#tdp 1:04
Neither Callum nor Ezran recognising Amaya with her helmet on and still taking a moment once she takes it off is somewhat heartbreaking.
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raayllum · 1 year
decided i’d toss my own “tdp soundtrack title predictions” hat into the ring, given that i haven’t gotten to one of these since S3 aired, and damn the nostalgia
full track list here with S4 seemingly being from 1-28, and S5 from 29-62. also not going to be talking about every track as some (“rescue at the great bookery” and “threate in the forest” for ex) seem pretty self explanatory, and with that all out of the way, let’s get into it
31. I Haven’t Forgotten (3:41) — Could easily see this being an early Viren and/or Aaravos focused scene, as Aaravos holding a grudge kinda necessitates having a good ass memory - maybe even something that relates to Zubeia as well, since she’s ancient in her own way and is clearly gonna have her own role to play this season.
32. Seeking Answers (3:05) — Likely in 5x01 with the group returning to Katolis, perhaps centred on Callum and Rayla individually well, seeking answers. For Rayla, this could mean looking into the dungeons about her family and finding Runaan’s bow. We also get Rayla’s voice over (and clip) that appears to be her in Ezran’s old room in the S5 trailer asking “How do we kill a Startouch elf?” so that and/or answers about Aaravos’ prison may be what they go to Lux Aurea to, well, seek. 
34. My Most Eager Student (4:58) — First Viren and Kpp’Ar conversation (which the implication he had more than one student if that’s the case?? Fascinating) perhaps, or Aaravos reflecting on Claudia, as it seems she will fully be stepping into her own as Aaravos’ protege this season
35. Keep Moving (3:01) — Terry and Claudia, since Viren won’t wake up, realizing that they can’t wait any longer and have to start moving. Maybe end of 5x01 or 5x02?
39. In Your Dreams (1:55) — Callum and/or Viren and/or Zubeia having dreams/nightmares regarding their respective fears?
40. A Familiar Warning (2:04) — Karim and Sol Regem, maybe, beginning to barter, or a warning from Kpp’Ar that Viren disregarded, cutting to the present day with Terry giving the same one to Claudia that she likewise ignores?
42. Stay Safe (2:17) — Some sort of temporary farewell between Amaya and Janai (splitting up library things?) or Claudia and Terry (leading to her getting attacked by the water dragon?) or Ezran (+ Zym) briefly splitting up from his crownguard 
43. Father and Daughter (1:37) — Claudia and Viren most likely, maybe one of the flashbacks to when Soren was sick and how Claudia was introduced to dark magic as a Fix it solution. “I love you Daddy” out of context spoiler?
44. Like Aunt, Like Nephew (2:46) — A conversation between Amaya and Callum or Janai and Rayla about Amaya and Callum, probably. Could be either their good, protective natures, their hair, or their tendency to make some dark humoured off colour jokes
45. We Can Help Them (2:26) — Rayla telling Callum about the coins, and him offering to help and/or Karim being determined that he can still reverse the corrupted core and save the zombiefied elves. If we do get a flashback to Aaravos’ younger years, I could also see him having this viewpoint about humanity (however ‘true’ it is).
50. Times Are Changing (2:21) — Relations between humans and elves in New Aurea / human-dragon Zubeia and Ezran related stuff? This could also be closer to when the Dragang reunite and put the pieces together. Callum and Rayla with whatever they learned about (murdering?) Startouch elves and Ezran with what was gleaned from Evenere (probably the location of Aaravos’ prison, if Callum & co. can decipher the riddle/poem verses)
51. Blood Moon Rises (1:30) — Karim bartering with Kim’Dael, or her showing up of her own accord. Currently leaning toward Rayla and Kim’Dael perhaps not running into each other this season, but if Amaya and Janai bear witness/survive her villainy, Rayla would surely remember and be able to piece it together based on description, leading to a confrontation later
