#tdl boys x reader
shintin · 3 years
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Forget Me Not: Chapter 11 (One soul, Two bodies)
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Description: Imagine that from the moment you opened your eyes into this world, you had no choice but to kill and shed the blood of others, that you had to fight alongside Toji Fushiguru and die with him.
What would you do when they force you to do something you don't like? When the torment of conscience presses on your throat, will you give up? Now think about a day that life gives you another chance; how would you use it?
This is the story of a murderer who seeks salvation. Will she find it in the arms of Satoru Gojo? Or will pain find her sooner than redemption and drive her out of heaven forever?
Genre: heavy angst, sad love story, maybe tragedy, violence, lonely hearts, broken souls, +18.
Tags/Warnings: Children's death.
Author Note: There are pictures related to the story at the end of the chapter :)
Song Recommendation: Juice Newton - Angel Of The Morning
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Year: 2018
"Are you taking us to a field test again? How are you going to deceive us this time? Will you promise to take us to the Tokyo Disney Land (TDL) but instead will take us to an abandoned hospital from World War II?" Nobara closed her eyes with anger and let out a sigh.
Satoru scratched his chin. "Abandoned buildings from World War II? Why hadn't I thought about this until now? Cheer up kids! The destination of our next field test is determined," he announced happily.
"Oh God, give me patience or I will start World War III and burry Gojo Sensei's body in its abandoned buildings!" Nobara rubbed her forehead with one hand while the other sat on her waist.
Meanwhile, the other two students and Y/N stood quietly in front of the school's gates, following Satoru's argument with a girl half his age.
Yuji folded his hands and said with a quiet voice: "I think Gojo Sensei still wants the best for us," and gave Y/N and Megumi a great smile.
In response to Yuji, Megumi raised his hand and smacked Yuji's head without looking at him. "You don't have to kiss his ass when he can't even hear you!" Megumi said to the other boy in a whispered voice.
"Ouch Megumi, why are you always so stern? How do you manage to be stern all the time, han? I assure you, you won't look ugly if you try to smile a little!" Yuji said while turning his back to his friend and rubbing the back of his head.
Y/N put her hand in front of her mouth and giggled as she watched the students' arguments.
"Hey! What is so funny? Are you mocking my class management skills?" Satoru raised his eyebrows, putting his hand on his waist while staring at Y/N.
"Not at all!" She controlled herself not to laugh. "Who am I to criticize the way a great teacher like you manages his class?" She put her hand on her lips and giggled again.
Upon hearing this sentence, the three students burst into laughter.
"Yeah Y/N, put him in his place!" Nobara happily jumped up and down behind Satoru.
"Is that so? Hmmm. Why did you turn my dear students against me?" Satoru folded his arms, pretending to be sad, and looked at Y/N with a pout.
Megumi said quietly under his breath: "We were never on your side in the first place to turn against you," and looked away.
Satoru turned his head and looked at Megumi. "Oh, noooo~ you too? Did you all agree to stab your Sensei in his back?" He said in a dramatic voice.
In the middle of their discussion, Ijichi arrived with the school's car and parked it in front of them.
"Gojo Sensei, I don't want you to think that I'm questioning your management, but how did you calculate we would all fit in this car?" Yuji asked with an innocent face.
"Very easy, I didn't." Satoru winked at Yuji from above his glasses. Remember, his blindfold was torn up from his fight earlier with Y/N.
"You forgot that Y/N is going to accompany with us on this mission, didn't you?" Nobara asked in a questioning tone.
Satoru turned and looked at Y/N, standing near the gate, moving the stones with her boots. Her hair had fallen, caressing her face. How could he forget anything about her? So he turned to the students again and said, "No, actually I forgot that Yuji is alive!~ You should have reminded me Yuji~"
"Eh? Wh-att?" Yuji looked at his Sensei with sad eyes.
Megumi sighed and started talking with sarcasm in his tone. "Me and Yuji and Nobara, and you certainly won't fit in the back seat. Of course, Y/N can't sit next to us either because no one should touch her. So can you share your brilliant idea with us, our great Sensei?"
A smile appeared on Satoru's lips, and he said without hesitation: "Y/N can sit on my lap. She is able to touch me without any problem, this way all our problems will solve~ I know it is difficult, but I have to make this sacrifice for everyone." What a martyr you are, Satoru Gojo.
Meanwhile, Y/N, who was drinking water, began to cough when she heard him.
Satoru quickly walked over to her, hit her back several times to stop her coughing, and looked at her anxiously. Yep, Satoru had started to care a little more about her.
