#tdn lloyd
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here take this
(there is context but i think it’s funnier without)
(yes that is blood. don’t worry it’s not his)
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hey. hey guys.
random crossover o’clock!!
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total drama nautilus characters in songs from crazy ex-girlfriend
(original songs under cut)
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some random doodles ft. the nautilus cast because my brain won’t shut up about them
(also I got lloyd and rod’s jackets mixed up but shhh just pretend they’re wearing each others jackets)
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since CR is getting u into cxg
Lloyd is nathanielcoded
...I'll level with you I have not yet reached the episodes with Nathaniel, but from what I've seen... I guess I could see it. I'll have to get back to you when I've watched more of the show lol
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aisla childhood friends AU they join TDN together how different r their interactions...
1. Art’s probably a much nicer person, meaning Lara doesn’t need to put up with constant bullying for the entire first half of the season
2. Isla probably lives with him instead of Erica, though chances are she still knows Dante through other means
3. since Art is less of a bitch Bell Pepper probably didn’t get lost and consequently mutated, so Eve probably wouldn’t get eliminated when she did as she wouldn’t be distracted looking for her snake
4. since Eve didn’t get eliminated as early, she and Lloyd would stay together for longer, and god knows what could happen as a result of that (man, this changes more than I thought)
this also shakes up like a ton of eliminations and stuff that happen down the line, but like I haven’t even gotten to that yet so I’ll put a pin in this for now so y’all don’t get completely lost lol
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they're sad about their daaaads... they couldn't talk to their daaaaaads.......
unless they use
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I want to make Lloyd worse
get out of my way rod i need that horrible man
you and the million dollar car anon should fight to the death methinks
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bell pepper should bite Lloyd. multiple times. please. (can you tell im angry that he did eve dirty like!!!!! you fumbled a bad bitch!!!!!!! how dare you!!!!!!!!!!!)
He did indeed fumble a bad bitch. And Eve, too.
(im kidding im kidding)
(but seriously this guy’s going to have to do a whole ass apology tour once the season’s over and he’s stopped crying)
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*leans on my million dollar car* heyyyy prettyboy what if u leave Lloyd and come with me
This is the funniest ask ever like some of y’all are down bad. I’m not judging though, good for you
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art 🤝 lloyd
none personality. left beef
this is true except Art is also none beef. that man is a fuckin' twig of a human
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Made some tdn memes
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team dracula plays monopoly (og image under cut)
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I've remember eve is mute, forget the ask I just sent
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Meh, she could still cuss him out in ASL. With Ming getting the treat of sitting on the sidelines to translate, just so Lloyd can understand every word of Eve verbally destroying him
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tdn characters that should make fun of me bcuz uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh /r
reggie /p
ming /p
Reggie would do it in a friendly way. Ming would be a little confused like “why do you wanna be made fun of” but once she’s made sure you’re okay with it she’d fully roast tf out of you. Isla can’t do it on command. Everyone else would mock you without a second thought.
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It Was A Shitshow its one of my favorite CXG songs please please please assign it a TDN ship
hnngh… this is the problem, I also adore that song but it does not really fit Any tdn ship. the closest I can think of is Lloyd and Eve, but their relationship was nowhere near meaningful or deep enough to constitute this song.
although. hmm
what if it’s Eve’s perception of events? or at least how she wants to perceive events, with her imagining this big sendoff and Lloyd actually feeling regret even while he acknowledges that their breakup is for the best (it’s entirely in Eve’s head) (he didn’t even break up with her he just forgot about her after she got eliminated) (she found out he didn’t care about her while watching the ep on playa des losers) (Lloyd has a LOT of apologising to do lmao)
anyway that’s the best I can come up with for that song and a TDN ship
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Don't be shy share with the class (about Lloyd & Rod)
hoo boy, where to begin?
So, again, they arrive on the show acting like the best of besties despite having only met about a week prior. They figure the "dynamic duos" of the show tend to have some staying power, plus it would be a good advantage to already have a preset alliance going in.
Basically they're acting like childhood best friends but know nothing about each other. This is important.