52. If You Kill Me Now (1:59) — Aaravos versus Archdragon confrontations / Viren demanding answers from Aaravos / Kim’Dael and Karim? Janai? / Callum and Rayla possession conversation callback. Either way, delicious, and speaks to the prevalence of murder in this damn children’s show
53. The Wounded Return (2:13) — A failed attempt to take back the corrupted core in Lux Aurea? Or speaks to the idea of “a festering wound” (out of context spoiler). If the kids have had their pirate escapade, this could also be related to the injuries we see Callum sustain in the trailer, which would make sense if anyone else had been hurt as well (hence, plural wounded) 
54. To Kill an Archdragon (3:03) — Lore on Luna Tenebris’ death (or something we don’t know about Avizandum’s) or a threat on Zubeia’s life. If Sol Regem has been corrupted by the corrupted core or is just threatening Janai’s reign, figuring out how to stop him will also be crucial 
55. Not Yours to Give (4:50) — Been wondering if Karim would even be able to free Kim’Dael, since he’s not the proper heir, and Aditi herself said that the magic was a kind “that takes”. This could also be an Aaravos related flashback since he ‘gave’ humanity something they ‘shouldn’t have’ — whether it was related to primal magic alongside the unicorns, or was the discovery / inclination towards dark magic, we’ll have to see. Could be Viren curing Soren and/or Callum ‘giving’ the Moon fam freedom (but again, have to see). Looking at the “gift giving” motif real meaningfully
56. Deadwood Deserves Dignity (3:03) — If a pirate dies or an according ship is ruined? ‘Deadwood’ isn’t a place in Xadia and sounds like a very pirate-y, seafaring moniker to me
62. Tomorrow the Sun Will Rise (3:07) — So I’ve said before that nothing good ever really happens at dawn/sunrise in this show (Sarai and the queens of Duren dying, Callum’s possession, etc) and I don’t think this is an exception. Karim cites that “This empire is ending, that the rising sun is now a falling star!” so if he’s taken over the kingdom by this point, his tendency to metaphoric language would make sense. A rising sun is also mentioned in Aaravos’ short story, Ripples, following a world changing transformation: “The humans huddled together, scarcely daring to breathe, awaiting the rise of the sun. And when the long, dark night had finally passed—for the sun must always rise, mustn’t it?—they gazed out upon an unfamiliar landscape.” Which also bodes well for predictions that Aaravos will be fully released by the end of S5 as well. 
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permatarooyalgarden · 11 days
CS 0817-323-882, Dijual Rumah Baru Lokasi Strategis Dekat Kampus Binus Daerah Malang Timur Harga Rp 1 M
CUSTOMER SERVICE https://wa.me/62817323882, Rumah Dekat Binus Kab Malang, Dijual Rumah Baru Lokasi Strategis Dekat Kampus Binus Daerah Malang Timur Harga Rp 1 M, Rumah Dekat Binus Daerah Malang Utara
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Permata Royal Garden
Sejarah perkembangan usaha developer dimulai dari pengembangan perumahan di daerah kampus seperti kampus ITN, UIN dan Unibraw di daerah Sigura-gura. Setelah unit rumah sold out, maka pengembangan diarahkan ke daerah yang berkembang yaitu wilayah Pakis, dimana adalah wilayah primadona untuk daerah kabupaten Malang, karena lokasi sangat strategis yaitu dekat bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang dan dekat dengan interchange tol Malang - Pandaan.
Di dalam menyediakan fasilitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) , PT Graha Intan Kreatif selaku pengembang Permata Royal Garden telah menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa bank baik bank pemerintah maupun bank swasta.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis property telah dibuatkan akta Pendirian PT dengan Akta No. 147 tertanggal 19 Februari 2010 dihadapkan Notaris Paulus Bingadiputra.
Visi & Misi Permata Royal
VISI Menjadi developer perumahan yang terdepan dalam memberikan tata lingkungan yang prima serta berkomitmen terhadap kualitas produk demi kepuasan konsumen.
MISI Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi developer properti yang menyediakan produk-produknya dengan kualitas terbaik, ketepatan waktu dan biaya yang efektif.
