mattdchase · 9 years
Matt laughed at how eager Clara was to do this together. It would be fun, no doubt. “Exactly! Every risk! And try everything! There’s a few spices I’ve never tried before that I’ll have to incorporate somehow.” Matt had spice rack, he’d have to look into those a little more closely. “Oh definitely, we will be each other’s. I have a 1000 things chocolate book too so we can make a bunch of desserts and stuff!” Dessert was important to a meal, just like any other food group. They’d have a lot to do on their hands but he was pretty sure they’d have fun doing it. Plus, they’d always gotten along. “Ahhh you like the sweet stuff,” Matt laughed, nodding his head, “I guess behind Chinese I kinda like Italian. I need to visit Italy to see how they really cook their food. People have so many adaptations these days.”
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Honey & The Moon
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“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m thinking,” Clara said excitedly, happy that Matt had seemingly embarked on the idea. She appreciated it, it would be more time in the company of another person and away from bad thoughts, Matt was actually pretty good at keeping her away from bad thoughts. “Exactly, so we’ll take all risks necessary, actually every little risk that we can, I have this huge cookbook dusted somewhere that we can try out recipes and see how they go. We’re going to be officially each other’s sous chefs.” Her smile widened as she put another bite of the pancake in her mouth, food had proven time and again to be good at making her calm down and she had been all over the place about the culinary school, it would be nice experiment. “Uhm, this right here, breakfast food, pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, and brownies, but hot brownies with ice cream – oh and hot fudge sundaes too… I guess I don’t have a favorite.”
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt cocked his head as Adelaide seemed to process the things he’d said. He really wanted to know what made her tick. Why was she this way? So...cold and proper? He hoped that somehow she’d warm up to him. More so than she already had since their first encounter. “Oh really?” he asked, raising his eyebrows, “you’ve been there, too? Sheesh, you should take me sometime and we can go looking about so it’s not al seen through the windows of a conference hall.” He doubted she’d ever actually take him but eh, the offer was still on the table. Matt knew he wasn’t the most exciting guy to be around but he id work on making people genuinely happy. It was a job he thought he was pretty good at. Maybe even more so than a mechanic but he didn’t think he was that good at either. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to be, though.
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Prey For The Wicked
Matt sighed, and Adelaide wondered if she had broken some sort of unspoken rule or societal norm. Usually she didn’t particularly care, but at the same time she didn’t want to make Matt feel unnecessarily uncomfortable. She did think him a bit naive at points, but he had a good heart, it seemed. Currently was perhaps the closest thing to a friend she had, which was quite sad considering a) that she grew up here but had no childhood friends and b) they had only spoken twice, this time included.
“Well,” he began thoughtfully. “I’d love to see Italy. Greece. I think it’d be wonderful to see Canada. That one would be nice cause Henrik is from there and he’d be able to show me around.” Henrik? Adelaide raised a questioning eyebrow. “Oh, um, Henrik is my best friend,” he explained, “I just…anywhere. I’d like to keep an open mind. There’s far too many places in this world to be picky about where you’re going. They’re all beautiful in their own way.” Adelaide gave a small smile. His enthusiasm for life was glowing again, not that she really minded now. He was beginning to remind her of Veronica, the sister recently returned from years abroad. That was putting it rather kindly, of course. In truth, Adelaide saw it more as abandoning her family, but Adelaide was working towards forgiving her. They had all grown up a lot in the years of her absence. “Italy was nice,” she mused. “Even if only seen through the windows of a conference hall.”
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt smiled at Devyn when she made eye contact with him and shrugged. “It doesn’t bother me,” Matt soothed her, “really. I’d rather have people in my life like you and Henrik. You guys make my life more exciting.” What with Henrik being her best friend and whatever this was with Devyn, Matt felt rich. “But don’t worry,” he began again, “if you two ever do anything that makes me have to put my foot down, I will. I’m just a patient guy, is all.” He made his way back to Florence easily and opened up the passenger door for Devyn. Her answer had his interest spiking but he tried to let it roll off his back.
