies: Lower level lactose intolerant, but the kind who just pops a lactose pill, says ‘fuck it’, and has his latte anyways.
Sleeping Habits: A pretty solid seven to eight hours a night, in bed before midnight and out before eight 90% of the time. Structure is something Simon actively works for, in the hopes it’ll encourage stability. 
Eating Habits: Somewhat of an accidental vegetarian, his typical diet skirts close, but he lacks the moral rigidity on that particular stance. He’s weak once a really good smell hits his nose, meat be damned. Tries to keep his eating habits as regular as sleep, breakfast is a cup of coffee and any fruit he can grab and take downstairs, lunch is grazed from whatever’s on the menu at PK, dinner thrown together before after seven and before nine, always with some sort of fresh green veg involved. It’s tempting sometimes to revert to old college ramen-and-microwaveables habits, but he’s grudgingly taking care of his body with the full knowledge that the work of cooking is worth pushing him for.
Exercise Habits: Swims laps for an hour and half at the YMCA three times a week and tends to bike or walk for groceries, errands, ect. 
Emotional Stability: Mmmmm, let’s say 6, 7? There’s plenty of emotions tugging at Simon’s sleeve, but he’s simmered down to a more stable center as time has passed and he’s proven to be good for better or for worse at systematically approaching, sorting, and stuffing down what he thinks is useful to acknowledge or not. He purposefully tries to keep away from situations of high emotion, he knows himself well enough to know once he is propelled to extremes, it’s hard to get himself down from them.
Sociability: Simon definitely needs his alone time to refuel and recenter, but he also needs the stimulation of other people or he’d go stircrazy. He keeps an arm’s length, but he’s also too curious about what’s rattling around in other people’s heads to be a true isolationist and can be very warm with the right crowd. It’s a pleasure to have social connections, as long as he can keep the frame of mind that they can only go so far as PK’s front door. 
Body Temperature: Cool-natured, there’s a reason he can get away with wearing suit jackets in summer.
Addictions: Lil bit of a hoarder of sentimental objects. Does not matter is the memory is positive or negative and he doesn’t need to be able to lay eyes on it, just to know it’s within his care.
Drug Use: None.
Alcohol Use: Strictly self-enforced as social. He doesn’t bring booze into his house unless it’s for cooking or a guest. No point in tempting a bad habit.
Label: The Advocate, The Enduring, The Cynical
Positive Traits: driven, educated, perceptive, disciplined, curious, conscientious, discrete, generous, steered by an inner moral code
Negative Traits: dogmatic, detached, stubborn, overly self-reliant, impulsive and bold in matters of principle, deeply buried vulnerability to self-criticism, and the capacity to be truly venomous
Goals/Desires: Stay in his own damn lane while making a life for himself he can actually enjoy. 
Fears: Having to start over again, any form of his past biting him in the ass, having an opportunity to do something just but being rendered unable to because of his situation, forgetting the past.
Hobbies: Cultivating Pulp Vintage’s collection is as much hobby as work, swimming, snapping up new posters for the wall of the cafe, listening to podcasts, reading, handheld puzzles, volunteer work. He hasn’t been back to his self-defense course since his first year in Dertosa but his teacher is slowly attempting to wheedle him back into other classes at the gym. Monthly trips back to Dertosa’s legal indoor gun range to keep himself sharp.
Habits: Cleaning those useless glasses as a way to stall a conversation or action, drumming his fingers, the two-handed mug hold, reading behind the cash register, skimming the paper every day from front to back and impulsively checking the news bar on his phone, covering his mouth with his hand while laughing, doing the lazy half-tuck with a shirt, tapping his foot when he’s jazzed up. 
Weather: Daytime summer rain, that perfect crisp winter day when the air is frosty in his lungs and the ground is coated in snow. Real winter is one of the big things he misses about the Northeast.
Colour(s): Green, blue
Music: He started playing classic jazz/oldies in PK for the sake of that bookshop aesthetic, but he’s gotten genuinely into a lot of it. Nina Simone, Cab Calloway. Longtime listener to The Black Keys, Red Hot Chili Peppers. Vivaldi, Andrés Segovia.