"I'm okay, Satoru! If you hit me one more time with those big hands of yours, my lungs will pop out of my mouth!" She gestured for him to stop.
When her breathing returned to a normal pace, she raised her head and said to Satoru: "I know I said we're not strangers, but I didn't mean that much! I won't sit on your long legs! And sorry Hawking, but your idea is bullshit. This way, my head will hit the ceiling of the car during the ride!"
"Big hands and long legs, huh? So you like them?" Satoru said flirtatiously.
"That is all you heard?" she tilted her head and hit her forehead. "You're burning out my brain cells."
But Satoru wasn't listening. He was dreaming about the day Y/N would sit on his lap. When he could pull her silky hair off her shoulder and could kiss her from the tips of her fingers to her shoulder... He wanted to be able to wrap one hand around her waist and caress her cheeks with the other, whispering in her ear and breathing into her neck. Ops, this man's imagination is far ahead of the author.
Satoru Gojo wanted to experience all the nonsensical clichés with Y/N.
While imagining the moment of kissing her, he felt butterflies in his stomach.
Satoru smiled at the thought, shook his head, turned to Ijichi, and said, "Give me the keys; I'm driving today."
The three students got in the car, and Y/N opened the front door and sat in the seat next to the driver.
As soon as Satoru got in the car, the first thing he did was push back his seat. By doing so, Nobara raised her voice in protest, "Oh my God, I hate this situation! Why are your legs longer than the giraffe's neck!"
Satoru looked at the students in the mirror and said with a confidential smile, "To be the most handsome man you have ever seen," and he winked while starting the car.
Upon hearing this, Y/N chuckled.
"Is something wrong, Y/N? Don't you agree with me?" Satoru turned his head towards her.
"Oh, come on! There are more handsome men than you, like Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman, Keanu Reeves and ..."
And before Y/N could finish, that bastard leaned over her, put his hand on her neck, pulled out her seat belt from behind her head, and fastened it for her. "Why did you stop Y/N? You were saying ~"
Y/N's eyes were round, her cheeks felt hot, and her heart pounded like a little rabbit in a fox's claws. Satoru smelled like vanilla.
"Oh, um, nothing, I'm, that's it," she sputtered with difficulty.
Satoru stayed there, a few inches away from Y/N's face. He grinned, "I thought the same," and immediately returned to his seat. After fastening his seat belt, the car started moving.
The students talked and joked with each other along the way, and Y/N tried to look outside. Her heartbeat had calmed down, but she was embarrassed to look at Satoru's face again because she was sure he had noticed the redness on her cheeks.
On the other side, Satoru was paying attention to the road. But every now and then, he looked at Y/N and noticed the movement of her fingers and feet, based on the rhythm of the radio songs.
All the little things about her mattered to him. To be honest, he would write down everything about her if he had a notebook.
But our boy still didn't know the name of his feelings for her and had been confused since the day Y/N had touched him. But he knew well that even though he was the strongest, he couldn't fight with these feelings.
After one-and-a-half hours of driving, the car stopped in front of a large cemetery outside the city. As the vehicle stopped, Y/N was the first to get out of it.
"I knew we were going to come to a creepy place," Nobara sighed.
Meanwhile, Megumi turned to his Sensei and asked: "Is this the cemetery where it was mentioned in the report that there may be curses of different grades?"
"Yep, book wormy," Satoru said while closing the car door behind him. He turned to his students and continued: "You finish this mission, and I'll treat your all with dinner."
"Well, let's finish the mission quickly, I'm very hungry," Yuji said happily and walked ahead.
"I'll order the most expensive food on the menu to avenge today," Nobara said as she walked behind Yuji.
But then the two turned their heads as they walked, and their gaze fell on Megumi, who, along with their Sensei, was watching Y/N.
She was walking between the graves, reading the names on the tombstones.
Satoru took a few steps towards her. "Do you feel something suspicious?" He asked in a calm tone.
She raised her head and looked at him with a sad face. "When we arrived here, I felt that the grief in this cemetery is different from other cemeteries. When I read the inscriptions on the graves, I realized that this is a children's cemetery, Satoru. These tombstones all belong to children who couldn't see today. Many parents have cried here; It's so unfortunate."
Satoru looked around. "I also noticed a lot of cursed energy here" Then he turned to the students and said, "Well, go find the curses so we can leave this sad place as soon as possible."
