#tddup 'verse
dios-multiverse · 2 years
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violetosprey · 6 years
You always do break downs of EP's characters really in-depth, and I know there's not much on MOB yet, but with your analysis of Jack from TDDUP what's your opinions on the new info we've gotten about him and his aide from Patreon?
Okay before I start, Iwanted to be polite and ask the creator what his thoughts were on discussinginformation that has only been revealed on his Patreon account at themoment.  He answered on his blog herehow he felt about it.  Basically, as longas no spoiler images are used and no full scripting/dialogue is repeated back(he’d prefer more vague alluding to), then it was alright.  
However, since this isan anon ask, this an answer that has to be posted publicly.  If @electricpuke at any point requests that I delete this post because it abuseshis rules, I WILL comply and delete what I’ve said.
If anyone would liketo see spoilers for any of the ElectricPuke’s games (current or upcoming), oryou just love his work, please consider supporting the creator on his Patreon:
Link: https://www.patreon.com/EPGames
I know this asker is already following Puke on Patreon basedon what they’ve said.  I expect otherfollowers not currently following EP’s Patreon to be polite and never requestspoiler information on anything not already shared on Patreon (not like…anyonewould know what to specifically ask anyway :P)
With that settled minorPatreon spoilers (which ARE subject to change) below as well as connectionsbeing made to older Jack in TDDUPbelow
I’ll stop being stuffy now and say I’m actually very happy Igot this ask XD  Let’s start with theinformation everyone knows at least for young Jack in Mark of Belial and hisassistant Ashton.
Young Jack is a lot meaner than older Jack and actuallycomes off as more sadistic than older Jack. Older Jack is a lot more mellow and appears strict but still sociable toeven his students at the university he teaches at.  Older Jack is VERY dangerous though and oddlygoes about his… “hobbies” in an almost business-like manner.  Young Jack I’d say is more likely to speakhis mind a little more (but still has his gears turning, calculating hismoves).  We don’t know if he’s got a specificagenda while you’re working with him.  He’llrely on his wit to give you biting remarks whenever he’s dissatisfied though(which is quite frequently honestly). Young Jack I’d guess is…not really the social type XD  Someone asked me awhile back about mythoughts on young Jack when things were even earlier in development.  You can find what I said here(be warned, there are TDDUP spoilers for older Jack, but you might be able tojust skip over that segment).  In it, Iactually list a few questions that I was interested in seeing if they would beanswered in Mark of Belial.  One of thequestions was, “Does young Jack have any friends?”  Again, I don’t see him as the social type,and a highly intelligent person who’s hard to argue with when they belittle youis often too difficult for others to deal with. Now Ashton probably doesn’t count as a “friend,” but currently this isthe first person we’re seeing Jack in an amicable relationship with.
What everyone knows about Ashton from tumblr is things likehow he lacks self-confidence, likes horror, serial killer trivia, knives, andpsychology.  Generally, he also soundsrather studious and not the type that talks a lot unless it’s a subject he’svery versed in.  So right off the bat I’dsay it would make sense for this to be the type of person that young Jack wouldget along with.  Similar interests, not alot of back-talk, and Jack probably appreciates an aid who keeps to themselvesand stays focused on their work.  What Iwas a little puzzled by was why Ashton liked Jack of all people XD  Sure, Jack’s not a loud or annoying person(the kind Ashton hates), but remember Jack is a generally unfriendlyperson.  I would have even figured thatAshton would find Jack rather intimidating for his intellect and ability totear people down with words.  However,this became answered quite easily on Patreon (which is where the spoiler comesin).
As long as I’m…hopefully not a total idiot and misreadinginto anything, it’s actually hinted that Ashton is trans.  Jack is aware of this actually aggressivelydefends Ashton for who he is.  So ofcourse Ashton appreciates and respects Jack because he does not judge him forhis gender identity.
Now, it’s not actually surprising to me that something likebiological sex, race, or gender identity has no real bearing to Jack.  That seems to fit him honestly.  I don’t really take Jack as the type ofperson to really put much emphasis on judging a person by anything other thanone’s mind and personality.  He is apsychologist after all.  He’s moreinterested in what people are thinking rather than what they look like.  The rest probably just seems like details hehas to filter through (…but he can be forward if he DOES think you’rephysically attractive still :P).  Also, Ifeel like most of EP’s characters come off as pansexual anyway (both possiblyto provide more representation…and because it actually makes it easier for thegames to work for EVERYONE- some people hate if they’re locked into a certaingender, or if they can’t choose between the straight or gay route).