Movies: Clever comedies or character studies, psychological thrillers, old Hollywood experimental movies, all the campiest of 80s horror. ‘Nightcrawler’, ‘the Exorcist’, ‘Metropolis’, ‘In the Mood for Love’. 
Sport: Basketball & fencing. He was a pretty damn good at the latter in high school and he’s entirely self-aware of just how pretentious a thing a boarding school fencing team is to be an alumni of.  
Beverage: Water with a few lime slices, sue him for being boring. Guilty pleasure is those stupidly sweet matcha green tea lattes from Starbucks.
Food: Hit him with that spicy shit. Fuck it up with savory flavors. Finish it with good n’ sweet. There’s definitely love for Korean, but he’s big on Thai and Southwestern cuisine as well. 
Animal: Panther. Just about any big cat, tbh.
Father: Jeong Yung-sik, aka Howard Jeong. Incarcerated since 2003, age 67. Eligible for release 2249. 
Mother: Jeong Su-jin, aka Sujin Jeong. Deceased as of 2015, aged 56. Official cause of death: craniocerebral ballistic trauma aka a gunshot to the head. 
Sibling(s): Jeong Min-chul, aka Erik Jeong. Deceased as of 2002, aged 16. Official cause of death: exsanguination aka prolonged and fatal blood loss.
Children: None, despite liking kids he doesn’t realistically see a future where it’d be wise to have them. 
Pet(s): His cats Darlene and Mister Meowgi have the run of Pulp Kitchen, the first named after a character from Mr. Robot, the second by an ex-girlfriend. The pun stuck; Simon still can’t bring himself to rename him. He had to give up his boxer, Odin, when he moved to Dertosa and he misses that damn dog every day. 
Family’s Financial Status: Raised very upper class, currently a comfortable upper-middle. Technically, he has none of the money left over from his family’s generous supply, but some of his earnings from his work as an ADA came with him to start him off in Dertosa and fund the opening of Pulp Kitchen.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo - reliable, practical, critical, seeking goodness while expecting disappointment, prone to overthinking
MBTI: INFJ, ‘The Advocate’ - creative, decisive, perfectionistic, incredibly private, “INFJs have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place”.
Enneagram: The heart of Enneagram 8 (the Protector) under a strong shield of Enneagram 5 traits (the Observer) - a conflict between the desire to be confrontational and assertive in issues of justice and protecting the weak and the knowledge that oneself is the person who must be protected first, as well as tendencies towards hoarding and intellectual pursuits. 
Temperament: Melancholic - thoughtful, schedule oriented, economical and perceptive, interested in the philosophical and poetic 
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good - belief in the intrinsic rights of all beings, drive to help the innocent, desire for justice but a willingness to defy the law and do usually immoral things in order to see that justice happens
Primary Vice: Wrath
Primary Virtue: Charity
Element: Water - evolving, inward, empathetic
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danimccray-blog · 6 years
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                      “Time doesn't erase the demons you don't see. They still dance in your dreams”
Full Name: Danielle McCray
Nickname(s): Dani, Ambien, tic-tac
Age: Twenty-three
Date of Birth: January 22nd
Hometown: Colorado City, Arizona
Current Location: Dertosa, California
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: She has none, and after ditching her past, she doesn’t really like to talk about it much.
Political Affiliation: National politics aren’t really on her radar, Leans liberal, Allied with the Drugs
Occupation: Receptionist at the Lab
Living Arrangements: Small apartment in the jade district
Language(s) Spoken: English
Accent: None/General American accent
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 5’3in
Weight: 117lbs
Build: Slim
Tattoos: a snake and roses on her left ribs, small solar system on her right forearm.
Piercings: Double earlobe piercings.
Clothing Style: Tends to wear dark colors and very simple clothes. Her goto is typically an oversized sweater and black jeans, though on warmer days she might stick to a simple t-shirt and black jeans. If she’s feeling particularly edgy that day she might throw on a leather jacket. 