“Ah,” he nodded his head. So long as they had an eye out for her. “Well...nothing wrong with a bit of fun, right?” He had no reason to be upset with her. They were friends. Sure, they’d just kissed like there was something more but...they weren’t exactly there yet. If at all. Matt was fine with her doing whatever she wanted. He just hoped the guys had been a bit...moralistic. He waited for Devyn to get in the truck before going over to the passenger side.
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All Hands On Deck || Devyn & Matt
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt held up a hand when Veronica tried to pay. “I got this round. You can do next place, sound good?” It would be easier that way. Then they could take turns. Preferably, Matt wouldn’t want her to pay at all but she seemed like the type of girl he didn’t want to get into an argument over payment options. He pulled out his own wallet and fished out the pounds, handing it over to the bartender before looking over at Veronica with a smile. “I like spending time with you, V,” he finally said, “you’re good company.” Matt was grateful he met her that night. If not because he had a new friend but because he got to meet an amazing person. 
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Be What You Be | V & Matt
It had been cool. The abandoned amusement park had a make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up feeling. It was the kind of feeling that made her feel weirdly alive. It was probably just the adrenaline or something. But Matt pulled herself out of her reminiscing by quite nearly chugging the rest of his drink. Clearly he had thoughts of his own. Considering he was a human being it wasn’t exactly surprising. “Sure,” she replied to his suggestion of walking somewhere else. She finished off the last little bit of her drink before pulling out her wallet. Veronica had to lean back quickly to check the prices before pulling pounds out of her wallet. The night would likely be expensive and she couldn’t let Matt pay for all of it. 
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mattdchase · 9 years
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Kyle John Chase (58)
FC: George Clooney
Relation: Step Father
Occupation: Lawyer
Elaine Marie Kuhel Chase (64) 
FC: Jessica Lange
Relation: Mother
Occupation: Housewife
Anona Marie Kuhel (83)
FC: Betty White
Relation: Grandmother
Occupation: Retired (originally journalisirt)
Elijah Owin Guzmen (31)*
FC: Stephen Amell
Relation: Half Brother
Occupation: Park Ranger
Andrew Allen Guzmen (66)*
FC: Jeff Bridges
Relation: Father
Occupation: Local feed store owner
Were you raised by both of your parents? No. I was raised by my grandmother when my mother and father were seen unfit to be my parents. 
Who is your favorite parent? My grandmother.
Who do you get along with best in your family? Why? My grandmother, I didn’t get a chance to meet my grandfather. 
Did you have a happy childhood? What do you think was the biggest influential factor? After I was taken from my parents, yes. They were neglectful and didn’t want to be my parents. Their lack of love is what stemmed my need for it. Even though I know my grandmother loves me, something is missing. 
Can you describe your happiest childhood memory? Mammy took me fishing when i was younger and we had moved to Eastbourne. She let me use my grandfather’s fishing equipment and I even got to wear his hat. 
What is the one childhood memory you wish you could erase? I...I remember my father grabbing me after I was crying for God knows what now but...he grabbed me and I remember him telling me to stop crying or it would get worse.  
How often do you visit home? Home to the states: Never. Mammy’s house? Yes, all the time. 
If you could meet your ten year old self, what would you tell them? You’re in charge of your future, not your past.
Have you started a family of your own? No.
If not, would you ever want to? Of course! I’d love to be a father one dayare
*Andrew is Matt’s biological father. Matt was conceived from an affair and Andrew was married at the time. He had a son with his wife named Eli. Therefore Eli is Matt’s half brother. They are not noted in the questionnaire because Matt does not know of their existence yet*
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mattdchase · 9 years
“Oh, I’d like that a lot!” Matt laughed, “we can explore different foods and cook together and all sorts of stuff!” He smiled over at Clara before continuing to shovel the food into his mouth. Usually he had more manners but he was so starving. He took a sip of coffee and looked over at her. “I’m pretty good at just testing and experimenting! So you can have the base and I’ll start adding things to it to see where we come up. It might not always work but hey, that’s what experimenting is for.” He grinned, licking his lips and nodded his head. This idea excited him. Maybe more so that it would get him out at least once a week. “Oh, my favorite is Chinese,” he shrugged, “what about you?!”