What I AM surprised about is just how quick Jack is todefend Ashton, in a rather threatening manner no less.  This isn’t just accepting Ashton, this isgoing out of his way to protect him.  It’salmost a softer side of Jack I wasn’t expecting to see (at least not soearly).  Older Jack is much better atbeing gentle.  This could mean a lot ofthings.  Jack may hold particular grudgesacting people with an unnecessary prejudice towards others for example.  It could also be that Jack has more sympathytowards his JUNIORS, than to most people. Especially if said juniors seem a bit “troubled.”  If you played TDDUP, you’ll know that olderJack has a student named Ellen who grew very attached to him.  It’s hinted at that he helped her out a bitwhen she was in a bad spot (I don’t quite remember how the dialogue went forthis, and I don’t ever think it’s specifically mentioned what kind of troubleEllen was going through).  And again, ifyou’ve played TDDUP, you’ll know that Ellen is…an intelligent and curious younglady but “not quite right.”  Ashton isprobably a heck of a lot more sane than Ellen is, but being trans woulddefinitely imply that he’s troubled by his own feelings, prejudice from others,and just trying to live the way he wants to.
I’ve gone back and forth for a while on whether or not Jackis a sociopath.  I’m still leaningtowards “yes.”  Don’t be fooled…he doessome awful, AWFUL things.  But at thesame time he’s capable of being gentle and holding back against hurting anyonehe cares about.  It’s so hard to tellwhat he’s thinking at times.  He’s veryinsightful and profound at times.  Jack is an incredibly gray character.
Sorry that’s all I have to say for now, but we are still inthe early stages of the game development. They’ll be much more to speculate in the future I’m sure :)
Also, I don’t want to touch on this too much because I’malways paranoid about offending anyone in the LGBT community, but yes I do likewe’re possibly getting just a little trans representation in the game(remember, these things are subject to change though).  It’s likely not going to be a huge deal, butit won’t be completely ignored either.
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dios-multiverse · 2 years
10 fun(-ish) side things about the tddup gang!
Jay and Nikki's parents started out by fake dating and then getting married for non-romantic reasons. Said relationship started as what their mother deemed a "prank".
Jay has a scar on the left side of his jaw, but it has nothing to do with the family business.
Neither Kori nor Jay has a favorite food. When asked, they usually reply with whatever they ate last, in the event they enjoyed it.
Naomi became a published author at age 24, but struggled to "replicate the magic" of her first published novel for a while afterwards. She's highly self-critical in that aspect.
Most, if not all, TDDUP characters have siblings. In fact, they come from families with 2 - 4 kids. The character who has the most siblings canonically is Kori's mother, Camille, with 8, though four are half-siblings through her mother.
Jay *hates* his legal name, but claims he can never change it because of the "sentimental value".
Mario and Jay actually lived together for awhile when they dated, but eventually had to live separately again for both of their sanity.
Jay's first ever partner was actually his childhood best friend, a girl named Felicity. They broke up on amicable terms, but remained friends, and she was invited to his + Kori's wedding.
Twice before Jay, Kori had nearly been married twice, once immediately her senior year of high school, and a second time during college. She claims she has bad luck when it comes to serious relationships.
Both Jay and Nikki were involved in theatre as kids, and often appeared in productions together. When asked who they think the better actor was/is, they never agree, claiming the other is better. (they're besties, okay?)
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dios-multiverse · 2 years
'Til Death Do Us Part Character Refs!
these are just basic info about the more prominent/recurring characters. more specific details will be in separate posts or answers to asks! note: all character ages and relationship statuses are as of september 2018, since that's the rough estimate of when this tale takes place
our lovely protags ~
Jaycen (Jay/Jayce) H. December:
- gender: male
- sexuality: bisexual
- age: 30 years old
- date of birth: April 29, 1988 (astrological sign: taurus.)