Legalitas Usaha Developer
Data Lengkap Developer Nama Perusahaan : PT. GRAHA INTAN KREATIF Bidang Usaha : Pengembang / Developer Alamat Kantor : Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 Malang Telepon : 0341 794181 Akte Pendirian : 147 Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar NPWP : 02.666.379.9-657.001 TDP : SIUP : 503/506/419.43/2010 Keanggotaan APERSI : 027/IN/DPD-04/III/2012 Keterangan Domisili : 96/421.629.014/11/2012
INFO LENGKAP G-Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/aL9ai53cAaUkMpbu7 Permata Royal Garden Jl. Raya Ampeldento No. 1087, Boko, Bunut Wetan, Kec. Pakis, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65154
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/permataroyalofficial/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@permataroyalmalang/
Website : https://permataroyal.com/
Marketing : ASEP, 0813-3411-2000, [email protected] PURNOMO, 0812-5930-7769, [email protected] IWAN, 0822-4490-6385, [email protected] SULIST, 0878-5663-2626, [email protected] YANTI, 0813-3318-5634, [email protected]
PT Graha Intan Kreatif Marketing Office Permata Royal Garden Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav. A1 MALANG, Jawa Timur, 65154 (0341) 79 66 33
Marketing Office Permata Royal Manisa Jl. Manisa, Perumahan Permata Royal Manisa Blok A3 MALANG, Jawa Timur, 65135 (0341) 750 77 55
RumahPRGDijualDiDekatBINUSMalangRumah123, #PerumahanPRGDekatKampusBinusDanBandaraMalangPRG, #PerumahanBaruPRGDekatBinusMalangTrovit
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cemerlangjaya · 27 days
PASTI TERMURAH, Call 0817-323-882, 5 Langkah Tepat Dan Cepat Untuk Membeli Rumah Di PRG Malang
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DEVELOPER https://wa.me/62817323882, Tips Membeli Rumah Di PRG Malang Agar Tidak Tertipu, 1. Rumah Baru Atau Bekas?, 2. Tentukan Anggaran Yang Sesuai, 3. Evaluasi Keuangan Anda Dengan Jelas
Permata Royal Garden
Sejarah perkembangan usaha developer dimulai dari pengembangan perumahan di daerah kampus seperti kampus ITN, UIN dan Unibraw di daerah Sigura-gura. Setelah unit rumah sold out, maka pengembangan diarahkan ke daerah yang berkembang yaitu wilayah Pakis, dimana adalah wilayah primadona untuk daerah kabupaten Malang, karena lokasi sangat strategis yaitu dekat bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang dan dekat dengan interchange tol Malang - Pandaan.
Di dalam menyediakan fasilitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) , PT Graha Intan Kreatif selaku pengembang Permata Royal Garden telah menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa bank baik bank pemerintah maupun bank swasta.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis property telah dibuatkan akta Pendirian PT dengan Akta No. 147 tertanggal 19 Februari 2010 dihadapkan Notaris Paulus Bingadiputra.
Visi & Misi
Permata Royal
Menjadi developer perumahan yang terdepan dalam memberikan tata lingkungan yang prima serta berkomitmen terhadap kualitas produk demi kepuasan konsumen.
Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi developer properti yang menyediakan produk-produknya dengan kualitas terbaik, ketepatan waktu dan biaya yang efektif.
Legalitas Usaha
Data Lengkap Developer
Bidang Usaha : Pengembang / Developer
Alamat Kantor : Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 Malang
Telepon : 0341 794181
Akte Pendirian : 147
Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar
NPWP : 02.666.379.9-657.001
SIUP : 503/506/419.43/2010
Keanggotaan APERSI : 027/IN/DPD-04/III/2012
Keterangan Domisili : 96/421.629.014/11/2012
G-Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/aL9ai53cAaUkMpbu7
Permata Royal Garden
Jl. Raya Ampeldento No. 1087,
Boko, Bunut Wetan,
Kec. Pakis,
Kabupaten Malang,
Jawa Timur 65154
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/permataroyalofficial/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@permataroyalmalang/
Website : https://permataroyal.com/
Marketing :
ASEP, 0813-3411-2000, [email protected]
PURNOMO, 0812-5930-7769, [email protected]
IWAN, 0822-4490-6385, [email protected]
SULIST, 0878-5663-2626, [email protected]
YANTI, 0813-3318-5634, [email protected]
PT Graha Intan Kreatif
Marketing Office
Permata Royal Garden
Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 � Kav. A1
Jawa Timur, 65154
(0341) 79 66 33
Marketing Office
Permata Royal Manisa
Jl. Manisa,
Perumahan Permata Royal Manisa Blok A3
Jawa Timur, 65135
(0341) 750 77 55
#13TipsMembeliRumahPertamaAgarKamuTidakSalahPilih, #PastikanRumahYangAkanKamuBeliMemilikiStatusKepemilikanTanahYangJelasDanSah, #PeriksaSertifikatRumahDanSuratTanahUntuk, #SebelumPinjamanYangKamuUsulkanDisetujuiOlehPihakBank, $MakaJanganPernahMauUntukMembayarUangMukaAtauDPYangSudahDitentukan
Langkah Pertama Yang Perlu Dilakukan Sebelum Membeli Rumah Adalah Memeriksa Kelengkapan Berkas Dari Rumah Yang Akan Dibeli. Jika Kamu Membeli ...