Megumi quickly called his divine dogs, Nobara pulled out her nails and hammer, and Yuji clenched his fists. With that, all three began to search the cemetery and exorcise the curses.
Meanwhile, Y/N stood up and stayed with Satoru, watching the students' performance.
"Sensei" Megumi shouted. "I think there is a special grade curse here!"
Y/N quickly turned her face to Satoru and saw a smile etched on his lips.
"So what, Megumi? You want to escape from the special grades for the rest of your life?" Their wise sensei shouted back.
Y/N frowned and took a few steps towards the students. But Satoru was quick to grab her arm.
"Don't do this, let them face a special grade in a controlled environment under my supervision. It is better than having them face one alone."
She tried pulling her arm out of his hand, but Satoru didn't let go.
"Calm down and trust me. Last time Yuji would not have died if they were prepared for a fight with a special grade curse."
Y/N glanced at him. He seemed confident about his decision.
"He is the strongest. He wants their best, he has promised to take care of Yuji. Calm down, Y/N, calm down!" Y/N repeated in her heart, took a few steps back, and stood beside him. He released her arm. Did she trust him? No. Because she knew well that too much trust could kill her. She learned her lessons the hard way and was never willing to rely on anyone other than herself.
The students continued to fight with the shadowy curse that seemed to be wearing the black cloak of death. They looked tired but didn't give up the fight.
While watching the students, Y/N's eyes fell on Nobara, who reached into her waist bag to pick up another nail, but all her nails were gone. In the middle of the fight, Yuji's glance fell on Nobara, and he quickly noticed her condition and threw himself in front of Nobara to protect her from the curse's attack.
Y/N, without hesitation, pulled her knife out of her sleeve and cut off the palm of her hand with it before Satoru could stop her. With the inherited blood manipulation technique of the Kamo clan, she brought her blood in the form of sharp arrows and attacked the curse from several directions. In a few seconds, she exorcised the curse and hurried to Yuji. Her hand was bleeding, but it was an issue for another time. She sat next to Yuji, who was lying on the ground.
Y/N looked terrified until Yuji gently moved his hand and opened his eyes.
"Oh. If you are going to be beside me after each fall, I'll put myself in danger every day," Yuji laughed wearily.
Megumi sighed in relief. He was worried about his friend. So worried. "I wish you could be a little wiser instead of getting stupider after hitting the ground."
Y/N was relieved; she got up and took a few steps back.
"I told you not to get involved in the fight," Satoru wasn't shouting, but his voice was firm.
Y/N turned her face. Fear and anger could be seen in her eyes.
"You promised me to take care of Yuji! If Yuji were hurt, you too would be fucked up because of that nonsense vow! Let me be honest with you, Satoru Gojo! It doesn't matter to me whether you are alive or not! But Yuji should not be harmed," Y/N said with a trembling voice while tears filled her eyes. She turned away and walked to the other side of the cemetery to be alone.
At that day, at that hour, and at that moment, Satoru realized that the only value he had for Y/N was his promise to keep Yuji safe. He meant nothing to her. She, like everyone else, tolerated him only because of his powers.
Butterflies might live more than a day, but those in Satoru's stomach died with those words.
He turned to the students without showing any emotion. "Are you all well?"
They nodded in approval.
With a fake smile, he turned and walked towards the car. He was in pain. He needed to sit down. He needed to be alone too.
After their Sensei left, Yuji turned to Megumi and Nobara." I'm going to check Y/N and come back." Nobara and Megumi nodded and leaned against the graveyard's wall.
Yuji ran to Y/N, leaning against a tombstone in the corner of the cemetery. Her sobs could be heard.
Yuji called out softly: "Y/N?"
She turned her head, and seeing Yuji, she quickly wiped away the tears with her sleeve.
"How is your hand?" Yuji asked in a worried tone. After all, she was there for him. She owed him.
She raised her hand. The wound on her hand had been healed, and only traces of her blood remained on her hand. She was a half-curse, and Yuji knew about it, but somehow she didn't seem like a curse to him. She was something else, and if Yuji were good at words, he would describe her as life, the source of life.
"I'm okay, Yuji, don't worry about me. Are you all okay?" She tried to put a smile on her face.
"We're fine, thank you for saving our asses; you truly are a guardian angel," Yuji smiled.
A little, trembling smile appeared on her lips. "I'm sorry I interfered in your fight. I should have known my place!" She stared at her bloody hands.
Yuji's eyes got widened. 'Why is she talking like that?' But who he was to judge her behaviors. She had a hard life.
