#tdof day 1
wands-n-roses · 3 years
Prettier Than The Stars | O.W. [TDOF 2021]
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Day 1!
A/n: Day 1 of my TDOF! I really wanted to do this for you guys for all the support. So thank you very much. I hope you enjoy this first story.
Warnings/Notes: None really, female pronouns used, Ravenclaw reader
"You should talk to her," Percy sighed.
"Yeah but-"
"Nope, sick of hearing you whine. Either do it or don't, but I don't wanna hear it anymore."
"Hey, I thought we were friends?"
"We are, however, I hear enough whining from my 6 siblings, don't need more."
Oliver sighed, he understood Percy's harsh remarks. Although it wasn't that harsh, it was on-brand for Percy to be more on the colder side, so Oliver was used to it.
Percy shook his head, "I heard she likes quidditch, talk to her about that."
Oliver nodded as his friend left. She likes quidditch, he thought. Somehow he hadn't heard that about you, which seems crazy since he's spent the past weeks fawning over you and trying to find out everything he could about you. It seems creepier than it actually was. But since you were in a different house he didn't know much about you. Hadn't even seen you until recently when Ravenclaw's got switched into having their Astrology class with the Gryffindors.
He'd first seen you standing against the edge of the railing as he walked up into the tower. You were standing with your friend, talking about whatever. He knew Hogwarts was big, but he didn't think it was that big to where he hadn't ever laid his eyes upon you before.
From then forth he was mesmerized. Every time you spoke to answer a question or laughed it was like music to his ears. And you were pretty, he always thought when he saw you, the prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts. He was just too nervous to actually talk to you or ask you out. Which Percy had been tired of hearing him complain about for a while now. But this time he had an opening.
She likes quidditch, I'm a quidditch player.
This was perfect, he had a way to make conversation with you. Now he just had to figure out how.
Another week past and he'd finally mustered up the courage to say hi. He walked up to you, you were sitting at a table in the library.
"Hi," he said to you, rather loudly.
"Hello," you smiled back, waiting for him to say more.
He didn't though, he was insanely nervous. You watched him stand there for 3 minutes, in complete in utter silence.
"I have to go," he quickly said before walking away.
Weird, you thought to yourself. You, later on, told your friend about it, describing the weird interaction between you and the boy. After your friend asked you to describe him she immediately recognized him as Oliver Wood, the quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team.
You didn't know why you hadn't recognized him sooner. You go to every quidditch game regardless of who is playing and know most of the players, maybe not personally, but at least know of them. And you distinctly remembered thinking he was cute the first time you'd seen him in 3rd year.
"Maybe he likes you," your friend said, interrupting your personal thoughts. "I heard he asked around about you from a few people. Well, I actually think it was Percy Weasley who had asked about you, but Percy doesn't date anyone, and Percy and Oliver are friends so."
"Maybe," you pondered the thought.
As the next few weeks past you tried to shrug off the conversation you'd had with Oliver, but now that the thought of him liking you was in your head you noticed him more. You caught him staring at you a few times. And once when you were watching the Gryffindor's practice you made eye contact with Oliver and he almost fell off his broom. Others laughed but you gave him a sort of half-smile and sympathetic look. You figured he needed it, he never messed up like that before, you knew he was gonna get hounded for it by his team and friends.
One day, as you were walking along the side of the school, you saw him. He was alone, sitting with something in his lap, probably a textbook studying, or looking at a book on quidditch. You really weren't sure.
You decided to approach him.
"Hey stranger," you beamed at him.
He looked shocked to see you, "O-oh, hi."
"What are you reading?" You asked.
"Studying for a History of Magic test," he answered.
"Sounds kinda boring," you chuckled.
"You're in Ravenclaw, I thought you guys liked studying," he joked.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "I'm smart... smart ass that is." You both laughed. "We should hang out sometime," you suggested.
Oliver looked like he was going to explode, in a good way. "Oh yeah, definitely. Hogsmeade is always a nice place to go."
You nodded, saying something about the pastries they had at the sweet shop there.
You and Oliver did hang out in the weeks to come. You both never said it aloud, but it definitely felt like a date. You had fun with him, once he got less nervous and calmed down a bit, he was fun to be around. You hung out a lot over the next month. At least a few times a week, and of course you talked in class and in the halls. You'd become close. It almost felt as if you were dating, but neither of you were sure, and neither wanted to ask the "What are we?" question in fear of it sounding too pushy. Especially since you hadn't been on any official dates.
Although both of your friends had asked countless times, and many thought there was something there. Hell, you thought there was something there. You just weren't exactly sure.
Oliver asked you to go to one of his quidditch matches though. Like actually asked you and wanted you to be there. He asked you to stay after the game too, and meet him by the locker rooms. He said he had something very important to ask. You weren't sure what it could be, but you were curious. Asked him a number of times what it was, but he wouldn't budge. All he said was that he had something to ask you, and maybe give you.
You'd gone to the game with your friends. You told them what he'd said, and they were all excited. You weren't sure why, as they didn't tell you, but they had a feeling he was gonna ask you to be his girlfriend. Even though you'd told them that the two of you were just friends, which was partially correct.
The game lasted an hour. It was Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor. Cedric was a good seeker, but Harry ended up being better and won the game.
You separated from your friends after the game. They went to Hogsmeade as you all usually did after a quidditch game and you went to find Oliver. When you saw him you walked up to him and congratulated him on the win, wrapping your arms around his neck for a quick hug.
"Thanks," he smiled at you, "I'm glad you were there, you're like my good luck charm these days."
You blushed, changing the subject, "So you wanted to talk to me after the game?"
Oliver nodded, "Yeah, um. I wanted to ask you something."
"Alright, go ahead."
"Well, you see, we've been friends for a little while now. And I have to admit, I really like you. You're prettier than the stars themselves. So I was wondering if maybe you'd like to be my girlfriend?"
You smiled so big Oliver thought you were having a stroke. "I'd absolutely love to be your girlfriend," you said, going in for a hug.
Oliver was beyond happy. "I have one more thing for you, then." He put his bag on the ground and unzipped it, getting out a hoodie.
"I got it for you," he told you, holding it up. "It's in your favorite color and has our initials on the cuff part. Like O + [your first initial]. Do you like it?"
"I love it, Oliver," you took the hoodie and put it on immediately. "Can this be the part where we kiss?"
Oliver smirked and nodded. He put his hand on your cheek and moved in closer to your lips. When he pressed them against yours he was soft and gentle and made sure not to be too rough.
You walked back to Hogwarts hand in hand.
"Am I really prettier than the stars?"
"Every last one."
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