Perumahan Mewah Dengan Panorama Gunung Indah! Lengkap Dengan Fasilitas Wisata Rekreasi
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suksesberkahjaya · 27 days
CS 0817-323-882, Rumah PRG Dijual Seperti Apartemen Dekat Binus Tirtomoyo Pakis Malang,
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KLIK https://wa.me/62817323882, 1 Hasil Untuk Perumahan PRG Dekat Binus Malang, Cari Properti Dijual Atau Disewakan Dengan Harga Terbaik Perumahan Permata Royal Garden Malang, Jual Rumah Baru Minimalis PRG Tipe 85 Baru Siap Huni Dekat Bandara Malang,
Permata Royal Garden
Sejarah perkembangan usaha developer dimulai dari pengembangan perumahan di daerah kampus seperti kampus ITN, UIN dan Unibraw di daerah Sigura-gura. Setelah unit rumah sold out, maka pengembangan diarahkan ke daerah yang berkembang yaitu wilayah Pakis, dimana adalah wilayah primadona untuk daerah kabupaten Malang, karena lokasi sangat strategis yaitu dekat bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang dan dekat dengan interchange tol Malang - Pandaan.
Di dalam menyediakan fasilitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) , PT Graha Intan Kreatif selaku pengembang Permata Royal Garden telah menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa bank baik bank pemerintah maupun bank swasta.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis property telah dibuatkan akta Pendirian PT dengan Akta No. 147 tertanggal 19 Februari 2010 dihadapkan Notaris Paulus Bingadiputra.
Visi & Misi
Permata Royal
Menjadi developer perumahan yang terdepan dalam memberikan tata lingkungan yang prima serta berkomitmen terhadap kualitas produk demi kepuasan konsumen.
Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi developer properti yang menyediakan produk-produknya dengan kualitas terbaik, ketepatan waktu dan biaya yang efektif.
Legalitas Usaha
Data Lengkap Developer
Bidang Usaha : Pengembang / Developer
Alamat Kantor : Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 Malang
Telepon : 0341 794181
Akte Pendirian : 147
Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar
NPWP : 02.666.379.9-657.001
SIUP : 503/506/419.43/2010
Keanggotaan APERSI : 027/IN/DPD-04/III/2012
Keterangan Domisili : 96/421.629.014/11/2012
G-Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/aL9ai53cAaUkMpbu7
Permata Royal Garden
Jl. Raya Ampeldento No. 1087,
Boko, Bunut Wetan,
Kec. Pakis,
Kabupaten Malang,
Jawa Timur 65154
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/permataroyalofficial/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@p@pusheen
Website : https://permataroyal.com/
Marketing :
ASEP, 0813-3411-2000, [email protected]
PURNOMO, 0812-5930-7769, [email protected]
IWAN, 0822-4490-6385, [email protected]
SULIST, 0878-5663-2626, [email protected]
YANTI, 0813-3318-5634, [email protected]
PT Graha Intan Kreatif
Marketing Office
Permata Royal Garden
Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 � Kav. A1
Jawa Timur, 65154
(0341) 79 66 33
Marketing Office
Permata Royal Manisa
Jl. Manisa,
Perumahan Permata Royal Manisa Blok A3
Jawa Timur, 65135
(0341) 750 77 55
#RumahPRGAndaInsyaAllahTidakAdaMatinyaBahkanBisaJadiAkanSemakin, #RumahPRGDijualDiMalang1.500jtanRumahDiJualDiMalangKota, #JualRumahPRGDiMalangBisaKPRStrategisSertifikatLengkap,
Harga Rumah 1.5 Milyar di Malang, Jual Rumah Malang Butuh Uang, Rumah Dijual di Malang Harga dibawah 2M, Rumah murah di Malang Harga dibawah 1.500 Juta, OLX Rumah Dijual cepat di Malang
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aerticle365 · 2 years
Irrigation Expansion and Modernization by N. Chandrababu Naidu
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Between 1994- 2003, history was created in the field of irrigation by achieving the stabilization of 10 lakh acres of irrigation and 18 lakh acres of gap irrigation by Top TDP policies. Cultivable land in the state of Andhra Pradesh is 392.7 lakh acres, out of which 296 lakh acres are cultivated. Out of which the area under colorful water sources is only 133.64 lakh acres. Our state gets 2764 TMCs of water from numerous lower gutters like Godavari, Krishna, Penna, Vamsadhara, etc. It's only what Andhra Pradesh is using so far. Another 960 TMCs of water are anticipated to be used. In this 292 systems are under construction. 1804T.M.C.s. You may stay updated on TDP latest news by reaching our website.