Usual Expression: Usually can be found with a smile.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Calculating, yet kind eyes and her bright smile
Physical Ailments: N/A
Neurological Conditions: N/A
Allergies: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Sporadic, from her days selling she was always up at weird hours of the day and night. That trend has just carried on into her life in Dertosa. On work days she’s up late and awake about an hour before she has to be at work. On the weekends she might be out all night and not get up till noon, or she’ll be in bed really early and be awake before the sun rises the next day. She rarely gets more the 5-6 hours of sleep.
Eating Habits: She’s not the healthiest eater, nor is she in the least bit picky. As a kid she learned to eat fast or her siblings might eat it all before she gets the chance too. On the run she learned that you don’t really need to eat much to stay alive, nor do you have to like something to eat it. Now she tries to eat three meals a day but frequently forgets to eat lunch, but she’s used to a shortage of food so she doesn’t notice if she hasn’t eaten.
Exercise Habits: She likes to run but doesn’t do it often. She usually runs late at night or before the sun rises when she needs to sort through her thoughts.
Emotional Stability: She’s quite stable. However, her past causes her to always be alert of how she is acting and reacting to people.
Sociability: Most of the time she prefers to be around other people. There are rare occasions where she needs a breather and a small break from people.
Body Temperature: Runs slightly colder than average
Addictions: N/A
Drug Use: Socially, maybe, but nothing hard. She doesn’t like to sample the merchandise.
Alcohol Use: Frequent, but not overly so, tends to stick to her limits.
Label: The Innocent Face, The Dreamer, The Ambitious
Positive Traits: Adaptable, Ambitious, Determined, Friendly, Reliable, Loyal
Negative Traits: Deceitful, Sarcastic, Stubborn, Vague, Two-Sided,
Goals/Desires: To prove she’s more than her up brining and more than just a pretty face to marry off. To Be more than just a receptionist in the world of Toxins. To work her way up in the drugs.
Fears: She’s claustrophobic, hates being in small enclosed spaces or just the feeling of being trapped in general. She also fears that her family might come looking for her, since there are so many of them, she knows it’s a possibility.
Hobbies: Gardening, She keeps a small garden in her apartment. She also reads and likes to learn new things.
Habits: tucking hair behind ear, Forgets to eat lunch, Rubbing her locket between her two fingers when she gets lost in thought
Weather: Breezy/Chilly
Colour: Red/Burgundy
Music: Generally prefers rock music, but can listen to anything with good vocals.
Movies: Likes a good rags to riches story, but also has a soft spot for comedies. 
Sport: She doesn’t really follow any sports
Beverage: Iced Lemon tea
Food: Ramen, she’s only had it once before, but good ramen is her all time favorite.
Animal: She likes the idea of pets but has never had one herself.
Father: Derral McCray (57, Biological Father)
Mother: Aaleigh McCray (49, Biological Mother, Derral’s 2nd Wife), Emberlee McCray (53, Derral’s 1st wife)Cassidy McCray (42, Derral’s 3rd wife), Aubrey McCray (36, Derral’s 4th wife), Jaelyn McCray (25, Derral’s 5th wife) [Dani doesn’t know if there are more since she left]
Sibling(s): Jeana McCray (33, Full), Aaron McCray (28, Full), Jerimiah McCray (20, Full), Diane McCray (16, Full), Ashleigh McCray (35, Step), Joyce McCray (30, Step) Mary Anne McCray (26, Step), Jess McCray (22, Step), Derral McCray Jr. (19, Step), Arther McCray (17, Step), Aspen McCray (17, Step), Hurley McCray (14, Step), Marvin McCray (12, Step), Maribelle McCray (12, Step), Shaun McCray (10, Step), Raynie McCray (7, Step), Orlo McCray (7, Step) [There were 17 when she left, she is positive there are more now]
Children: N/A
Pet(s): N/A
Family’s Financial Status: Money holds no value in her home, but they were the equivalent of middle class for their town.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Enneagram: Type 3 - The Achiever
Temperament: Choleric (The Doer)
Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil
Primary Vice: Envy
Primary Virtue: Diligence
Element: Earth
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nghtshvde-blog · 6 years
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                   ‘someone’ hung the moon and the stars!