"I'm glad you intervened. Otherwise, we would all be in the hospital now," Yuji scratched the back of his neck. Then he continued, "get up, Y/N, let's go back to the car so we can rest." She looked at him. He was a good kid. He didn't deserve his misery.
Y/N got up, shook the dust off her clothes, and headed back to the car with the other students.
She hesitantly opened the front door of the car and sat down. She noticed that Satoru wasn't even looking at her. His attention was on his cell phone, and he typed something fast. She turned her face away, acting like she didn't care. But deep down, she did care, but our girl wasn't ready to show it. Yet.
After a few moments, Satoru turned his attention away from the phone, looked in the mirror at the back seat, and tried to speak in a humorous tone. "Well, everybody is here? No one left?" He quickly glanced at Y/N's hand to see if her wound needed to be bandaged. He was relieved to see her hand was healed. He was sad, maybe even a little mad, but he wasn't going to treat her bad. He sighed, then turned on the car.
No one said a word on the way back. The kids were tired; Y/N had closed her eyes and leaned her head against the window. Meanwhile, Satoru was trying his best not to look at her.
When the car stopped in front of the school gates, everyone got out of the vehicle.
"You all are exhausted now; order dinner on my account. We'll go to a restaurant another day," Satoru winked at his students. "Oh, before I forget, be in the TV room of the school at 9 am tomorrow. Good night."
Satoru said and walked a few meters away from the others. Y/N called to him from behind: "Satoru?"
His heart ached when he heard Y/N's voice. No butterflies, no heart beating. Just pain. Why? Why couldn't he stop caring about her? After fucking 11 years of searching, why did he find her now?
He started talking without turning his head: "Goodbye Y/N," and disappeared from her sight like smoke that was impossible to hold. She stood there and looked at where Satoru was standing a few seconds ago.
Her heart ached from pain. She could feel Satoru's sadness. And at that day, at that hour, and that moment, she realized they were one soul in separate bodies.
Fate knew that he would be something more, something she was well familiar with. Heartache.
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A/N 1: The thought of butterflies' death after just living for one day is very sad.
A/N2: Y/N's outfit in this chapter:
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60 notes · View notes
seiijohhh · 3 years
the slow demise [2/?]
summary: He’d found you coated in blood, surrounded by death, and decided then and there, you were perfect. pairing: megumi fushiguro x f!gojo!reader a/n: this has been reposted from my original account @justauthoring - so, if you recognize it, that’s why. im also tagging those who originally requested to be tagged in it, so they know where to find future parts. tags: @thatprofessionalfangirl - @sugarandsoft - @honeyy-honeyy-sweets - @strawberryflavoredjeans - @flowersbloominthedark - @juliajempire​ - @princess-bumblebee - @sageandberries-png - @yue-caelum - @a–nonymousse - @aryksworld - @godsentkita​ - @kat-su-ki
part one - part two - part three - part four
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“How is there only four first years? Isn’t that too few?”
“Well, have you ever met anyone who can see curses before?”
Pausing in thought, the tip of Itadori’s popsicle remains in his mouth, before he tips it towards Fushiguro; “nope.”
“That just proves how small a minority jujutsu sorcerers are.”
Leaning against the railing beside Itadori, you glance away from him and Megumi, taking a moment to gather your surroundings. Gojo has left waiting here for quite a while, and honestly, you were getting bored.
“Also,” Itadori speaks up, pulling your attention back on him. “Didn’t you say I was the fourth?”
“Their entry was decided a while ago.” Fushiguro explains, nonchalant as ever, “you know what our school is like. Everyone has unique circumstances.”
Leaning towards Itadori with a mischievous grin, you hold your hand up to give the impression of telling a secret but don’t bother to lower your voice. “They were trying to find a replacement for me,” you grin, bright eyed at the dull look Fushiguro sends you.
“You were the one who said you’d never been apart of our school in the first place,” he quirks a brow, “how could we replace you, then?”
Blinking at his quip, you’re mainly surprised he’s able to come up with one.
“Moo,” you pout, crossing your arms over your chest. “No fun.”
“Sorry for the wait.”
Blinking at the new voice, your straighten out at the sight of Gojo waving at the three of you. He makes his way steadily over, before pausing, head tilting in curiosity, lips parting; “oh? Your uniforms made it in time, I see.” Then, his eyes drift to you, meeting your gaze. “Though, I’ve had yours waiting in my closet for a while.”