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Honey & The Moon
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“Who knows, though, maybe if we manage to get a tradition out of this, we’ll get to be cooking for the other on a weekly basis and we have a whole lot of cuisine to explore.” She was not against that idea at all, and she didn’t mind in doing it with Matt either, hoping that maybe with these weekly encounters she would trust him enough to tell him everything that it was possible and imaginable about her and that she knew he was curious about, but that wouldn’t be today, so she just needed to concentrate on the offer. “I think that it’s safe to say that we are going to make all of them, I can make pretty good stuffed potatoes too, so the theme will be potatoes and meat?” She laughed, “that’s actually not a bad idea.” Clara said before taking another piece of the pancake to her mouth. “But you have to tell me, what’s your favorite kind of food?”
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt laughed at the thought of Veronica running through a city running from a security guard. He grinning at the her, loving how happy she looked at the memory. “That’s priceless! It sounds like it would be exciting!” It reminded him of Henrik, in a way. “Though, aside from the whole security thing and what not that old amusement park sounds like it would be pretty cool to see. I like things like that. They look cool, you know? Plus, I’m just a fan of amusement parks in general.” Why wasn’t he more like Veronica? Or Henrik? Even Devyn? They seemed to know how to break barriers, get involved, and do something risky. Matt pretended he was the father half the time. He really needed to get out more. Taking a giant swig of his drink, Matt polished it off. He ordered another, feeling as though he needed to drink through that emotional thought. “Hey, we should go walk somewhere, do something else. I was supposed to take you on a night of fun and...I’m hardly being fun.” He smiled gently. 
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Be What You Be | V & Matt
Veronica put her hands up in mock surrender. “Alright alright,” she said with a laugh. “I almost got arrested in Berlin. I went to this bar for a drink, totally normal night. But I met this Scottish couple and after a few drinks we decided to break into this abandoned amusement park. And its all going fine and dandy until someone accidentally turned on all the lights. We hear this dog start barking, so the three of us just book it right?” She took a sip of her beer. “We made it to the fence just in time to see the security guard in the distance, shouting at us in German. At least I assume it was German.” She shrugged. It wasn’t quite her craziest story, or one that revealed her soul or anything. But it was amusing anyway. 
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt winced when Henrik spoke, hoping nothing went down between the two again. They couldn’t just get along? He still didn’t understand the true problem between them. Maybe they just were destined to hate one another. Though, Matt went back to the kiss. Why had that happened? He knew Henrik was impulsive but still. He’d kissed her. That had to have meant something was there. Maybe Devyn even kissed back. That was enough of a thought to make Matt feel a pit in his stomach. Please. He didn’t want to be this pathetic.
“Point is, Henrik’s got a lot,” Matt sighed, patting Henrik’s shoulder, “and I don’t need him undressing in my kitchen.” He gave Devyn a small look and smiled softly. “Unless you want him to?” What if she did? Would that mean something? Waving his hand, Matt tried to drop the thought and pointed at Devyn. “Doesn’t matter,” he cut off, “what about you? Do you have any? Cause...we’re all ears.” He didn’t want Henrik undressing. Matt didn’t need another reason to feel as though he had to compensate for something he was lacking. 
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Fired Up | Devyn, Henrik, Matt
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt smiled at Veronica and cocked his head, wondering what on earth was going through her mind. She seemed so eccentric he could only imagine how unique her thoughts were. It fascinated him like no other. He took another drink from his beer and looked over at Veronica. “Oh, come on,” he said happily with a grin, “you can’t tell me one crazy story? I can tell you Henrik and I got caught setting off fireworks when we were younger and we got caught by the cops. I mean that’s not especially crazy or anything but my grandmother was angry. She didn’t know what to do with us. You could’ve sworn we were going to juvie!”
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Be What You Be | V & Matt
Veronica smiled softly and ordered another beer. If she was going to start telling the stories that embarrassed her she was going to need another drink. After all she wasn’t proud of everything. Especially her first years away. Having finally shed her parent’s restrictive rules she’d gone a little wild. That and she always tried to immerse herself in the local culture and sometimes that meant things got a little out of hand. Oh the whole she was glad for her adventures, but there were some stories that went better untold. “I’m sure you will,” she replied. And Veronica then added, “Let’s just say sometimes things get a little wild. And some stories are better left where they happened.”