Full Name: Cecilia Ann Rothschild
Nickname(s): Cece ( *by Nico, Ben, & Half-bro ) / Annie ( *by immediate family members ) and Nightshade / Night ( *by the rest )
Age: Twenty-six
Date of Birth: January 7th, 1992
Hometown: Dertosa, California
Current Location: Dertosa, California
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: Feminine
Orientation: Heteromantic & Heterosexual ( however, is questioning. )
Religion: Christian-ish
Political Affiliation: Democratic
Occupation: “Alchemist” & volunteer @ Mosiac ( shhh. )
Living Arrangements: Has a room at Poison Headquarters, top floor as well as a stay in a back house “garage lol” that she’s renting in the Amber District. ( only a select few know about it. )
Language(s) Spoken: English & basic ASL 
Accent: General American
Face Claim: Phoebe ‘Queen’ Tonkin
Hair Colour: Brunette w Highlights ( Day / Night )
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 5′8′′
Weight: Rude?
Build: Slim
Tattoos: * Basic b*tch is Basic *
Piercings: 4 on her left ear, 3 on her right. ( x )
Clothing Style: Black jeans & tees, (sometimes blue jeans), occasionally with a bomber or a typical black/red leather jacket. Lounges at home in her brother’s or Nico’s hand-me-downs.
Usual Expression: #ona”good”day / #onausualday
Distinguishing Characteristics: Eyes, figure, facial structure??
Physical Ailments: N/A
Neurological Conditions: Dyslexia
Allergies: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Is able to catch at least 5 to 6 hours of sleep, though not regularly during the night. Depending on the day’s task, she’s either sleeping during the day or night. Can sleep anywhere. A drooler and hair must be either up or in braids during sleep. An eye mask is a must!
Eating Habits: Eats, usually, one meal a day with snacks throughout.  Meals are normally extremely unhealthy and unbalanced, but often craves healthy snacks such as fruit or carrots. Has more of a savory tooth than a sweet one, but will indulge if craving. Basically eats like a teenage boy and is overly thankful for a fast metabolism.
Exercise Habits: Doesn’t exercise, lol. She considers Poison duties as a form of exercise. However, she often stretches out of habit before she sleeps and when she wakes up, as well as walking frequently ( more so to get to place than for health ).
Emotional Stability: 6? She has a temper and can lash out mercilessly. However, when it comes to 'inner demons’ she hides them well and has random outbursts of anger or sadness either when she’s alone or with someone she trusts. 
Sociability: Nightshade is not sociable. She’s extremely introverted but is well aware of her status and responsibility. She goes out when needed but needs a huge recharge if she’s out interacting for too long. Can only stand being around the Poisons as a group, and outside of the gang, one on one interactions suit her best. Group settings are hell.
Body Temperature: Average, but leans towards cold.
Addictions: Alcohol and at rare times, the need for an adrenaline rush.
Drug Use: N/A
Alcohol Use: Oh yeah, complete alcoholic.
Label: The Alchemist, The Crestfallen, The Leader
Positive Traits: Warmhearted, Self-Disciplined, Straightforward, Fair-minded, Diplomatic, Sympathetic.
Negative Traits: Aggressive, Hot-headed, Cynical, Obsessive, Quick-tempered, Resentful, Vengeful.
Goals/Desires: Nightshade aspires to continue Anthrax’s legacy, but is on a quest to avenge his death. She wants to protect the city, but when all is said and done and Dertosa doesn’t need protection anymore, she hopes to travel outside of the U.S.
Fears: No ‘real’ phobias aside from being unable to find Anthrax’s murderer.
Hobbies: Arcade & board games, DIYs ( solely to benefit her way of living ), and cooking her own meals. The process is fun, though she isn’t necessarily good at it. Still, if it’s edible, she’ll eat it. 
Habits: Pacing, leg shaking, a bit of a hoarder, counts windows & doors, & nail tapper.