- race/ethnicity: black/african-american and white
- relationship status: married to Korina December
- eye color: dark brown
- hair color: strawberry blonde
- occupation: assassin
- favorite color: blue
- previously mentioned fav. color is specifically the blue from the bi flag
Korina (Kori) H. December:
- never ask about his younger brother
- gender: female
- sexuality: biromantic heterosexual (split attraction model explains her id the best, lol) if she's asked, she just says she's bi with a preference for men *shrug*
- age: 28/29 years old
- date of birth: September 19, 1989 (astrological sign: virgo)
- maiden name: Korina Haruka* Ishikawa
*this is a name she had as a baby. is written on official birth certificate or any legal documentation as a middle name.*
- race/ethnicity: white and asian (japanese)
- relationship status: married to Jayce Hakim December
- eye color: green
- hair color: black
- occupation: accountant (in the literal sense! not the slang term, though we support sw here)
- favorite color: green
- has one child from a previous relationship, a ten y/o son named Kaito. jay does not know that kaito is kori's son.
most relevant side charas
Mario G. Saunders
- gender: male
- sexuality: homosexual
- age: 28 years old
- date of birth: October 26, 1989 (astrological sign: scorpio)
- race/ethnicity: white
- eye color: hazel
- hair color: dark brown (not quite black, but very close)
- relationship status: single
- favorite color: purple
- occupation: unemployed (he's rich and takes his parents' money. he doesn't need a job /hj)
- jay's ex and the younger brother of kori's former friend, lorraine
Nikita (Nikki/Nik) S. December
- gender: female
- sexuality: panromantic demisexual
- age: 27
- date of birth: June 5, 1991 (astrological sign: gemini)
- race/ethnicity: black/african-american and white
- eye color: hazel
- hair color: black
- relationship status: single
- jay's younger sister and one of his closest friends
- favorite color: sunflower yellow (specifically.)
- occupation: assassin (it's a family business, alr?)
- will kick anyone who asks jay about their younger brother
Naomi (Nomi) K. Lin
- gender: female
- sexuality: bisexual - age: 27
- date of birth: November 6, 1990 (astrological sign: scorpio)
- race/ethnicity: black/african-american and asian (chinese)
- eye color: hazel
- hair color: black
- relationship status: single
- favorite color: lavender
- occupation: author!
- kori's best friend and closest confidant
- mother of eight month old twins named michael and mae
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dios-multiverse · 2 years
hello! call me d, or dio. this [gestures around the place] is my writing sideblog.
i am black, a minor, and a pansexual nonbinary person. those are the most important things to note here.
my main is @genderqueer-karma ! feel free to follow me there, if you want!
most of my writings are original works, though some are fandom-related. i occasionally post on ao3! (i do not control the characters i find comfort in [that is a warning]. if i write about a character, assume that i care them a lot.)
while you're here, explore some of my most valued and treasured (original) works, which you can find out about via the featured tags, as well my blurbs about them below
#tddup 'verse - aka 'Til Death Do Us Part. Jay and Kori December are newlyweds who both finally get their happily ever after with each other. Or so they think. Not long into their marriage, tragedy strikes and their worlds are flipped upside-down. As deadly family secrets and people from both of their pasts start coming back up, it leaves them wondering if death will truly do them part. (semi realistic fiction)
#painting 'verse - aka The Princess and the Painting (working title). After the mysterious deaths of both the King and Queen of Dionne, a small nation on the continent of Darion, the land is thrown into absolute turmoil. Princess Cassidia, the monarchs' daughter, is too young to take the throne. Still, she is tasked with figuring out: a) who killed her parents, b) why they did that, and c) how to absolutely kick that person's ass. However, not long into her journey, she is trapped inside a painting within her home and her objective is shifted to one thing: survive. (fantasy)
#leo + vi - (untitled). Leonardo is at the top of his game, the CEO of a major information processing company. On the surface it seems like he has everything he could possibly want: money, power, a loving daughter. The works. However, when someone threatens to reveal the truth about him and his daughter, Violeta, he must decide what some things are truly worth. (modern fantasy)
#evil guy loves his silly little daughter. more at 11 - (untitled). Marino runs Circuit City with an iron grip. He's been able to maintain control for years. He's evil, he knows it, and he's unafraid to show it. Still, he has morals... and a precious daughter for whom he'd go to the ends of the earth. If something were to happen to her, it'd be the end of a lot of people's worlds. (fantasy/superhero/slice of life)
that's it! all other works are fanworks, poems, or aren't as developed as the above, so they'll go in the miscellaneous bin til further notice. ciao <3
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