Construction of flood tide drainage conduit systems from Srisailam Right Branch Canal, Sriramsagar 1st Phase, 2nd Phase, Telugu Ganga Project, Eliminatei Madhavareddy Canal, Priyadarshini Jurala Project, Somasila, Vamsadhara 2nd Phase, S.R.S.P. World Bank, JBIC, AI for timely completion of ongoing 18 medium systems and 85 small systems. BP, NABARD, and Irrigation Bonds have handed fiscal coffers and the work is going on in full swing. Veligonda, Galeru- Nagari, Handri- Neeva, Nettempaduetc. Systems are going on presto. In an attempt to completely use our share in the swash waters, for inter-state agreements regarding Ichampalli, Polavaram, Ellampalli, Lendi Pen Ganga, and Janjhavati Munnu systems, the central blessing is ongoing- In the times 1994- 2003, fresh irrigation was handed to 10.697 lakh acres at a record cost ofRs. 8865 crores. Sweats are being made to achieve 4.84 lakh acres of irrigation in the Larry, medium, and small irrigation sectors in the time 2003- 04. For more achievements of Nara Chandrababu Naidu, visit our website.
 K.C. Canal modernization
Through the Japan Bank for International Operation (JBIP) scheme, K.C. irrigates the drought-prone districts of Kurnool and Kadapa. The canal modernization project has been designed at an estimated cost of Rs.1033.70 crores and Rs.555 crores have been allocated to KBIC. Works were undertaken with assistance. 403.44 crores had been spent as of March 2003, and Rs.216.56 crores have been allocated in the budget for the year 2003-04 to carry out the remaining works.
World Bank-assisted projects
Sri Ramsagar Project-1st Phase
This project is planned to be built in 2 phases, Kakatiya canal is 284 km, Saraswati canal is 47 km, and Lakshmi canal is 35 km under the 1st phase. The structure is intended to irrigate 9,68,632 acres. The total estimate is Rs.2562.74 crores, work is in progress to stabilize 5,17,000 acres at an expenditure of Rs.930.20 crores till March 2003 under the AP3 scheme.
Srisailam right bank canal
The scheme is intended to provide irrigation to 1,90,000 acres in drought-prone areas like Nandyala, Banaganapalli, and Koilakuntla areas of Kurnool district, Jammalamadugu of Kadapa district. A.P. Under -2, only 37 percent of the work was completed by the deadline of June 1994, despite World Bank assistance. The present government returned to A.P. Undertakes the work with the help of Rita below -3. The estimated amount was Rs.932.20 crores while the expenditure in March 2003 was Rs.745.86 crores. - In 2003-04, 139.18 crores have been allocated to irrigate 60 thousand acres.
NABARD Assistance Works A total of 397 schemes (17 La 36 Medium, -202 Small 136 Uplifts) will be sanctioned at a cost of Rs.1473 crores to create a new ayakattu of 9,74,110 acres from RIDF-1 to RIDF-7, of which so far Completion of 10 major, 28 medium, 117 minor and 67 uplift schemes irrigates 5,60,535 acres. Till December 2002, Rs.1109 crores have been spent on it. Efforts are underway to complete 169 schemes in 2003-04.
0 notes
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International Matches - Thursday 17th February
Germany vs Spain | Arnold Clark Cup 📺 ITV4 (UK) / sportschau.de (GER) / rtve tdp (ESP) / TSN 1 (CAN) / Paramount+ (USA) / ESPN (C. & S. America) / FA Player (Rest of the World)
Northern Ireland vs Faroe Islands | International Friendly
England vs Canada | Arnold Clark Cup 📺 ITV4 (UK) / TSN 1 (CAN) / (GER) / rtve tdp (ESP) / Paramount+ (USA) / ESPN (C. & S. America) / FA Player (Rest of the World)
Haiti vs Honduras | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Trinidad & Tobago vs Nicaragua | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Jamaica vs Bermuda | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Iceland vs New Zealand | She Believes Cup 📺 ESPN 3 (USA) / Sky Sports 7 (Oceania)
Panama vs Barbados | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Costa Rica vs St Kitts & Nevis | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
Mexico vs Suriname | CONCACAF WWC23 Qualifiers 📺 Paramount+ (USA) / CONCACAFGo/CONCACAF App (Most of the World)
USA vs Czech Republic | She Believes Cup 📺 ESPN/TUDN (USA) / ESPN (AUS/NZ) / / ESPN 2 (MEX) / ESPN Star (BRA)
Many of these links will be geoblocked and so will need a VPN, if you can't access any games try streaming sites (although obv be careful) such as:
skorlive / sportshub / sportlemons / usagoals
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kuno-chan · 3 years
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#women in the pacific in generally held waymore reverence and power and women could do what they want bc women had the babies
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See the full post
160 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 21:32:42 GMT
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Hey for anyone out there who watches Onyx Equinox, we have ages!