Weather: Morning brisk type weather.
Colour: Yellow, Light Blue, White, Deep Red
Music: She doesn’t have a ‘favorite’ genre, but often prefers and is soothed by Indie and Alternative Pop. Some artists she gravitates towards are bands and artists like The Japanese House. ( x )  2000s / 90s Country ( Shania Twain, Rascal Flatts, LeAnn Rimes, Faith Hill ) is also a soft spot.
Movies: Enjoys classic comedies like Shaun of the Dead, Coming to America, Clueless, Dumb & Dumber as well as psychological thrillers like Gone Girl, Fight Club, and The Shining. Very rarely will Night indulge in anything else, but her favorite romantic comedy is a tie between The Princess Bride and 10 Things I Hate About You.
Sport: Doesn’t really like sports but goes nuts over little league baseball.
Beverage: Iced coffee, lemon water, and despite being an alcoholic ( she’ll basically drink anything ) she loves a good wine moment.
Food: Extra cheesy pizza, basic cheeseburgers, pasta of any kind, and steak.
Animal: Any dogs will do <3 and parakeets.
Father: Abraham Rothschild, previous chief of police at Dertosa PD.
Mother: Emily Rothschild, school teacher.
Sibling(s): Benjamin Rothschild & ( Half Brother, Poison #1 )
Children: N/A
Pet(s): N/A
Family’s Financial Status: Middle-class.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Enneagram: The Protector
Temperament: Choleric
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Primary Vice: Wrath
Primary Virtue: Humility
Element: Fire
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Full Name: Madeleine Anne Reed.
Nickname(s): Maddie, Belladonna, Bella.
Age: 23 (almost).
Date of Birth: August 24th, 1995
Hometown: Columbia, Maryland.
Current Location: Dertosa, California.
Ethnicity: Mostly white, with some argentinian background.
Nationality: American.
Gender: Cis Female.
Pronouns: She/her.
Orientation: Bisexual and, so far, not all that romantically inclined.
Religion: Atheist.
Political Affiliation: Democrat Centrist. She wants a country with personal freedoms, but isn’t concerned about subverting the system in any way. It has served her just fine.
Occupation: Part-time receptionist at the St.Vincent Hotel, part-time dominatrix at the Garden of Eden.
Living Arrangements: Room at the Garden of Eden.
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish, French.
Accent: East Coast.
Face Claim: Anya Taylor-Joy
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 160cm, 5’3
Weight: 51kg, 112 pounds.
Build: Petite and slender, but not waify
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Pierced ears
Clothing Style: Most days it’s pearls, silk, polka dots, vintage dresses, pencil skirts, cashmere sweaters, Peter Pan colars, expensive lingerie, braided hair. Sometimes it’s black turtlenecks, high heels, garter belts, form-fitting dresses, red lipstick.
Usual Expression: Seemingly wide-eyed and alert.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Huge, dark eyes and prominent cheekbones that make her slightly reminiscent of a doll.
Physical Ailments: Bad back, frequent muscle strain from a lifetime of playing the violin for longer than a body can handle.
Neurological Conditions: None.
Allergies: Dust, shellfish.
Sleeping Habits: Bella tries to get at least seven hours of sleep, but she has a part-time job and being a flower is a full-time one. She often has to catch up on her beauty sleep on her off days.
Eating Habits: Ironically enough, being the daughter of a nutritionist didn’t give Bella the healthiest or simplest relationship with food. It’s not as if mother ever had her starve. But she meticulously controlled everything that went into little Maddie’s stomach, the calories and the nutrients and the tons and tons of vitamin supplements she carried at all times. To this day, Bella still finds some comfort in her mother’s habits. She’s a skilled calorie counter and not knowing the content of whatever she puts into her mouth freaks her out. She’s even known to fast on occasion, doing it for the odd sense of peace an empty stomach can give her. Her relationship with food isn’t necessarily disorderly, but it is obsessive. Of course, she does have her indulgences. Once a week, Bella will walk into AVG Joe’s and order the biggest, most decadent burger you’ve ever seen. Lord help you if you interrupt her while eating it. 