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt’s heart sped up when Devyn touched his arm, but otherwise tried not to show it in his face. He liked how tough she was but in the end was able to touch him gently. It felt like such an oxymoron he could hardly stand it. He liked it so much. Too much? “No, no, that’s alright, Devyn,” Matt said genuinely with a smile over towards her. His expression fell serious and it was his turn to touch her arm. “You can always call me. For anything. I promise. Work in the morning or not. I’ll be here when you need me.” That’s what Matt was good at. He was good at being a rock. Hell, he’d been Henrik’s for nearly ten years. Matt knew his strong-suit.
“Sure, get your things,” Matt nodded, finishing off the tire and packing away the ingredients. He stood up, bag in his hand and waited for Devyn to finish up. “Who were you drinking with?” he asked curiously, furrowing his eyebrows. She had friends, he knew this, but...it seemed like an odd day to be drinking.
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All Hands On Deck || Devyn & Matt
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt smiled at Adelaide and shrugged. It was fair enough. Adelaide’s responses were always so quick and to the point. Matt wondered how someone ever learned to be like that. He always felt the need to explain and be thorough. Part of Adelaide still had him cringing, thinking he did something wrong. She was a beautiful woman and he had respect for her but he always panicked. Henrik probably would’ve laughed at him if he knew that. 
At her question, Matt sighed. She didn’t seem to like to talk about herself. Neither did Veronica. They were quite similar, honestly, the more Matt thought about it. Maybe he was too conceited, considering he talked a lot. He didn’t always like talking about himself but...if it kept the conversation going.  “Well,” Matt thought, rubbing his chin for a moment. He took a seat in the office, figuring they weren’t in too much of a rush to get her car back. “I’d love to see Italy. Greece. I think it’d be wonderful to see Canada. That one would be nice cause Henrik is from there and he’d be able to show me around. Oh, um, Henrik is my best friend,” he explained with a shrug, “I just...anywhere. I’d like to keep an open mind. There’s far too many places in this world to be picky about where you’re going. They’re all beautiful in their own way.” It was how he saw people, too. Adelaide fell into that category as well. 
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Prey For The Wicked
“Fair enough,” Adelaide said with a single tilted nod of the head. Matt might of thought himself an old soul, and of course he no doubt knew himself better than Adelaide ever would, but she didn’t think there was anything old about him, certainly not his enthusiasm for life. At times he seemed to be glowing of it, which was a surprisingly pleasant change of speed in comparison to essentially everyone in her family, both immediate and extended. The Burkes were a stern and serious bunch, and Adelaide was no exception.
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“… It seems like it’d be nice. And not entirely out of reach, either,” he went on. His severe overestimation about her free time showed he clearly had no idea what her job actually entailed. Not that there was really any reason he should, of course. The two led very different lives, and she knew as little of his as he did of hers, which she wasn’t afraid to admit. In Adelaide’s mind, being wrong and simply not knowing due to lack of experience were two very different things, and of them, she thought the latter preferable. Neither was the ideal status, however, which was the standard she expected of her employees. Rather than try to explain to him the complexities of her work schedule, she answered, “Perhaps.” Starting to feel uncomfortable with the focus on her, she stiffened a little bit when she had spoken, and decided to return his line of questioning. “What about yourself? Where would you like to travel?” she asked.
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mattdchase · 9 years
“Oh,” Matt nodded, “well I understand that part. I have a hard time getting there too. So I don’t go anywhere. But you get somewhere.” Matt laughed at his phrasing and made sure the meat was good to go before going to steam some vegetables. Henrik was still working on the potatoes but they were making good progress. Mammy wasn’t intervening too much anymore so that had to be a good sign, too. 