179 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 19:46:26 GMT
People think Prince Philip’s death was foul play?????
The dude was 99 years old.
Who are going to arrest?? Jesus?????
280 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 23:14:10 GMT
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Kissy kissy rayllum <3
Happy Valentine's Day! Part of Day 1 of @raayllum‘s Rayllum Valentine’s Week :3
298 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 21:39:18 GMT
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A comic I wrote, drawn by the wonderful @eerna from my HTTYD Dragon Prince AU, centering around Rayla and her dragon, Luna, when they are bbies ft. Ruthari! Thank you so much Eerna, I’m so in love with it 🥺❤️
655 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 00:18:23 GMT
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learties · 3 years
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#i thought about it while my last rewatch when i mixed the timeline for a second and thought rayla was talking about callum using dark magic
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they have one braincell and Ez usually shares it with Bait
i hope this has not been done before
507 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 20:00:43 GMT
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Janai Week ☀️ Day 1: Childhood
535 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 16:12:28 GMT
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here, i fixed the "oil and water" scene
687 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 20:45:39 GMT
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this ain't about him
1349 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 18:07:15 GMT
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the whole plot of the cruel prince
2163 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 18:53:41 GMT
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rayes-rain · 3 years
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#also light: *doesn't realize that most of the 'criminals' he kills are just victims of society and trapped by systems and their ses*
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Okay i know we all hate adam but his look in ep 12 was amazing????? I aspire to be that level of extra
18 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 21:53:59 GMT
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This is what happens when you still have snk brainrot but you're also waiting for the tdp s4 announcement
54 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 00:34:05 GMT
Psycho-Pass season 1 is basically just "Kougami has two soulmates: Akane (affectionate) and Makishima (derrogatory)"
64 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 02:04:36 GMT
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I made this for myself as a coping mechanism leave me alone
67 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 23:47:51 GMT
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So I watched Luca
1092 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 17:52:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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What kind of title is Lord Protector of the Realm even? It sounds so made up.
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permatarooyalgarden · 11 days
CS 0817-323-882, PRG Malang Property Expo Pameran Property Terbesar Dan Terlengkap
DEVELOPER https://wa.me/62817323882, PRG Malang Property Expo Pameran Property Terbesar Dan Terlengkap, Pameran Properti Malang Exhibition Week Tawarkan PRG, Harga PRG Yang Ditawarkan Mulai Rp 1 Milyard
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Permata Royal Garden
Sejarah perkembangan usaha developer dimulai dari pengembangan perumahan di daerah kampus seperti kampus ITN, UIN dan Unibraw di daerah Sigura-gura. Setelah unit rumah sold out, maka pengembangan diarahkan ke daerah yang berkembang yaitu wilayah Pakis, dimana adalah wilayah primadona untuk daerah kabupaten Malang, karena lokasi sangat strategis yaitu dekat bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang dan dekat dengan interchange tol Malang - Pandaan.
Di dalam menyediakan fasilitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) , PT Graha Intan Kreatif selaku pengembang Permata Royal Garden telah menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa bank baik bank pemerintah maupun bank swasta.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis property telah dibuatkan akta Pendirian PT dengan Akta No. 147 tertanggal 19 Februari 2010 dihadapkan Notaris Paulus Bingadiputra.
Visi & Misi Permata Royal
VISI Menjadi developer perumahan yang terdepan dalam memberikan tata lingkungan yang prima serta berkomitmen terhadap kualitas produk demi kepuasan konsumen.
MISI Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi developer properti yang menyediakan produk-produknya dengan kualitas terbaik, ketepatan waktu dan biaya yang efektif.