Exercise Habits: About 20 minutes of squats, planks and push-ups most mornings. She’s not naturally athletic, but she likes to feel strong and healthy.
Emotional Stability:  It depends on how one defines it. The issue with Bella is that she is inherently unstable, plagued by sudden bouts of rage and hatred and prone to impish mischief, but she has spent a lifetime controlling them. As a result, she is much better at handling her impulses and emotions than most people. Most of the time, Bella is in control. It’s only occasionally that one can see the fire to her cruelty.
Sociability:  While confident in social situations, Bella has a profound need for alone time. It started in her childhood, with parents always hovering and noisy children pulling at her bows. Interacting with people is always a game to her, an interplay of masks and power thefts, and while she wouldn’t have it any other way, she does need her time alone. Alone, her secrets and rituals recharge her. She is free, comforted by the sight of the vacant face in the mirror.
Body Temperature: Cold-natured, with particularly cold hands and legs.
Addictions: Former self-harmer, still bites or scratches herself on occasion. But it’s always been more of a compulsion that an addiction.
Drug Use: None.
Alcohol Use: None.
Label: The Dominatrix
Positive Traits: Charming, Resourceful, Comanding, Perfectionist
Negative Traits: Detached, Resentful, Obsessive, Off-kilter
Goals/Desires: To become more than just a sex-worker, to star yielding power over others outside of her room at the Garden of Eden.
Fears: Spending the rest of her days as a Flower or in any other kind of entrapment.
Hobbies: Shopping, Reading, Skincare, People Watching and, were it not her job, BDSM. Played the violin for the almost entirety of the first 21 years of her life but it was never, ever a fucking hobbie.
Habits: Digging her nails into her wrist, pressing her hands against sharp things, checking herself in reflective surfaces, tugging at a ponytail or twirling loose strands of hair.
Weather: Cloudy.
Colour: White.
Music: After a lifetime sacrificed to the violin, Bella hardly listens to music for pleasure anymore. She’s still trying to figure out what she likes outside of baroque.
Movies: Her favorite film is Lars Von Trier’s Nymphomaniac,
Sport: Practised Ballet and Tennis, still enjoys the latter.
Beverage: Black Tea.
Food: Despite her generally healthy habits, or perhaps because of them, there’s nothing she enjoys over a juicy, highly caloric and blood soaked burger.
Animal: Snake.
Father:  Harold Reed – Harold is one of those rare, charming, holier-than thou people one can’t wait to fork-stab at a dinner party. A renowned psychiatrist, he is never more at ease than when towering over other people with his superior intellect and stability. Though he adored his seemingly perfect family, he secretly derived some enjoyment from the tension between Madeleine and her mother. Madeleine knew it, and often used her perceived favor to manipulate him. On the surface, she was daddy’s girl. Under it, she resented him just as much as she did her mother, and now thinks of him even less.
Mother:  Maria Reed – Oh, Maria could just eat little Madeleine up. She wanted her daughter to be as beautiful, as graceful, as lovely as she could be. She herself was practically perfect, an accomplished nutritionist and a woman who prided herself on not taking part in idle suburban housewife drivel. It wasn’t that she didn’t love or feel proud of Madeleine, it was just that she adored her so much that she was certain that she could always do better. Maria controlled and smothered Madeleine, so she learnt how to get a kick out of hurting her by hurting herself. Bella sometimes sends her parents letters. She doesn’t know if it’s about cruelty or kindness. Perhaps both. Besides, she might need to ask them for money one day.
Sibling(s): None.
Children: None.
Pet(s): None. Her family had a cat named Fergus as a child and she hated the fucking thing. She doesn’t cross out the possibility of one day getting a dog or a snake, though.