Mammy stood up and went over to Henrik, gently patting his cheek. “You are handsome, sweetheart,” she smiled then tucked some hair behind her ear, “you’re just...a bit scruffy when nothing is tamed.” She giggled before leaning against the counter to watch him with the potatoes. The boys were doing a good job but that didn’t mean it wasn’t hard for her to watch them do her job. At Henrik’s exclamation, Mammy jumped, hand flying to her chest. “Oh!” she yelped, “oh, dear. Matthew, go get a bandaid in case he needs one. Henrik, come here.” Mammy went over to the sink and turned on the water for him to rinse it off. 
Matt scrambled after hearing Henrik and immediately followed Mammy’s instructions. He found a band aid in the medicine cabinet and walked over to inspect the damage. “Eh, it’s barely anything,” he teased Henrik, knowing full well he probably would’ve been a big baby about it, “need me to kiss it?”
Somebody’s Hero || Matt & Henrik
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt grinned at Veronica before taking a sip of his drink. it was fun, being with her. She was sweet and had a lot of layers to her. She fascinated Matt. He knew they could be good friends if they continued to hang out. He hoped they did, anyway. “I think so,” Matt shrugged. He wanted to have fun, though. It was why Henrik was such a good match for him. He pushed Matt out of his limits and since Matt felt safer with him, he went along. Having a friend, a brother, like Henrik was one in a million. “Oh?? Do tell,” Matt laughed, “I’d love to know some of the many things you’ve done, V. You seem like you have quite the memories. Hopefully one day I’ll get there, too.” After he was married, Matt knew before having children he would travel. Even just a little bit. With his spouse. It would be a good time and Veronica was only reminding him of how anxious he was to get to that part of his life. 
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Be What You Be | V & Matt
Veronica smiled as she listened. But internally she sighed, She liked Matt, she really did. But she suddenly knew that it would never be anything more than friends. There was no risk-taking, no challenge, no spontaneity. Matt was sweet, but not a lot more. Some day she might have to meet this Henrik, talk about how to get a little spontaneity into Matt’s life. Maybe start with a weekend away. Perhaps he like her could benefit from a change of scenery. As much as he might love his grandmother he might take a few more risks away from her and this town. For now though Veronica just said, “Well everyone needs a voice of reason.” It was true, technically. But usually it was a two way relationship. “I mean some of the things I’ve done…” she trailed off with a laugh. It would’ve been good maybe for someone to be around to tell her that her plan to leave and never come back wasn’t a good one. Or some of the other things. 
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt brought the car down onto it’s wheel and pulling the jack out from under it. “Yeah, of course,” he smiled, “you gotta have everything sitting right. Once the wheel is back on the ground, then you can tighten one hundred percent.’ He tightened half of them, making sure they were secure and intact before passing the wrench back over to Devyn. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t sure you wouldn’t be safe on the road.” Though, she wasn’t getting in the dang thing. He wanted her safe and if keeping her from getting behind the wheel was what he had to do, so be it. Matt cared about her, deeply. They were friends and he would always care about a friend. Still, his feelings for Devyn, as they became more known, were influencing his actions. 
Sighing, Matt licked his lips and looked over at her. He wasn’t going to bust her for having fun. If that was what she was doing. He was her friend, not her father. “Well...” he shrugged, “once we get this tire home I think I’m gonna drive you home. Whether you think you could drive or not...it’s just better to be safe than sorry, alright?” 
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All Hands On Deck || Devyn & Matt
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mattdchase · 9 years
“I guess I sort of am,” Matt laughed, cocking his head, “but I think I’m more of an old soul. Home and family matter most. Kinda...puts a damper on the whole traveling dream. I find entertainment elsewhere. All around me.” He shrugged and waved a hand around. Eastbourne had wonderful qualities to it. There was surprisingly a lot to do, too. He didn’t mind staying around. Especially if it meant he could keep an eye on his grandmother. 
Nodding his head, Matt listened ot Adelaide speak. Whenever she spoke copious amounts as an answer, Matt got intrigued. It wasn’t often she spoke more than a few words and he actually liked to hear what she had to say. She was smart and her body language, and dialect, were only proof of that. “Well you’ve still be other places! Next time you go out of town you should find time to look around. Or at least try new restaurants or something. Just to have a little piece of that city with you. It seems like it’d be nice. And not entirely out of reach, either.” She had to have time for something. Matt couldn’t believe she would actually spend every minute of her life towards her business. It was understandable but...it didn’t seem like much of a way to live. 