Glancing down at your uniform, you pull at the jacket, eyeing it curiously. The outfit was the same colour as Gojo’s and Fushiguro’s, as expected, a deep, dark purple. Yours was slightly different then your male counterparts however, and you’d found a pair of tight fitting dress pants, a white button up, and a cropped jacket with a high collar at your door this morning.
“Yeah,” Itadori grins, sending him a thumbs up. “It’s a perfect fit. Though it’s slightly different from Fushiguro’s,” he pulls at the material, “it has a hood, for one.”
“That’s because the uniforms can be customized upon request.”
“Huh? But I never put in any requests.”
With a sigh, you cross your arms over your chest, nudging Itadori lightly; “that’s because he did.” And when he turns to look at you, you shrug. “I didn’t put in a request for mine either. Though, I’m pleasantly surprised that mine came with pants.”
Utterly and entirely too proud of himself, Gojo grins at you brightly, sending you a thumbs up; “I thought you’d appreciate not having a skirt.”
And honestly, you can’t argue with that.
“Whatever, I guess,” Itadori shrugs.
“Be careful,” Fushiguro calls out, “Gojo-sensei has a tendency to do things like that.”
“More importantly,” you speak up, raising your head as you poke your head out. “Why are we meeting up in Harajuku?” Just as you finish speaking, Itadori moves to a stand beside you, pulling your eyes on him briefly before blinking back over at Gojo.
“Because it’s what she asked for.”
“Hey!” Jumping at the sudden pike of excitement in Itadori’s voice, you turn to him as he grins excitedly at you. “Popcorn! I want some!” Without any real warning, he grabs you by the wrist, grip gentle but firm, and pulls you along, whilst you stutter in surprise.
“H-Hey! I never said I wanted some–!”
“Um… P-Pardon me?”
It takes you half a second to realize that the older man stood in front of you, is talking to you. His lips are curved into a hopeful, somewhat hesitant smile, eyes crinkling at the corners as he regards you. “Are you on the clock right now?”
Your lips part, surprised flooding your features. You take a glance back at Itadori, Fushiguro and embarrassingly enough, Gojo, stood a little ways back from you as they watch on with varying expressions of interests. Itadori just looks curious, maybe even a little lost (and honestly, it’s a little endearing), Fushiguro seems rather annoyed and Gojo? Well, you have no idea.
Despite knowing the man for so many years now, you still can’t really gauge what half of his mischievous looks are about.
“Uh, no, I’m not,” you answer, turning back to the man, before raising your hand with a soft shake of your head. “But I’m not–”
“You see,” he cuts in, plainly ignoring what you’d had to say. So much for being hesitant. “I’m looking for potential models.” You take a quick glance at yourself – what about you currently screams model right now? “This is who I am,” he continues, thrusting a card in your face. “Would you be interested?”
You miss the pair of keen and careful eyes that watch you.
“Sorry,” you bow gently, feeling suddenly incredibly uncomfortable. “I’m not really interested–”
“Oh! Just hear me out–!”
“Hey, you.”
A new voice calls, and your eyes land on a hand that’s latched itself to the man’s shoulders before glancing upwards. You’re surprised to see a girl, your age, in a similar school uniform to your own, instead hers consists of a pencil skirt.
The man turns to her with a startle.
“What about me?”
You blink at her boldness, unable to stop the grin that grows on your face.
“For the modeling gig, dug,” she continues, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m asking what you think about me.”
“Oh, um! I’m in a hurry at the moment!” He offers a small smile, a nod your way, before moving to walk off.
She doesn’t let him off that easily.
Tugging him back by the collar of his jacket, she growls; “don’t run from me! Come out and say it!”
“Please, I’m sorry!”
“Um,” stepping forward, you try to placate the girl in letting the man go, offering a nervous smile. “Maybe you should–”
Sighing in relief at Gojo’s voice, you move to rush over to him and the boys, falling next to Itadori, and spinning to face the girl with a grin.
“Okay, once again.”
Gojo gestures to the new student, and with ease, she moves to introduce herself. “Kugisaki Nobara,” she introduces herself, hand on her hip. “Be happy, boys. There’s now two girls in your group.”
Head tilting, you let out a laugh at the expressions on Itadori’s and Fushiguro’s faces.
A moment of silence passes, Nobara simply just stares at the three of you, though you notice her eyes are solely on Itadori and Fushiguro.
“I’m Itadori Yuji,” Itadori grins, leaning forward as he gestures to himself. “I’m from Sendai.”
“Fushiguro Megumi.”
She stares. Then, huffing: “I always get stuck with unfortunate circumstances.”