Family’s Financial Status: Well-established middle class. Typical suburban family with educated, successful parents. Being an only child also meant that they were able to focus their income solely on her, so Madeleine was raised in some luxury.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Enneagram: Type 6 - Loyal Skeptic
Temperament: Choleric
Moral Alignment: Between Neutral and Lawful Evil
Primary Vice: Envy
Primary Virtue: Diligence
Element: Earth
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snapdrcgons-blog · 6 years
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love breaks my bones and i  l a u g h
full name: soren song
nickname(s): snapdragon
age: 23
date of birth: november 22
hometown: dertosa, usa
current location: dertosa, usa
ethnicity: korean
nationality: american
gender: cismale
pronouns: he/him
orientation: pansexual
religion: agnostic
political affiliation: left wing
occupation: escort / dancer / prostitute
living arrangements: wherever his /clients/ let him stay over for, otherwise just a small apartment at the seediest part of town tbh
language(s) spoken: english
accent: n/a
faceclaim: lee taeyong
hair colour: naturally black, currently a straw blonde
eye colour: dark brown
height: 5′9, 175.5cm
weight: 58kg / 128lbs
build: lean
tattoos: cross tattoo on his inner arm and is not above getting snapdragons along his hipbone / pelvic bone
piercings: multiple along his ears, nipple
clothing style: something like this
usual expression: something like this
distinguishing characteristics: shaved eyebrow line on left eyebrow, scar near right eye
physical ailments: n/a
neurological conditions: n/a
allergies: n/a
sleeping habits: probably doesn’t sleep much? usually sleeps late if he does and wakes up early - is a light sleep and an insomniac
eating habits: Small Child Left Unsupervised At A Birthday Party
exercise habits: probably does yoga + running every morning / night
emotional stability: externally, probably a 7 given his occasional tantrums? but he tends to bounce back super easy tbh. internally, probably a spicy 3 given how emotionally fucked up he is from what his mom did to him that he’s just been REPRESSING THE SHIT OUT OF
sociability: looooves being around people??? he hates being alone mostly because it reminds him too much of when he was a kid
body temperature: tends to be more hot-natured
addictions: c h a o s. and sugar. 
drug use: uses lots of recreational drugs / whatever’s there if it’s in front of him but he rarely seeks out or goes to lengths to take drugs
alcohol use: same for alcohol - he drinks a lot when he’s out or if someone’s paying, but likely wouldn’t drink alone
label: the thief / the vixen
positive traits: affectionate / charming / determined / dynamic / exuberant / passionate / quick-witted / sociable / versatile
negative traits: arrogant / callous / careless / compulsive / finicky / flirtatious / foolish / fussy / impulsive / inconsiderate / irresponsible / materialistic / reckless / unreliable
goals/desires: is live fast die young a goal bc that’s probs his wjegkwjeg
fears: thunder/lightning / hospitals 
hobbies: collecting random knick knacks everywhere ? / photography
habits: licking lips / running hands through hair / biting lips / putting feet up on tables
weather: those perfect blue-skied sunny days !
colour: red
music: probably something sultry and slow, jazz most likely?
movies: he loves animated movies & comedy / adventure movies !
sport: he does love his swimming tbh
beverage: spiked green apple slushie / chocolate smoothies or hot chocolate
food: anything sweet ! so cakes / pastries
animal: cats, preferably those all white ones
father: unknown
mother: esther song, deceased january 3rd, 2013. former prostitute.
sibling(s): n/a
children: n/a
pet(s): n/a
family’s financial status: poor / in poverty
zodiac sign: scorpio
mbti: estp
enneagram: type 7 / 8 (the enthusiast / the challenger)
temperament: sanguine
moral alignment: neutral evil
primary vice: lust / greed
primary virtue: diligence
element: fire
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fcxglcves-blog · 6 years
Full Name: lee jae eun
Nickname(s): jae (to her friends), foxglove to everyone else
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 22 Feb 1993
Hometown: new york city
Current Location: dertosa
Ethnicity: korean
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: pansexual
Religion: n.a
Political Affiliation: n.a
Occupation: dancer
Living Arrangements: at the garden of eden
Language(s) Spoken: english, some korean, some french
Accent: it really fluctuates because she’s really good at mirroring who she’s with
Face Claim: kim hyuna
Hair Colour: naturally a brunette, but she also dyes it a lot / periodically
Eye Colour: brown
Height: 164cm / 5′4
Weight: 47kg
Build: petite, lean
Tattoos: n.a
Piercings: she has a helix/conch/lobe piercing in her left ear. also her tongue is pierced.