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Prey For The Wicked
“No? You strike me as…” She wasn’t quite of the word. “As a free sprit of sorts. I’m surprised.” She said the words free spirit with a kind of curiosity, as if she was not really familiar with the term and had only a vague idea of what it was. With all his previous emphasis on ‘fun’ the last time they spoke, she found it odd that he had never gone on such a journey.
“Yes,” she said a little hesitantly. She paused and looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing with more surety. “Sort of. Most of my time is spent in meeting rooms and conference rooms, so it’s not quite ‘traveling’ in the usual sense of the word,” she said matter-of-factly. Her itinerary was always planned down to the last minute, with business partners and investees always begging for her precious time. And most of the time, Adelaide was so consumed by her work that she had never really been curious about the places she went to. The everyday lives of the people that lived in those foreign cities held little interest for Adelaide. But since Veronica’s unexpected return, she found herself thinking curiously about all places that Veronica had seen and the things she had done. Meanwhile Adelaide had been cooped up in her office back in Eastbourne, though that was partially Adelaide’s own fault.
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt smiled at both Devyn and Henrik. Tattoos were at least a sort of common ground between all three of them. Matt didn’t have many tattoos but Henrik had managed to convince him, through his work, to get one or two. Matt tugged his short sleeve shirt up and opened his arm. “Celtic knot for strength. Power. Guidance.” He reached over and patted Henrik’s chest. “Got this one because of him. A while back after a uh...rough patch.” Henrik had always been there for him. He was his brother through and through. And he was his strength. It was fitting. 
“I have this one, too. I like the water. The color blue. It just...fit.” He lifted up his other sleeve to show the blue tattoo. “I don’t have many, really,” Matt sighed. Compared to Henrik his skin was still painfully bare. But Matt couldn’t imagine covering himself much more. “Oh, and Phillippians 4:13 on this arm,” Matt remembered, opening the opposing arm. It wasn’t enough to impress Devyn, nothing like Henrik. It wasn’t a competition, though. “I wanna get another...I just don’t know what yet. I’m keeping my eyes open.” Matt nudged Henrik and smiled. Henrik would always be the one to give them, too. Matt didn’t trust anyone else. 
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Fired Up | Devyn, Henrik, Matt
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mattdchase · 9 years
Matt thought for a moment, leaning against the counter before shaking his head. “No! I haven’t, actually. but that sounds incredibly fun! I’ll have to something like that soon. I’m sure I’d be able to find someone up to doing that with me. I’ve mostly just hung around here, doing what I can,” Matt explained with a shrug. He smiled at Adelaide as she seemed to find a happy memory with her traveling. It was one of the few times he actually saw her look like that. It made him happy in return. He liked feeding off of other people’s happiness. Especially when in rare cases that happiness was Adelaide. 
“I’ve wanted to go on road trip for quite some time, though. To travel and see some interesting places. Do you travel a lot because of your business? I’m sure if you do it’s obviously not for fun but if you have I’m sure you’ve seen loads of places.” He was intrigued by Adelaide’s different lifestyle. Not many people chose to live their life the way she did. Not many people were like her in general. 
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Prey For The Wicked
“Well, it’s important! If I don’t express my concern who will? That’s why I like being a mechanic. I’m able to keep people safe as best I can through their vehicle.” She just gave a sort of melancholy shrug, not really sure how to respond. It was truly sad that an-almost stranger was expressing more concern for her well-being and safety than any of her relatives, even her immediate family, had done within the last few years. Some people say that friends are the family you make, but Adelaide had never really had a chance to experience, having not had any close friends in so long. She had one or two in college, but after graduation, they had drifted apart, especially given that the others had stayed in the US. She used to miss them, but nowadays they only drifted into her mind a few time a year and now this was one of those times.
Adelaide nodded in agreement. “Yes, I got to ride on the back quite a few times. We did a road trip along the coast of New England one summer, my friend and I.” The corner of her mouth turned upward ever so slightly as she fondly recalled the memory. "Have you ever gone on a trip like that?”
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