“She took one look and sighed,” Itadori deadpans.
“Well,” moving so you’re slightly in front of Itadori, you grin brightly at Nobara. You don’t have many friends, and even less of them are female, so you’re hoping that she won’t have the same reaction towards you. Especially with what happened earlier. “I’m Y/N Gojo, yes, as in Gojo-sensei,” you thumb at Gojo, “but we’re not related by blood, I only took his name–”
“–Hey, how come you didn’t tell me that right away!”
Sticking your hand out, you meet her eyes; “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
She stares, and you feel your chest tighten in worry. But then, her eyes are brightening and the brightest (and maybe only) smile you’ve seen on the girl since meeting her curls onto her lips as she eagerly takes your hand. “I’m relieved to not be the only girl!”
And it’s like a weight of your shoulder.
“Hey!” Itadori calls, pouting, “how come you don’t like me!”
“Are we going somewhere?” Fushiguro cuts in, clearly tired of the conversation.
Gojo lets out a mischievous laugh; “we do have all four of you together.” He nods to himself. “Not to mention, two of you are from the countryside. So, of course we’re going on a tour of Tokyo!”
Almost immediately, as if on cue, Nobara, Itadori and Gojo all jump together, bright grins and sparkling eyes as they chant; “Tokyo! Tokyo! Tokyo!” Before, Nobara and Itadori move to stand beside each other, hands clasped with sparkling delight. “We love Tokyo.”
Shoving your hands into your pockets, you watch on with a tilt of your head.
“TDL!” Nobara cries, Itadori latching onto Gojo; “I want to go to TDL!”
“Idiot!” Itadori turns to her, “TDL’s in Chiba! Let’s go to Chinatown, Sensei!”
“Chinatown’s in Yokohama!”
“Yokohama’s part of Tokyo! Don’t you know that? Look at a map!”
Nudging Fushiguro lightly, you turn to whisper to him; “he’s not taking them on a tour, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” Fushiguro nods, watching the two with disdain on his face. “Without a doubt.”
“I will now announce our destination,” Gojo calls, silencing Itadori and Nobara almost instantly.
Turning to each other, you swear you actually see stars in their eyes; “Roppongi?!”
“I almost feel bad,” you mumble, unable to tear your eyes away.
“Don’t,” Fushiguro mumbles, “they’re idiots.”
Staring you at the building that looks quite frankly haunted, you bite your lips.
“There’s a curse here.”
“You liar!”
“You were toying with us country folk!”
With an everlasting grin on his face, Gojo adds; “there’s a bit cemetery nearby. The double whammy of that and an abandoned building brought out a curse.”
With a pat on the back of sympathy for Nobara, who continues to grovel in disappointment, clearly pissed off, you listen in as Itadori speaks up – surprisingly, he doesn’t seem all that upset about the whole lying thing anymore.
“So they really do pop up more often around graves?”
“The issues isn’t the cemetery itself,” Fushiguro explains, “it’s the fact that people associate cemeteries with fear.”
“Oh,” his eyes brighten in understanding. “It was the same for schools, too, wasn’t it?”
“Hold up!” Nobara calls, finally straightening out, “he didn’t even know that yet?”
Scratching at your chin, you let out a nervous laugh; “well…”
“He swallowed a special-grade cursed object?!” She all but screeches as you explain, instantly creating a distance between her and Itadori, disgust clear on her facial expression. “Gross! Unbelievable! That’s so unsanitary and disgusting! No way, no way, no way!”
“I agree with her.” Fushiguro cuts in.
You bite your lips as his eyes fall on you, clasping your hands behind your back while you rock on the heels of your feet nervously. “Um…” You start, voice drifting, “it was kinda disgusting.”
“I want to know what all of you are capable of,” Gojo cuts in, hands in his pockets as he regards the abandoned building. “Just think of this as a field test. Nobara, Yuji, you two go exorcise the curse inside that building.”
Brows furrowing, you turn to Gojo. Why was he..?
“Huh?” Itadori mumbles, “but I thought only curses could exorcise curses, right? I can’t use any jujutsu yet.”
Gojo turns to Itadori; “you’re basically half a curse already,” he reminds. “There’s cursed energy flowing throughout your body. Though controlling that energy isn’t something you can learn overnight, so use this.” Your eyes widen at the familiar looking weapon, if you remembered correctly that belonged to a second year. “It’s the cursed tool, Slaughter Demon. It’s a weapon imbued with cursed energy. It’ll work on curses, too.”