Rod is... not quite an over-the-top sunshine-personified himbo, but he's not far off. I think his parents are the kind of people who, when something bad happens, will sweep it under the rug and act like it doesn't exist. He ignores negative feelings and experiences rather than dealing with them. And he also tries to look for the good in people - nothing inherently wrong with that, but when a bear trap is gnawing your leg off, it's kind of counterproductive to go "oh, well at least it's a good quality bear trap!" Needless to say, he was bullied quite a lot as a kid, by people he didn't even register as bullies.
He also hasn't really had many close friendships before - he's always kind of been the guy who's tacked onto the side of an already close-knit group of friends. And he's never had a best friend before, until Lloyd. So now that he's pretending he's been this stranger's closest friend for years, he's getting a taste of what he's been missing. And he loves it.
Rod knows this whole friendship started off fake, but he feels like it has the chance to grow into something real. It already feels kind of real to him, at least. And he's sure Lloyd feels the same! Sure, he can be a little... cold, when it's just the two of them and they're not supposed to be pretending, but he's never been overtly mean to Rod. Our boy is determined to elevate this fake friendship into a real one, and believes this is Lloyd's goal, too.
After all, there's no way someone this nice could be faking it.
Now let's talk about Lloyd Tarantino. Straight-A student, perfect golden child, and deep, deep in the closet. Our boy has issues coming out the wazoo.
Possibly his biggest skill is his perceptiveness. Lloyd can tell who's planning on forming an alliance, who's on good terms with who, who's likely to be a threat. He can determine when it's a good idea to hang back, fly under the radar, or when it's time to take action. He doesn't manipulate people, per se (not intentionally, at least) but he does take advantage of the dynamics that already exist. Lloyd is incredibly perceptive - about everyone but Rod.
Lloyd's the one who orchestrated the idea of a fake friendship. And he has every intention of breaking it. The whole point of a fake friendship is that it's fake, after all. Surely Rod knows this. Rod must be intending to ditch him too. It just makes sense. Rod wouldn't genuinely be this attached to someone he just met - he's faking it, all of it, just like Lloyd. So if they start to bond, to genuinely get along, if the friendship begins to feel too real, if Lloyd begins to have doubts... Doesn't matter. It's all fake! That's the point! His feelings don't matter. Rod can't possibly like him that much, he's just a good actor. In fact, he's such a good actor... he could be quite a formidable enemy if those circumstances arise, especially since most of the others seem to like him. When the time comes and Rod is more of a liability than a valuable alliance member, Lloyd should ditch the guy as soon as possible. And Rod won't have hard feelings towards him because this was the plan. Obviously. Rod would do the same.
After all, there's no way someone that nice could be genuine.
(And there's absolutely nothing to unpack in the fact that Lloyd would sooner assume someone's niceness is an elaborate facade, than believe that someone might genuinely like him. Nothing to unpack whatsoever.)
Yeah. They're really not on the same page. At all.
Add just a sprinkling of potential slightly fuzzier feelings sparking between them right as Lloyd is planning his betrayal, and you get a thoroughly messy explosion once that betrayal happens.
I can just picture it now...
Lloyd, having just thrown Rod under the bus in an auto-elimination challenge three episodes before the finale: "On my life, I have no idea why he acted so sad about it. This was our plan from the start, I swear! He'd have done the same to me!"
Chris, brandishing a remote with the biggest evilest grin on his face, about to pull up all of Rod's confessionals talking about how much he's enjoying his time on the show with Lloyd and how he's so sure they're becoming friends for real: "lmao wanna bet"
Also a side note: Rod and Ming are on opposite ends of the "bullied kid" spectrum, and it's part of the reason they become such good friends. They kind of balance each other out. Ming starts out defensive and aggressive, putting up walls at the slightest provocation and staying angry with people for years, and Rod shows her that it's alright to let people in and let go of grudges. On the flipside, Rod starts out as - and I say this lovingly - a doormat, letting people be as horrible as they like to him and forgiving them at the drop of a hat. Ming shows him it's okay to set boundaries and be assertive with people, especially people who hurt you.
So while post-betrayal Lloyd could easily have won Rod back as a friend at the beginning of the season, now he's going to have to actually work hard to get him back.
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