Clothing Style: most things can be found on her pinterest board ( https://www.pinterest.fr/jiatcakes/character-aes-foxglove/ ), but in general she also dresses the part for whatever her clients are looking for, but personally favors a more pastel babydoll aesthetic.
Usual Expression: you never know who’s watching, so her default is always to be smiling & pleasant at the very least. it is also really mutable depending on who she’s with.
Distinguishing Characteristics: she always wears the same perfume — kind of smells like peaches and jasmine.
Physical Ailments: n.a.
Neurological Conditions: (undiagnosed) borderline personality disorder
Allergies: oranges
Sleeping Habits: because of work, she’s really used to late nights (if she gets any sleep at all) but also allows herself to sleep in on her off days. gotta get that beauty sleep.
Eating Habits: after being homeless she really does just eat whenever she gets food like she’s been starved.... but her metabolic rate is generally p high so that’s how she maintains her figure
Exercise Habits: she prefers very physically immersive things like martial arts (muay thai!) and also pole dancing which she does for the club / events sometimes anyway so.. whenever she finds the time really
Emotional Stability: i’d say a rough 7.5?? she’s like ,, alright at managing her emotions but at the same time she doesn’t really have that much in terms of emotional reactions anyway
Sociability: she’s alright being a lone wolf, but there are people (e.g. the flowers, and maybe some of her clients) who she does feel comfortable around, and that’s always nice to have.
Body Temperature: cold
Addictions: retail therapy
Drug Use: n.a
Alcohol Use: unless it’s for a job / for unwinding after a particularly awful job, she probably won’t be drinking
Label: the chameleon
Positive Traits: ambitious, adaptable, empathetic
Negative Traits: manipulative, selfish
Goals/Desires: to make a name for herself, be so rich she’s invulnerable, eventually elevate herself beyond the flower status
Fears: big dogs, heights
Hobbies: ice skating & rollerblading
Habits: fiddling with her hair, chews A Lot of gum
Weather: spring
Colour: pink
Music: r&b
Movies: thrillers, action movies, anything that’s really immersive
Sport: mma, muay thai
Beverage: cherry cola
Food: sushi
Animal: cat
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown
Sibling(s): n.a
Children: n.a
Pet(s): n.a.
Family’s Financial Status: n.a.
Zodiac Sign: pisces
MBTI: esfj
Enneagram: type 6, the loyalist
Temperament: choleric
Moral Alignment: chaotic neutral
Primary Vice: greed
Primary Virtue: diligence
Element: fire
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toxicityrp · 6 years
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Everyone has secrets, has something shady, something that stains clean slate ( should there be any white left, that is ). some might want to erase the stains from their slate, attempt to do so through furious scrubbing. Others might cover it up, pretend it's not there, that they don't even exist, if they can that is. Others fully embrace it, live up to it and gladly add more—- but even those have something they’d rather hide. Deeds so dark, so heavy on their conscience they share them with no one. What if someone threatens to release those deeds? What would you do if the threat of exposure loomed above? What length would you take to hide it all? Leave an even bigger stain behind? Would that be worth it?
Hello everyone! And welcome to our first writing prompt. We would love for you to play with the threat of sensitive information of any kind being released about them. What could be released? Would they attempt to run? To hide? Would they attempt to stop it all and if so how? As this will be done in self-paras, a character study to give you the chance to get in touch with your characters again; any information that is given in the self-paras would still be unknown to other characters. No one would know what your character attempts to hide or how they deal with the fallout. We are excited to read what you come up with! Annie & C.
Prompt: Your character is threatened with the release of sensitive information about their past, about their darkest deeds. What is it that could be released? How would they deal with the situation?
Mandatory: no, but recommended ( to get in touch with your muse again! )
Due Date: None
Tag: tcrp.task
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