Legalitas Usaha Developer
Data Lengkap Developer Nama Perusahaan : PT. GRAHA INTAN KREATIF Bidang Usaha : Pengembang / Developer Alamat Kantor : Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 Malang Telepon : 0341 794181 Akte Pendirian : 147 Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar NPWP : 02.666.379.9-657.001 TDP : SIUP : 503/506/419.43/2010 Keanggotaan APERSI : 027/IN/DPD-04/III/2012 Keterangan Domisili : 96/421.629.014/11/2012
INFO LENGKAP G-Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/aL9ai53cAaUkMpbu7 Permata Royal Garden Jl. Raya Ampeldento No. 1087, Boko, Bunut Wetan, Kec. Pakis, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65154
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/permataroyalofficial/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@permataroyalmalang/
Website : https://permataroyal.com/
Marketing : ASEP, 0813-3411-2000, [email protected] PURNOMO, 0812-5930-7769, [email protected] IWAN, 0822-4490-6385, [email protected] SULIST, 0878-5663-2626, [email protected] YANTI, 0813-3318-5634, [email protected]
PT Graha Intan Kreatif Marketing Office Permata Royal Garden Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav. A1 MALANG, Jawa Timur, 65154 (0341) 79 66 33
Marketing Office Permata Royal Manisa Jl. Manisa, Perumahan Permata Royal Manisa Blok A3 MALANG, Jawa Timur, 65135 (0341) 750 77 55
PRGMalangPropertyFair2024ComeBackHallMallOlympicGarden, #AmazingMalangKunjungiPRGPameranPerumahanSeKotaMalang
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cemerlangjaya · 27 days
YANG TERMURAH, Call 0817-323-882, 12 Tips Membeli Rumah Di PRG Malang Agar Tidak Salah Pilih Dan Aman
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DEVELOPER https://wa.me/62817323882, Mau Nabung Tapi Kok Rasanya Sulit Bisa Terkumpul Dalam Waktu Dekat Solusinya Di PRG Malang, Nggak Perlu Muter Otak Untuk Mencari Jalan Untuk Dapat Uang Agar Bisa Beli Rumah Di PRG Malang, 8 Tips Beli Rumah Yang Aman Di PRG Malang
Permata Royal Garden
Sejarah perkembangan usaha developer dimulai dari pengembangan perumahan di daerah kampus seperti kampus ITN, UIN dan Unibraw di daerah Sigura-gura. Setelah unit rumah sold out, maka pengembangan diarahkan ke daerah yang berkembang yaitu wilayah Pakis, dimana adalah wilayah primadona untuk daerah kabupaten Malang, karena lokasi sangat strategis yaitu dekat bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang dan dekat dengan interchange tol Malang - Pandaan.
Di dalam menyediakan fasilitas Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) , PT Graha Intan Kreatif selaku pengembang Permata Royal Garden telah menjalin kerja sama dengan beberapa bank baik bank pemerintah maupun bank swasta.
Dalam menjalankan bisnis property telah dibuatkan akta Pendirian PT dengan Akta No. 147 tertanggal 19 Februari 2010 dihadapkan Notaris Paulus Bingadiputra.
Visi & Misi
Permata Royal
Menjadi developer perumahan yang terdepan dalam memberikan tata lingkungan yang prima serta berkomitmen terhadap kualitas produk demi kepuasan konsumen.
Tujuan utama kami adalah menjadi developer properti yang menyediakan produk-produknya dengan kualitas terbaik, ketepatan waktu dan biaya yang efektif.
Legalitas Usaha
Data Lengkap Developer
Bidang Usaha : Pengembang / Developer
Alamat Kantor : Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 Malang
Telepon : 0341 794181
Akte Pendirian : 147
Akta Perubahan Anggaran Dasar
NPWP : 02.666.379.9-657.001
SIUP : 503/506/419.43/2010
Keanggotaan APERSI : 027/IN/DPD-04/III/2012
Keterangan Domisili : 96/421.629.014/11/2012
G-Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/aL9ai53cAaUkMpbu7
Permata Royal Garden
Jl. Raya Ampeldento No. 1087,
Boko, Bunut Wetan,
Kec. Pakis,
Kabupaten Malang,
Jawa Timur 65154
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/permataroyalofficial/
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@perks-of-being-chinese
Website : https://permataroyal.com/
Marketing :
ASEP, 0813-3411-2000, [email protected]
PURNOMO, 0812-5930-7769, [email protected]
IWAN, 0822-4490-6385, [email protected]
SULIST, 0878-5663-2626, [email protected]
YANTI, 0813-3318-5634, [email protected]
PT Graha Intan Kreatif
Marketing Office
Permata Royal Garden
Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 � Kav. A1
Jawa Timur, 65154
(0341) 79 66 33
Marketing Office
Permata Royal Manisa
Jl. Manisa,
Perumahan Permata Royal Manisa Blok A3
Jawa Timur, 65135
(0341) 750 77 55
#BerkasYangAkanDiserahkanPunMeliputiSuratPermohonanBalikNama, #AJBDariPPATSertifikatHakAtasTanah, #FotokopiKTPPenjualDanPembeliSertaBukti, #MauBeliRumahJawab5PertanyaanIniSebelumKurasTabunganmu, #MembeliRumahUntukTempatTinggalDanInvestasiAdalahHalYangBerbeda, #KetikaAndaBerinvestasiAndaHarusSiapDenganRisikoRisiko
Mau Beli Rumah 3 Hal Ini Wajib Diperhatikan Sebelum Beli, Hal Yang Wjib Diperhatikan Sebelum Beli Rumah, 1. Kepastian Subjek. Subjek Dalam Hal Ini Dibagi Menjadi Dua Yakni Pihak Pembeli Dan Penjual, Perumahan Malang Perumahan PRG Malang, Cara Membeli Rumah Baru Di PRG Malang
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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GTX 1650 launch thread
The GTX 1650 has launched and is now available for purchase. Unfortunately according to Steve from TechSpot/HardwareUnboxed[1] no one received drivers until today so there are no reviews out currently despite the embargo having lifted. I'll update the post when they become available.