Pulling the cover off the weapon, Itadori eyes it gleaning eyes.
“Lame,” Nobara scoffs, pulling your attention on her as she moves towards the building, pulling a pouncing around the belt hoops of her skirt.
Itadori moves to follow her.
“Oh, one more thing,” Gojo calls, “don’t let Sukuna out. If you use him, you’ll get rid of all the curses nearby in a flash, but you’ll also drag everyone around into it.”
“Got it!” Itadori grins, sending Gojo a thumbs up, “I won’t let Sukuna out.”
“Hurry up now!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Go on, now!”
“Man, I finally join the school like you’ve always wanted me to, and you kick me out of my first official mission.”
Letting out a laugh, Gojo sits down beside Fushiguro as you frown down at him. Leaning back, he glances up at you; “sorry,” he grins.
“I still think I should go, though,” you mumble, glancing back in the direction of the building, eyeing it with worry. Biting your lip, you frown; “I mean, Itadori’s still new and everything. And Nobara’s never been in the city…”
There’s an echo of silence, before Fushiguro adds; “I think I’ll go too.”
“Don’t push yourself,” Gojo calls, “either of you. You’re still recovering.”
Huffing, you nudge Fushiguro’s foot lightly, signaling him to scoot over which he does without complain. Falling into seat beside him, your shoulder lightly touches his own, an action that completely misses you, but Fushiguro however does not. And fighting back the faint blush that threatens to grow on his cheeks, Fushiguro distracts himself by turning back to Gojo.
“Y/N’s right,” he mumbles, “someone should keep an eye on them, especially Itadori.”
“True,” Gojo nods, “but the one we’re testing this time is Nobara.”
Complying, you let out a sigh, leaning back on the palms of your hands, tilting your head up to glance at the curse practically oozing from the building.
As you do, you miss the way Fushiguro keeps eyeing you.
“That Yuji…he’s missing a few up here,” he taps his head for emphasis. “He has no hesitation when it comes to killing these things that take the form of living creatures, albeit bizarre-looking ones, to try to kill him. And it’s not like he’s been familiar with curses for a long time, like the both of you.”
You glance at Gojo, meeting his already awaiting gaze.
“They won’t leave me alone!”
“Yes, darling, but… but you’re scaring me… you’re scaring us!”
Shaking your head, a wave of heat rolls off of you, almost pulsating, and it causes those around you to flinch in fear, pushing away from you. You don’t understand, no one will listen to you – they don’t understand. They won’t understand…
You’re not trying to scare them.
“Mama, please, just–”
She holds a hand to you, stopping you from approaching – it feels like your heart might just break.
“Papa,” you turn, swiftly, desperately, but he looks at you with those same eyes. Those same fearful, disgusted eyes and you can feel the tears welling, your sight blurring. “P-Please…” You cry.
“You have to stay away, Y/N. It’s not safe for us.”
“I’m not safe!”
The words leave your voice in a screech, and you hate the way everyone backs away. This is your family, your mother and father, and your older brother and they’re all avoiding you because they’re afraid of you. They won’t listen to reason. It’s not your fault, you’re not trying to scare them – you’re scared…
You’re terrified.
But they don’t care.
“They won’t leave me! They just follow me! I’m not… please, listen to me! Mama, papa, onii-chan!”
It’s useless. They won’t listen.
They’re too scared.
You feel your heart swelling, anger flooding your senses, and the only thing in your head is; they need to understand.
In a second there’s screams. Your eyes snap open to find red, just… red. There’s so much of it, the smell of it floods your senses and makes you feel sick. The monsters that haunt your dreams, that never leave you no matter how hard you try to make them, fly past you in blurs; the red coats them.
The screams never leave your mind.
They never will.
And in the sea of red, amidst your own sobbing, you see a glow of white, and it shines so brightly you think;
that must be my saviour.
The one you’ve been waiting for.
He pulls his blindfold back, and the sea of blue you see is just so beautiful, your young heart soars.
“So little to be covered in so much blood.”
“–This is a boy who used to live a normal high school life.”
Blinking at the sound of Gojo’s voice, you’re pulled from your thoughts with a startle. Ignoring the pang in your chest and the way it sits uncomfortably heavy, you ignore the sidewise glance Fushiguro sends you, placing your focus back on what Gojo has to say.
“You’ve both seen plenty of jujutsu sorcerers, even those with talent, give up in frustration because they couldn’t conquer their fear or disgust, haven’t you?”
You glance at Fushiguro, and the answer is obvious.
“So today I want to confirm how crazy she is.”
“But Kugisaki has experience, right? Little late for that now, isn’t it?”
“Curses are born from human minds,” Gojo reminds, “so their strength and numbers grow in proportion to the population. Meaning…”
“Is Nobara aware that curses in Tokyo are on a different level than those in the countryside,” you finish with a nod, leaning forward to eye Gojo. Honestly, despite being an annoyance most of the time, Gojo was good at bringing the best out of his students – so you shouldn’t be all that surprised by his tendency to search for the best either.
Still, it shocks you.
“And when I say ‘level’, I don’t just mean the amount of cursed energy they have,” Gojo continues, “it’s their cunning. Monsters that have gained wisdom often force cruel choices upon you…–”
“It’s just a kid… right?”
“–with the weight of human lives in the balance.”
Gojo’s words hang in the air, and, with a frown, you glance over at Fushiguro, only for his eyes to already be on your own.
Without having to ask, you already know why.
You’re cut off by the sound of glass breaking, your eyes snapping up towards the building, only for your eyes to widen at the sight of a curse.
Fushiguro shifts beside you; “I’ll exorcise it.”
“Hold on.” Gojo halts,
And Fushiguro almost looks appalled, stood, waiting, a second later you feel the same – only for spikes to appear through the curses body, it’s eyes bulging, and in the next second for it to simply dissolve.
“Nice,” Gojo grins, and honestly, you have to agree. That was impressive.
“She’s crazy, all right.”
“I live over there! Thanks again!”
You watch the kid Itadori and Nobara had rescued for a moment longer, even as Fushiguro and Gojo move to walk off. Peeking your head around the corner, a fond, soft smile curls onto your lips at the mother who opens the door. Obviously relieved that he sons okay, she doesn’t waste another second quickly wrapping the small boy up in her arms and practically pulling him off his feet.
You can’t remember the last time you’d felt a mother’s love.
Blinking at the sound of Fushiguro’s voice, you turn around, eyes wide at having gotten lost in your own thoughts.
“You coming?” Shoving a hand in his pocket, he tilts his head curiously at you.
“Yup!” You call, popping the ‘p’ as you push back your thoughts. Running to catch up to him, you fall in step with him, bumping his shoulder lightly with a grin to which he turns away, a light dust coating his cheeks, causing you to giggle. He was too easy to tease.
“Good Joseph!” Gojo calls to Itadori and Nobara, who decided to wait on some steps. “We made sure the kid got home.”
Almost instantly, the two stand.
“Now, shall we go grab some food?”
“Steak!” Itadori cries.
“Sushi!” Noabara follows.
With two thumbs up, Gojo grins; “leave it all to me! And, you two?”
You glance over at Fushiguro, rolling your eyes when you notice he’s on his phone, not paying attention. Shrugging, you decide to join in on the fun, pumping your first in the air; “you can’t forget about desert!”
“Of course not!”
“Y/N!” Itadori leans towards you, and you blink at the tears in his eyes.
“You finally understand!” Your eyes widen when Nobara follows him, leaning towards you with an almost proud look.
Tilting your head, your lips part; “huh?”
“Last call, Megumi!”
He continues to ignore Gojo.
“He’s just cranky he didn’t get to do anything today,” you whisper to Itadori and Nobara, giggling when he sends you a glare.
“Well,” Gojo says, voice sickly sweet, “let’s go.” And he simply tugs the three of you along, ignoring Fushiguro, who almost immediately perks up when he notices he’s being left behind.
You let out a laugh as he rushes to join.
“Oh,” Nobara calls, “I forgot about my biggest haul today. You,” she sharply points at Itadori, “go fetch my things.”
“Huh? Why should I do it? I thought we were even.”
“We won thanks to my cursed energy. Got a problem with that?”
“What about my raw strength?”
“Your monstrous power from eating weird shit?”
“It’s not just that,” Itadori cries, “right, Fushiguro, Y/N?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” you snort.
He just pouts. “Fushiguro?”
There’s no response.
“Huh? What’s the matter, Fushiguro?”
“Y/N said it right,” Gojo laughs, “he’s pouting because he didn’t get to join in.”
Letting out a laugh, you nod; “totally is!”
“Puh, puh,” Nobara giggles, a hand to her mouth, “what a child.”
Megumi lets out a grunt, hiding his face behind his collar as the rest of you collectively let out a laugh. And as you share in the moment, glancing around, you’re starting to forget why you were so adamant on spending life alone.
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