Specs GTX 1650 GTX 1060 3GB GTX 1050 Ti GTX 1050 GTX 750 Ti GTX 750 CUDA Cores 896 1152 768 640 640 512 Texture Units 56 72 48 40 40 32 ROPs 32 48 32 32 16 16 Core Clock 1485MHz 1506MHz 1290MHz 1354MHz 1020MHz 1020MHz Boost Clock 1665MHz 1709MHz 1392MHz 1455MHz 1085MHz 1085MHz Memory Clock 8Gbps GDDR5 8Gbps GDDR5 7Gbps GDDR5 7Gbps GDDR5 5.4Gbps GDDR5 5Gbps GDDR5 Memory Bus Width 128-bit 192-bit 128-bit 128-bit 128-bit 128-bit VRAM 4GB 3GB 4GB 2GB 2GB 1GB TDP 75W 120W 75W 75W 60W 55W GPU TU117 GP106 GP107 GP107 GM107 GM107 Transistor Count 4.7B 4.4B 3.3B 3.3B 1.87B 1.87B Manufacturing Process TSMC 12nm "FFN" TSMC 16nm Samsung 14nm Samsung 14nm TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm Launch Date 04/23/2019 08/18/2016 10/25/2016 10/25/2016 02/18/2014 02/18/2014 Launch Price $149 $199 $139 $109 $149 $119
Site Text Video Model(s) reviewed PCGamer Review in progress - ASUS/MSI
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oscarcoria · 2 years
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Córdoba FC recibe en el Murillo Vidal al FC Los Ángeles; José Luis González China y su cuerpo técnico buscarán los tres puntos Por: José Antonio Marín Bañuelos • El equipo visitante aún no conoce la victoria y será una dura prueba para los cordobeses; se espera una buena entrada en el estadio Lic. Rafael Murillo Vidal. Córdoba, Ver. - Córdoba FC, que viene de igualar de visitante 2-2 ante Delfines UGM, regresa a casa para recibir este sábado en punto de las 15:00 horas en el estadio Lic. Rafael Murillo Vidal al FC Los Ángeles en juego correspondiente de la jornada 4 del grupo III en la Liga TDP. Con la consigna de retomar la senda de la victoria y comenzar a pelear la parte alta del sector III, el equipo ‘Albiazul’ que dirige José Luis González China, se declara listo para enfrentar su cuarto duelo de la temporada en la que hasta hora suman cuatro unidades producto de una victoria, un empate y una caída. Durante la semana el equipo cordobés entrenó en la cancha del estadio Lic. Rafael Murillo Vidal y la Unidad Deportiva ADIC; se reporta equipo completo para enfrentar al FC Los Ángeles, por lo que China hará uso de su mejor cuadro en la búsqueda de tres puntos que son vitales en las aspiraciones del cuadro cordobés. Por su parte, FC Los Ángeles descansó en la jornada 3 y viene de perder 2-1 ante la Liga de Tehuacán en la jornada 2, mientras que en su debut igualó 2-2 ante Club Magdalena; por lo anterior, y tomando en cuenta que todavía no conocen la victoria en la actual temporada 2022-23, los visitantes serán una dura prueba para el Córdoba FC. Tras el juego de hoy el Córdoba FC visitará el próximo fin de semana (17 de septiembre) al Club Magdalena y volverá a casa en la jornada 7 (24 de septiembre) cuando reciba a la Liga de Tehuacán; una jornada más tarde (8) le tocará descanso obligatorio. GRUPO 3 Equipo Puntos DIF 1. UGM 09 +9 2. Caballeros 08 +3 3. CUMC 07 +2 4. Delfines 05 +2 5. Conejos 04 +1 6. FCL 04 +1 7. Córdoba 04 00 8. L. Tehua 03 -3 9. Lobos 02 -1 10. G. Puebla 02 -3 11. Reales 02 -3 12. FCLA 01 -1 13. Atlante 00 -7 https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVUADpODso/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Corvus being introduced as this serious man only to later be revealed as caring and even a little goofy around his friends.
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